You're an idiot.
And it's hard to argue with an idiot.
Leave it to you to muddy the waters on a very simple concept. I take it you haven't read the EO. Fact: this EO IS NOT BANNING MUSLIMS. You realize some of the people being turned away from these 7 countries aren't all Muslims too right? This is a country ban. Not a religious ban. End of story. You don't get to argue it with conspiracy theory bullshit.
You're a retard.
Hard to argue with a window licker.
Leave it to you to not understand a simple statement by Rudy Giuliani. "When he first announced it, he said
'Muslim ban'" Giuliani said on Fox News. "He called me up, he said, 'Put a commission together, show me the right way to do it legally.'"
(Read: Show me how to ban Muslims legally)Giuliani said he then put together a commission that included lawmakers and expert lawyers. What we did was we focused on, instead of religion, danger," Giuliani said.
(Number of Americans killed on their home soil by people from those 7 Countries? ZERO)I highlighted, underlined, & bolded it for you. Should I write it in crayon next time?
Also, Christian refugees are prioritized of those 7 Countries...nope, nothing to do with religion.