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Madonna and SNL


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Madonna and SNL
« on: January 22, 2017, 09:41:10 AM »
I personally think every single woman who "marched" yesterday should be rounded up and jailed.  But I also realize that's not realistic or possible.

Madonna however?  That ancient shrew saying she thinks about blowing up the White House?  That meets the standard for arrest.  She should have been tased, hauled off the podium in handcuffs and immediately locked up. 

In March of last year, some random guy told a security guard friend of his:  "The usurper is here and if I get the chance I'll take him out and take the shot." 

He got three years in prison followed by three of house arrest. 

Madonna deserves no less.  You can't say shit like that. It's a felony. 

Scarlett Johannsen, Fatty Ferrera, Bloated whore Schumer and drug addled Ashley Judd should be charged with inciting a riot.

Say what you want, but if people had reacted toward the Muslim we elected or if that hideous lying shrew had won and people protested in this manner?  Media would be abalze with talking heads calling them every awful name in the book.   

And then SNL.

I wasn't paying attention and flipped over there last night just in time to watch Cecily Strong and some rarely used unknown black chick singing an ode to Obama.  There's NO place for that there or anywhere else.  I'd love to ask Cecily exactly what that empty suit did that was worthy of her adoration and watch her stammer around and try to come up with anything to say.  In fact, I think it should be set up so that for every ten seconds she fails to think of a single valuable Obama contribution she has to shed an item of clothing.  Eventually then she'll at least be providing the only thing of value and substance SHE has to offer. 

Fuck SNL.  Not going to ever watch it again.   
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