I'm finding more and more that the people that are convinced that the sky is falling A) have no idea how government really works, and B) have no life/real world experience. My wife and I have a mutual friend who has been all over Facebook the past few days freaking out about every little move Trump has made so far, such as taking down the LGBT page on the White House website. Well, no shit. It was a page made up solely of a quote from Obama in large text, and a picture of Obama. 3/4 of the White House pages get wiped out when we get a new President. The detractors are freaking out about every little thing because they don't understand it.
I was anxious to see what would happen in the first few days. Given Trump's inexperience in politics, you can't help but wonder. However, the guy has made some very solid moves so far. Some of this stuff that he's doing makes me think "See? Fuck, was that SO hard? How could that not have happened in the previous 8 years?" I think what is going to make Trump successful is that he doesn't owe anyone shit. He didn't have to sell his soul or make promises to groups for campaign funding. That is going to allow him to make business decisions for this country and make us relevant again. Plus, I think he's too much of a dick to fail. He's not going to let the media and others who doubt him be right.