Won't affect me. I'm a General Mills kind of guy myself. Cheerios are the bomb.
Who needs cereal?"Ever eat a pine tree? Many parts are edible."
More frosted flakes for me. Fuck the Neo Nazi, Alt-Right Breitbart site.
Good. Choke them down until you get the sugar diabetes, have to have your legs amputated, go blind and realize your life long dream of being completely dependent on the government.
If he gets his legs amputated it'll be because of the gout. Not the Frosted flakes.
Gout just destroys the joints, if left untreated, rarely any need for amputation. I have to sometimes take a handful of prescription drugs to battle it (cannabis would be all I'd need, without the harmful side effects).
Move to Etowah, I'll let you smoke it all day long.
Not to mention warding off the cataracts.
But I heard you wanted them in jail.