I'm not backing off the fact that Bruce Pearl is as good as we're probably ever going to do as far as coaching goes. He's energetic. He represents and promotes the AU brand probably better than any coach in any sport we've ever had. He's recruiting his ass off and the talent level is exponentially better than it's been in 15 plus years. But damn, I'm still trying to figure out what his game plan is. What is he trying to get his players to do? It's looked helter skelter right from the start.
At first, I was thinking screw it, he doesn't have any talent out there. Make the best of it. Last year, he just sat back and watched as Kareem Canty went one on however many they wanted guard him with, throwing up wild shot after wild shot. No offensive sets. No movement. No picks. Just first available or unavailable shot will do. Doesn't seem to have changed much. But....the guy has won a ton of games in his career. There's got to be a method to the madness.