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More on how badly the left didn't get it


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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #80 on: November 30, 2016, 01:20:36 PM »
They re-upped with this crazy bitch

 :rofl: :rofl:
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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #81 on: November 30, 2016, 02:02:12 PM »
See this is what I don't get?  When the right is making a case for you to keep that moonbat, something somewhere in your head should tell you "DON'T FUCKING DO IT".
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #82 on: November 30, 2016, 02:10:58 PM »
See this is what I don't get?  When the right is making a case for you to keep that moonbat, something somewhere in your head should tell you "DON'T FUCKING DO IT".

Trump just got re-elected in 2020.
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The Prowler

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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #83 on: December 02, 2016, 02:38:56 AM »
Lot of time. Lot of money. Nothing will change. Other than finding some fraudulent dems and her keeping her name in the news.
I agree, nothing will change...unless it does, then I think we're fucked. Pennsylvania just completed counting their votes (Trump's 71,000+ votes over Hillary is now down to 46,435), now Pennsylvania re-tallies.
Trump has a...
22,177 lead in Wisconsin (10 electoral votes)
10,704 lead in Michigan (16 electoral votes)
46,435 lead in Pennsylvania (20 electoral votes)

These are before the re-tallies. Honestly, what happens if all three flip? Will there be re-tallies across the Country?
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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

"Alabama's Special Teams unit is made up of Special Ed students." - Daniel Tosh

"The HUNH does cause significant Health and Safety issues, Health issues for the opposing fans and Safety issues for the opposing coaches." - AU AD Jay Jacobs


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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #84 on: December 16, 2016, 08:39:36 PM »
In addition to beating the bogus "Russian hackers" drum without pause, as well as never ending "popular vote" bellyaching and on top of every thing else CNN has done and is doing to defame Trump CNN is now pushing the false contention that Clinton's Muslim advisor, Mrs Weiner has no ties to radical Islam.  Unreal.

For all the bitching and moaning about these "hackers" only attacking the democrats, has the lamestream media forgotten that they did it first?  The carefully calculated and specifically timed release of information they expected to derail Trump was their specialty.

If there WERE hackers.  And if they WERE Russian. So what.  All they did was level the playing field a bit.

What if somebody released a trove of damaging information about the cheating that goes on at Bama?  Would you really care if Harbaugh and Meyer were behind it?
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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #85 on: December 19, 2016, 09:13:45 AM »
If there WERE hackers.  And if they WERE Russian. So what.  All they did was level the playing field a bit.

The thing that I cannot get past is all the emails did was tell the truth.  For the most part everyone is hung up on the hack itself and not what they said.   :facepalm:
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #86 on: December 19, 2016, 12:20:30 PM »
I also find it hypocritical this douche bag Michael Moore is offering to pay the fines for anyone from the Electoral College that goes against their state constituents wishes of Trump and votes for Clinton.  So, it's OK to influence the election like that.  It's OK to influence the election with coordinated and slanted media coverage.  But it's not OK to influence it with authentic e-mails.  I understand the difference that the e-mails were possibly obtained by illegal means, but it doesn't change the fact that the content is original. 
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"You're too stupid to realize that I'm one of the levelheaded Auburn fans around here" - The Prowler


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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #87 on: December 20, 2016, 12:30:36 PM »
These "hothouse flowers" will be defending us in our old age. 

Somehow we've gotten the notion that being in the military and defending this country, its values and its standards is for "other people" not for us intellectuals. 

We are going to be overrun.  It's going to happen.  Just a matter of when. 
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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #88 on: December 20, 2016, 02:29:19 PM »
These "hothouse flowers" will be defending us in our old age. 

Somehow we've gotten the notion that being in the military and defending this country, its values and its standards is for "other people" not for us intellectuals. 

We are going to be overrun.  It's going to happen.  Just a matter of when.

I am sure I bring the base average down some what.  :haha: :facepalm:
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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'


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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #89 on: December 20, 2016, 04:11:00 PM »
Something else I'm SICK to FUCKING DEATH of. 

All these pathetic protesters, all the talking heads on CNN, MSNBC, etc. are calling for "unity."  But the only damned unity they'll accept is unity THEIR way.  I saw an ad for MSNBC today where they promised to "hold them accountable..."  or some such garbage. 

I'm not for some kind of dictatorship, but frankly it's time for CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, Salon, the NYT, the Washington Post, Colbert, Noah Blandblackperson, Bill Maher, Seth Meyer, Tina Fey, and all the rest of them to burn to the ground.  The entire liberal/communist/socialist Hollywood structure can implode and disappear from the face of the scorched earth so far as I'm concerned. 

When Trump was in Mobile those morons held a "Unity Rally" downtown.  All 18 people who showed up wrote what they didn't like about Trump on boxes.  Then they built a wall out of the boxes and started running through it to knock it down. 

That asinine shit was promoted as a "unity" rally.  When are these damned fools going to realize that "unity" doesn't mean getting your way?  I LOATHE Obama.  I disagree with virtually every move he makes, I think he's a useless stuffed shirt and the worst president in the history of this country.  But when he won, I went back to work.  I used my voice at the polls when I had the chance to put an end to the wrong direction he was taking us.  Thankfully many others did so as well.  I didn't host unity rallies so all the other people who believe he was born overseas (he was) and completely unfit for the office (he is) could piss and moan. 
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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #90 on: December 20, 2016, 04:25:57 PM »
Something else I'm SICK to FUCKING DEATH of. 

All these pathetic protesters, all the talking heads on CNN, MSNBC, etc. are calling for "unity."  But the only damned unity they'll accept is unity THEIR way.  I saw an ad for MSNBC today where they promised to "hold them accountable..."  or some such garbage. 

I'm not for some kind of dictatorship, but frankly it's time for CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, Salon, the NYT, the Washington Post, Colbert, Noah Blandblackperson, Bill Maher, Seth Meyer, Tina Fey, and all the rest of them to burn to the ground.  The entire liberal/communist/socialist Hollywood structure can implode and disappear from the face of the scorched earth so far as I'm concerned. 

When Trump was in Mobile those morons held a "Unity Rally" downtown.  All 18 people who showed up wrote what they didn't like about Trump on boxes.  Then they built a wall out of the boxes and started running through it to knock it down. 

That asinine shit was promoted as a "unity" rally.  When are these damned fools going to realize that "unity" doesn't mean getting your way?  I LOATHE Obama.  I disagree with virtually every move he makes, I think he's a useless stuffed shirt and the worst president in the history of this country.  But when he won, I went back to work.  I used my voice at the polls when I had the chance to put an end to the wrong direction he was taking us.  Thankfully many others did so as well.  I didn't host unity rallies so all the other people who believe he was born overseas (he was) and completely unfit for the office (he is) could piss and moan.

Hang on tight.  If this is fo realz and it gets released, this country is going to implode, explode and drop a load.  Foxnews

Tom Arnold claims to have unreleased "Apprentice" outtakes of President-elect Donald Trump saying "racist" and "offensive" statements.

The comedian said on KIRO radio's "The Dori Monson Show" he was sent the outtakes as part of a "Christmas video" by producers of the show. He said they sent it around as a "funny" video when Trump announced his candidacy and they had no faith he had a chance of winning.

"I have the outtakes to 'The Apprentice' where he says every bad thing ever, every offensive, racist thing ever," Arnold claimed.

"It was him sitting in that chair saying the N-word, saying the C-word, calling his son a retard, just being so mean to his own children."

The 57-year-old also claimed that once it became apparent Trump had a chance of winning, Arnold Schwarzenegger's CAA agent reached out to the comedian and asked him to release the tapes.

"The Sunday before the election, I get a call from [Schwarzenegger's] CAA agent, sitting next to [Hillary Clinton]. They said, 'I need you to release him saying the N-word.' I said, 'Well, now these people – two editors and an associate producer — are scared to death. They're scared of his people, they’re scared of they’ll never work again, there’s a $5 million confidentiality agreement.'"

Schwarzenegger's CAA agent did not return FOX411's request for comment. A rep for Arnold also did not return request for comment.

Reps for Trump did not return multiple request attempts for comment.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #91 on: December 20, 2016, 04:29:17 PM »
Hang on tight.  If this is fo realz and it gets released, this country is going to implode, explode and drop a load.  Foxnews

Tom Arnold claims to have unreleased "Apprentice" outtakes of President-elect Donald Trump saying "racist" and "offensive" statements.

The comedian said on KIRO radio's "The Dori Monson Show" he was sent the outtakes as part of a "Christmas video" by producers of the show. He said they sent it around as a "funny" video when Trump announced his candidacy and they had no faith he had a chance of winning.

"I have the outtakes to 'The Apprentice' where he says every bad thing ever, every offensive, racist thing ever," Arnold claimed.

"It was him sitting in that chair saying the N-word, saying the C-word, calling his son a retard, just being so mean to his own children."

The 57-year-old also claimed that once it became apparent Trump had a chance of winning, Arnold Schwarzenegger's CAA agent reached out to the comedian and asked him to release the tapes.

"The Sunday before the election, I get a call from [Schwarzenegger's] CAA agent, sitting next to [Hillary Clinton]. They said, 'I need you to release him saying the N-word.' I said, 'Well, now these people – two editors and an associate producer — are scared to death. They're scared of his people, they’re scared of they’ll never work again, there’s a $5 million confidentiality agreement.'"

Schwarzenegger's CAA agent did not return FOX411's request for comment. A rep for Arnold also did not return request for comment.

Reps for Trump did not return multiple request attempts for comment.

Tom Arnold.

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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #92 on: December 20, 2016, 04:38:05 PM »
Tom Arnold.


Oh, I know. That's the first thing I thought too.  But, like I said...IF this is fo realz.  And IF this gets out...
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #93 on: December 20, 2016, 04:43:05 PM »
Something else I'm SICK to FUCKING DEATH of. 

All these pathetic protesters, all the talking heads on CNN, MSNBC, etc. are calling for "unity."  But the only damned unity they'll accept is unity THEIR way.  I saw an ad for MSNBC today where they promised to "hold them accountable..."  or some such garbage. 

I'm not for some kind of dictatorship, but frankly it's time for CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, Salon, the NYT, the Washington Post, Colbert, Noah Blandblackperson, Bill Maher, Seth Meyer, Tina Fey, and all the rest of them to burn to the ground.  The entire liberal/communist/socialist Hollywood structure can implode and disappear from the face of the scorched earth so far as I'm concerned. 

When Trump was in Mobile those morons held a "Unity Rally" downtown.  All 18 people who showed up wrote what they didn't like about Trump on boxes.  Then they built a wall out of the boxes and started running through it to knock it down. 

That asinine shit was promoted as a "unity" rally.  When are these damned fools going to realize that "unity" doesn't mean getting your way?  I LOATHE Obama.  I disagree with virtually every move he makes, I think he's a useless stuffed shirt and the worst president in the history of this country.  But when he won, I went back to work.  I used my voice at the polls when I had the chance to put an end to the wrong direction he was taking us.  Thankfully many others did so as well.  I didn't host unity rallies so all the other people who believe he was born overseas (he was) and completely unfit for the office (he is) could piss and moan.

That is a problem most of them don't have.
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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'


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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #94 on: December 20, 2016, 05:28:02 PM »
Oh, I know. That's the first thing I thought too.  But, like I said...IF this is fo realz.  And IF this gets out...

Won't change anything.
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The Prowler

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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #95 on: December 20, 2016, 09:32:14 PM »
Hang on tight.  If this is fo realz and it gets released, this country is going to implode, explode and drop a load.  Foxnews

Tom Arnold claims to have unreleased "Apprentice" outtakes of President-elect Donald Trump saying "racist" and "offensive" statements.

The comedian said on KIRO radio's "The Dori Monson Show" he was sent the outtakes as part of a "Christmas video" by producers of the show. He said they sent it around as a "funny" video when Trump announced his candidacy and they had no faith he had a chance of winning.

"I have the outtakes to 'The Apprentice' where he says every bad thing ever, every offensive, racist thing ever," Arnold claimed.

"It was him sitting in that chair saying the N-word, saying the C-word, calling his son a retard, just being so mean to his own children."

The 57-year-old also claimed that once it became apparent Trump had a chance of winning, Arnold Schwarzenegger's CAA agent reached out to the comedian and asked him to release the tapes.

"The Sunday before the election, I get a call from [Schwarzenegger's] CAA agent, sitting next to [Hillary Clinton]. They said, 'I need you to release him saying the N-word.' I said, 'Well, now these people – two editors and an associate producer — are scared to death. They're scared of his people, they’re scared of they’ll never work again, there’s a $5 million confidentiality agreement.'"

Schwarzenegger's CAA agent did not return FOX411's request for comment. A rep for Arnold also did not return request for comment.

Reps for Trump did not return multiple request attempts for comment.
I agree, it's going to implode if it's real and gets released. Calling someone a Cracker is really bad and he's probably talking about his son Eric, in which I also agree, he's retarded.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2016, 09:34:52 PM by The Prowler »
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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

"Alabama's Special Teams unit is made up of Special Ed students." - Daniel Tosh

"The HUNH does cause significant Health and Safety issues, Health issues for the opposing fans and Safety issues for the opposing coaches." - AU AD Jay Jacobs


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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #96 on: December 21, 2016, 08:29:39 AM »
THIS is how badly the fools fail to grasp what's going on. 

From a column on al.com by one of the biggest morons I've ever run across, Clete Wetli.

While half of America experiences deep, anguished mourning over the unexpected election of Donald Trump, it looks like the other reality-star worshipping half are coming to the realization that they probably should have read the fine print before they rushed into the "get-rich-quick" deal.

Not only does he (and he rest of his ilk) think they were right to begin with, they stupidly assume that their tantrums and misbehavior are changing the hearts and minds of the electorate. 

What an idiot.
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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #97 on: December 21, 2016, 08:37:24 AM »
THIS is how badly the fools fail to grasp what's going on. 

From a column on al.com by one of the biggest morons I've ever run across, Clete Wetli.

While half of America experiences deep, anguished mourning over the unexpected election of Donald Trump, it looks like the other reality-star worshipping half are coming to the realization that they probably should have read the fine print before they rushed into the "get-rich-quick" deal.

Not only does he (and he rest of his ilk) think they were right to begin with, they stupidly assume that their tantrums and misbehavior are changing the hearts and minds of the electorate. 

What an idiot.

I think the MSM took a step back after the election and pondered how they got it so wrong, some came out and said the would reevaluate the way they do business. That day came and went, had another meeting and then decided that they didn't do  enough to get Hillary elected. I think we will be amazed over the next four years what they come up with, chase or claim.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 12:36:35 PM by dallaswareagle »
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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'

Buzz Killington

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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #98 on: December 21, 2016, 01:48:45 PM »
Somebody please to be explaining which half of America is the reality-star worshiping half?
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Now I may be an idiot, but there is one thing I am not, sir, and that, sir, is an idiot.


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Re: More on how badly the left didn't get it
« Reply #99 on: December 22, 2016, 12:40:31 PM »
Somebody please to be explaining which half of America is the reality-star worshiping half?

posted this before but fits here also.

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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'