I went into great detail about what the democratic party as a whole got wrong in the election. There are a lot of things Hillary got wrong, too. There's a saying that everyone is actually three people: a) the person you think you are, 2) the person other people see you as and iii) the person you really are (which is a combination of both).
Hillary had a significant problem with self awareness. There was the person she thought she was and that person was vastly different than how she was perceived.
1) She thought she was a champion of women and that simply by being an alleged female, women of all backgrounds would support her. She exhibited very few characteristics that resonated with women. Despite the crass demonization of Trump, she failed miserably to bring the female vote she expected.
2) She thought she was the voice of the middle class. But to her? Middle class is the people making millions a year. She failed to connect on a personal level with people who work for a living. She's never driven and seemed befuddled at the operation of a car. She couldn't work a subway gate. She could not do simple, normal things that most people do on a routine basis.
3) She thought she was the obvious, clear, certain choice. Her arrogance was so supreme (as mirrored by a few around here) that she couldn't fathom how anyone could possibly not see things as she did. In her haze of delusion she refused to listen to anyone who disagreed and in doing so treated great swaths of the American populace with contempt and disdain. Her "vision" came across as holier-than-thou lecturing which put people off.
4) She thought she was the voice of the "minority" when actuality what she gave was pandering and lip service. Other than the LGBTHFQCDS contingent and the black sheeple who'd vote for a democrat if they ran a dead camel, she didn't fare as well as she expected there either. In pandering, she turned her back on the majority.
There were literally hundreds of reasons I would never vote for her. More and more cropped up during the campaign. But even if there were no emails, no corruption using the Foundation to enrich herself, no lies, no dead US citizens in Benghazi, no Whitewater, no NAFTA, no Obamacare (that she wanted to claim for her own) and no history of destroying Bill's dalliances? There was one thing that would have prevented me from ever supporting her candidacy.

Huma is deeply connected to the forces that are determined to destroy America. Having her that close shows a lack of judgment so profound on Hillary's part that it simply cannot be overlooked. It speaks to her lack of character, lack of discernment and failure to understand the threat we face.
Thank God she's gone.