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Whatcha' Gonna' Do?


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Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #60 on: October 17, 2016, 10:56:39 AM »
I have no idea honestly.
I'm not going to reply to everyone's response, and I'm not going to try to persuade everyone to vote any particular way. But I found Townhallsavoy's response particularly interesting and wanted to wade through it. Maybe it'll help.

I do only want to vote for someone who is actually running for president, so just writing in someone's name doesn't seem worth it to me.
The more protest votes the better from where I'm sitting, but I agree that voting for someone with at least an actual chance of showing up on the ticker on election night is much less "throwing your vote away". Even if they choose not to show the percentages on election night, if a significant chunk of the vote is going to neither major party candidate, that is in and of itself newsworthy and should spark a national conversation.

I also would rather not vote for someone who has religious beliefs that I don't respect, but Evan McMullin seems like someone I should check out. Too bad he's only a write-in for the state of Alabama, so again, why waste my time?
So, two things here.

1) I agree and it's a shame that Alabama (and many other states) excluded him from the ballot. The more legitimate candidates on the ballot, the better for democracy, IMO. That's one of the main things you're fighting for when you "throw your vote away" on a third party. Legitimizing the fact that we need other options. That said, if you are going to write someone in, McMullin's the guy to do that for. He is the most likely of anyone not on your Alabama ballot to leave a significant mark on the election.

2) What don't you respect about his religious beliefs? He's the only candidate who has been consistently pro-"religious freedom" in regards to de-funding Planned Parenthood and opposing laws like those that required the bakers to bake gay wedding cakes and businesses to allow men in women's locker rooms.

Is it because he's a Mormon? Did that preclude you from voting for Mitt Romney in 2012? Odd to me that that only becomes a disqualifier when he doesn't have an (R) after his name.

I would like to vote for a third party candidate but who? I know Chad will say Johnson, but the Aleppo comment, his not-so-long-ago stance on vaccines, and his climate change policy don't mesh well with me. I also am not a fan of some of the policies and values supported by libertarians.
I've defended these statements from him in the past so I won't waste too much time here, but I will try to be as brief as I can. But brace yourself cause I'll probably fail at that goal.

1) The Aleppo comment was a deliberate attack by the media as directed by Hillary Clinton and her staff. This is established fact. I had read a whole lot about the Syrian refugee crisis before and after that "gotcha" moment and had never once heard that Aleppo was the city at the center of it. I'd never heard of it either and neither had you or 99.9% of anyone else.

What everyone else saw as "OMG WHAT AN IDIOT!" I saw as refreshing honesty. Trump people talk a big game about wanting someone who doesn't "think and talk and lie like a politician" and then when someone like Johnson is completely honest and just says "I don't know what that is" instead of bullshitting and changing the subject and giving a non-answer to confuse the issue, like any other politician, including Trump, he gets universally bashed for it. Subsequent appearances on MSNBC twisted the knife. They asked him to name a leader he respects and he came up blank. Not "name a foreign leader". Name one you respect. Those are two very different questions and I 100% agree with him when he tweeted the next day "It's been 24 hours and I still can't name a foreign leader that I respect." But the headlines were all "OMG what a dummy, he can't name a single foreign leader". That is just a gross misrepresentation of what took place in that interview. Then they put the nail in his coffin asking him who the leader of North Korea was, and he just goes "Seriously? I'm not answering that." If you actually watched it, it was clear he was just pissed off at that point for condescending him. I 100% know that he knows Kim Jong Un is the leader of North Korea, because I've heard him talk about the specific danger he poses time after time after time. Doesn't matter, the media used it to push Hillary's directive to disqualify him as a serious candidate and it apparently worked.

2) His "old" stance on vaccines was that he emphatically recognized their importance and everyone's civic duty to get them. He never, ever pushed any unscientific bullshit like they cause autism. His stance was that it's not the government's place to force people to take injections against their will, but up to individuals, parents, and doctors instead to decide that. Like you said, he has since changed that stance to thinking they should be government mandated, and I have to say I agreed more with his old stance.

His position on climate change is simpatico with mine, which is heaven forbid, nuanced. He believes it's real and scientifically proven to be so, but also is not hysterical about it and doesn't think much can or should be done to quell it, especially at the expense of government waste and damage to the economy. He (and I) thinks we probably should slowly and conservatively turn to some new forms of energy where it is reasonably efficient to do so, but also isn't trying to get everyone on Teslas and windmills ASAP like a goddamn hippie.

Additionally you mentioned "some policies and values" of libertarians in general, you didn't agree with. Since you weren't more specific, I won't speculate as to what those "policies and values" are, but I'd be curious to know.

Sorry, that was me trying to be brief.
Jill Stein is bold but has some outlandish, radical, and dangerous views.
She makes Bernie Sanders look like Ronald Reagan. She may be pulling some of the most radical leftists of the disaffected Bernie voters, but nothing significant.

So who else is there? How bad is it to protest vote by leaving the president spot empty?
IMO voting for Johnson > voting for McMullin > voting for Stein > any other write in > leaving it blank > Hillary > Trump.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 12:25:30 PM by AUChizad »
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Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #61 on: October 17, 2016, 11:17:50 AM »
IMO voting for Johnson > voting for McMullin > any other write in > leaving it blank > Hillary > Trump.

Opinion. BAD opinion in millions of people's eyes.
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #62 on: October 17, 2016, 11:18:56 AM »
As if that wasn't long enough, to elaborate a little bit on these two points:

2) What don't you respect about his religious beliefs? He's the only candidate who has been consistently pro-"religious freedom" in regards to de-funding Planned Parenthood and opposing laws like those that required the bakers to bake gay wedding cakes and businesses to allow men in women's locker rooms.
Additionally you mentioned "some policies and values" of libertarians in general, you didn't agree with. Since you weren't more specific, I won't speculate as to what those "policies and values" are, but I'd be curious to know.

My problem with McMullin is that he isn't Libertarian enough for me, personally. He said that Johnson "spends his time advocating for legalized prostitution and for a drug culture here in America, rather than dealing with problems that are really big, like our economy and national security and government reform". I mean, that's just laughably false, but whatever, the main point he's demonstrating here is that unlike Libertarians, he wants the government to keep marijuana and prostitution illegal. He wants to legislate morality. I won't waste more space going into my reasoning here, but I disagree with that. However I would suspect that the majority of you here do agree with him. That seems to be in line with your "religious beliefs" if I'm not mistaken. He also has said very un-libertarian things like "We're at war, we need a place to send terrorists, & Gitmo's as fine a place as any."

Again, these are the reasons that I personally still prefer Johnson. I would think most people here disagree and like this kind of rhetoric.
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Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #63 on: October 17, 2016, 11:31:54 AM »

2) What don't you respect about his religious beliefs? He's the only candidate who has been consistently pro-"religious freedom" in regards to de-funding Planned Parenthood and opposing laws like those that required the bakers to bake gay wedding cakes and businesses to allow men in women's locker rooms.

Is it because he's a Mormon? Did that preclude you from voting for Mitt Romney in 2012? Odd to me that that only becomes a disqualifier when he doesn't have an (R) after his name.

For one, I don't want Planned Parenthood to be defunded nor do I want businesses to be able to discriminate against people because of their sexual orientation.

But yeah I had issues with Romney's religion in 2012. I actually voted for Gary Johnson in 2012 as a "I want a third voice at the debates" vote.

People are free to practice whatever religion they want. As I've moved further and further away from religion over the years, I've found it hard to respect and support those that practice easily debunked belief systems. It's willful ignorance to not see the problems in Mormonism based on simple scientific and historical inquiries.

But if I knew more about the guy and he aligned with me politically, I'd vote for him. The Mormonism thing isn't a final nail or anything.
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Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #64 on: October 17, 2016, 11:35:50 AM »
For one, I don't want Planned Parenthood to be defunded nor do I want businesses to be able to discriminate against people because of their sexual orientation.

But yeah I had issues with Romney's religion in 2012. I actually voted for Gary Johnson in 2012 as a "I want a third voice at the debates" vote.

People are free to practice whatever religion they want. As I've moved further and further away from religion over the years, I've found it hard to respect and support those that practice easily debunked belief systems. It's willful ignorance to not see the problems in Mormonism based on simple scientific and historical inquiries.

But if I knew more about the guy and he aligned with me politically, I'd vote for him. The Mormonism thing isn't a final nail or anything.

Im not a fan of organized religion either but it is a basic fundamental right and basing my vote off the candidates religion seems to be doing exactly what we espouse to get away from with types of discrimination. You may see what they believe in as fuzzy but they don't. I don't get Mormonism either. It's seems strange. But Romney likes it. And as long as it doesn't affect him as a leader I dont really care. Where I do have an issue is with types like Mike Huckabee who seek to actively push their religious beliefs into their legislation historically
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Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #65 on: October 17, 2016, 11:43:42 AM »
nor do I want businesses to be able to discriminate against people because of their sexual orientation.

Why do we need government in this?  If you want a cake made, and the baker won't make it, go find another baker.

I think Ogre put it best when he said if he went to a Muslim artist, and wanted a picture of Mohammad to be drawn, would he be able to sue this artist?  We already know the answer to that.
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Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #66 on: October 17, 2016, 11:45:41 AM »
Why do we need government in this?  If you want a cake made, and the baker won't make it, go find another baker.

I think Ogre put it best when he said if he went to a Muslim artist, and wanted a picture of Mohammad to be drawn, would he be able to sue this artist?  We already know the answer to that.

This ^
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Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #67 on: October 17, 2016, 12:04:57 PM »
For one, I don't want Planned Parenthood to be defunded nor do I want businesses to be able to discriminate against people because of their sexual orientation.

But yeah I had issues with Romney's religion in 2012. I actually voted for Gary Johnson in 2012 as a "I want a third voice at the debates" vote.

People are free to practice whatever religion they want. As I've moved further and further away from religion over the years, I've found it hard to respect and support those that practice easily debunked belief systems. It's willful ignorance to not see the problems in Mormonism based on simple scientific and historical inquiries.

But if I knew more about the guy and he aligned with me politically, I'd vote for him. The Mormonism thing isn't a final nail or anything.
Then I misread that thinking you were to the right of me culturally and religiously, but apparently you're saying you're to the left of me on those things.

For what it's worth, I see both of those things as very gray areas that I can't take a hard stance on one way or another. I think Planned Parenthood should exist and operate, but I don't think it should come out of our tax dollars any more than the NRA should get government funding to offer free gun safety clinics. It's controversial and roughly 50% of the populace don't agree it should even exist. I think it's fair to say they can exist, but it's not coming out of your wallet if you don't want it to be. As for the "religious liberty" debate, I also see both sides. Like you, I don't think people should be discriminated against for their sexual orientation or whatever else. But see the argument AUJarhead just made as completely valid as well.

So now I gotta ask. What are the "policies and values" you don't like about Libertarians?
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Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #68 on: October 17, 2016, 12:13:58 PM »
Then I misread that thinking you were to the right of me culturally and religiously, but apparently you're saying you're to the left of me on those things.

For what it's worth, I see both of those things as very gray areas that I can't take a hard stance on one way or another. I think Planned Parenthood should exist and operate, but I don't think it should come out of our tax dollars any more than the NRA should get government funding to offer free gun safety clinics. It's controversial and roughly 50% of the populace don't agree it should even exist. I think it's fair to say they can exist, but it's not coming out of your wallet if you don't want it to be. As for the "religious liberty" debate, I also see both sides. Like you, I don't think people should be discriminated against for their sexual orientation or whatever else. But see the argument AUJarhead just made as completely valid as well.

So now I gotta ask. What are the "policies and values" you don't like about Libertarians?

Egg-Zellent post.   :thumsup:
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #69 on: October 17, 2016, 12:42:34 PM »
If you are military or former military and you allow Trump to win after what he said about POWs...you have done a disservice to your fellow vet.

John McCain, being the traitor that he was during Vietnam, has more blood on his hands than Hillary. And Hillary has more on her hands than Trump (that's if Trump has any at all). I'm VOTING DONALD TRUMP FOR THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. All of the other candidates pale in comparison to the man who wishes to root out the criminals in Washington DC. We'll see, but he IS the a lesser of all the evils.
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Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #70 on: October 17, 2016, 12:44:54 PM »
Don't forget Joe Exotic as a possible write in candidate. This is not a joke, by the way. I mean, it is, but he's a real person who's actually running.

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Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #71 on: October 17, 2016, 01:06:58 PM »
John McCain, being the traitor that he was during Vietnam, has more blood on his hands than Hillary. And Hillary has more on her hands than Trump (that's if Trump has any at all). I'm VOTING DONALD TRUMP FOR THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. All of the other candidates pale in comparison to the man who wishes to root out the criminals in Washington DC. We'll see, but he IS the a lesser of all the evils.

This is with the assumption that you are taking trump for his word. And he means what he says.

Do you think he means everything he is saying? Or do you think he is saying what you want to hear to get your vote?
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Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #72 on: October 17, 2016, 01:10:53 PM »
Then I misread that thinking you were to the right of me culturally and religiously, but apparently you're saying you're to the left of me on those things.

For what it's worth, I see both of those things as very gray areas that I can't take a hard stance on one way or another. I think Planned Parenthood should exist and operate, but I don't think it should come out of our tax dollars any more than the NRA should get government funding to offer free gun safety clinics. It's controversial and roughly 50% of the populace don't agree it should even exist. I think it's fair to say they can exist, but it's not coming out of your wallet if you don't want it to be. As for the "religious liberty" debate, I also see both sides. Like you, I don't think people should be discriminated against for their sexual orientation or whatever else. But see the argument AUJarhead just made as completely valid as well.

So now I gotta ask. What are the "policies and values" you don't like about Libertarians?

I also think there is a difference in refusing service PERIOD vs refusing to make a specific product.

Also a difference is refusing service because someone else is gay versus refusing service based on your own personal belief in the subject matter or product being requested. Just refusing to sell a product you find personally offensive isn't discriminating based off sexual orientation.

Refusing them service because of sexual orientation would be saying "oh you're gay? Sorry but get out. You aren't welcome in here. Because we don't like gays". Refusing to make a product doesn't necessarily mean you refused to make or sell it because the person was actually gay.

Can a retailer not refuse to carry any product they want based off their discretion? I'm sure wal mart wouldn't want to carry shirts that say certain things. It may offend certain groups but at the end of the day they can offer to sell or refuse to sell any product they want.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 01:17:12 PM by GH2001 »
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Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #73 on: October 17, 2016, 01:21:10 PM »
And many are falling for it:

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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.

Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #74 on: October 17, 2016, 02:18:06 PM »
Don't forget Joe Exotic as a possible write in candidate. This is not a joke, by the way. I mean, it is, but he's a real person who's actually running.

What's your take on the hit piece John Oliver did on Gary Johnson?
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The Prowler

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Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #75 on: October 17, 2016, 05:16:41 PM »
John McCain, being the traitor that he was during Vietnam, has more blood on his hands than Hillary. And Hillary has more on her hands than Trump (that's if Trump has any at all). I'm VOTING DONALD TRUMP FOR THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. All of the other candidates pale in comparison to the man who wishes to root out the criminals in Washington DC. We'll see, but he IS the a lesser of all the evils.
McCain a traitor, because he praised the North Vietnamese doctors for fixing his legs and arm? More blood on his hands, because he was a bomber? In that case, we have men and women, in the military now, with more blood on their hands than Hillary.
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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

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Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #76 on: October 17, 2016, 05:25:55 PM »
What's your take on the hit piece John Oliver did on Gary Johnson?
I hadn't seen it until just now.

Cliche'ed ad-hominems about him "looking goofy". I addressed the Allepo and "not being able to name a world leader he admires" things.

The tongue thing, I've made fun of. I don't know WTF that was. I mean, I do, he was making a point that he could bite his tongue for the whole election, not saying a word, and would still be considered the "winner" of the debates if they let him on the stage. But it was a super weird way of expressing that. I understand that most people aren't going to give him the benefit of the doubt in even trying to understand the point you're making when you do something weird like that.

Never saw the clip of him saying of Mount Everest that he "lifted her skirt" and he "got in there and got a peek". Yup, that also was weird. All I can say to those two things is I don't really care. I understand he's kooky. But not worse than things Trump has said on on hot mics or at rallies, and not weirder than Hillary convulsing or getting startled by balloons.

He opposes having a minimum wage? I believe in the free market. If people pay shitty wages, they won't have employees. Employers will pay what the job's worth. If a retarded 17 year old middle school dropout can do the work, and will take the job for less pay than you, then you should either accept what they offer you or look for a job that requires more skill. Given that, I don't see much use for a minimum wage. I sure as hell don't want to see it raised to $15 an hour as Bernie proposed, and Hillary got on board with as well.

He would do away with the departments of education, commerce, and housing and urban development? Good. They have all been bureaucratic wasteful bloats.
On his campaign website, Johnson called for giving more control over education to state and local government and for eliminating the Department of Education. He said, "Most importantly, Governor Johnson believes that state and local governments should have more control over education policy. Decisions that affect our children should be made closer to home, not by bureaucrats and politicians in Washington, D.C. That is why he believes we should eliminate the federal Department of Education. Common Core and other attempts to impose national standards and requirements on local schools are costly, overly bureaucratic, and actually compromise our ability to provide our children with a good education."[4]

In 2012, Gary Johnson supported abolishing the Department of Education. He said, "I don't think people recognize that the the [sic] Department of Education was established in 1979 under Jimmy Carter. So if you measure educational performance since 1979 there is nothing to suggest that the federal government has added any value. The federal government gives eleven cents out of every school dollar that every state spends but it comes with 16 cents of strings attached, and I found this as governor of New Mexico. ... There is so much education that is being distorted by Washington. Give it up to the states and in my opinion there will be some fabulous successes that will be emulated."

Wasteful. Fuels crony capitalism. More here:

Romney wanted to abolish it as well. Here are reasons why.

Then he goes on to criticize him for saying he would keep parts of them if he deemed them necessary and valuable. Seems like he's having his cake and eating it too. Bottom line he wants to drastically cut the fat. This is a good thing, IMO.

He rips into his consumption tax proposal that he would do if he could "wave a magic wand". This is the one part of his argument that I grant him making some valid points, but it seems to me that when Gary says he would do that if he could "wave a magic wand", it's not something he's very seriously proposing, but is instead going theoretical. If that's the one thing that's too ideological to be practical, I'm fine with the realization that congress would never let any proposal like that pass in a million years, so I'm not particularly worried about it.

He grossly mischarecterized Johnson's stance on climate change. He said basically exactly what I said in this thread, as well as others. It's real, it's happening, and we should "take the long-term view" in taking it seriously. Certainly better (to Oliver and his audience) than the standard GOP stance that it's all made up bullshit and we should ignore it entirely. I don't understand what's wrong with the position of "We should address it gradually and in a measured reasonable way and not fear monger and set our hair on fire."

Here's his full quote:
« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 06:10:14 PM by AUChizad »
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Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #77 on: October 17, 2016, 05:26:01 PM »
McCain a traitor, because he praised the North Vietnamese doctors for fixing his legs and arm? More blood on his hands, because he was a bomber? In that case, we have men and women, in the military now, with more blood on their hands than Hillary.

Our military could learn a thing or two about killing folks from her.
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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'


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Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #78 on: October 17, 2016, 05:43:35 PM »
I hadn't seen it until just now.

Cliche'ed ad-hominems about him "looking goofy". I addressed the Allepo and "not being able to name a world leader he admires" things.

The tongue thing, I've made fun of. I don't know WTF that was. I mean, I do, he was making a point that he could bite his tongue for the whole election, not saying a word, and would still be considered the "winner" of the debates if they let him on the stage. But it was a super weird way of expressing that. I understand that most people aren't going to give him the benefit of the doubt in even trying to understand the point you're making when you do something weird like that.

Never saw the clip of him saying Mount Everest "lifted her skirt" and he "got in there and got a peek". Yup, that also was weird. All I can say to those two things is I don't really care. I understand he's cooky. But not worse than things Trump has said on on hot mics or at ralleys, and not weirder than Hillary convulsing or getting started by balloons.

He opposes having a minimum wage? I believe in the free market. If people pay shitty wages, they won't have employees. Employers will pay what the job's worth. If a retarded 17 year old middle school dropout can do the work, and will take the job for less pay than you, then you should either accept what they offer you or look for a job that requires more skill. Given that, I don't see much use for a minimum wage. I sure as hell don't want to see it raised to $15 an hour as Bernie proposed, and Hillary got on board with as well.

He would do away with the departments of education, commerce, and housing and urban development? Good. They have all been bureaucratic wasteful bloats.
Wasteful. Fuels crony capitalism. More here:

Romney wanted to abolish it as well. Here are reasons why.

Then he goes on to criticize him for saying he would keep parts of them if he deemed them necessary and valuable. Seems like he's having his cake and eating it too. Bottom line he wants to drastically cut the fat. This is a good thing, IMO.

He rips into his consumption tax proposal that he would do if he could "wave a magic wand". He makes some valid points in there, but it seems to me that when Gary says he would do that if he could "wave a magic wand", it's not something he's very seriously proposing, but is instead going theoretical. If that's the one thing that's too ideological to be practical, I'm fine with the realization that congress would never let any proposal like that pass in a million years, so I'm not particularly worried about it.

He grossly mischarecterized Johnson's stance on climate change. He said basically exactly what I said in this thread, as well as others. It's real, it's happening, and we should "take the long-term view" in taking it seriously. Certainly better (to Oliver and his audience) than the standard GOP stance that it's all made up bullshit and we should ignore it entirely. I don't understand what's wrong with the position of "We should address it gradually and in a measured reasonable way and not fear monger and set our hair on fire."

Here's his full quote:

I've sat here laughing my ass off as you backfill for Doobie Johnson as he endures the same (to a lesser degree) treatment from the Clinton-Media cabal. 

Oh, John Oliver made fun of him for "looking goofy."  Oh NOES!  See Trump's hair.
Oh, the Clinton campaign "came after him.  But the things they said about him weren't true. Only the things they say about Trump.
Oh, he was mocked for doing something weird with his tongue.  Not as bad as Hillary looking at balloons! 
Oh, you clarified his dumbass comments. YOU clarified them.  Awesome.

Exactly. The. Same.   Too. Blinded. To. See. It. 
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Re: Whatcha' Gonna' Do?
« Reply #79 on: October 17, 2016, 06:06:12 PM »
I've sat here laughing my ass off as you backfill for Doobie Johnson as he endures the same (to a lesser degree) treatment from the Clinton-Media cabal. 

Oh, John Oliver made fun of him for "looking goofy."  Oh NOES!  See Trump's hair.
Oh, the Clinton campaign "came after him.  But the things they said about him weren't true. Only the things they say about Trump.
Oh, he was mocked for doing something weird with his tongue.  Not as bad as Hillary looking at balloons! 
Oh, you clarified his dumbass comments. YOU clarified them.  Awesome.

Exactly. The. Same.   Too. Blinded. To. See. It.
I didn't clarify them. I provided the full context that he provided that Oliver didn't afford him. Intentionally.
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