When Hillary nailed Trump for saying he believed climate change was a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese, he blurted "I NEVER SAID THAT" several times.
He said it right here:
The media will rightfully pummel him for that. But what about Hillary's similar lies about positions one of them held in the past?
Trump nailed her for lauding the TPP as "the gold standard for trade deals". She said she never said that at all, and never really supported it, only that she was hopeful it would work out.
"So it's fair to say that our economies are entwined, and we need to keep upping our game both bilaterally and with partners across the region through agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP. Australia is a critical partner. This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field. And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40 percent of the world's total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment."
Trump told the truth. She lied. Also Trump's retort after she said she was for it until it got fouled up along the way by saying "Who messed it up, Obama?" was a point for him as well.
She brought up that he was in favor of the Iraq war. First of all, it's astounding to me that this bitch who was a sitting Senator and put her actual vote in to go to war has any ground to criticize a then-TV personality for hesitantly saying "I guess...so" before criticizing the invasion.
Regardless, "unbiased" politifact and the mainstream media will pile on Trump for "lying" that he didn't supported the war, while she's permitted to act like she, an actual person in a position of power to directly facilitate the invasion, was always against it from the beginning. That's bullshit.
Also, here he a couple months later expounding on it to Fox News. He clearly opposed it early.
Clinton said Trump invited Putin to hack Americans. First of all, he "invited" him to hack her and her specifically, not all Americans. As often as "Heeyyyy he was joking!!" is misappropriated to some awful shit Trump says, this is not one of them. He was asked if he thought Putin was behind the DNC leak and he joked that if he was, hopefully he'll go after Hillary's emails next. Politifact scores that one to Clinton too. I disagree.
She said "The only years that anybody's ever seen" of Trump’s tax returns "showed he didn't pay any federal income tax." That is false. In the five years of taxes she's referring to, three of them showed he did pay federal income tax, and the other two years, he didn't because in accordance with tax rules, he lost millions of dollars those years. He did what is legal and prudent those years.
She brought up birtherism. He mentioned that she started it. Politifact gives that one a flat-out false rating. It is established fact that it started in 2008 with Sidney Blumenthal on Hillary's behalf before Trump was ever a political figure at all. Yes, Trump made a meal out of it and blew it way the fuck out of proportion, but HER CAMPAIGN factually, started it despite what politifact or the liberal media want to pretend now.
It's amazing to me that the media is trying to memoryhole this now.
Politico admitted as much before they now deny it.
http://www.politico.com/story/2011/04/birtherism-where-it-all-began-053563http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/barackobama/8478044/Birther-row-began-with-Hillary-Clinton-supporters.htmlThe media is twisting themselves in knots to revise history on this. It's astounding. Again, yes Trump made it a way bigger deal, but it's asinine to pretend this didn't originate in the 2008 primaries when it clearly did.
I also thought Trump's early statements on fiscal responsibility, government waste, and the crumbling infrastructure we have to show for it rang true for me. I thought he was "just tough enough" throughout most of the debate without venturing into "poo-poo pants" level insults. I think overall he did marginally better than I expected.