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Ruining America


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Ruining America
« on: September 14, 2016, 09:09:34 AM »
This is clear evidence of why and how the liberal agenda is destroying this country. 

al.com runs columns written by this skeevy asshole on a regular basis.  The fact that any person could actually think this way, much less that there are those who agree with his sniveling shit exemplifies just how fucking lost we are. 


While the media spends an inordinate amount of time discussing the fact that a determined Hillary Clinton attempted to power her way through a bout of pneumonia, Donald Trump is trying desperately to make political hay out of Clinton's comments that half of Trump's supporters could be put in a "basket of deplorables."

Many people are saying the other half are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and are waiting to get rescued by actual Reagan Republicans, if any are actually left out there.

This fake sputtering outrage comes from a man whose supporters despise the idea of saying anything that could be related to being "politically correct" and cheer the loudest when their candidate disparages minority groups.

Since the beginning of his campaign, Trump has consistently and persistently insulted every group you can think of, including people with disabilities. Trump has deliberately woven a political basket to coddle the most deplorable and hateful in our society, but now is using the "I'm rubber, you're glue" tactic to pretend that he hasn't welcomed racists, misogynists, homophobes, and xenophobes into his campaign.

Trump running mate, Mike Pence, isn't exactly known for his loving embrace of homosexuality.

Trump advisor Roger Ailes isn't famous for standing up for women's rights.

Campaign CEO Steve Bannon isn't going to be invited to visit mosques any time soon and we're pretty sure that he when he says "Alt-right", he says it in a way that makes it sound like a Nazi salute on a re-run of Hogan's Heroes.

Trump began weaving his deplorable basket when called Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists. He was weaving deliberately when he refused to denounce David Duke, the former KKK leader, and when his campaign tweeted out anti-Semitic images that he pretended he didn't recognize.

Trump wove handles on the basket when called a U.S. Federal Judge inherently biased because of the judge's Mexican heritage while he tried to draw away attention from the fact that he is on trial for fraud.

In fact, he's screaming about this basket comment hoping you'll forget about that whole bribery thing with Trump University and the Florida Attorney General. Don't worry, there's plenty of room in the bottom of the basket for grifters, cheats, and corrupt politicians, too.

Not only has Trump woven a briar basket for the truly deplorable, he's lined it with a bedding made of outrageous lies and gross mischaracterizations to allow the deplorable to falsely, but comfortably, rationalize their bigotry and paranoia while snuggling with a white blanket of extreme nationalism.

The big red bow on Trump's deplorable basket is his revival of the "America First" slogan which was an anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant campaign from World War II.

Trump is now trumpeting his feigned disbelief in Clinton's observation of his obvious love of deplorability by saying that she "viciously demonized hard-working people." Nope, she demonized racists, homophobes, Islamaphobes, and xenophobes who roughly make up about half of Trump's supporters and, perhaps, an even greater amount of his top campaign strategists and advisors.

Trump, who has not apologized for intentionally offending half the nation, has now demanded that Clinton apologize for her fairly accurate remarks. Of course, she realized that even though she prefaced her remarks by calling them a generalization, some thin-skinned Trumpers got offended. So, she said she regretted making such a broad generalization. She didn't need to apologize, because the essence of what she said was true and arguably, her comment may have even low-balled the actual number.

If Trump is offended by Clinton's comments, then maybe he should ask himself why his campaign is attracting deplorable people and why he's holding that basket.

People like this guy should be removed from society. 
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