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Thoughts - Week 1


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Re: Thoughts - Week 1
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2016, 08:57:38 AM »
Do we have anymore dreams to shatter at the QB position?
Uncle Rico has a year of eligibility left. 
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Re: Thoughts - Week 1
« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2016, 09:15:17 AM »

It made me sick to watch a little of Texas and Notre Dame and see Charlie Strong's group effectively run what looks like the offense we used to run with a freshman quarterback.  I had to turn it off it made my head hurt so badly. 

I thought about this last night. Texas who was dead in the water with Charlie Strong as head coach was able to start a true fucking freshman quarterback and pretty much run OUR offense from 2013. They even had Radio be able to sub in and make things happen with his legs. They turned their offense around in one offseason after a year of complete ineptitude.


Look, I like Gus. I think he's a nice guy.  But what he's doing isn't working. He had all offseason to get things back on track, to find an offensive identity, to commit to something besides a clusterfuck of moronic "packages" and substitutions.

Here's my biggest change in my opinion of Gus. I don't like the guy anymore. I don't think he's a nice guy. Nice guys don't drive a BMW i8 around a small town in Alabama, and believe me, he drives that thing like it's a regular every day car.

I think Gus came to Auburn still hungry for success and got a few big paychecks. It's Terry Bowden all over again. It's gone to his head. He probably drew up most of those plays while getting rubbed down with goats milk by a beautiful girl from Japan. Everything in his mind works out for him, and he's completely oblivious to how stupid he actually looks.


Here's the thing, though. Sometimes you have to make hard decisions.  One day next week I'm going to cut a guy loose who's worked for and with me since 1999.  I hate it, but I have few options left. He's done great work for me in the past, he was integral in building my business and was always on hand to do whatever. But over the last year, he's lost his way.  Twice he's missed major deadlines without any warning.  In July he had a significant release that he told me was handled and it failed in a major way.  It was a complete debacle. He recovered and got things caught up but then Friday he left on a two-week vacation. He had five things he had to do before he left. He only did one. He failed to promote some changes that broke things all over the place and had everybody else on my staff working 16-20 hours a day trying to fix what was messed up.  I like him. I like his wife and kids. It's going to make me sick to do it, but. The past is the past.  I gave him more latitude than I probably would anybody else. He blew it.

Same here.  It's blown. It's fucked so badly it can't be unfucked. 

Barring a miraculous turnaround (that's not going to happen so we can stop wishing it would) we will be looking for a new coach in December or earlier. 

The problem there is that LSU will also be looking. And as one of my LSU friends reminded me today "ours is the better job..."

And Tennessee will be looking. Texas beat Notre Dame, but if they flub through the Big 12 schedule, they might be looking. And Texas A&M might be looking.

I'm now completely on board with firing Gus as soon as possible. Auburn should never field an offense that bad. Tony Franklin was sent packing in 2008, and even that wasn't as much of a clusterfuck as what we saw on Saturday night. If our defense hadn't played lights out, that game could have easily been a 20-30 point blowout.

We nearly lost to Jacksonville State last year. We were beaten by all of our rivals AGAIN. We lost to both Mississippi schools. We nearly lost to Kentucky. Even the San Jose State game wasn't enjoyable.

2014 was overloaded with talent on offense and was stifled due to stupid play calling.

We're 3-11 against our last 14 Power 5 opponents. We're staring at 3 years in a row of losing to Georgia and Alabama. 3 of 4 years losing to LSU.

As always though, this really goes back to the man making the hires and decisions for the overall program. Jay Jacobs has to go, and the program needs a complete overhaul.

Outside of two extreme outlier seasons, Auburn has been a lower tier SEC program since 2008. We're pushing an entire decade of feeling like losers especially against our rivals.

And what sucks the most is that it didn't have to be this way. Outside of Alabama, not one team in the SEC can really put a team on the field that will be more talented than what Auburn is capable of recruiting. We will always have the players. We just need consistent coaching.
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Re: Thoughts - Week 1
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2016, 09:54:35 AM »
Uncle Rico has a year of eligibility left.
You know as fucked as our offense looked the answer (short term) is to go with JF III and shelve the others. Option QB's like Marshall are basically determining down and distance which would remove a great portion of the bafoonery Gushlee could try. In addition, some weak spots up front can be better masked plus Kerryon seems to run more aggressively at the meshpoint. Look it's anybody's guess how this cat throws the ball. It might be another frustrating adventure for us to endure but I can't enjoy Auburn football with Gushlee having a free hand playing genius.
Our defense probably improves too with a more ground -based attack.
That's sorta where I am after a couple of days.
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Re: Thoughts - Week 1
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2016, 10:03:37 AM »
Here's my biggest change in my opinion of Gus. I don't like the guy anymore. I don't think he's a nice guy. Nice guys don't drive a BMW i8 around a small town in Alabama, and believe me, he drives that thing like it's a regular every day car.

I think Gus came to Auburn still hungry for success and got a few big paychecks. It's Terry Bowden all over again. It's gone to his head. He probably drew up most of those plays while getting rubbed down with goats milk by a beautiful girl from Japan. Everything in his mind works out for him, and he's completely oblivious to how stupid he actually looks.

Jealous much? Look, Gus isn't a bad guy because of what car he drives no more than if he drove a '82 Silverado would make him a good guy.

Gus is and always has been a control freak and that has not changed. I agree with others who think it would take a 4-8 type year to get him out of here and this defense is good enough to win 5-6 games.

Stay the course. Wait this out. This too shall pass. Look at Texas. They hung with Charlie Strong and now they are beating Notre Dame on national television.
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Re: Thoughts - Week 1
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2016, 10:46:03 AM »
Jealous much? Look, Gus isn't a bad guy because of what car he drives no more than if he drove a '82 Silverado would make him a good guy.

Gus is and always has been a control freak and that has not changed. I agree with others who think it would take a 4-8 type year to get him out of here and this defense is good enough to win 5-6 games.

Stay the course. Wait this out. This too shall pass. Look at Texas. They hung with Charlie Strong and now they are beating Notre Dame on national television.

93.5% of this is wrong.

It's not a matter of jealousy.  Tooling around in a $150,000 car in Auburn is a bad look.  That's just the reality.  The car itself doesn't make him bad or good. It's the mentality of the choice to drive it.

He makes too much money and that's Jay's fault. He shows it off (while not performing at a level that justifies it) in a bad way.  If Auburn were dominating?  Drive an orange Ferrari with blue rims.  When you're flailing as badly as he is?  It just looks bad.

Wait it out?  Why?  Your reference to Charlie Strong isn't valid.  Strong struggled from the start, stayed the course and is building a better team.  Gus started hot, has recruited better than any coaching staff Auburn has ever had and has squandered that talent with questionable disciplinary choices and piss poor planning.  Every year has been a little worse. 

There is zero -- and I mean ZERO -- excuse for the shitshow on display Saturday.  That was pathetic, embarrassing and an absolute disgrace.  It was, without peer, the most fucked up, idiotic, clueless "gameplan" I've ever seen at any level of football.  I've seen women coaches of pee wee teams have a better grasp on game planning than that.  If he can't be the CEO that the program needs and if THAT is the result of him being more "hands on" then he absolutely, positively HAS.TO.GO.  Sooner rather than later.  And leave that ridiculous car behind. 

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Re: Thoughts - Week 1
« Reply #25 on: September 05, 2016, 10:51:21 AM »
Jealous much? Look, Gus isn't a bad guy because of what car he drives no more than if he drove a '82 Silverado would make him a good guy.

Gus is and always has been a control freak and that has not changed. I agree with others who think it would take a 4-8 type year to get him out of here and this defense is good enough to win 5-6 games.

Stay the course. Wait this out. This too shall pass. Look at Texas. They hung with Charlie Strong and now they are beating Notre Dame on national television.

How long must we wait this out? He has had plenty of time to turn this around!! Truth be told, there shouldn't be anything to turn around.  For God's sake, when he took over we still had his recruits!!
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Re: Thoughts - Week 1
« Reply #26 on: September 05, 2016, 11:24:47 AM »
Tooling around in a $150,000 car in Auburn is a bad look. 

Have you been to campus during the week and seen what's in the student parking lot? I assure you it's not a Kia dealership. Auburn is a school populated with upper-middle and upper class white kids. Gus's automotive choices fit right in with that.

Look, Jacobs has insured us against the blowing up of the program with the overpay and the huge buyout, I'm just trying to find the silver lining here. Life's too damn short as it is. I hate the product on the field; it's embarrassing, but blowing up another coach so JJ and the PTB can hire the coach at Autauga Academy or Tomato Can State is not going to make it better either.
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"I'm sick of following my dreams...I'm just going to ask them where they are going and hook up with 'em later." - Mitch Hedberg


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Re: Thoughts - Week 1
« Reply #27 on: September 05, 2016, 11:28:15 AM »
Have you been to campus during the week and seen what's in the student parking lot? I assure you it's not a Kia dealership. Auburn is a school populated with upper-middle and upper class white kids. Gus's automotive choices fit right in with that.

Look, Jacobs has insured us against the blowing up of the program with the overpay and the huge buyout, I'm just trying to find the silver lining here. Life's too damn short as it is. I hate the product on the field; it's embarrassing, but blowing up another coach so JJ and the PTB can hire the coach at Autauga Academy or Tomato Can State is not going to make it better either.

Based on what I saw Saturday?  it's already blown up. 
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Re: Thoughts - Weekr
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2016, 01:23:29 PM »
Jealous much? Look, Gus isn't a bad guy because of what car he drives no more than if he drove a '82 Silverado would make him a good guy.

Gus is and always has been a control freak and that has not changed. I agree with others who think it would take a 4-8 type year to get him out of here and this defense is good enough to win 5-6 games.

Stay the course. Wait this out. This too shall pass. Look at Texas. They hung with Charlie Strong and now they are beating Notre Dame on national television.
This is in no way correct.  Gus's offense played like garbage last year and his only answer was to play more QBs?  I honestly don't know how any person could be proud of the offense (Gus's specialty) last Saturday. 

As I've been saying since last year, auburn was faced with the choice of firing him and moving on, or keeping him and setting the program back 3 more years.  I just hope the damage Gus does this year can be undone in a reasonable amount of time.

Fuck the decisions in the Chizik/Makzahn era which has finally led us to this.
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"X's and O's they haunt Gus" - Elle King

Re: Thoughts - Weekr
« Reply #29 on: September 05, 2016, 01:46:43 PM »
As I've been saying since last year, auburn was faced with the choice of firing him and moving on, or keeping him and setting the program back 3 more years.  I just hope the damage Gus does this year can be undone in a reasonable amount of time.

Agreed, but if you don't get rid of Jacobs first, we will be right back here in 4 years.
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Re: Thoughts - Weekr
« Reply #30 on: September 05, 2016, 02:15:27 PM »
Fuck the decisions in the Chizik/Makzahn era which has finally led us to this.

AKA the Jacobs era. 

Won a NC (thanks Cam) played for another.  Softball is great.

Otherwise? We've got an NFLesque gameday that has all but eradicated the old family atmosphere.  And a big TV. 

GET LOST, Jacobs.
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Re: Thoughts - Week 1
« Reply #31 on: September 05, 2016, 02:40:51 PM »
When they brought up the list of starting QBs under, or taught by Coach Malzahn I had to stop and wonder if they would've been better at a different University...

'09 Chris Todd (JUCO QB)
'10 Cam Newton (JUCO QB)
'11 Barrett Trotter (multiple years in Malzahn's system)
'11 Clint Mosley (multiple years in Malzahn's system)
'12 Kiehl Frazier (multiple years in Malzahn's system)
'12 Jonathan Wallace (multiple years in Malzahn's system)
'13 & '14 Nick Marshall (JUCO QB)
'15 Jeremy Johnson (multiple years in Malzahn's system)
'16 Sean White (multiple years in Malzahn's system)
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Re: Thoughts - Week 1
« Reply #32 on: September 05, 2016, 06:24:07 PM »
I'd like to see our D-line get a little more active going forward.  Our top 4 tacklers were DBs with the linebackers next.  Despite the overall decent performance, that's never the way it should be.  However, tell me you didn't see night and day from last year to this in our LB play.  Fast, active and physical. 
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Re: Thoughts - Week 1
« Reply #33 on: September 05, 2016, 06:56:16 PM »
Thought about the debacle off an on all day. 

There's absolutely no excuse for what we saw Saturday night, nor the "that was the plan" press conference that displayed an amazing lack of awareness. 

I don't dislike Gus.  He's done some great things for us with some great players.  But he's fucked up as much as he's succeeded if you want to be brutally honest about it.   


Are you really going to tell me Gus and Dipshitlee can't get one single serviceable quarterback out of that group?   They aren't lacking in talent. They just get brain fucked by the Malzahn method and fail to reach their potential. 

Whatever he's peddling isn't working. And it's not close.  It looks stupid and rinky dink.  Somewhere Houton Nutt is pumping his fist and going "Ahhh tollld ya brother! That shit ain't gonna work!" 

It made me sick to watch a little of Texas and Notre Dame and see Charlie Strong's group effectively run what looks like the offense we used to run with a freshman quarterback.  I had to turn it off it made my head hurt so badly. 

Look, I like Gus. I think he's a nice guy.  But what he's doing isn't working. He had all offseason to get things back on track, to find an offensive identity, to commit to something besides a clusterfuck of moronic "packages" and substitutions.

Here's the thing, though. Sometimes you have to make hard decisions.  One day next week I'm going to cut a guy loose who's worked for and with me since 1999.  I hate it, but I have few options left. He's done great work for me in the past, he was integral in building my business and was always on hand to do whatever. But over the last year, he's lost his way.  Twice he's missed major deadlines without any warning.  In July he had a significant release that he told me was handled and it failed in a major way.  It was a complete debacle. He recovered and got things caught up but then Friday he left on a two-week vacation. He had five things he had to do before he left. He only did one. He failed to promote some changes that broke things all over the place and had everybody else on my staff working 16-20 hours a day trying to fix what was messed up.  I like him. I like his wife and kids. It's going to make me sick to do it, but. The past is the past.  I gave him more latitude than I probably would anybody else. He blew it.

Same here.  It's blown. It's fucked so badly it can't be unfucked. 

Barring a miraculous turnaround (that's not going to happen so we can stop wishing it would) we will be looking for a new coach in December or earlier. 

The problem there is that LSU will also be looking. And as one of my LSU friends reminded me today "ours is the better job..."

A down Sec I think will save his job this year as we can prob still pull 6 wins. As bad as we were, we lost to the number 2 team by 6 with two chances to win at the end. I don't know how but we did. It isn't like we lost or almost lost to south Alabama or appy state. So that in itself will save him unless we see some chizik type blowouts ala 2011 and 2012.

And sadly, your friend is right. Theirs is a better job. Lsu is a cool program to me. They win. They get the state to themselves. And it's a cool culture in general. So yeah. Although their greed with thinking they are better than miles is pure dumbassery. He's won more there than any other coach. Including saban.
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Re: Thoughts - Week 1
« Reply #34 on: September 05, 2016, 07:05:51 PM »
I'd like to see our D-line get a little more active going forward.  Our top 4 tacklers were DBs with the linebackers next.  Despite the overall decent performance, that's never the way it should be.  However, tell me you didn't see night and day from last year to this in our LB play.  Fast, active and physical.
Up front they tended to stick to a lane unless the play went outside. Last season they got blocked, rolled themselves out of a play or over persued.
LB play was solid and aggressive. We held them in check overall. Coverage in the secondary was very good. There are only a couple in college ball that are in the category of Mike Williams.
We had the personal foul and a couple of interference calls but it was a very good opening performance.
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Re: Thoughts - Week 1
« Reply #35 on: September 06, 2016, 08:28:45 AM »
A down Sec I think will save his job this year as we can prob still pull 6 wins. As bad as we were, we lost to the number 2 team by 6 with two chances to win at the end. I don't know how but we did. It isn't like we lost or almost lost to south Alabama or appy state. So that in itself will save him unless we see some chizik type blowouts ala 2011 and 2012.

This is what scares me the most. Gus can justify the shitty performance with this right here. I am not sure if Gus will think his "plan" was unsuccessful since it was closer than everyone thought.
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Re: Thoughts - Week 1
« Reply #36 on: September 06, 2016, 08:39:54 AM »
I'd like to see our D-line get a little more active going forward.  Our top 4 tacklers were DBs with the linebackers next.  Despite the overall decent performance, that's never the way it should be.  However, tell me you didn't see night and day from last year to this in our LB play.  Fast, active and physical.

Man you are being picky...

I think the DB's had the most tackles because they threw the ball so much. The RB had virtually no where to go when they did run the ball. The DL also did a great job not letting the OL get to the next level to let those LB's get up field and come in with authority.

That was the best defense I have seen take the field since Tuberville. #7 was just too good. The back shoulder throw is what won the ball game for them. Davis had great coverage on the guy all night. The back shoulder throws were just too good. Maybe the only thing I would have done differently was bracket him to stop those throws, but I am not sure that would have mattered.
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Re: Thoughts - Week 1
« Reply #37 on: September 06, 2016, 09:07:39 AM »
The ground-water is tainted.

It bubbles up most notably with team chemistry issues that seemingly never end.

Dye says it affected the coaching staff's ability to work together last year.  Men who make absurd amounts of money to coach a game couldn't put petty shit aside and be professionals.

Now, it's shining like a beacon from Gus's face.  He's acting petulant and shifty.  He doesn't like the scrutiny suddenly.  Something is going on behind the scenes.

Whom- or whatever is fucking with our football program must be rooted out: administration, rogue booster, ghost of Shug Jordan...
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Re: Thoughts - Week 1
« Reply #38 on: September 06, 2016, 09:11:54 AM »
The more time I get away from this, the more angry/frustrated I get with it. 

At what point over the last nine months, the amount of time they've had since last season clunked to its dismal end, did the Gushlee braintrust actually devise this dipsy doodle hokey pokey bullshit gameplan?  At what point did they draw that bizarre bullshit up on the board and actually think it was a good idea?  How did they possibly sell the players on that bucket load of turds?  If you're Sean White why would you look at that dipshittery and not immediately decide to transfer? 

I'm not the smartest person in the world and the next college football game I coach will be the first, but even I knew by the fifth offensive snap that none of the things that were wrong last year had improved in the least.  I've seen elementary school kids drawing plays in the dirt do better than that.  Hell, I've drawn plays in the dirt that were better than that. 

Even more galling?  Z-E-R-O adjustments at halftime.  None.  Motherfuck, even Bowden managed that.  I can still remember games where we looked like discombobulated baboon shit in the first half and fixed it in the second.  Malzahn is apparently SO convinced of his genius that he's incapable of seeing that the fucked up "plan" isn't working and unwilling to make changes to it.  He'd rather stand up there after the game, tell everybody that "we're gonna work hard, we're gonna get better...... that was the plan" than he would take the necessary steps to unfuck what he fucked up. 

Everybody seems to forget that we had enough talent last year that most picked us to win the west.  And we've got more this season (with the exception of running back). 

I've (we've all said) that Malzahn sometimes appears to be learning on the job.  But after Saturday I've decided that he ISN'T learning.  I have no problem with people in my employ making mistakes and learning from those.  I do have a problem with them continuing to do the same stupid things again and again. 

Somebody said something about Malzahn being Bowden 2 and I think that's more accurate than any of us want to admit. 

I was coaching HS when Bowden was there.  Went to the first coaching clinic he held and he was fantastic.  Very engaged, spent a lot of time with us, worked through drills, we had whiteboard sessions, film sessions.  I was really impressed.  Went back to his coaching clinic in 1997 or 98.  The only time we saw him was at a group session in Beard-Eaves.  All the coaches were in the stands and he strolled in wearing a suit and sunglasses.  He had two or three players as his "bodyguards." They stood there like secret service while he gave a prepared speech and then escorted him out.  That was the only time we saw Terry.   Malzahn and the BMW remind me of that same sort of self-importance.  It's something I can see Terry doing. 

I'm angry now.  I'm pissed off that what we saw Saturday was what this coaching staff thought was the best they could put on the field.  It was humiliating and I don't want to see it again. 
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Re: Thoughts - Week 1
« Reply #39 on: September 06, 2016, 09:37:52 AM »
Man you are being picky...

I think the DB's had the most tackles because they threw the ball so much. The RB had virtually no where to go when they did run the ball. The DL also did a great job not letting the OL get to the next level to let those LB's get up field and come in with authority.

That was the best defense I have seen take the field since Tuberville. #7 was just too good. The back shoulder throw is what won the ball game for them. Davis had great coverage on the guy all night. The back shoulder throws were just too good. Maybe the only thing I would have done differently was bracket him to stop those throws, but I am not sure that would have mattered.

I agree with everything here....except me being picky.  You just shut up or I'll do....stuff.

Yeah, probably picky, but I was pulling up stats mainly because I was interested in seeing how a couple of guys, namely Darrell Williams and Montavious Atkinson, did.  As much as it seemed like we stuffed the run at times, I was surprised that all the down linemen were at the bottom of the list with the DB's leading the way.  On that note though, I thought the LB's had a very solid game overall.
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