Woke up way too early this morning and while flipping channels, got my fill of media bias. Just posted in the political forum on CNN's bullshit. Now, I can come here and say that ESPN can suck a canker sore covered, AIDS infected goat dick. Yeah, I'm going to continue to watch because that's where 90% of my TV sports comes from. But, the morning Sports Center has become a mish-mash of unrecognizable, minimally talented talking heads. I have no idea who any of them are and there's zero appeal to the format...and I know the format.
This morning, they showed a clip from an interview with Tony La Russa, where the former Cards manager ripped Colon Craperdink, saying he'd never allow that from any of his players and also said Craperdink has always been all about himself until lately, now that he's just a back up player. After the clip, all 4 of the useless hosts took turns lighting into La Russa for his opinion.
It's Sports Center!!! Report on the sports and leave your opinions at home. But, I guess it's clear that what they said is the official ESPN stance because if you say something "outside the lines", they'll send you packing in a heartbeat.