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What's Killing Auburn


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What's Killing Auburn
« on: August 04, 2016, 04:55:54 PM »
Bear with me just a little, ok?  I've been through this garbage for a long time.  I'm seeing the second Death Star up and running after I thought it had been blown up for good.  Having endured it twice, I'm going to have to make some controversial statements.

Back in the 70s when the Crimpson Cheating Machine was in full swing, those hillbilly bastards used to lecture us uppity Aubs about knowing our "place." 

Remember Battlestar Galactica?  All this has happened before, and all of it will happen again.  It's true. In my lifetime I've watched this evil, vile empire of morons rise from the ashes, reassert itself and once again perpetuate a rampant cycle of cheating, graft and corruption the likes of which I honestly thought could never again happen.

Back in the 70s, we never tried to be anything other than what we were.  We didn't follow them down the cheating path -- despite the fact that Bryant repeatedly threw us under the NCAA bus for minor infractions just to maintain his superiority. 

It's always been known, and it's forever true that when the playing field is level, when we are playing by the same rules, we will whip their ass more often than not in every conceivable measure -- NOT just on the football field.  But yes, that too.   

In the 70s, though, we just accepted what was, endured the gloating, the crowing, the hillbilly hoedowns and media weiner rubs that were part and parcel of who and what THEY were.  That was never us and never going to be us. 

Then Pat Dye.  God love the man. He helped us level the playing field and maybe, just maybe he started using some of their own tactics against them.   The 80s were fun, but it changed who we thought we were a little bit.  We competed for SEC titles, were in the NC conversation.  All the things they'd been and had were now coming to us. 

That begot Jay Jacobs.  He was an AU fan.   He was born in LaFayette but grew up in Florida where he mostly missed the awful 70s. Not living here, he didn't bear the brunt of what it meant in that day and time.  Yes, I'm saying it is like being the veteran of a war. A different kind of war.  He wanted to play at AU so bad he walked on.  But he walked on to a different AU team.  One that was on the upswing. 

He came there and except for a very short stint as a football coach at a small AISA school, he's never left.  Sometimes when you're in the forest too long, you can't see the trees. 

Over the past 20 years or so, he's tried to create a very different Auburn -- one that plays in the same park as Alabama, but tries to do so without breaking the same rules.  It's created a situation that isn't -- in my opinion -- sustainable.  It will constantly implode on itself in trying to be something NOW as opposed to making the right decisions for the long term.

I've long advocated fighting them.  I've always been one who wanted to bring that empire crashing down and leave nothing but smoldering rubble in Tuscaloosa.  But I don't think it's possible. Their long game (whether on purpose or by accident) is a master work. The defenses are almost impenetrable.  They have their people in virtually every major media market.  They have a coach who got control of the boosters, set up an organized system to cheat at the highest levels and is bastard enough to maintain it.  They got leverage on the NCAA (as Bryant had) because there are things that Emmert doesn't want to see the light of day from his time at Washington and LSU.  He won't cross Saban. 

Maybe it's better to pretend that UA is just Snots the dog and he's latched on to the leg.  Just let him finish.

It won't last forever and the fall when Saban leaves will be spectacular.  The problem in my mind, is what's going to be left of the Auburn I grew up loving when that happens? 

There's already far too much of that Auburn that's little more than a faded memory now.  It's been sanitized, corporatized, glossied up in a mad scramble for more and more dollars so we can keep up with the rest of the cheating fucks out there. 

Maybe the hillbillies in the 70s were right.  Maybe our "place" isn't trying to keep up with them.  We're never going to be the sort of cheating machine that they are.  So we make sacrifices and do other things to try to keep up.  Maybe we shouldn't. 

It makes me sad.  And I'm not sure that if I had it to do all over again if I wouldn't go to David Housel's house in 2003 and physically stop him from getting on that jet to Louisville. 

This is all Jay Jacobs' fault.  Just saying.   
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Re: What's Killing Auburn
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2016, 05:12:33 PM »
Jay Jacobs...  I feel like you can just look at him and tell he does not have what it takes.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 09:18:11 AM by AWK »
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Re: What's Killing Auburn
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2016, 05:43:18 PM »
There is much wisdom in your words, pale face.  But I'm curious as to what you think the alternative is.  Regardless of the fact that Alabama proposed selling their souls for world dominance and the devil accepted the offer, we still can't back off in the arms race.  Like it or not, we're still in the toughest division in the baddest ass conference in the land.  Back off at any point and we're not even Kentucky football.
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Re: What's Killing Auburn
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2016, 09:00:26 PM »
We can start by flipping that damn Jumbotron 180° and replacing it with our old scoreboard. Next, stop treating the players like fucking babies or entitled little children. Treat them like men.

We need hardnose football at AU, not a halftime show. Oh, and fire JJ.
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Buzz Killington

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Re: What's Killing Auburn
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2016, 10:39:13 PM »
What we really need is more trivia questions during timeouts.
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Re: What's Killing Auburn
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2016, 11:12:43 PM »
What the Auburn world needs now is another folk singer like I need a(nother) hole in my head.
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Re: What's Killing Auburn
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2016, 08:18:06 AM »
What the Auburn world needs now is another folk singer like I need a(nother) hole in my head.

Nah...what the world needs now is a new Frank Sinatra, so I can get you in bed.

$1 for the Cracker reference.
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And Imma keep a bottle of that funk
To get motel parking lot, balcony crunk.


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Re: What's Killing Auburn
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2016, 08:55:50 AM »
This is no longer the Auburn that you or I knew.  The fact that it's not the family affair that it once was will tell you that.  There is too much money in college football now for it to go any other direction than pro ball has.

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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."

Re: What's Killing Auburn
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2016, 09:15:03 AM »
I wonder if it isn't the misguided attempts at trying to keep it a family affair that aren't fucking us up. They need approval and some say in coaching decisions...and will only take on coaches that agree to that. They don't allow anyone to take total control of the program so as to not corrupt the Auburn way.....and if we lose a few games along the way at least we haven't lost our integrity and we are still Auburn.

It's bullshit.
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Re: What's Killing Auburn
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2016, 09:38:54 AM »
First and foremost: A run/play action guru should never allow his stable of backs to get so thin in numbers. UGA might lose a couple of theirs but they can still run it.
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Re: What's Killing Auburn
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2016, 09:50:13 AM »
First and foremost: A run/play action guru should never allow his stable of backs to get so thin in numbers. UGA might lose a couple of theirs but they can still run it.

If UGA lost their top 3 returning rushers, they'd have a roster situation like we do: bodies with no experience.
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You can keep a wooden stake in your trunk
On the off-chance that the fairy tales ain't bunk
And Imma keep a bottle of that funk
To get motel parking lot, balcony crunk.


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Re: What's Killing Auburn
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2016, 09:52:11 AM »
Nevermind, I was being specific. You guys are looking systemic.
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Re: What's Killing Auburn
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2016, 09:55:27 AM »
I wonder if it isn't the misguided attempts at trying to keep it a family affair that aren't fucking us up. They need approval and some say in coaching decisions...and will only take on coaches that agree to that. They don't allow anyone to take total control of the program so as to not corrupt the Auburn way.....and if we lose a few games along the way at least we haven't lost our integrity and we are still Auburn.

It's bullshit.

We can't be both.  You said it so much better than me. 

We can either be the Auburn of my youth, the one I remember and grew to love because it was Auburn -- not a football factory -- or we can stay in the war to be a super power. 

Even still, I think we are going about the super power war in entirely the wrong way.  My parents bought season tickets for as long as I can remember.  They didn't always use them and they'd give them away to friends and family.  About the time Jacobs came along the strings they had to pull to keep having the right to buy the tickets got longer and longer.  Season ticket holders for 20+ years and then "well, you'll have to contribute $XXX to stay in that spot!"  and next year it's more.  And next year, "we're moving you from the seats you've always had"  They weren't primo, but were in the lower level at about the 20 -- moving to the end zone.  And then moving to the upper deck.  And then "Hey, you've got to pay $XXXXXXXX to keep those upper deck seats!"   They said fuck it and gave up.   That's not right. 
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Re: What's Killing Auburn
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2016, 11:10:22 AM »
We can't be both.  You said it so much better than me. 

We can either be the Auburn of my youth, the one I remember and grew to love because it was Auburn -- not a football factory -- or we can stay in the war to be a super power. 

Even still, I think we are going about the super power war in entirely the wrong way.  My parents bought season tickets for as long as I can remember.  They didn't always use them and they'd give them away to friends and family.  About the time Jacobs came along the strings they had to pull to keep having the right to buy the tickets got longer and longer.  Season ticket holders for 20+ years and then "well, you'll have to contribute $XXX to stay in that spot!"  and next year it's more.  And next year, "we're moving you from the seats you've always had"  They weren't primo, but were in the lower level at about the 20 -- moving to the end zone.  And then moving to the upper deck.  And then "Hey, you've got to pay $XXXXXXXX to keep those upper deck seats!"   They said fuck it and gave up.   That's not right.

     Unfortunately, that happens everywhere.  I've had the same seats in Ark for almost twenty years now, but the next donation increase will probably be the end for me.  I'll let all the corporate wonks sit there on their hands and just watch from home.
     Welcome to modern college football, which seems to be only about 3 or 4 years from just giving up and becoming an NFL minor league.  I expect the band to be phased out any time, with a new club zone set up in that area that costs eleventy billion a year for seat licenses.  The band takes too much time away from commercials on the mega jumbo tron anyway, and we can always play more rap music over the PA.
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Re: What's Killing Auburn
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2016, 11:12:56 AM »
You are discussing two different aspects IMO.  There is Jacobs and then there is progress.  Is it the Auburn you knew growing up...no, hell it's not even the Auburn I attended in the 90's.  However, you can't be a good football program and not expect progress you can't even be a good program.  You can't go into the past.

You have to have progress, the more expensive tickets, the big screen, stadium expansion,  better facilities it all has to be done, or you will become irrelevant.  None of that aspect of what Jacobs has done bothers me.  I like to see that we are growing, at the same time yes it makes me sad, but things change.  It's the way it is....cars don't cost $500 and houses don't cost $10000. It's progress...like it or not.

You are dead right about other aspects of Jacobs, my problem with Jacobs is his portrayal as an "Owner" it's his decisions regarding tailgating, it's his need to have CONTROL.  As an AD you shouldn't be out front with your face smiling, let the coach do what he needs to do stay out of it.  I also think the problem runs deeper than that. It's our BOT as well, they are the ones that put Jacobs in power because they wanted a yes man.  Well he is the ultimate suck-up, the used car salesman with the cheesy grin and the slicked hair. 

I have no faith in any football hires Jacobs makes, and I don't know if I have faith that if we fired Jacobs our BOT would put anyone else better in the position.

I love my Auburn family, but it's BS to me that we go after coaches that have "Auburn" ties and that also seems to be a Jacob's mentality.  Fuck that... get the best person for the job.  If I am hiring someone sure if they are an Auburn Grad they are going to get top billing, but if they aren't right for the job or dumb as a box of rocks I wouldn't hire them because of "Auburn ties".  Football seems to be the only sport we consistently try to do that.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 11:19:21 AM by Godfather »
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Re: What's Killing Auburn
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2016, 11:22:08 AM »
     Unfortunately, that happens everywhere.  I've had the same seats in Ark for almost twenty years now, but the next donation increase will probably be the end for me.  I'll let all the corporate wonks sit there on their hands and just watch from home.
     Welcome to modern college football, which seems to be only about 3 or 4 years from just giving up and becoming an NFL minor league.  I expect the band to be phased out any time, with a new club zone set up in that area that costs eleventy billion a year for seat licenses.  The band takes too much time away from commercials on the mega jumbo tron anyway, and we can always play more rap music over the PA.
The band has already been squeezed out of the pre-kickoff music anyway in favor of Young Joc and trance music.
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Re: What's Killing Auburn
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2016, 11:37:16 AM »
The band has already been squeezed out of the pre-kickoff music anyway in favor of Young Joc and trance music.

Nailed a major pet peeve for Snags.  Hell, they play that crap OVER the band. 

More expensive to attend games?  Yeah, that's been covered above.  Not gonna' change.  Other than that, it's still the same Auburn it's always been.  Same Auburn family.  Same Auburn traditions. 
I'll be at Joe's come September 3rd eating barbecue and getting lubed up for Clemson.

Y'all can join me or stay your ass at home.  Either way...     
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Re: What's Killing Auburn
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2016, 11:50:03 AM »
Nailed a major pet peeve for Snags.  Hell, they play that crap OVER the band. 

More expensive to attend games?  Yeah, that's been covered above.  Not gonna' change.  Other than that, it's still the same Auburn it's always been.  Same Auburn family.  Same Auburn traditions. 
I'll be at Joe's come September 3rd eating barbecue and getting lubed up for Clemson.

Y'all can join me or stay your ass at home.  Either way...   

At a different location...by the humming dishes that give you the brain pains.
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Re: What's Killing Auburn
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2016, 11:54:15 AM »
At a different location...by the humming dishes that give you the brain pains.

But a healthy glow.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."

Re: What's Killing Auburn
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2016, 12:05:03 PM »
I'll be there, I always am (not with you, Snags. I haven't kissed enough ass to get your seats) And I don't have a problem with paying more for tickets, fuck I pay more for everything every year. But I get disheartened about our future...with the hoops that are in place for our present and future coaches...we will never be anything but middle of the pack. I wouldn't necessarily mind that if we were a shitty program with no history of greatness...but we aren't that. And it's the hope that is killing me. the hope that rises every year only to be crushed by mid season(if not earlier) more often than not. And why? Because we won't let a coach do what he needs to do to win. I don't know what that is, I don't pretend to know because I'm not a fucking coach. But I know when I hire someone to do something...I get someone that knows how to do said job, I tell him what I want done, and i leave him to HIS business. Then I can pat myself on the back for the end result  and for hiring such a competent bastard. End of Story.
How is this so hard for Auburn?
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