Yea I said it that way, 9 less scumbags who walk around and yes I used the color joke because the only reason these are mentioned is because the females are black. I am tired of being portrayed as a racist simply because I am a white male. Disagree with anybody of color, racist, do not hire someone who happens to be any color, racist. Fire them for doing a shitty job, racist, but wait I wasn't racist when I hired them?
Let me preface with what I about to say with I hate most people and all (people groups).
In this day and age why do we have:
Miss Black America
United negro college fund
(In softball) Black world softball
Union's for only black members-mostly city/state/federal workers (police-etc)
The new black panthers
Jesse Jackson/ Al Sharpton
All the above groups strictly promote one color over another.
But yet I am racist simply cause I am a white male. Just ask any of the above groups. 
The other night, I'm having crazy sex with this girl and she keeps hollering the "N word" over and over. It was really weird. She kept going, "Nooo" "Noooo".
Funny how all of you suddenly got uptight thinking I was talking about the real "N word", then you went, "Oh thank God, it was only a rape joke."
+2 to Sam Morril