Found this. Very well discussed;
Let me ask you something, have you read or studied the Quran? If you have not actually studied it for considerable length of time and referenced it to its other religious text such as the Hadiths, then you will have formed an opinion out of thin air or had your opinion influenced by mainstream media!
If you do not want to admit it's possible that you are mistaken or that you do not have enough knowledge or information to fully understand this problem then you are deliberately or wilfully choosing not to be open-minded or rather to cling to your opinion with emotional conviction.
It's not my intent to argue or insult you but rather explain to you in a short a space as possible why this is happening!
I studied the Quran in 6 islamic scholars approved translations as well as the Hadiths for three years, I referenced it to other books and videos and took notes while studying this topic so I could fully and completely understand the truth without biased outside influences!
I can prove to you what most people already know and that is that every single act of Islamic terrorism was inspired by the teachings in the Quran and by mimicking the behaviour of their profit Mohammed.
Even the murder of innocence and rape of women is inspired and approved of in their holy teachings!
Islam literally commands its followers to murder non-Muslims, infidel, Christians, Jews and even other Mahometans if they do not obey Islamic law! It promises them heavenly rewards in exchange for this murder especially if they lose their life while fighting the battles of Allah.
It is irrelevant what your or my personal belief is on God but I'm sure we can both agree that our understanding of God does not include heavenly rewards for murdering people that do not agree with our narrative!
Islamic religious text commands it's followers to spread until every land their foot touches belongs to Allah.
If you study history as I also have, you would see that Islam has behaved this way since it's inception, constantly at war, spreading and gaining members by force! In recent history the rise and fall of the ottoman empire would be a good starting point. One problem I encounter is people say "but that was a long time ago we have evolved since then" yes WE have, but they are not permitted to evolve or change they are forever frozen in a barbaric control ideology from the year 610AD. They have been at war since 622AD
If we keep making excuses for them or try to blame certain factions of the organization then we are only doing ourselves, our children and our culture a great disservice!
They are simply not ready to join a civilized society like ours and by allowing them access to our lives we have invited the very terrorism we see happening all around the world on a regular basis!
If we do not aggressively address this ominous threat now then our grandchildren will suffer dearly for our cowardice and wilful ignorance!
It's one thing to make a mistake and never repeat it but for us to make a mistake and then defend it because we do not want to admit we were wrong out of some misguided fear that we are somehow responsible for the tragedy that follows our mistake is not becoming of modern civilized people, WE must defend our culture, values, freedom and the safety of our children!
Islam and peace cannot coexist if you need me to bring over a copy of the Quran and show you firsthand so you can see for yourself I would be very happy to do so because I only want our children to grow up in the same wonderful culture that I had the privilege of growing up in!