you're naive to think on a macro-global scale the earth isn't warming, currently. is it a cycle? not sure, but i'm confident we'll not see it go the other way in our life nor our children's life nor in the life of our grandchildren.
caused by man...well not all of it but i firmly believe we've synergized the progression. do i drive a truck and pull a travel trailer getting 9.5 mpg ...heck yeah. i want to enjoy life but i do feel the need to be a steward of the land, my home and community.
in a global microscale i believe you'll see cool down and warm ups, more snow here and less etc... what's the deal with these mega storms...again this is probably a result of earth's cycles. will they become more so?...not sure. heck the Atlantic basin [huricanes] is quite and as been for 2 years.
of course the scientist are going to put a fear spin on it...they need funding. a lot of them voted for Obama and they will do the same for Clinton. problem is they aren't conservationist nor stewards. they are alarmist. they use the media to do it and the media sucks it right up. then the people follow.