Your mistake is thinking I'm Chopper and give a fuck less what anyone in this thread thinks about me. He whipped your ass in debate until, just like you're doing now, you strayed from the actual debate and into personal insults and your false reality. The difference is he was insecure about his popularity, where I could not give less of a shit. So what you think is a crushing ego blow is just more hilarious distortion of the truth.
Run a popularity poll. See if I cry when you win by 200%. Doesn't change that you're either stupid or a liar. Just say which one, man.
When everybody thinks you have a problem but you? Hmmmm.
Chopper...whipped my ass? He couldn't even reach me. It is to laugh.
For what it's worth C'zad (and for the millionth time) I've not insulted you in this thread or any other. Still haven't. Not gonna. That's something else everybody else sees but you. Him I insulted. But I don't do that any more.
Your feelings are hurt because you think you're laying the wood to me when I'm merely toying with the entire thing for the sport of it. You expect huzzahs!! for your magnificent skill in slicing and dicing little ole me with your Clintonian intelligence. Except you're not doing it. You're not getting it. All the links and the big long multi-quote responses (that I doled right back, bad on me...) just made you look churlish and irrational. Whatever point you may have had was lost in the tantrum. Lost on me and pretty much everybody else.
Quite honestly, I feel badly for you. I actually like you from what I know of you and think you make a rational case in most instances. You're a good ally when you're on the same page with me or whoever. Here though? You just fell completely off the beam and as your old pal chopper used to say "crapped your slacks..." It was difficult to watch. You got emotionally involved (deeply) when I never really gave much of a fuck except to repeatedly state "anybody but Hillary." That is and was my only real position. No link you were ever going to post, no condescending characterization of Trump or his supporters, no picture of Doobie Johnson's drowsy face was ever going to change my mind. And still won't. Well, maybe. If you find that picture of Trump actually eating live babies or if you get a signed note from Jesus or Moses saying I should vote for somebody else, then maybe. Otherwise I'm pretty much entrenched.
I'm sorry you couldn't get anybody on your wagon.
Say, will I have to post a link for that poll? Because if I do I'm not going to bother running it.
I will just borrow this one:

Just make all the dates 2016. I am wide column stores, you are object oriented dbms, Dallas is relational dbms.