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Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all


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Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« on: June 22, 2016, 04:55:06 PM »
Rut Row


WASHINGTON (AP) — State Department staffers wrestled for weeks in December 2010 over a serious technical problem with then-Secretary Hillary Clinton's home email server, causing them to temporarily disable security features that left the server more vulnerable to hackers, according to emails released Wednesday.

Just weeks later, according to previously disclosed emails, hackers attacked the server, forcing Clinton's staff to shut it down. The next day, one of Clinton's closest aides, Huma Abedin, wrote to other high ranking staff: "Don't email hrc (Clinton) anything sensitive. I can explain more in person."

The emails were released under court order Wednesday to the conservative legal advocacy group Judicial Watch, which has sued the State Department over access to public records related to the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee's service as the nation's top diplomat between 2009 and 2013.

The emails, reviewed by The Associated Press, show that State Department technical staff disabled software intended to block phishing emails that could deliver dangerous viruses. They were trying urgently to resolve an apparent conflict between the server's built-in email delivery features with a version of "ScanMail for Exchange" security software from Trend Micro Inc. that had been installed on her server. Clinton has not previously described any security protections on her server.

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"This should trump all other activities," a senior technical official, Ken LaVolpe, told IT employees in a Dec. 17, 2010, email. Another senior State Department official, Thomas W. Lawrence, wrote days later in an email that Abedin personally was asking for an update about the server repairs. Abedin and Clinton, who both used the private server, had complained that emails each sent to State Department employees were not being reliably received.

After technical staffers turned off some security features, Lawrence cautioned in an email, "We view this as a Band-Aid and fear it's not 100 percent fully effective."

Clinton has repeatedly denied there is any evidence her private email server ever was breached. Her campaign did not immediately provide comment Wednesday.

On Jan. 9, 2011, a State Department IT staffer was forced to shut down Clinton's server because he believed "someone was trying to hack us." Later that day, he wrote, "We were attacked again so I shut (the server) down for a few min." It was one of several occasions when email access to Clinton's BlackBerry smartphone was disrupted because her private server was down, according to the documents.

The AP reported last year that in the early morning hours of Aug. 3, 2011, Clinton received infected emails, disguised as speeding tickets from New York. The emails instructed recipients to print the attached tickets. Opening an attachment would have allowed hackers to take over control of a victim's computer.

In a blistering audit released last month, the State Department's inspector general concluded that Clinton and her team ignored clear internal guidance that her email setup broke federal standards and could leave sensitive material vulnerable to hackers. Her aides twice brushed aside concerns, in one case telling technical staff "the matter was not to be discussed further," the report said.

The State Department has released more than 52,000 pages of Clinton's work-related emails, including some that have since been classified. Clinton has withheld thousands of additional emails, saying they were personal. The emails released Wednesday were not made available until after the inspector general's office published its report, and Judicial Watch asked a federal judge to force the State Department to turn them over.

The case is one of about three dozen lawsuits over access to records related to Clinton's time as secretary, including one filed by the AP. As part of its ongoing suit, lawyers from Judicial Watch on Wednesday questioned Bryan Pagliano, a former IT staffer for Clinton who helped set up the server, under oath. According to the group, Pagliano repeatedly responded to questions by invoking his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, as he did last year before a congressional committee.

The FBI is also investigating whether Clinton's use of the private email server imperiled government secrets. It has recently interviewed Clinton's top aides, including former chief of staff Cheryl Mills and deputy chief of staff Abedin.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said in a speech Wednesday that Clinton's email server "was easily hacked by foreign governments." Trump cited no new evidence that hackers had successfully breached Clinton's server, but he said unspecified enemies of the United States were in possession of all her emails.

"So they probably now have a blackmail file over someone who wants to be President of the United States. This fact alone disqualifies her from the presidency," Trump said. "We can't hand over our government to someone whose deepest, darkest secrets may be in the hands of our enemies."


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« Last Edit: June 22, 2016, 05:25:31 PM by AUTailgatingRules »
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Re: Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2016, 05:19:54 PM »
I'm sorry but your link has been disallowed. 

It did not come from the monkey cage, which is of the utmost integrity.  Therefore. 

Also, how can this possibly be an issue when Trump has bad hair and watches Xena the Warrior Phobe when he isn't making Misty ogling commentaries. 
« Last Edit: June 22, 2016, 05:21:27 PM by Kaos »
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Re: Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2016, 05:35:40 PM »
I'm sorry but your link has been disallowed. 

It did not come from the monkey cage, which is of the utmost integrity.  Therefore. 

Also, how can this possibly be an issue when Trump has bad hair and watches Xena the Warrior Phobe when he isn't making Misty ogling commentaries.
Stop this dipshittery.

I've never ever ever ever ever excused her for this shit and agree it is a huge problem. And have expressed it clearly hundreds of times on TigersX.com.

Here is case # 5,937,652 in the last month of you pants-shitting at the opportunity to hurl idiotic, needless insults, and I AGREE WITH YOU ON THIS, even though you want to build another goddamn strawman because THAT IS ALL YOU ARE FUCKING CAPABLE OF in discussion.

You are so goddamn pathetic with this shit, it is humiliating to watch. Just fucking stop being such a goddamn baby.

Point to the "Monkey Cage" article so I can point you to the same information in a mainstream media article so you can quit your idiotic false equivalence horseshit that whatever site I used to post FACTS in graph form is not the same thing as CCTAU's dipshit memes or Redliberty.mediafire.biz articles equivocating a hate group with a group of lawyers.

Have a conversation like a goddamn adult for once in your fucking life.
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Re: Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2016, 05:57:36 PM »
Stop this dipshittery.

I've never ever ever ever ever excused her for this shit and agree it is a huge problem. And have expressed it clearly hundreds of times on TigersX.com.

Here is case # 5,937,652 in the last month of you pants-shitting at the opportunity to hurl idiotic, needless insults, and I AGREE WITH YOU ON THIS, even though you want to build another goddamn strawman because THAT IS ALL YOU ARE FUCKING CAPABLE OF in discussion.

You are so goddamn pathetic with this shit, it is humiliating to watch. Just fucking stop being such a goddamn baby.

Point to the "Monkey Cage" article so I can point you to the same information in a mainstream media article so you can quit your idiotic false equivalence horseshit that whatever site I used to post FACTS in graph form is not the same thing as CCTAU's dipshit memes or Redliberty.mediafire.biz articles equivocating a hate group with a group of lawyers.

Have a conversation like a goddamn adult for once in your fucking life.

She is going to be your president if you and enough people vote for the pro marijuana Gary Johnson.

Just saying
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Re: Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2016, 06:02:02 PM »
Stop this dipshittery.

I've never ever ever ever ever excused her for this shit and agree it is a huge problem. And have expressed it clearly hundreds of times on TigersX.com.

Here is case # 5,937,652 in the last month of you pants-shitting at the opportunity to hurl idiotic, needless insults, and I AGREE WITH YOU ON THIS, even though you want to build another goddamn strawman because THAT IS ALL YOU ARE FUCKING CAPABLE OF in discussion.

You are so goddamn pathetic with this shit, it is humiliating to watch. Just fucking stop being such a goddamn baby.

Point to the "Monkey Cage" article so I can point you to the same information in a mainstream media article so you can quit your idiotic false equivalence horseshit that whatever site I used to post FACTS in graph form is not the same thing as CCTAU's dipshit memes or Redliberty.mediafire.biz articles equivocating a hate group with a group of lawyers.

Have a conversation like a goddamn adult for once in your fucking life.

It's after 5.  You can start drinking now. 

Keep doing it until you mellow out a bit.  The Internet is not serious business. 

You are so goddamn pathetic with this shit, it is humiliating to watch. Just fucking stop being such a goddamn baby.

Might I also suggest a shiny mirror? Or a shoe that fits?
« Last Edit: June 22, 2016, 06:04:41 PM by Kaos »
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Re: Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2016, 06:16:06 PM »
She is going to be your president if you and enough people vote for the pro marijuana Gary Johnson.

Just saying
Not if he wins. Not if others get on board, which I think is perfectly reasonable given the choices the two parties have offered as a result in this unprecedented, completely insane 2016 election cycle.

By the way, there is NO (read "N-O") study or poll that shows Johnson is taking more votes from Trump than he is Hillary. I'm a perfect anecdotal example. If I was FORCED to vote for one of these fucks, it would be Hillary. Sorry. But I'm not. You should be happy. He is pulling 3% from Hillary, 3% from Trump, 3% from "Other" and 1% from "Not voting". (http://reason.com/blog/2016/06/16/gary-johnson-taking-the-same-support-fro)

I think her compulsive lying is repulsive, but not any worse than Trump's and still think she is capable of cognitive thought and Trump is a drooling fucking idiot.

The reward of a possible Johnson presidency is completely worth the "risk" of not letting Forrest Trump wreck the country to me.

Speaking of, watch CNN tonight at 8pm for a Townhall with Johnson.
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Re: Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2016, 06:30:58 PM »
I call bullshit on this bullshit. State Department knew about it? And now, @wishes to cover billary's ass. LAME.

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Re: Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2016, 09:45:51 PM »
Not if he wins. Not if others get on board, which I think is perfectly reasonable given the choices the two parties have offered as a result in this unprecedented, completely insane 2016 election cycle.

By the way, there is NO (read "N-O") study or poll that shows Johnson is taking more votes from Trump than he is Hillary. I'm a perfect anecdotal example. If I was FORCED to vote for one of these fucks, it would be Hillary. Sorry. But I'm not. You should be happy. He is pulling 3% from Hillary, 3% from Trump, 3% from "Other" and 1% from "Not voting". (http://reason.com/blog/2016/06/16/gary-johnson-taking-the-same-support-fro)

I think her compulsive lying is repulsive, but not any worse than Trump's and still think she is capable of cognitive thought and Trump is a drooling fucking idiot.

The reward of a possible Johnson presidency is completely worth the "risk" of not letting Forrest Trump wreck the country to me.

Speaking of, watch CNN tonight at 8pm for a Townhall with Johnson.

I'm sorry, this is not the University of Alabama athletic department. 

3 + 3 + 3 + 1 does not equal diddly shit.  If you honestly think this fruitbat is coming close to drawing 10% of the vote you've been to Colorado, bought out half the cannabis stores there and then smoked it all. 

Kanye West would get more votes. 

There is NO possible Johnson presidency, unless you're talking Andrew or Lyndon (either of which are currently drawing more votes than Gary).

This is Jerry Brown, Ralph Nader, Pat Paulsen, Breckenridge, Lester Maddox, John Anderson, Pat Buchanan shit  all over again.  We've seen it a million times and it always comes to the same result. 

The ONLY third party candidate that EVER had a chance to make noise was George Corley Wallace.  I'd vote for him today before I'd wad up my vote and shove it up a wild hog's ass by voting for Gary "No Chance in Hell" Johnson. 

Are you even aware that this rip van winkle in a bad suit ran in 2012?  Well, he did.  And when the votes were in, he failed to capture 1%.  He really rocked his home fucking state, though.  Got a whopping 3.5% there. 

Why don't you just write in a vote for Batman?  Have a better chance with that. 

BTW:  Your futile Johnson screed has absolutely ZERO to do with Hillary Clinton lying to the American public about sensitive and classified information being exposed or any of the other fraudulent, self-serving statements she's made. 

So please stop building scarecrows and get back to the topic at hand.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2016, 09:55:46 PM by Kaos »
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Re: Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2016, 10:00:09 PM »
I'm sorry, this is not the University of Alabama athletic department. 

3 + 3 + 3 + 1 does not equal diddly shit.  If you honestly think this fruitbat is coming close to drawing 10% of the vote you've been to Colorado, bought out half the cannabis stores there and then smoked it all. 

Kanye West would get more votes. 

There is NO possible Johnson presidency, unless you're talking Andrew or Lyndon (either of which are currently drawing more votes than Gary).

This is Jerry Brown, Ralph Nader, Pat Paulsen, Breckenridge, Lester Maddox, John Anderson, Pat Buchanan shit  all over again.  We've seen it a million times and it always comes to the same result. 

The ONLY third party candidate that EVER had a chance to make noise was George Corley Wallace.  I'd vote for him today before I'd wad up my vote and shove it up a wild hog's ass by voting for Gary "No Chance in Hell" Johnson. 

Are you even aware that this rip van winkle in a bad suit ran in 2012?  Well, he did.  And when the votes were in, he failed to capture 1%.  He really rocked his home fucking state, though.  Got a whopping 3.5% there. 

Why don't you just write in a vote for Batman?  Have a better chance with that. 

BTW:  Your futile Johnson screed has absolutely ZERO to do with Hillary Clinton lying to the American public about sensitive and classified information being exposed or any of the other fraudulent, self-serving statements she's made. 

So please stop building scarecrows and get back to the topic at hand.

I voted for him then when I knew he had no chance and was OK with Obama and kinda liked Romney.

I sure as shit am voting for him now that I despise both candidates, along with the majority of the country, and he actually has a chance to at least make a dent, lending legitimacy to the Libertarian party.

As for the part you just tacked on at the end, which is it? Stupid or liar? You are one or the other.

I replied FUCKING DIRECTLY to this post. Not to you.
She is going to be your president if you and enough people vote for the pro marijuana Gary Johnson.

Just saying

« Last Edit: June 22, 2016, 10:12:32 PM by AUChizad »
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Re: Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2016, 10:11:11 PM »
I voted for him then when I knew her had no chance and was OK with Obama and kinda liked Romney.

I sure as shit am voting for him now that I despise both candidates, along with the majority of the country, and he actually has a chance to at least make a dent, lending legitimacy to the Libertarian party.

As for the part you just tacked on at the end, which is it? Stupid or liar? You are one or the other.

I replied FUCKING DIRECTLY to this post. Not to you.

You're an angry elf.
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Re: Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2016, 10:11:53 PM »
You're an angry elf.
You're an idiot and/or liar.

I'm done sugar coating it.
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Re: Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2016, 10:22:03 PM »
Do you see no irony here that you posted this earlier in the thread, despite the fact that I have NEVER said a goddamn thing about his physical appearance or any other such petty shit:
Also, how can this possibly be an issue when Trump has bad hair and watches Xena the Warrior Phobe when he isn't making Misty ogling commentaries.
And then a few posts later, your primary issue with Johnson is:
Are you even aware that this rip van winkle in a bad suit ran in 2012?
Stupid or liar?
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Re: Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2016, 10:30:07 PM »
You're an idiot and/or liar.

I'm done sugar coating it.

Good, I'm cutting back on sugar these days. 

Since you happen to know that I'm neither of those things, perhaps you better check yourself as you've wrecked yourself. 
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Re: Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2016, 10:39:07 PM »
I sincerely apologize to AuTailgatingRules for strewing bait in his serious thread.  I knew it would lure poo flingers and it did. 

I promise to try to keep from provoking the poo flings from this point forward. 

But I must bash Hillary, her awful stained teeth (with blood maybe?), her hideous hairdo and her Kim Jong IlUn pants suits.  She's abominable. 

She's lying without any reservation, changing her story as it suits her and proving that she does not have the integrity or self-awareness to be a city councilman, much less the president.

The woman is evil.  And if she is elected, I figure I'll regret saying this because she's going to badly use the resources at her disposal to extract petty retribution against everyone who spoke against her withered ass.  Because that's who she is.  She's vindictive and petty. 

That's the topic, not Doobie Johnson's rumpled, sleepy, straw-haired appearance. 
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Re: Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2016, 10:39:10 PM »
Good, I'm cutting back on sugar these days. 

Since you happen to know that I'm neither of those things, perhaps you better check yourself as you've wrecked yourself.
Did you see that my first mention of Johnson cake was after I was directly addressed about him, and then lied that I brought it up first, or are you fucking illiterate and were unable to read and process what transpired?

Stupid or liar? A or B?

Do you not recognize your hypocrisy in accusing me of superficial complaints about Trump (feel free to copy and paste where I ever did) and yet a couple posts later, express petty superficial complaints about Johnson? Or are you gonna deny the hypocrisy?

Stupid or liar? A or B?
« Last Edit: June 22, 2016, 10:46:31 PM by AUChizad »
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Re: Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2016, 10:41:15 PM »
Johnson cake

I THOUGHT we were cutting back on sugar.  And then you come up with cake.

Wait, is it one of those nasty sugar free ones?  I tried those and they don't taste right. 
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Re: Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2016, 01:13:01 AM »
If I ever reaches the point where I would vote for hitlary in any election. Or I was ever "OK" with obama, I would hope I have the balls to kill myself!
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2016, 10:29:35 AM »
I sincerely apologize to AuTailgatingRules for strewing bait in his serious thread.  I knew it would lure poo flingers and it did. 
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Re: Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« Reply #18 on: June 23, 2016, 10:45:25 AM »
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Maybe the server wasn't so secure after all
« Reply #19 on: June 23, 2016, 11:07:47 AM »
She's crooked Hillary for a reason folks! Most corrupt politician in our lifetimes.
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