Where the fuck was this Fred Thompson when the Repubs were selecting a candidate? Talk about hitting the nail right on the head... It's the S&L Crisis all over again. The same problem... gubmet, and it's going to involve similar "solutions"... brought about by gubmet. I'm sure that we'll see another RTC to deal with a lot of these "bank owned" properties just as we did with the S&L situation. The Dummycrats are gloating over this, a problem they were primarily responsible for creating in the first place, while the rest of us are left shaking our heads. I said it before, and I'll say it again... LET THEM FAIL. It's a violation of natural order to enact a bailout. Companies that make bad decisions are supposed to go out of business. People who make bad choices are supposed to get burned. Stupidity should be painful. We're doing nothing more than reinforcing bad behavior with this bailout.