Two Birthdays today. First, the Athens Assassin, AUTiger1 is another year older...and not aging well. The "Double your pleasure" was in reference to MRS. Dallas. Even though we all hate that guy, we hope Dallas ascends the twin peaks this evening and makes her birthday a good one.
The Mrs. is flying to Paris with a GIRL friend for her 50th. So Dallas plans on spending time on the golf course the next two weeks. (weather permitting)
we hope Dallas ascends the twin peaks this evening and makes her birthday a good one.
Congrats and condolences.
Have a great time in Paris, Buzzy!
Send me a postcard. Crude, but you get the idea.
That's not how that works. That's not how any of that works.
i see london, i see france, i see scott in mrsdallas' undiepants.
That looks photoshopped.
I think you are right....that dude in the blue shirt is standing while everyone else is sitting.....Dead giveaway.
That speaker tower is also out of place.