Thoughts on this? Anyone?
And this?
Mr. Trump isn't able to address this, so I will do it for him. And in the manner and words in which I believe that he would rebuff.
Answer: " Yes, I have thoughts. I think you are a moron. A complete lying jackass.
There was not one, single contradiction in that entire montage because the person who put that together...who is a communist by the way....took every word out of context.
I mean, sure, I have changed my opinions on some things through the years. I think most people will agree that's how we grow as humans. We advance through being enlightened, which is what I'm bringing to the presidency. Enlightenment people!
And GH, you are idiotic, sir. An idiot. Hillary is the worst candidate we've ever had. Ever! And that's including Bernie Sanders, who would've beat her if people didn't start getting whacked but that's another story. Maybe she can email it to you if she can find it.
Bottom line is Hillary is crooked and GH is a moronic idiot for even posting this. The worst poster in x history, most people agree.
Next question?"