You know, I went back and read through Chizad's ridiculous babble (just the most recent post, not all of it) because I wanted to be fair. Benefit of the doubt and all.
In addition to

I must also add

I said Trump was a nationalist. Chizad immediately went off screaming about NATO and how a quote Trump made about taking care of our own problems before trying to be the example to the world belies that statement.
Ummmmm.... NATO isn't America. Taking care of our own issues first is nationalist to me.
Maybe he misunderstood or maybe I just used the term in a way he failed to understand. In my view, Obama and Hillbillary the Fuckwhore, for that matter, are globalists. Always more concerned with the world than they are their own back yards. Obama sees himself as Emperor to the World moreso than he does America's leader. That dusty pants-suited bitch sees herself as Queen.
Trump is more nationally focused. And I completely agree with that. We've become the drunken, broke, shabby uncle who still tries to give everybody else in the family advice on how to live their lives and who inserts himself into the business of others where his opinion isn't wanted or needed.
We've got to take care of what's happening here before we can trot around the globe and solve everybody else's problems.
Trump (and he's not the only one, but he's the one now running for president) sees that clearly.
If Chizad doesn't think Obama has empowered global terrorism with his mewling rhetoric and Islama-friendly attitudes then that's his problem. ISIS (or ISIL as Imam Obama likes to call them) exists in large part because of the idiotic foreign policy decisions made by this Islama-Prez and the piece of crap the democrats just nominated for president. That entire region is a greater danger to the US than it was before they were in charge, and it is so because of their bumbling as well as their bowing and scraping in front of Islam.
I have a good friend whose parents came from Cuba during the Castro regime. I don't care if Fidel is on his deathbed or driving a purple 1939 Ford with a chrome shifter knob down Pennsylvania Avenue. Fuck Cuba.
My friend loathes Obama and despises how he groveled in Cuba. He refuses to speak his name and now calls IslamaPrez only "That POS." I'm glad Chizad is ready to be cool with Cuba. My friend isn't and I'll take his position -- since he's Cuban -- on that. Especially because I like his sandwiches. Maybe it is time to normalize things there. But it wasn't time and will never be time to approach it from a position of weakness. What Obama did made it look like WE were apologizing for being such assholes to Cuba. Should have attacked it from a position of Fuck You strength. Which my friend probably would have embraced. But he didn't.
And that's a major problem with the mealy mouthed Islama-Prez. Everything he does gives the impression that we are capitulating to the whims of others. Always. And mommy parton will be exponentially worse.
Putin appeasement... ha. Nonsensical leftist spin. But whatev. You're okay with Obama sucking the cocks of Islamics, Castros, Mexicans, Argentinians and the rest of the world order but you're going to shit your britches because Trump acknowledges (and maybe even respects) the power of other world leaders -- who do pose a potential threat. Okay.
I have to ask:
Moron or just moronic?