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At least he's not Hillary...


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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #760 on: July 23, 2016, 03:13:30 PM »
Beat his white Ass, Chizzy!

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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #761 on: July 23, 2016, 04:37:03 PM »
Better call the amberlamps because I am a motherfucker.

He leakin'.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2016, 04:38:52 PM by bottomfeeder »
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #762 on: July 23, 2016, 10:13:03 PM »
This whole post is pure and utter delusion. Nothing short of it.
Obama was an Illinois state legislator from 1997 to 2004, when he became a US senator in 2005, until he was elected president in 2008. As a US Senator, he served on the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, the US Senate Committe on Veterans' Affairs, the Committee on Enviornment and Public Works, the Committee on Foreign Relations, and numerous subcommittees of each.

He had over a decade of experience in the Illinois and US Senate before running as a very young president. And yes, he spent the decade before that as a grassroots "Community Organizer". Which still had infinitely more political relevance than anything Trump has ever done.

Oh and Trump "made lots of money" off of his campaign, by using 25% of his campaign finances to fund his own business and children, yeah. But if you mean to say he's a phenomenal business man (as if that's relevant to this point about government experience), he's filed for bankruptcy four times and did less with more than Paris Hilton did so by your standards, she's better qualified to be president.
Such bullshit. You're perfectly willing to pontificate on what this man's faith is, in spite of his own words because YOU KNOW BETTER THAN HE DOES GODDAMMIT, YOU SAW A MEME WITH HIM IN TRADITIONAL MIDDLE-EASTERN GARB WHEN VISITING THE MIDDLE-EAST!!!! UNEXPLAINABLE UNLESS HE'S WITH ISIS!!!

Meanwhile, how dare someone claim to know what's in Trump's heart, even though he flat out said "I am not sure I have (asked for forgiveness). I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. I don't bring God into that picture. I don't." He also referred to taking communion as "when I drink my little wine" and "have my little cracker", referred to "2 Corinthians", is perfectly ok with his daughter converting to Judaism, and the only reference to Christ in "The Art of the Deal" is taking it in vain with an anectdote about his father saying "For Christ's sake, Mary. Enough is enough, turn it off".
Bullshit. See response #1.
A White Nationalist.

As for being just a Nationalist, he's doing it wrong. Told the New York Times he wouldn't defend NATO allies against a Russian invasion, which is the primary original purpose of NATO. Then his campaign tried to deny he said that, and then video of him saying it was released. Whoops.

Then also in the same interview he said:
Doesn't sound very nationalistic to me. "Who are we to judge? We as Americans have no moral standing because we've got plenty of problems here of our own! #BlackLivesMatter!"

Just try reading that quote again in Obama's voice and try not to rage. I dare you.
See above. His "legacy" is set as an oafish reality TV star whose name is synonymous with gaudy.
Hoo boy at this one. He "licked the boots" of ISIS (or ISIL as he wants to call it, whatever) only in your Alex Jones delusional skull. NOT jumping to eradicate and scapegoat an entire religion because of its radicals is hardly supporting Islamic Terrorism. There are hundreds of speeches to choose from of him condemning "ISIL". Cubans? As a free-trade advocate, with Castro having been on his death bed for nearly a decade, I'm ok with trying to mend relations with our geographic neighbor who hasn't posed any real threat for pretty much my entire life. The embargo served its purpose and ran its course.

Trump, on the other hand...

No need to repeat myself.
Add to that he has ramped up his Putin appeasement, as I have already posted these articles in this forum.



Stupid or liar? Almost nothing you say in this forum is anywhere near grounded in reality.

Stupid or liar?

Allow me to retort to each individual section of your response. 

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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #763 on: July 28, 2016, 07:13:50 AM »
You know, I went back and read through Chizad's ridiculous babble (just the most recent post, not all of it) because I wanted to be fair.  Benefit of the doubt and all. 

In addition to  :taunt:  I must also add  :rofl:

I said Trump was a nationalist.  Chizad immediately went off screaming about NATO and how a quote Trump made about taking care of our own problems before trying to be the example to the world belies that statement.


Ummmmm.... NATO isn't America.  Taking care of our own issues first is nationalist to me.

Maybe he misunderstood or maybe I just used the term in a way he failed to understand.  In my view, Obama and Hillbillary the Fuckwhore, for that matter, are globalists.  Always more concerned with the world than they are their own back yards.  Obama sees himself as Emperor to the World moreso than he does America's leader.  That dusty pants-suited bitch sees herself as Queen. 

Trump is more nationally focused.  And I completely agree with that.  We've become the drunken, broke, shabby uncle who still tries to give everybody else in the family advice on how to live their lives and who inserts himself into the business of others where his opinion isn't wanted or needed. 

We've got to take care of what's happening here before we can trot around the globe and solve everybody else's problems.   

Trump (and he's not the only one, but he's the one now running for president) sees that clearly. 

If Chizad doesn't think Obama has empowered global terrorism with his mewling rhetoric and Islama-friendly attitudes then that's his problem.  ISIS (or ISIL as Imam Obama likes to call them) exists in large part because of the idiotic foreign policy decisions made by this Islama-Prez and the piece of crap the democrats just nominated for president.  That entire region is a greater danger to the US than it was before they were in charge, and it is so because of their bumbling as well as their bowing and scraping in front of Islam. 

I have a good friend whose parents came from Cuba during the Castro regime.  I don't care if Fidel is on his deathbed or driving a purple 1939 Ford with a chrome shifter knob down Pennsylvania Avenue.  Fuck Cuba. 

My friend loathes Obama and despises how he groveled in Cuba.  He refuses to speak his name and now calls IslamaPrez only "That POS."    I'm glad Chizad is ready to be cool with Cuba.  My friend isn't and I'll take his position -- since he's Cuban -- on that.  Especially because I like his sandwiches.  Maybe it is time to normalize things there. But it wasn't time and will never be time to approach it from a position of weakness.  What Obama did made it look like WE were apologizing for being such assholes to Cuba.  Should have attacked it from a position of Fuck You strength.  Which my friend probably would have embraced.  But he didn't. 

And that's a major problem with the mealy mouthed Islama-Prez.  Everything he does gives the impression that we are capitulating to the whims of others.  Always.  And mommy parton will be exponentially worse. 


Putin appeasement... ha.  Nonsensical leftist spin.  But whatev.  You're okay with Obama sucking the cocks of Islamics, Castros, Mexicans, Argentinians and the rest of the world order but you're going to shit your britches because Trump acknowledges (and maybe even respects) the power of other world leaders -- who do pose a potential threat.   Okay. 

I have to ask:

Moron or just moronic?


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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #764 on: July 28, 2016, 07:24:01 AM »
You know, I went back and read through Chizad's ridiculous babble (just the most recent post, not all of it) because I wanted to be fair.  Benefit of the doubt and all. 

In addition to  :taunt:  I must also add  :rofl:

I said Trump was a nationalist.  Chizad immediately went off screaming about NATO and how a quote Trump made about taking care of our own problems before trying to be the example to the world belies that statement.


Ummmmm.... NATO isn't America.  Taking care of our own issues first is nationalist to me.

Maybe he misunderstood or maybe I just used the term in a way he failed to understand.  In my view, Obama and Hillbillary the Fuckwhore, for that matter, are globalists.  Always more concerned with the world than they are their own back yards.  Obama sees himself as Emperor to the World moreso than he does America's leader.  That dusty pants-suited bitch sees herself as Queen. 

Trump is more nationally focused.  And I completely agree with that.  We've become the drunken, broke, shabby uncle who still tries to give everybody else in the family advice on how to live their lives and who inserts himself into the business of others where his opinion isn't wanted or needed. 

We've got to take care of what's happening here before we can trot around the globe and solve everybody else's problems.   

Trump (and he's not the only one, but he's the one now running for president) sees that clearly. 

If Chizad doesn't think Obama has empowered global terrorism with his mewling rhetoric and Islama-friendly attitudes then that's his problem.  ISIS (or ISIL as Imam Obama likes to call them) exists in large part because of the idiotic foreign policy decisions made by this Islama-Prez and the piece of crap the democrats just nominated for president.  That entire region is a greater danger to the US than it was before they were in charge, and it is so because of their bumbling as well as their bowing and scraping in front of Islam. 

I have a good friend whose parents came from Cuba during the Castro regime.  I don't care if Fidel is on his deathbed or driving a purple 1939 Ford with a chrome shifter knob down Pennsylvania Avenue.  Fuck Cuba. 

My friend loathes Obama and despises how he groveled in Cuba.  He refuses to speak his name and now calls IslamaPrez only "That POS."    I'm glad Chizad is ready to be cool with Cuba.  My friend isn't and I'll take his position -- since he's Cuban -- on that.  Especially because I like his sandwiches.  Maybe it is time to normalize things there. But it wasn't time and will never be time to approach it from a position of weakness.  What Obama did made it look like WE were apologizing for being such assholes to Cuba.  Should have attacked it from a position of Fuck You strength.  Which my friend probably would have embraced.  But he didn't. 

And that's a major problem with the mealy mouthed Islama-Prez.  Everything he does gives the impression that we are capitulating to the whims of others.  Always.  And mommy parton will be exponentially worse. 


Putin appeasement... ha.  Nonsensical leftist spin.  But whatev.  You're okay with Obama sucking the cocks of Islamics, Castros, Mexicans, Argentinians and the rest of the world order but you're going to shit your britches because Trump acknowledges (and maybe even respects) the power of other world leaders -- who do pose a potential threat.   Okay. 

I have to ask:

Moron or just moronic?


Agreed. AUChizad! was much more popular and respected than chizzy could ever hope to be, yet he was the one that got banned.

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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #765 on: July 28, 2016, 08:01:09 AM »
She should have named Comey as her running mate. If it weren't for him turning a blind eye to her liberties with national security secrets and their attempted cover up, Comrade Bernie would be the one preparing to get steamrolled by Trump.
Yeah, nevermind those polls that say otherwise.
Bernie beats Trump
Trump is deadlocked with Hillary (some polls have Trump beating Hillary now after the email leak)

For whatever reason, the Democrats have decided to continue to ride a dead horse.

Trump's real competition will be from Gary Johnson or maybe Jill Stein.
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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #766 on: July 28, 2016, 10:00:28 AM »
In addition to  :taunt:  I must also add  :rofl:

I said Trump was a nationalist.  Chizad immediately went off screaming about NATO and how a quote Trump made about taking care of our own problems before trying to be the example to the world belies that statement.


Ummmmm.... NATO isn't America.  Taking care of our own issues first is nationalist to me.

Maybe he misunderstood or maybe I just used the term in a way he failed to understand.  In my view, Obama and Hillbillary the Fuckwhore, for that matter, are globalists.  Always more concerned with the world than they are their own back yards.  Obama sees himself as Emperor to the World moreso than he does America's leader.  That dusty pants-suited bitch sees herself as Queen. 

Trump is more nationally focused.  And I completely agree with that.  We've become the drunken, broke, shabby uncle who still tries to give everybody else in the family advice on how to live their lives and who inserts himself into the business of others where his opinion isn't wanted or needed. 

We've got to take care of what's happening here before we can trot around the globe and solve everybody else's problems.   

Trump (and he's not the only one, but he's the one now running for president) sees that clearly. 

Sorry, you're still the one who's confused.

I brought up the NATO thing for two reasons. 1) He's appeasing Putin and more importantly 2) To segue into what he said in that same interview that is about as anti-Nationalist, anti-American Exceptionalism as you can get. Again, read this with Obama's voice and tell me how you like it.

I think right now when it comes to civil liberties, our country has a lot of problems, and I think it’s very hard for us to get involved in other countries when we don’t know what we are doing and we can’t see straight in our own country. We have tremendous problems when you have policemen being shot in the streets, when you have riots, when you have Ferguson. When you have Baltimore. When you have all of the things that are happening in this country — we have other problems, and I think we have to focus on those problems. When the world looks at how bad the United States is, and then we go and talk about civil liberties, I don’t think we’re a very good messenger.

If Chizad doesn't think Obama has empowered global terrorism with his mewling rhetoric and Islama-friendly attitudes then that's his problem.  ISIS (or ISIL as Imam Obama likes to call them) exists in large part because of the idiotic foreign policy decisions made by this Islama-Prez and the piece of crap the democrats just nominated for president.  That entire region is a greater danger to the US than it was before they were in charge, and it is so because of their bumbling as well as their bowing and scraping in front of Islam. 
This is a nothing sandwich. The entire region is in greater danger because Obama was the first president to start meddling there? Bush dindu nuffin? We haven't been a presence in the Middle East for over 50 years?

And I'm not even entirely sure what you're saying since this doesn't jive with your other narrative that Obama & Hillary are Neville Chamberlain. You're mad because he's been at war in the Middle East the entire 8 years of his presidency, or because he's "appeasing" them? Both can't be true. The former definitively, factually, indisputably is true.

I have a good friend whose parents came from Cuba during the Castro regime.  I don't care if Fidel is on his deathbed or driving a purple 1939 Ford with a chrome shifter knob down Pennsylvania Avenue.  Fuck Cuba. 

My friend loathes Obama and despises how he groveled in Cuba.  He refuses to speak his name and now calls IslamaPrez only "That POS."    I'm glad Chizad is ready to be cool with Cuba.  My friend isn't and I'll take his position -- since he's Cuban -- on that.  Especially because I like his sandwiches.  Maybe it is time to normalize things there. But it wasn't time and will never be time to approach it from a position of weakness.  What Obama did made it look like WE were apologizing for being such assholes to Cuba.  Should have attacked it from a position of Fuck You strength.  Which my friend probably would have embraced.  But he didn't. 

And that's a major problem with the mealy mouthed Islama-Prez.  Everything he does gives the impression that we are capitulating to the whims of others.  Always.  And mommy parton will be exponentially worse. 
Cool story, bro. I know Cubans too. More than one, in fact. They agree Castro is POS. But they don't want to see the country they were born in shrivel and die because of that asshole. He's practically dead already for all intents and purposes. Now is the time to decide if we want to be at odds with his successor and have genuine Cuban Montecristos be illegal in the US for another 50+ years, or do we want to be allies with our regional neighbors? Give me a rational reason for the former.


Putin appeasement... ha.  Nonsensical leftist spin.  But whatev.  You're okay with Obama sucking the cocks of Islamics, Castros, Mexicans, Argentinians and the rest of the world order but you're going to shit your britches because Trump acknowledges (and maybe even respects) the power of other world leaders -- who do pose a potential threat.   Okay. 

I have to ask:

Moron or just moronic?
Again, your logic is out of sync. Is he a pussy or is ISIS a product of his intervention in the Middle East? Bush bombed 4 countries (Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Somalia), Obama's bombed 7 (Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Syria). Nearly double. And is commissioned drone strikes that kill Muslim civilians 90% of the time.

I don't think any of that is good, but apparently you do, and you're saying he's just a peacenik that "sucks ISIS's cocks", which is completely divorced from reality.

And Mexico? Argentina? WTF are you talking about? Because he didn't propose "building a wall"? You're wanting to close off trade with these allies because they don't "speak American"?
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #767 on: July 28, 2016, 10:03:32 AM »

------------Cool story, bro. I know Cubans too. More than one, in fact. They agree Castro is POS. But they don't want to see the country they were born in shrivel and die because of that asshole. He's practically dead already for all intents and purposes. Now is the time to decide if we want to be at odds with his successor and have genuine Cuban Montecristos be illegal in the US for another 50+ years, or do we want to be allies with our regional neighbors? Give me a rational reason for the former.

Well the be fair, he actually eats with his Cuban friend.

He doesn't just say their name and walk by as they clean his office building!
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #768 on: July 28, 2016, 10:09:27 AM »
You know, I went back and read through Chizad's ridiculous babble (just the most recent post, not all of it) because I wanted to be fair.  Benefit of the doubt and all. 

In addition to  :taunt:  I must also add  :rofl:

I said Trump was a nationalist.  Chizad immediately went off screaming about NATO and how a quote Trump made about taking care of our own problems before trying to be the example to the world belies that statement.


Ummmmm.... NATO isn't America.  Taking care of our own issues first is nationalist to me.

Maybe he misunderstood or maybe I just used the term in a way he failed to understand.  In my view, Obama and Hillbillary the Fuckwhore, for that matter, are globalists.  Always more concerned with the world than they are their own back yards.  Obama sees himself as Emperor to the World moreso than he does America's leader.  That dusty pants-suited bitch sees herself as Queen. 

Trump is more nationally focused.  And I completely agree with that.  We've become the drunken, broke, shabby uncle who still tries to give everybody else in the family advice on how to live their lives and who inserts himself into the business of others where his opinion isn't wanted or needed. 

We've got to take care of what's happening here before we can trot around the globe and solve everybody else's problems.   

Trump (and he's not the only one, but he's the one now running for president) sees that clearly. 

If Chizad doesn't think Obama has empowered global terrorism with his mewling rhetoric and Islama-friendly attitudes then that's his problem.  ISIS (or ISIL as Imam Obama likes to call them) exists in large part because of the idiotic foreign policy decisions made by this Islama-Prez and the piece of crap the democrats just nominated for president.  That entire region is a greater danger to the US than it was before they were in charge, and it is so because of their bumbling as well as their bowing and scraping in front of Islam. 

I have a good friend whose parents came from Cuba during the Castro regime.  I don't care if Fidel is on his deathbed or driving a purple 1939 Ford with a chrome shifter knob down Pennsylvania Avenue.  Fuck Cuba. 

My friend loathes Obama and despises how he groveled in Cuba.  He refuses to speak his name and now calls IslamaPrez only "That POS."    I'm glad Chizad is ready to be cool with Cuba.  My friend isn't and I'll take his position -- since he's Cuban -- on that.  Especially because I like his sandwiches.  Maybe it is time to normalize things there. But it wasn't time and will never be time to approach it from a position of weakness.  What Obama did made it look like WE were apologizing for being such assholes to Cuba.  Should have attacked it from a position of Fuck You strength.  Which my friend probably would have embraced.  But he didn't. 

And that's a major problem with the mealy mouthed Islama-Prez.  Everything he does gives the impression that we are capitulating to the whims of others.  Always.  And mommy parton will be exponentially worse. 


Putin appeasement... ha.  Nonsensical leftist spin.  But whatev.  You're okay with Obama sucking the cocks of Islamics, Castros, Mexicans, Argentinians and the rest of the world order but you're going to shit your britches because Trump acknowledges (and maybe even respects) the power of other world leaders -- who do pose a potential threat.   Okay. 

I have to ask:

Moron or just moronic? 
Oh and all of this fails to address the major delusion of your original post I was responding to.

Obama has never run anything.  He was a community organizer whatever the fuck that is.  Trump has run a business, hired and fired people. Made and lost money. 

Obama isn't a Christian.  But he pretends to be.  And behaves like a Muslim.  Trump was a Christian. He isn't riding it. Not a big deal.

Obama has no idea how to lead.  He offers vacant words with no background in reality of life experience.  Trump says off the wall shit. But he's led people.
All three of those statements are incontrovertibly, demonstrably false.

The rationalization that Obama, a Senator for a decade "has never run anything" while Trump is qualified as US president because he "has run a business" (just not as well as Paris Hilton) is fantasy-land shit.

And your conspiracies that "OBUMMER IS A MOOZLIM CUZ I SEENT A MEME WITH HIM IN A TURBAN IN A FORWARDED EMAIL!!!" while simultaneously claiming Trump is a morally superior fundamentalist Christian scholar despite flat-out saying he doesn't pray and "doesn't bring God into the picture" is equally staggeringly ignorant.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #769 on: July 28, 2016, 10:13:30 AM »
Such a Nationalist! America First! MAGA! Fuck Mexicans!

Trump seeking more foreign workers for resort, golf course: report
By Rebecca Savransky

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is seeking foreign workers to staff his Mar-A-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Fla. and a nearby golf course, Buzzfeed News reported.

The GOP nominee is reportedly looking to hire 78 servers, housekeepers and cooks to staff his resort and the Trump National Jupiter, a golf course in Jupiter, Fla. The jobs pay between $10.17 an hour for housekeepers to $12.74 an hour for cooks.
The Republican nominee filed applications for temporary visas this month, saying he couldn't find enough American workers to staff the jobs, according to Buzzfeed.

On the campaign trail, Trump often talks about bringing back jobs to this country. During his Republican National Convention speech last week, he said he would "bring our jobs back to Ohio and Pennsylvania and New York and Michigan and all of America."

The GOP nominee has in the past defended his use of guest workers.

"You can't get help," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" last September.

"Getting help in Palm Beach during the season is almost impossible."

An official at Palm Beach's career services service told Buzzfeed last year that the agency had "hundreds of people in our database that would qualify for a lot of those hospitality jobs." The agency now has 1,237 residents of Palm Beach Country interested in server, cook or chef positions, according to Buzzfeed.

The H-2 visas let employers bring in guest workers to fill temporary positions but American workers need to always be given preference.

In the past year, Trump has gotten permission from the Department of Labor to hire at least 149 guest workers, Buzzfeed reported.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #770 on: July 28, 2016, 12:08:27 PM »
Why work when the teet is plump...

Business people need workers. His company requested visas. Or maybe he just sent a truck to the fence and gathered them as they jumped.

You need a safe place...
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #771 on: July 28, 2016, 12:35:06 PM »
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If you want free cheese, look in a mousetrap.


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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #772 on: July 31, 2016, 11:54:10 AM »
What a great couple... Katherine Webb and AJ McCarron. They are both winners!

@10AJMcCarron  AJ is a GREAT quarterback who is finally being recognized as such - a total winner. What a pass!

Alabama people are saying their team has real football & real girlfriends—not good for Notre Dame—but they’ll be back!

"@The2ndguardsUS: @realDonaldTrump ROLL TIDE"

"@Legendisland: @realDonaldTrump The Nick Saban of business!!"
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #773 on: July 31, 2016, 12:30:58 PM »
Wow wow wow at the dumb.

He is dangerously ignorant about the stuff that matters most right now.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Then why did you soften the GOP platform on Ukraine?

TRUMP: I wasn't involved in that. Honestly, I was not involved.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Your people were.

TRUMP: Yes. I was not involved in that. I'd like to -- I'd have to take a look at it. But I was not involved in that.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Do you know what they did?

TRUMP: They softened it, I heard, but I was not involved.

STEPHANOPOULOS: They took away the part of the platform calling for the provision of lethal weapons to Ukraine to defend themselves.

Why is that a good idea?

TRUMP: Well, look, you know, I have my own ideas. He's not going into Ukraine, OK?

Just so you understand. He's not going to go into Ukraine, all right?

You can mark it down and you can put it down, you can take it anywhere you want.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, he's already there, isn't he?

TRUMP: OK, well, he's there in a certain way, but I'm not there yet. You have Obama there. And frankly, that whole part of the world is a mess under Obama, with all the strength that you're talking about and all of the power of NATO and all of this, in the meantime, he's going where -- he takes -- takes Crimea, he's sort of -- I mean...

STEPHANOPOULOS: But you said you might recognize that.

TRUMP: I'm going to take a look at it. But, you know, the people of Crimea, from what I've heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were. And you have to look at that, also.

Now, that was under -- just so you understand, that was done under Obama's administration. And as far as the Ukraine is concerned, it's a mess. And that's under the Obama's administration, with his strong ties to NATO.

So with all of these strong ties to NATO, Ukraine is a mess. Crimea has been taken. Don't blame Donald Trump for that.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You said that...

TRUMP: And we'll do better and yet we'll have a better relationship with Russia.

And having a good relationship -- maybe. and having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You said you have no investments in Russia.

But do you owe any money to Russian individuals and institutions?

TRUMP: No. Not.


TRUMP: The primary thing I did what Russia -- I bought a house in Palm Beach at a bankruptcy. It was a bankrupt, you know, person. I bought it from the banks. I bought it for about $40 million. I sold it for $100 million to a Russian.

That was probably five years ago. And that was primarily it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You partner now with...

TRUMP: Now, well I sell...


TRUMP: Will I sell -- many years ago. I don't think they're Russian. I think there were other people, but there were various partners.

Will I sell condos to Russians on occasion?


I mean I do that. I have a lot of condos. I do that. But I have no relationship to Russia whatsoever.


TRUMP: No debts. I have very little debt to anybody. I don't need debt. You know, it's very interesting, I'm so liquid, I don't need debt. And if I need debt, if I want debt, I can get it from banks in New York City very easily.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You know where I'm going to take this next. Americans could be assured on that if they saw your tax returns.

TRUMP: My tax returns are very simple. They're under a minor audit, a routine audit, as they have been for many years. Every year I get audited.

Now, I don't know if you get audited but I have friends...

STEPHANOPOULOS: I've been audited.

TRUMP: -- who are very wealthy that never have been audited. I say -- you get audited. I get audited every year. I'm under a routine audited like routine. And I've been for years, every year.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Is there something...


TRUMP: George, it is very simple. Yes, but they're all linked. It's called the link.

It's very simple, if my audit is finished, that's great.

Now, I have to tell you. I watched Mitt Romney four years ago. He waited until September to give them, just before the election. They made him look so bad, it was so unfair, I actually think he didn't lose because of the 47 percent, I think he lost because of a couple of really minor items in tax return where he did nothing wrong. So it is unfair.

But I will say, when I'm finished with the audit, I'll do it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Richard Nixon released his even though his were under audit.

TRUMP: I don't use Richard Nixon as necessarily the guide, OK. I mean, you know, it's an interesting person to use, but don't use it.

This is not some complex "gotcha". Putin invading Ukraine was a huge fucking world news story. How could anyone in any level of politics, let alone the guy running for leader of the free world have missed it?

Full interview here:

Skip to 5:30 for the part I posted here. For the whole thing he sounds like a kid who didn't study for a test trying to bullshit about a topic he clearly has no fucking idea about. How can any semi-intelligent person listen to this man speak and not recognize that very obvious fact?
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #774 on: July 31, 2016, 02:23:56 PM »
Wow wow wow at the dumb.

He is dangerously ignorant about the stuff that matters most right now.

What difference does it make?
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #775 on: August 01, 2016, 09:42:42 AM »
Wow wow wow at the dumb.

He is dangerously ignorant about the stuff that matters most right now.


This is not some complex "gotcha". Putin invading Ukraine was a huge fucking world news story. How could anyone in any level of politics, let alone the guy running for leader of the free world have missed it?

Full interview here:

Skip to 5:30 for the part I posted here. For the whole thing he sounds like a kid who didn't study for a test trying to bullshit about a topic he clearly has no fucking idea about. How can any semi-intelligent person listen to this man speak and not recognize that very obvious fact?

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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #776 on: August 01, 2016, 10:28:07 AM »
I think what's getting completely lost here is what Trump aspires to be. 

There are those -- Hillary and Obama included -- who view the presidency as the Iron Throne.  They view the job as being emperor or queen and have an innate desire to impose their will on the ignorant peons and subjects under their rule.  They believe they know better than you.  They believe they are smarter than you. 

Trump?  He comes from a business background.  He sees the presidency as a CEO position.  Yeah, the CEO is the final say but the CEO also hires the right people to make the right decisions.  The CEO gives them authority to handle their jobs but stays abreast and makes course corrections when needed. 

I'd rather have that. 
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #778 on: August 01, 2016, 10:35:44 AM »
K, what are your thoughts on your Fuhrer being basically a bammer with nothing but adoration for AJ McCarron, Saban, and Bama?

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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #779 on: August 01, 2016, 10:55:43 AM »

In one of those tweets, he was quoting Legend from Finebaum. You are one with Legend.
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