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At least he's not Hillary...


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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #400 on: June 15, 2016, 03:54:54 PM »
Only ONE other person in this thread hasn't basically in some form or another said they would vote for fucking Hitler if he ran against Hillary and therefore could give a fuck less about facts or any argument presented here. If therefore they want to lionize you and demonize me, or in the very least look away and let your flagrant bullshit run unchecked has absolutely no bearing on reality. None. I don't care if zero people agree with me. I invited you to post my first insult in this thread, and yet you won't. Because you know that if you can even find one, it is a FACT that I can post 50 more aimed at me, that are probably much more direct and much worse, that preceded it. Please, please try to disprove that fact. I'm waiting. Still waiting on GH too since he's the Tom Ritter of this thread. Check the replay, Tom.

You've lost here.  It's accepted across the board that you've been slinging insults like Willy Wonka slings chocolate. 

I told you I took a POLL, dammit. 

There are no insults aimed at you.  Those are in your mind. 

But since you asked:

Bigger wallet penis insult:
Tell me more about how smart and successful you are compared to me, while I tell you what it was like to leave Prattville for the real world.  I rate this one in the condescending category.

Deadbrain insult
Yes. I realize that. You seem to think it's a virtue. It makes you a braindead idiot. And dangerous.

Ooooops.  The first mud is on your dirty little hands (do you have that in common with Der Trumper?  Small hands?)

We dumb insult
it is a simple known fact that the dumber a person is, the easier they are to brainwash. Trump knows how to does it to great effect. This is what is happening to you Trump fans rather you choose to realize it or not.

(It should be noted at this point that other than CCTAU, perhaps, nobody had said a bad thing about Chizad at all).

Shall I continue?  Let's. 

Nine pages in, I finally tell you to stop beating the same dead drum and looking goofier for doing so.  Is that it?  Is that the insult? 

Another one
Remember what I've been saying about manipulating idiots? Just put a minimal effort into not to being one.

I'm tired of finding these for you.  I saw a few where CCTAU may have called you some unkind names, but contrary to your stated belief, it wasn't me.

Can you read? You are not demonstrating that you have that ability. What part of this quote is confusing to you and implies, as you say here, that I don't recognize them as "nonsensical and playing". Where? Point to it.Your whole argument is to blur reality and fact and truth and say what clearly fucking happened never happened. I'm recognize it as adopting Trump's entire strategy. I'm not one of the rubes that falls for that shit.

Dude. You shit the bed over his jibes. You took his clowning and (to borrow from a short-armed early adopter) crapped the slacks.  Everybody saw it.  You can't back up and call it chocolate pudding now.  The smell is still here. 

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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #401 on: June 15, 2016, 05:05:30 PM »
But since you asked:

Ok, to preface this, I want to clearly state that I don't give a flying woopty fuck how much you insult me in this thread. The only reason I've taken it to this granular level is your CONTINUOUS dishonesty and distortion of facts.

It should also be noted that WireGrass's "hilarious" AUChizad! persona could possibly be contributing to some of the confusion about me being the one making needlessly inflammatory comments if anyone actually still buys that bullshit. So here we go.

Bigger wallet penis insult:
Tell me more about how smart and successful you are compared to me, while I tell you what it was like to leave Prattville for the real world.  I rate this one in the condescending category.
You acknowledge that this was a DIRECT response to his 3 or 400th insult in this thread.

As should be obvious by the context of the quote you pulled, I am SPECIFICALLY REFERENCING HIS insult about MY intelligence and success.

Here is the quote. Check the goddamn tape.
That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

Explain to me how him throwing that insult out at me was fair game, but me REFERENCING HIS INSULT is over the line. Apparently I need to be educated. Because I'm dumb, right?

Deadbrain insult
Yes. I realize that. You seem to think it's a virtue. It makes you a braindead idiot. And dangerous.

Ooooops.  The first mud is on your dirty little hands (do you have that in common with Der Trumper?  Small hands?)
Needless to say this is me replying one of the 500 times you've repeatedly proudly told me that NO INFORMATION CAN PERMEATE YOUR SKULL. This is satirizing your position. Because it's a ridiculous one even though you seem to think it signifies virtue since you cling to it and repeat it into infinity. And again I say what I said above. THAT POSITION is not a virtue, as you think it is. It is the sign of ignorance. If you need me to pull out a dictionary on that term, I can. Refusing to accept new knowledge or understanding? Ignorance. By all means, you can step out of the tactic of being willfully ignorant and consider ANY fact that is being introduced to the conversation. And you know what else is ignorant? Failing to see that I used the word as a rhetorical point that related to the ARGUMENT you were making, not you as a person.

Anyway, here are some more quotes from you that precede that one you just posted in this thread as your "first insult".

Do you realize just how fucking STUPID that article is?

Trump didn't bring new voters. But more people voted in the primary.  And more people voted for him than any candidate in history.  But they weren't new voters. 

And if Hillary can get all the people who voted for Obama to vote for her, plus a few more, she might still win! 

Fuck you for posting that idiotic drivel.  And fuck me for reading any of it.
If we're playing by your rules, you're attributing the views of the article I posted to me and saying I'm "idiotic" and "fucking STUPID". Also "Fuck you" is not normally considered part of polite discourse.

Here's one from earlier in the thread:
You live in a world that does not exist. 

Congratulations on making it to Fantasy Island.  Tell Tattoo hello from those of us who live, work and survive in the real world.
Is calling people delusional and crazy considered polite conversation?

Here's another post from you before my first "sling of mud".
Gary Johnson has no chance to beat Hillary or impact the election in any meaningful way. If he did I would consider it. 

It's a fruitbat vote.  It's a waste.  It's essentially a vote for her. 

No thanks.
Remember, your rules about how if I insult "people who support Trump" and "I assert you to support Trump", then I am insulting you directly, right?

So you're calling ME directly a fruitbat, right? Or have the rules changed again?

I could go on, but I think anyone who gives the slightest shit about reality is well beyond convinced that you're starkly, clearly, objectively lying about this and distorting the events that took place in reality to fit your narrative.

We dumb insult
it is a simple known fact that the dumber a person is, the easier they are to brainwash. Trump knows how to does it to great effect. This is what is happening to you Trump fans rather you choose to realize it or not.

Why did you clip off that sentence?

Yeah, I know you could give a fuck less what the creator of Dilbert says on the Bill Maher show, but I thought this was really interesting and does a lot to explain exactly what I have said in this thread a million times.

He's great at manipulating dumb people. I say that not as a slander as much as to say that it is a simple known fact that the dumber a person is, the easier they are to brainwash. Trump knows how to does it to great effect.

This is what is happening to you Trump fans rather you choose to realize it or not.

Not only SHOULD it be obvious that I'm making a broader point, and intelligence is simply a specifically relevant part of that point, I explicitly and superfluously say that my purpose in bringing it up is not to be insulting.

Shall I continue?  Let's. 

Nine pages in, I finally tell you to stop beating the same dead drum and looking goofier for doing so.  Is that it?  Is that the insult? 
Here are more from before that one.

You're trolling right along with the left-skewed media and thinking all these "reports" and opinions are somehow valid.  That moronic thing you posted about Hillary keeping all of Obama's votes, therefore Trump didn't bring anybody to the party was an enormous pile of dung.  Garbage.  It shows how stupid and desperate the media is to find some negative. 

I thought you were smarter than that.  Why are you buying their bullshit in bulk and passing on the treason committed by Hellary?  Why are you ignoring her husband's 20-something trips with a pedophile to "orgy island?"  She knew.  Why are you dismissing the fact that she deleted thousands of incriminating emails? That she lied to Congress? That she got Americans killed by her indifference as Secretary of State?  She's a criminal.  Any one of those things is a thousand times worse than the combined total of "well Trump sold steaks, and thought he had more money than he did, and uhhhh, isn't getting more votes even though he is..." fucking idiocy you keep posting.  Any one of them is exponentially worse. 

Now I know you've lost your mind.

Yay, we finally made it to your "first" insult on page 9 you referenced.
Your point is stupid and without merit.  But keep beating that dull drum and looking goofier by the day.

Here's where we get into the retarded meta-argument that we've been having ever since because of your strange refusal to acknowledge what facts are. It's full of insults. I'll skip right on past those to your next point.

Another one
Remember what I've been saying about manipulating idiots? Just put a minimal effort into not to being one.
This was in reference to the whole "La Rasa" bullshit. Trump told people they were the same. They were not the same. I did not say anyone was an idiot. I said PUT A MINIMAL EFFORT IN NOT BEING ONE. Meaning, all you have to do is apply the absolute MINIMUM amount of scrutiny Trump says instead of googling far-right lunatic fringe conspiracy theory blogs that propagandize for him, try actually seeing what ANY mainstream news site, hell, even Fox News, has to say about it. That's all. Again, I think I'm being quite clear unless your asshole's chapped and you're DYING to take offense to anything and everything I say.

I'm tired of finding these for you.  I saw a few where CCTAU may have called you some unkind names, but contrary to your stated belief, it wasn't me.

Here's where I differentiate what you do with what he does. Explicitly.

Kaos at least tries to back his arguments up with bloviated word salad about how IT DOESN'T MATTER that Trump can say and do the most vapid despicable things because he's not Hillary.

CCTAU's arguments have pretty much all begun and ended with "Beta male", "kids these days don't get it", or "ur a dumb moran". Never even attempts to say anything of substance at all. Exactly the type that thinks "Whatever Lyin' Ted!" trumps a valid argument.

As I said at the top of this post, I don't really give a shit about your insults until you tell me that my indirect rhetorical comments are way over the line and you've just been a fucking angel this whole time. It's horseshit, and you've forced me to present it back out here to wrestle in it. I like that EVEN YOU can't defend the fact that CCTAU does nothing but post complete trash insults at me with clockwork regularity. Same with Wiregrass but he doesn't count because his trolling is so darn funny I guess. War Eagle!!! and even Token have gotten their share of insults in as well if we're counting.

Yeah, it matters in a conversation where we're talking about what an asshole I am that can't have a civilized discussion and pretty much all I do is shake off a barage of insults, for the most part completely ignoring them and trying to stick to FACTS.

And with that, I'm done. Again. Just keep lying and manipulating what transpired here. Keep lying. Keep spinning. Keep ignoring facts. I'm done giving a fuck about it.

I'll be back tomorrow with Trump's next ridiculous disqualifying-in-a-sane-world rhetoric. Go right ahead and spin it all you want.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2016, 05:09:31 PM by AUChizad »
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #402 on: June 15, 2016, 05:23:00 PM »
Is this the place to insert an apology for pointing out chizad's little horn...
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #403 on: June 15, 2016, 06:16:19 PM »

Ok, to preface this, I want to clearly state that I don't give a flying woopty fuck how much you insult me in this thread. The only reason I've taken it to this granular level is your CONTINUOUS dishonesty and distortion of facts.

Good. Because I haven't insulted you yet.

It should also be noted that WireGrass's "hilarious" AUChizad! persona could possibly be contributing to some of the confusion about me being the one making needlessly inflammatory comments if anyone actually still buys that bullshit. So here we go.
You acknowledge that this was a DIRECT response to his 3 or 400th insult in this thread.

Nope.  I'm not acknowledging this at all. That there is between you and him. But I didn't see an insult prior to you going off on how stupid he was and how his wallet penis was smaller than yorn.

As should be obvious by the context of the quote you pulled, I am SPECIFICALLY REFERENCING HIS insult about MY intelligence and success.

Here is the quote. Check the goddamn tape.
Explain to me how him throwing that insult out at me was fair game, but me REFERENCING HIS INSULT is over the line. Apparently I need to be educated. Because I'm dumb, right?

quote author=AUChizad link=topic=27192.msg416488#msg416488 date=1466024730]

Needless to say this is me replying one of the 500 times you've repeatedly proudly told me that NO INFORMATION CAN PERMEATE YOUR SKULL. This is satirizing your position. Because it's a ridiculous one even though you seem to think it signifies virtue since you cling to it and repeat it into infinity. And again I say what I said above. THAT POSITION is not a virtue, as you think it is. It is the sign of ignorance. If you need me to pull out a dictionary on that term, I can. Refusing to accept new knowledge or understanding? Ignorance. By all means, you can step out of the tactic of being willfully ignorant and consider ANY fact that is being introduced to the conversation. And you know what else is ignorant? Failing to see that I used the word as a rhetorical point that related to the ARGUMENT you were making, not you as a person.

Wrrrrrrong again.  I said I'm entrenched on this issue only. 

Anyway, here are some more quotes from you that precede that one you just posted in this thread as your "first insult".
If we're playing by your rules, you're attributing the views of the article I posted to me and saying I'm "idiotic" and "fucking STUPID". Also "Fuck you" is not normally considered part of polite discourse.

Here's one from earlier in the thread:Is calling people delusional and crazy considered polite conversation?

Here's another post from you before my first "sling of mud".Remember, your rules about how if I insult "people who support Trump" and "I assert you to support Trump", then I am insulting you directly, right?

So you're calling ME directly a fruitbat, right? Or have the rules changed again?

I could go on, but I think anyone who gives the slightest shit about reality is well beyond convinced that you're starkly, clearly, objectively lying about this and distorting the events that took place in reality to fit your narrative.

Why did you clip off that sentence?
Not only SHOULD it be obvious that I'm making a broader point, and intelligence is simply a specifically relevant part of that point, I explicitly and superfluously say that my purpose in bringing it up is not to be insulting.
Here are more from before that one.

Yay, we finally made it to your "first" insult on page 9 you referenced.
Here's where we get into the retarded meta-argument that we've been having ever since because of your strange refusal to acknowledge what facts are. It's full of insults. I'll skip right on past those to your next point.
This was in reference to the whole "La Rasa" bullshit. Trump told people they were the same. They were not the same. I did not say anyone was an idiot. I said PUT A MINIMAL EFFORT IN NOT BEING ONE. Meaning, all you have to do is apply the absolute MINIMUM amount of scrutiny Trump says instead of googling far-right lunatic fringe conspiracy theory blogs that propagandize for him, try actually seeing what ANY mainstream news site, hell, even Fox News, has to say about it. That's all. Again, I think I'm being quite clear unless your asshole's chapped and you're DYING to take offense to anything and everything I say.

Here's where I differentiate what you do with what he does. Explicitly.

As I said at the top of this post, I don't really give a shit about your insults until you tell me that my indirect rhetorical comments are way over the line and you've just been a fucking angel this whole time. It's horseshit, and you've forced me to present it back out here to wrestle in it. I like that EVEN YOU can't defend the fact that CCTAU does nothing but post complete trash insults at me with clockwork regularity. Same with Wiregrass but he doesn't count because his trolling is so darn funny I guess. War Eagle!!! and even Token have gotten their share of insults in as well if we're counting.

Yeah, it matters in a conversation where we're talking about what an asshole I am that can't have a civilized discussion and pretty much all I do is shake off a barage of insults, for the most part completely ignoring them and trying to stick to FACTS.

And with that, I'm done. Again. Just keep lying and manipulating what transpired here. Keep lying. Keep spinning. Keep ignoring facts. I'm done giving a fuck about it.

I'll be back tomorrow with Trump's next ridiculous disqualifying-in-a-sane-world rhetoric. Go right ahead and spin it all you want.

Aaaaahhhhhh.  Fuck it.  Not worth the effort. 
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #404 on: June 15, 2016, 06:25:23 PM »
Nope.  I'm not acknowledging this at all. That there is between you and him. But I didn't see an insult prior to you going off on how stupid he was and how his wallet penis was smaller than yorn.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.

That might be the dumbest thing you have said yet. Many on the right did not vote for Trump, but have now moved behind him since he is the nominee. Many of those are much smarter and more successful than you will ever be. But you think of yourself as one of the elite who gets it, while those dumbass rednecks do not. Look around you. Most everyone you see will be voting Trump. They just don't run out and toot the horn for him. And as you toot your little horn against him, you may as well be tooting for hitlary. But at least you cannot smell that from your perch.
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    • No, YOU Move!
Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #405 on: June 15, 2016, 06:34:43 PM »

I read every one of those.  They seemed a bit redundant. After about the 19th one it was like I'd read it somewhere before. Did ghandi write any of them? 

I searched for an insult.  Didn't see it in any of those.

But again that's the dynamic between you two.  I'm not a part of it. 
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If you want free cheese, look in a mousetrap.

Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #406 on: June 15, 2016, 07:58:09 PM »
It should also be noted that WireGrass's "hilarious" AUChizad! persona could possibly be contributing to some of the confusion about me being the one making needlessly inflammatory comments if anyone actually still buys that bullshoot.

Wait...  There's 2 Chizads?
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  • 23949
  • I'm a Miller guy. Always been. Since I was like, 8
Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #407 on: June 15, 2016, 08:11:41 PM »
Ok so I admit I had to remember who Tom Ritter was. Ha. Ok yeah that's me.

Srs guys - this is ridiculous. Like I said a couple of pages back, there is a way to debate and disagree without the multiple paragraph post pissing contest that looks like two frat boys fighting over a piece of ass.
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    • No, YOU Move!
Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #408 on: June 15, 2016, 08:24:30 PM »
Ok so I admit I had to remember who Tom Ritter was. Ha. Ok yeah that's me.

Srs guys - this is ridiculous. Like I said a couple of pages back, there is a way to debate and disagree without the multiple paragraph post pissing contest that looks like two frat boys fighting over a piece of ass.

I won the ass a long time ago.  Wait.... You know what I mean. 

For the record?  Fuck you is the height of polite discourse on this board.  It means we care enough to curse you. 

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If you want free cheese, look in a mousetrap.


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  • My Fighting Pearls
Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #409 on: June 15, 2016, 09:09:39 PM »
I won the ass a long time ago.  Wait.... You know what I mean. 

For the record?  Fuck you is the height of polite discourse on this board.  It means we care enough to curse you.

Fuck you!
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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    • No, YOU Move!
Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #410 on: June 15, 2016, 09:21:24 PM »
Fuck you!

Awwww. I never knew you cared. 
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If you want free cheese, look in a mousetrap.


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  • 44725
  • My Fighting Pearls
Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #411 on: June 15, 2016, 09:24:34 PM »
Awwww. I never knew you cared.

I don't.  Well, the sign in front of our building says I do.  But really, I don't.  Fuck you!  Oh, and the horse you rode in on.  Fuck him too.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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  • 29677
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    • No, YOU Move!
Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #412 on: June 15, 2016, 09:34:38 PM »
I don't.  Well, the sign in front of our building says I do.  But really, I don't.  Fuck you!  Oh, and the horse you rode in on.  Fuck him too.

Don't talk about my horse.  It rode me up to the Trump train.  Hillary poisoned it (what difference does it make anyway?).  Then Chizad screamed at it, called it ugly names and beat on it after it was dead. 
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #413 on: June 15, 2016, 09:41:53 PM »
Don't talk about my horse.  It rode me up to the Trump train.  Hillary poisoned it (what difference does it make anyway?).  Then Chizad screamed at it, called it ugly names and beat on it after it was dead.

Well, he was justified.  The horse insulted him 500 times first.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #414 on: June 15, 2016, 09:48:05 PM »
Don't talk about my horse.  It rode me up to the Trump train.  Hillary poisoned it (what difference does it make anyway?).  Then Chizad screamed at it, called it ugly names and beat on it after it was dead.

Could it be that chad likes trump and that this is the biggest troll of all time? The boy does have some epic Twitter battles
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #415 on: June 15, 2016, 11:47:30 PM »
Is this where I vote Trump for president?
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #416 on: June 16, 2016, 01:05:59 AM »
Damn. He really is sensitive about his little horn.
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #417 on: June 16, 2016, 09:40:40 AM »
Ok, so no matter what FACTS I provide., it seems most of you are going to support someone who brings a very narrow and illogical point of view over mine. I am used to this.

FACT: I do not have a little horn.

And I have a big fat trucker's wallet with a chain on it. I got it at the Wire Road truck stop. Has AU burned into the leather and it is stacked fat with cash.

I don't need to use spell check or a thesaurus when I post. Yes, I am smart but I am not boastful. I have an incredibly sharp sense of humor. I have even used the  :rofl: before.

But it seems that I can't win the support of the majority on the x in my debates with Kaos. I must admit that it gets frustrating when I work so hard to supply links and FACTS while he  and others hurl personal insults. I'm tired of people talking about my pee pee.

I'm tired of the blabbing and I'm afraid it may escalate to the point of my punching someone in the face.

So, I'm leaving for good...again. Goodbye cruel x. Idiots.
This shit is not funny.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #418 on: June 16, 2016, 09:46:20 AM »
This shit is not funny.
Agreed. You want me to punch him for you? We'll show him who's tough.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #419 on: June 16, 2016, 09:49:15 AM »
Agreed. You want me to punch him for you? We'll show him who's tough.

I thought yall broke up?
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."