You can say it 200 times. It will be a lie all 200 times.
Isn't, wasn't and will never be a lie.
No. The difference is one is an attack on ME and the other is an attack on AN IDEA. Yet the narrative we've somehow crafted here is that I'm the one hitting below the belt, which is simply amazing.
I'm hardly the only one saying it.
Maybe you should. Hundreds of examples of exactly what we're talking about here. From at least 5 or 6 different people. Directly insulting me (and wes). Seriously, do it. There are about 5 different insults toward the two of us before I make the first post in here. And then a torrent of them as soon as I do. Check the tape. You're making shit up again.
Horse shit. Utter horseshit. You're the one perceived as screaming, shouting, ranting, insulting. I'm not the one wearing that crown.
How so? I'm aware that all he has contributed is trolling. Somehow this became a referendum on ME who is incapable of making an argument without just needlessly hurling insults. If that describes anyone it's his behavior toward me, whether he's being sincere or not.
The fact that you can't see his responses as nonsensical and playing is a clear and compelling referendum on your inability get down off the ledge.
It says a ton about your mental state as it pertains to this argument.
It casts doubt upon every emotional response you display. Really does.

You have got to be dizzy from all that spinning. If anything I'm giving you reasons why you shouldn't be, as futile as that may be.
Which goes back to what makes this whole discussion so hilarious. A few pages ago you were going on about how unlike me, you are capable of independent rational thought and I'm just a brainwashed idiot who parrots whatever (insert liberal comedian) tells me. And then out of the other side of your mouth you say that no preponderance of evidence can persuade you from changing your stubborn mind and you don't give a damn what anyone else thinks. If so, then why do you give so much of a fuck what I "perceive" you to be? Could it be that you are purposely manipulating the argument to spin and defer from your refusal to acknowledge facts?
What part of this are you missing? How many times do I have to spell it out for you?
I've done my own research. I've thought (and maybe even -gasp!- prayed) about it. She's the worst human being I've ever personally witnessed. (And by personally witnessed I mean watched her political life, I don't know her). That simple fact (there's that word again) renders anything you say in regard to Trump irrelevant. If you can show me photos of him actually eating babies at his breakfast table, then I could potentially be swayed. But videos of him making jokes, saying goofy things, having bad hair? Fucking polls? All that shit? It's pointless. Because I don't care.
I'm not manipulating anything because it makes not one fuck to me.
I am, in some cases, pointing out how utterly blind you are to anything but "OH NOES!!1! He's a moron!" point of view. You've taken some pretty innocuous statements and tried to turn them into mountains. It's hysterical (not in the ha ha way), it's a little insulting, and it's borderline frothing at the mouth.
You're digging a big hole. Probably time to put the shovel down.