How the fuck are Bloomberg polls "biased in their very nature"? Or every other poll for that matter? Why are only the rare ones that show some sort of momentum or positive for Trump valid, but the exact same pollsters are "biased" when the chips are down? How did this bottomfeeder/Alex Jones type of lunatic conspiracy theory become mainstream?
Polls are, by their very nature, subject to bias. Depends on how the question was phrased, what the possible answers are, the population that was polled, etc.
You know how polls work.
And I don't think I've ever said one poll was better than another, only that there are others that have different conclusions. I really don't give a shit in a peach basket what any poll says. They're often wrong.
Also nobody said Alex Jones or anything else was mainstream. I don't even know who that is. Or what he wrote. Again? Don't care.
Hillary never directly, purposefully, shamelessly insulted the troops in this way. You and others will cling to your death on a tactical error she made (that I acknowledge was bad) and use that to say that is IRREDEEMABLE BECAUSE SHE HATES THE TROOPS and yet Trump can fucking call them all thieves and say they're "living well" off of stolen loot, and that's perfectly fine.
You failed to correctly interpret what was said. Your rage overwhelmed you. Nothing more to say.
The poll numbers are FACTS, but you don't like them, so they're meaningless.
Poll numbers are actually a reporting of opinion. Polls are subject to bias. ALL polls. And yes, all are essentially meaningless in my opinion. I hate them for their ability to shape a narrative.
The video and quotes from Trump are FACTS but you have some excuse lined up that you haven't yet presented to explain how he didn't really say what he very clearly fucking said.
Point of fact. Don't CARE what he said. Doesn't matter to me one bit.
Your INTERPRETATION of what he said, your OPINION of what he said, your reckless EXTRAPOLATION of what he said into some unrelated hysterical rant? Well, that's the point of contention.
Trump made a pee pee joke! OH NOES!!1!! He's a fucking MORAN!! If you can support him you're a facist! Your a racist! You watch XENA!! Got DAMN you redneck, blind fucking loyalist!1!! Why don't you care as hard as I do that he made a dumb joke???
That's the problem. Not what he said or didn't say.
How about instead of just hurling insults, you address the fucking issue I'm presenting and EXPLAIN to me how YOU interpreted this very obvious attack on our troops? I'd fucking love to hear your irrational spin on this. What did he mean by "How about bringing baskets of money, millions of millions of dollars and handing it out. I wanna know, who are the soldiers that had that job? Cause I think they're living very well right now whoever they may be."
When I decide to hurl an insult you'll know it. I'm a little disappointed that you think I have been, especially how creative I consider myself to be. If I truly wanted to insult you, there would be road rash all over your back.
"attack on our troops..."
Are you seriously going to claim that there were not those who profited from war? Who sold arms, who raided the aid shipments and cash flow? We know this to be true. It's been established. Where DID all that money go?
He wasn't saying by ANY stretch (except yours) that ALL troops did this. There were clearly some who did. And that's disgraceful. He's right about that.
Here is an account from a US soldier who "had that job".
Tell that soldier he's a thief and he's wrong. Tell him that Trump meant something else entirely from what he meant. Tell him it wasn't slimy.
Well whoop-de-fuckin-doo. Maybe this guy didn't. Others damn sure did. So he can stow his outrage. And blow it out his ass. Most of the military in Vietnam were good, honest, decent soldiers. And there were some who weren't. Some who were brutal and unhinged. Some who profited from it. Same here. But please, post me a twitter rant from a Vietnam vet about how he didn't burn any villages. That will show me