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At least he's not Hillary...


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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #300 on: June 10, 2016, 12:31:41 AM »
You lie. That has to be about 9,999 black people almost beaten to death by the police in Gadsden last year alone!
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1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #301 on: June 10, 2016, 10:03:03 AM »
I really think that I'm going to need some bath salts so I can understand the last 3 pages of this thread.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #302 on: June 10, 2016, 10:05:30 AM »
I really think that I'm going to need some bath salts so I can understand the last 3 pages of this thread.

Here, let me throw in a link for you, seems to be the thing to do.

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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'


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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #303 on: June 10, 2016, 10:54:25 AM »

Here, let me throw in a link for you, seems to be the thing to do.


What are those colored words?  Is it racist to consider them colored?
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #304 on: June 10, 2016, 11:02:43 AM »
I admittedly haven't read very much of these long-winded serves and volleys. But I do know that there has been a lot of hurt displayed.

I just wish that the primary parties involved; Kaos, the gay racist and the racist cop, would focus on their commonality rather than dwell on differences. They should let their collective Narcissistic Personality Disorders be the glue that holds their friendships together.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #305 on: June 10, 2016, 11:09:30 AM »
Took me two seconds:
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/02/29/republicans-are-voting-more-than-democrats-in-2016-will-that-matter-in-november/  More Republicans are voting than democrats.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/04/27/donald-trump-will-get-more-primary-votes-than-anyone-in-history-because-more-people-are-voting/  Trump will get more primary votes than ANYONE in history because more people are voting. 

http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/06/trump-trumps-wins-historic-race-record-fashion/ Trump shatters Republican primary vote record.

When there was a campaign and Trump didn't have the nomination sewed up there was more energy among Republicans and possible crossovers. 

Boom.   Since there's no Republican race, focus has shifted to the CryptKeeper and the SeaHag.  Bernie is bringing people out.  Who knows if they'll stick.  You don't. 
Because this became such a molecular-level argument about FACTS, you are still wrong.

Your links support that more people are voting in the Republican primaries than the Democratic primaries. That is fact. Of course, a lot of those were voting AGAINST Trump, but I'll table that argument to stay on point. REGISTERED DEMOCRATS were voting for him too, or at least trying to.

I will post our discussion again so that you can see where you shifted the goal posts.

So Trump didn't say the things in the video?
Democrats aren't out-registering Republicans?
Trump didn't endorse Ellmers?
Ellmers didn't lose her primary as an encumbant?

2. The republican race is over.  Prior to it being locked down, the opposite was true.  Aka: who gives a fuck? No cause and effect.
Which of your links say Republicans are out-registering Democrats? Your links say more people were voting in their primaries. This is not the same thing.

Not a fact. As we've established, Registered Democrats were the difference-makers in the Trump election. This was omitted from your later summary of "facts" in this post, presumably because you knew it was unfactual.
Included a link to report that Trump had more support from registered Democrats than registered Republicans at the time of the article, which was when the race was still in contention.

I have no idea what you're even taking about.  Who said democrats were his strongest supporters?  You?  I didn't.  I don't know anybody who did.  You tried to cobble together some ridiculous babble about some whore in some state losing an election when Trump endorsed her on SUNDAY as being clear and convincing evidence that he cannot draw voters.  It's one of the dumbest things I've ever seen on here.  For a while I thought I was arguing with a short-armed early adopter again.
Nothing you posted disputed the actual discussion we were having, so you shifted to your own. S-T-R-A-W-M-A-N. It's your M.O.
She voted for Kasich.  That means she wasn't on Trump's coattails.  And it has nothing to do with her campaign failing.  That was because she abandoned the electorate, whored in Washington (allegedly) and ended up in a redistricted race against another incumbent.
So now you're denying that she was the one and only congressional endorsement Trump made? Or that she endorsed him first? You and facts are like oil and water.

Trump makes a personal appeal to voters to back Ellmers in a robocall released Saturday. She was "the first congresswoman to endorse me and she really was terrific and boy, is she a fighter," Trump says in the call. It is the first time this election that Trump has picked sides in a congressional race.

"I need her help in Washington so we can work together to defeat ISIS, secure our border and bring back jobs and frankly, so many other things," Trump continues. "And Renee knows how to do it. She gets it. And together, we will make America great again."

God DAMN, son, you're obsidian.  Or is it obstinate.  Either way, whatever.  Let me help you out a little.

Again, two seconds:
From March:
And that’s where George stands: He has a substantial lead. There’re a fair amount of undecided voters. Who dislike Washington Politicians. And disagree with Renee’s attack on George. When asked about Renee’s attack on George, 75% of the voters agreed with George while only 7% agreed with Renee. 
In this early poll she was down by at least 20%.
It does not say that. It says she was down about 20% in the part of the redrawn district that was previously represented by George. And that in the part of the district that Ellmers had previously represented "she led by a similar margin".

She may have been down overall, but it was for sure much less than 20%, not at least 20% as you just stated. More on that later.

From two days ago:
Ellmers' loss on Tuesday probably had more to do with the abortion bill than her endorsement of Trump, since the New York businessman won the state back in March.

From March:
Some in the district now say that Ellmers has betrayed her base. "She has voted with Obama ever since she’s been there," said Michelle Eichelberg, the volunteer chair of the Chatham County GOP.

Three days ago:
Now, Ellmers is the villain, a stand-in for the “corrupt” Republican establishment. And thanks to an unusual mid-decade redistricting, she has to vie for her seat against Republican Rep. George Holding, who now sits in the same district. Also running is Greg Bannon, a physician and twice-unsuccessful candidate for the GOP Senate nomination. Holding is the new conservative favorite with an endorsement from the Susan B. Anthony List—an anti-abortion group that typically backs Republican women—and tacit support from the Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity, which is running ads against Ellmers.

Unfortunately for Ellmers, her right flank is fully mobilized against her—in a Republican primary, that’s enough to lose.

Three days ago:
In North Carolina, a Trump bump is not guaranteed. His endorsement could resemble any other politician’s, and might not mean more votes for his favored candidate. He may have won the state in March, but Ellmers’s district, the second, was Ted Cruz country. And turnout in general is expected to be low, because the congressional election was rescheduled.

Three days ago:
In this predictor Holding was expected to "win big" with the possibility that Ellmers could finish a distant second if Trump's last minute endorsement helped. 

From May:
Maybe I’m wrong, and I’d be shocked, but I don’t think there’s a path to victory for Congresswoman Ellmers. Eventually, there comes a point in a campaign where there’s just too much against you to be successful, and I think we’ve reached that point in the Second District. Ellmers will get swamped on June 7th. At this point, I think she has a better chance of getting third than she does of winning.

From after the primary:
According to the findings from SBA List’s door surveys in North Carolina’s 2nd District:

37.8 percent of Ellmers’ own supporters said they were less likely to vote for her, once learning of her role in derailing the Pain-Capable bill.
67.3 percent of undecided pro-life primary voters were less likely to vote for Ellmers, knowing her role in derailing the Pain-Capable bill.

Do a little research, sonny.   

She was running in a race that had been redistricted. 
She was the incumbent, but so was her opponent. 
She was rumored to be having an affair in Washington. 
She'd alienated her voter base by her voting record. 

She had no chance whatsoever.  None.  She probably shouldn't have run.

All of this is apples and cucumbers. The question is did Trump's endorsement help or hurt her. Not other reasons she was "out of step" with the GOP. But, by the way, to step into your sidebar irrelevant argument, WHY did Trump choose to make his first endorsement someone so "out of step" with the values of Republican voters? Could it be that he doesn't share them because there's hardly a damn thing conservative about him? I thought that's what you liked about Trump? That he didn't give a damn about the GOP. You can't simultaneously blame her failure for being too libruhl, then simultaneously praise Trump for not only holding similar positions on all of those topics, but CHOOSING to VOCALLY endorse her and only her so far at the local level. Not if you have any principles or consistency in your opinions, which you have clearly established you don't. So I guess you can.

And by the way, even the snippets you cherry picked from those articles predicted a "Trump Bump", and it didn't happen. It's almost as if a rational person could conclude that most people aren't as blindly loyal to him as you seem to be, and as you seem to think a significant portion of the electorate are. Which was the point of this whole discussion.

Anyway, other reasons she may or may not have been unpopular are all irrelevant. This was the first relevant thing you said:
And you expected a Trump endorsement that came two or three days prior to the election to carry her through?  When she was expected to finish third? She got 24% of the vote. 
The article you posted above, despite you saying she got "at least 20%" (which is wrongidy wrong wrong wrong wrong and nonfactual), she was down 20% in the part of the new district that was previously George's. She also was also up 20% in the part of the new district that was previously hers. In no math does the average of -20% for his part and +20% of her part equal MORE than 20% total, no matter how small her part may have been. Math is clearly not my strongsuit, but even I can see that his total lead was closer to 10%.

But after Trump made his endorsement and the final polls came in, she lost by 24%. I'm fairly certain that 10 < 24. Even your INCORRECT 20% is less than 24%.

It is factual that she netted less votes in the actual election, in spite of Trump's endorsement than where she was polling before the endorsement.


I'm not going to drive this topic off course further with all of those examples of my most liberal (although actually moderate in full context) OPINIONS and how I know you disagree with them all. The point was that I often take a nuanced stance on a lot of things and respect both sides pretty equally in most cases. You do not. Making your accusation that I am incapable of independent thought or hearing out "the other side" hilarious.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2016, 11:21:19 AM by AUChizad »
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #306 on: June 10, 2016, 11:13:50 AM »
"I believe police often use unnecessary excessive force".


frequently; many times.
"he often goes for long walks by himself"
synonyms:   frequently, many times, many a time, on many/numerous occasions, a lot, as often as not, repeatedly, again and again, time and (time) again;


My agency generated 5200 I/O reports last year and responded to nearly 10,000 calls for service. That does not include traffic stops, working traffic for numerous public events such as 5/10k runs or general daily encounters with the citizens of our county. I would venture to say we have more than 20,000 encounters with common citizens yearly. That's probably a low number. But we'll stick with the 10,000 calls for service and we'll pretend that each call was only an encounter with 1 person.  Out of those 10,000 calls, we had 0 complaints filed for excessive force. We were negatively in the media spotlight for police brutality 0 out of 10,000 times.  This is in a county that has the highest violent crime rate in the state of Alabama according to some polls. Gadsden is consistently ranked as one of the most dangerous cities to live in, in this state. 

You watch CNN way too god damn much if you really believe that police across this country "often" use excessive force.  That logic alone makes it really fucking hard for me to take anything you say with an ounce of seriousness.  Up until this, I'd at least read and considered your opinions. Mostly I even respected them. But that line of reasoning is so fucking flawed with ZERO FACTUAL EVIDENCE that I can't even believe you said it.

Good for your precinct.

An average of about 10 cases of police misconduct every single day is greater than ZERO FACTUAL EVIDENCE.

I'm not inherently anti-cop, and like I said, at least 90% of those #BlackLivesMatter cases were completely justified IMO. I also think the racial aspect is way way way overblown in the whole discussion, which I think distracts from the actual problem that should be addressed instead.

That's an example of a nuanced opinion that is not 100% far right or 100% far left. I am capable of having them.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #307 on: June 10, 2016, 11:15:05 AM »
You lie. That has to be about 9,999 black people almost beaten to death by the police in Gadsden last year alone!
You cannot read. How many hundred or so times to you try to pin a straw man on me that I ALREADY explicitly dispelled before your idiotic misinterpretation of what I said?
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #308 on: June 10, 2016, 11:20:44 AM »
Good for your precinct.

An average of about 10 cases of police misconduct every single day is greater than ZERO FACTUAL EVIDENCE.

I'm not inherently anti-cop, and like I said, at least 90% of those #BlackLivesMatter cases were completely justified IMO. I also think the racial aspect is way way way overblown in the whole discussion, which I think distracts from the actual problem that should be addressed instead.

That's an example of a nuanced opinion that is not 100% far right or 100% far left. I am capable of having them.

10 a day. Let's make it 100 a day.  Out of approximately 900,000 officers in this country.   Surely you can't believe that 10 a day out of 500,000 to 900,000 interactions with public is often.

Fuck this thread. If you believe that, you can't be reasoned with and already have an idea of what you think reality is in your head, and it can't be changed.  10 a day in a country this size, with how many interactions law enforcement has with the general public is barely even a percentage.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2016, 11:24:01 AM by Token »
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #309 on: June 10, 2016, 11:28:01 AM »
Because this became such a molecular-level argument about FACTS, you are still wrong.

Your links support that more people are voting in the Republican primaries than the Democratic primaries. That is fact. Of course, a lot of those were voting AGAINST Trump, but I'll table that argument to stay on point. REGISTERED DEMOCRATS were voting for him too, or at least trying to.

I will post our discussion again so that you can see where you shifted the goal posts.
Which of your links say Republicans are out-registering Democrats? Your links say more people were voting in their primaries. This is not the same thing.
Included a link to report that Trump had more support from registered Democrats than registered Republicans at the time of the article, which was when the race was still in contention.
Nothing you posted disputed the actual discussion we were having, so you shifted to your own. S-T-R-A-W-M-A-N. It's your M.O.

You're getting confused with your arguments.  Don't recall saying Trump was drawing democrats.  Said he was drawing V.O.T.E.R.S.  And he was.  You may have shit the bed with somebody else regarding him pulling in demos.  Not me. 

My only point in regard to the voter bloc has always been that he has a chance to energize the disenfranchised middle America vote in a way Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Kasich, etc. could not.  Therefore he has the best chance of beating that raggedly despicable democrat whore. 

This entire rant of yours is misguided. But carry on if it makes you feel better.

So now you're denying that she was the one and only congressional endorsement Trump made? Or that she endorsed him first? You and facts are like oil and water.

Nope. Not denying anything.  But that "fact" makes about as much impact as a drop of goose shit in the Atlantic ocean. It's not relevant.

http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/trump-backs-ellmers-in-first-congressional-endorsement-223909It does not say that. It says she was down about 20% in the part of the redrawn district that was previously represented by George. And that in the part of the district that Ellmers had previously represented "she led by a similar margin".

She may have been down overall, but it was for sure much less than 20%, not at least 20% as you just stated.

PROVE it.  Everything leading up to that election said she'd likely finish third.  That Holding had an enormous lead. 

All of this is apples and cucumbers. The question is did Trump's endorsement help or hurt her. Not other reasons she was "out of step" with the GOP. But, by the way, to step into your sidebar irrelevant argument, WHY did Trump choose to make his first endorsement someone so "out of step" with the values of Republican voters? Could it be that he doesn't share them because there's hardly a damn thing conservative about him? I thought that's what you liked about Trump? That he didn't give a damn about the GOP. You can't simultaneously blame her failure for being too libruhl, then simultaneously praise Trump for not only holding similar positions on all of those topics, but CHOOSING to VOCALLY endorse her and only her so far at the local level. Not if you have any principles or consistency in your opinions, which you have clearly established you don't. So I guess you can.


He endorsed her three days before an election she was going to lose no matter what.  You cannot say with any certainty that his endorsement helped or hurt.  She got 24% of the vote.  Maybe she only gets 20 before. 

And no, I choose Trump because...... drumroll..... HE ISN'T HILLARY FUCKING CLINTON.  That's it.  That's the only reason. 

And by the way, even the snippets you cherry picked from those articles predicted a "Trump Bump", and it didn't happen. It's almost as if a rational person could conclude that most people aren't as blindly loyal to him as you seem to be, and as you seem to think a significant portion of the electorate are. Which was the point of this whole discussion.

Prove it didn't happen. 

She got 24% of the vote.  What would she have gotten if Trump hadn't recorded a 30 second phone call that dialed up a few thousand people three days before the election? 

How fucking many people in that locally contentious race do you think really were undecided at that stage of the game?

He probably shouldn't have done it because MORONS will try to make it seem as if his endorsement means nothing, but she asked, she had endorsed him and he reciprocated. 

Did it help?  Prove it didn't.  Prove she wasn't going to get 18% of the vote prior. 
Anyway, other reasons she may or may not have been unpopular are all irrelevant. This was the first relevant thing you said:
And you expected a Trump endorsement that came two or three days prior to the election to carry her through?  When she was expected to finish third? She got 24% of the vote. 
The article you posted above, despite you saying she got "at least 20%" (which is wrongidy wrong wrong wrong wrong and nonfactual), she was down 20% in the part of the new district that was previously George's. She also was also up 20% in the part of the new district that was previously George's. In no math does the average of -20% for his part and +20% of her part equal MORE than 20% total, no matter how small her part may have been. Math is clearly not my strongsuit, but even I can see that his total lead was closer to 10%.

But after Trump made his endorsement and the final polls came in, she lost by 24%. I'm fairly certain that 10 < 24. Even your INCORRECT 20% is less than 24%.

It is factual that she netted less votes in the actual election, in spite of Trump's endorsement than where she was polling before the endorsement.


Idiotic.  Complete balderdash. A fine example of new math gone wrong.  A fine example of taking "facts" and twisting them into a false narrative.  The things you tried to mash together don't compute.  Not even close. 

His lead was 10% by your calculation?    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I'm not going to drive this topic off course further with all of those examples of my most liberal (although actually moderate in full context) OPINIONS and how I know you disagree with them all. The point was that I often take a nuanced stance on a lot of things and respect both sides pretty equally in most cases. You do not. Making your accusation that I am incapable of independent thought or hearing out "the other side" hilarious.

We have different approaches.  You have to work to change my mind on things. But it's possible. 

Not in this case.  But it is. 
« Last Edit: June 10, 2016, 11:35:20 AM by Kaos »
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #310 on: June 10, 2016, 11:31:30 AM »
Good for your precinct.

An average of about 10 cases of police misconduct every single day is greater than ZERO FACTUAL EVIDENCE.

I'm not inherently anti-cop, and like I said, at least 90% of those #BlackLivesMatter cases were completely justified IMO. I also think the racial aspect is way way way overblown in the whole discussion, which I think distracts from the actual problem that should be addressed instead.

That's an example of a nuanced opinion that is not 100% far right or 100% far left. I am capable of having them.

Also, police misconduct and "unnecessary excessive force" aren't even close to being the same thing.  I'm not sure which argument you are making.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #311 on: June 10, 2016, 11:33:16 AM »
10 a day. Let's make it 100 a day.  Out of approximately 900,000 officers in this country.   Surely you can't believe that 10 a day out of 500,000 to 900,000 interactions with public is often.

Fuck this thread. If you believe that, you can't be reasoned with and already have an idea of what you think reality is in your head, and it can't be changed.  10 a day in a country this size, with how many interactions law enforcement has with the general public is barely even a percentage.

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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #312 on: June 10, 2016, 01:11:44 PM »
Good for your precinct.

An average of about 10 cases of police misconduct every single day is greater than ZERO FACTUAL EVIDENCE.

I'm not inherently anti-cop, and like I said, at least 90% of those #BlackLivesMatter cases were completely justified IMO. I also think the racial aspect is way way way overblown in the whole discussion, which I think distracts from the actual problem that should be addressed instead.

That's an example of a nuanced opinion that is not 100% far right or 100% far left. I am capable of having them.
If you worked in the law enforcement field, I think that your opinion about use of force and/or police misconduct would change drastically.  Don't get me wrong, there are some dumb motherfuckers in the field.  You have that in any profession.  But as Token said, when you consider the sheer amount of contacts per day by law enforcement in the country plus the fact that now lots of folks are trying their hardest to provoke police, there just isn't a systemic problem.  There are isolated problems that tend to get a lot of publicity.

I understand that you don't work in the law enforcement field, so you don't see it, you don't deal with it, and to an extent you don't understand.  I'm not saying you're some slackjaw yokel, I'm just saying you couldn't possibly get it.  Just the other day some guy on LSD was being booked in to our jail and decided that he was going to run out of the booking room.  The jailer pursued, the guy ambushed him and pulled him into a room, closed the door and the fight was on.  Jailer couldn't get to his Taser and after a few minutes finally was able to yell out on the radio.  Let me tell you this: it doesn't matter if the guy was white, black, or green.  It doesn't matter, you just know you're going home one way or another.  That shit happens every day all across the country.  Stupid stuff happens where I work.  I guarantee you Token has it about 20x worse where he is.

It's easy for others to sit back and say "Oh, well they shouldn't have done this or that" or "They only did that because that person is <insert race here>".  And that is what this country has become, unfortunately.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2016, 01:15:22 PM by RWS »
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #313 on: June 10, 2016, 01:33:52 PM »
You cannot read. How many hundred or so times to you try to pin a straw man on me that I ALREADY explicitly dispelled before your idiotic misinterpretation of what I said?

I'm not sure whether this is hilarious..Or just sad.

Your narcissism has taken over.

I poking fun at Token.

Every day you sound more and more like an unhappy man's wife!
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #314 on: June 10, 2016, 01:48:19 PM »

You're getting confused with your arguments.  Don't recall saying Trump was drawing democrats.  Said he was drawing V.O.T.E.R.S.  And he was.  You may have shit the bed with somebody else regarding him pulling in demos.  Not me. 

My only point in regard to the voter bloc has always been that he has a chance to energize the disenfranchised middle America vote in a way Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Kasich, etc. could not.  Therefore he has the best chance of beating that raggedly despicable democrat whore. 

This entire rant of yours is misguided. But carry on if it makes you feel better.
How many times do I have to post our exact conversation before you see that you CLEARLY said that "The republican race is over.  Prior to it being locked down, the opposite was true." in response to me saying "Democrats aren't out-registering Republicans?"

I've posted it like 6 times now and you continue to deny it. You were wrong about that. Say it. Yes, you've intentionally obfuscated the discussion and pulled it in 10 different directions while I just simply am trying to stay on the original topic, which was this fact. You can keep tugging and I will keep laughing and post the original discussion as many times as it takes for you to accept reality on reality's terms.

Nope. Not denying anything.  But that "fact" makes about as much impact as a drop of goose shit in the Atlantic ocean. It's not relevant.
You said she supported Kasich BEFORE she endorsed Trump and he endorsed her, and somehow that makes her more of a force against Trump than really being "on his coattails". That is a joke of a conclusion. Relevance is apparently yet another simple concept you struggle with.

PROVE it.  Everything leading up to that election said she'd likely finish third.  That Holding had an enormous lead. 
Did you read your own link? You proved it for me.

When the poll was done it showed that, in the 63% of the District George had represented for four years, he led Ellmers by over 20 points. Conversely, in the 13% of the District Ellmers had represented she led by a similar margin.

In the new part of the district neither George or Renee were well-known.
He had about 20% more of 63% of the electorate. She had about 20% more of 13% of the electorate. The other 24% of the electorate was not reported or speculated on.

So assuming it was about 60-40 of 63% for him (37.8% of the total for him, 25.2% of the total for her), and 60-40 of the 13% for her (7.8% of the total for her, 5.2% of the total for him), it can be inferred that he had about 42.8% of the total votes, and she had about 30.4% of the total votes of those two districts, with another 26.8% of the total electorate not accounted for.

A difference of 12.4%. Not 20%.

Even if he had the same 60/40 lead in the "unknown" part of the district as he had in the one that was previously his district (which nothing says this, but giving the benefit of the doubt to your argument), that's still 16.08% more for him and 10.72% more for her. Final (generous) tally of 58.88% for him, 41.12% for her.). A 17.76% lead for him, in the BEST CASE for your argument. 41.12% of the vote is still much more than the 24% she ended up with.

By your own statistics that YOU provided, her poll results AFTER Trump's endorsement declined from where they were before it. Unequivocally. And by a lot.


He endorsed her three days before an election she was going to lose no matter what.  You cannot say with any certainty that his endorsement helped or hurt.  She got 24% of the vote.  Maybe she only gets 20 before. 
Proven false with numbers and statistics. She was getting AT LEAST 40% by your own numbers that YOU provided.

Prove it didn't happen. 

She got 24% of the vote.  What would she have gotten if Trump hadn't recorded a 30 second phone call that dialed up a few thousand people three days before the election? 

How fucking many people in that locally contentious race do you think really were undecided at that stage of the game?

He probably shouldn't have done it because MORONS will try to make it seem as if his endorsement means nothing, but she asked, she had endorsed him and he reciprocated. 

Did it help?  Prove it didn't.  Prove she wasn't going to get 18% of the vote prior. 
I did. You didn't. I used YOUR numbers from YOUR articles to do it. The only thing you provided to prove it DID improve her numbers was that data that you apparently misunderstood, and a "gut feeling" you have that it must be true.

But it's not true. It's not. True.

Idiotic.  Complete balderdash. A fine example of new math gone wrong.  A fine example of taking "facts" and twisting them into a false narrative.  The things you tried to mash together don't compute.  Not even close. 

His lead was 10% by your calculation?    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Numbers iz idiotic. Cuz they don't match up to your supposition, even though you're the one that provided them.

Show me any statisic that said he lead the ENTIRE electorate by 20%. It doesn't exist. What you cited simply does not say that. It didn't say exactly, but it is certainly closer to 10% than 20%, as I just demonstrated.

Sorry if you don't follow.

We have different approaches.  You have to work to change my mind on things. But it's possible. 

Not in this case.  But it is.
Oh, so just THIS case that we're talking about. Gotcha.

I am presenting fact after fact, and you are spinning them, twisting them, and flat out ignoring them to pretend they support your argument, when they do just the opposite.

So yeah, I know you won't change your mind. Because you refuse to allow new information that could possibly change it into your skull. And that was my point.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2016, 01:58:53 PM by AUChizad »
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #315 on: June 10, 2016, 01:51:32 PM »
If you worked in the law enforcement field, I think that your opinion about use of force and/or police misconduct would change drastically.  Don't get me wrong, there are some dumb motherfuckers in the field.  You have that in any profession.  But as Token said, when you consider the sheer amount of contacts per day by law enforcement in the country plus the fact that now lots of folks are trying their hardest to provoke police, there just isn't a systemic problem.  There are isolated problems that tend to get a lot of publicity.

I understand that you don't work in the law enforcement field, so you don't see it, you don't deal with it, and to an extent you don't understand.  I'm not saying you're some slackjaw yokel, I'm just saying you couldn't possibly get it.  Just the other day some guy on LSD was being booked in to our jail and decided that he was going to run out of the booking room.  The jailer pursued, the guy ambushed him and pulled him into a room, closed the door and the fight was on.  Jailer couldn't get to his Taser and after a few minutes finally was able to yell out on the radio.  Let me tell you this: it doesn't matter if the guy was white, black, or green.  It doesn't matter, you just know you're going home one way or another.  That shit happens every day all across the country.  Stupid stuff happens where I work.  I guarantee you Token has it about 20x worse where he is.

It's easy for others to sit back and say "Oh, well they shouldn't have done this or that" or "They only did that because that person is <insert race here>".  And that is what this country has become, unfortunately.

If 10 random people a day had their names pulled out of a hat, then had their asses whipped for absolutely no other reason than just because, it still wouldn't equal "often use excessive force" compared to contacts per day by nation wide law enforcement.  It WOULD be 10 more times a day than it should happen, but it would still be less than 1% of LEO/citizen contacts per day.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #316 on: June 10, 2016, 01:52:08 PM »
How many times do I have to post our exact conversation before you see that you CLEARLY said that "The republican race is over.  Prior to it being locked down, the opposite was true." in response to me saying "Democrats aren't out-registering Republicans?"

I've posted it like 6 times now and you continue to deny it. You were wrong about that. Say it. Yes, you've intentionally obfuscated the discussion and pulled it in 10 different directions while I just simply am trying to stay on the original topic, which was this fact. You can keep tugging and I will keep laughing and post the original discussion as many times as it takes for you to accept reality on reality's terms.
You said she supported Kasich BEFORE she endorsed Trump and he endorsed her, and somehow that makes her more of a force against Trump than really being "on his coattails". That is a joke of a conclusion. Relevance is apparently yet another simple concept you struggle with.
Did you read your own link? You proved it for me.
He had about 20% more of 63% of the electorate. She had about 20% more of 13% of the electorate. The other 24% of the electorate was not reported or speculated on.

So assuming it was about 60-40 of 63% for him (37.8% of the total for him, 25.2% of the total for her), and 60-40 of the 13% for her (7.8% of the total for her, 5.2% of the total for him), it can be inferred that he had about 42.8% of the total votes, and she had about 30.4% of the total votes of those two districts, with another 26.8% of the total electorate not accounted for.

A difference of 12.4%. Not 20%.

Even if he had the same 60/40 lead in the "unknown" part of the district as he had in the one that was previously his district (which nothing says this, but giving the benefit of the doubt to your argument), that's still 16.08% more for him and 10.72% more for her. Final (generous) tally of 58.88% for him, 41.12% for her.). A 17.76% lead for him, in the BEST CASE for your argument. 41.12% of the vote is still much more than the 24% she ended up with.

By your own statistics that YOU provided, her poll results AFTER Trump's endorsement declined from where they were before it. Unequivocally. And by a lot.
Proven false with numbers and statistics. She was getting AT LEAST 40% by your own numbers that YOU provided.
I did. You didn't. I used YOUR numbers from YOUR articles to do it. The only thing you provided to prove it DID improve her numbers was those numbers that you apparently misunderstood, and a "gut feeling" you have that it must be true.

But it's not true. It's not. True.
Numbers iz idiotic. Cuz they don't match up to your supposition, even though you're the one that provided them.
Oh, so just THIS case that we're talking about. Gotcha.

I am presenting fact after fact, and you are spinning them, twisting them, and flat out ignoring them to pretend they support your argument, when they do just the opposite.

So yeah, I know you won't change your mind. Because you refuse to allow new information that could possibly change it into your skull. And that was my point.

 :haha: :rofl:

You iz wrong.  Tired of proving it point by point. 
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #317 on: June 10, 2016, 01:56:30 PM »
I'm going to offer Chad an olive branch and say that he's either misinformed or just made a mistake with his verbiage.  He is attempting to argue 10 different points at once, that shit can get confusing.  I'm simply saying that "often" and "excessive force" do not compute. Not even from the most slanted anti-Leo website can statistics be derived that law enforcement are often using excessive force. It simply isn't true. Even the link he provided that shows police misconduct rather than excessive force, it still doesn't compute.

It is far less than often.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #318 on: June 10, 2016, 01:59:54 PM »
I'm going to offer Chad an olive branch and say that he's either misinformed or just made a mistake with his verbiage.  He is attempting to argue 10 different points at once, that shit can get confusing.  I'm simply saying that "often" and "excessive force" do not compute. Not even from the most slanted anti-Leo website can statistics be derived that law enforcement are often using excessive force. It simply isn't true. Even the link he provided that shows police misconduct rather than excessive force, it still doesn't compute.

It is far less than often.
Honestly, I don't give enough of a shit about this topic to debate you on it.

Fine. Cops are never assholes.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #319 on: June 10, 2016, 02:02:51 PM »
Honestly, I don't give enough of a shit about this topic to debate you on it.

Fine. Cops are never assholes.

I'm an asshole. You're probably an asshole. Doesn't mean we go around whipping people's asses for no reason. There is a difference.
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