Your "he is a dumbass because THIS happened..." does not rise to the level of fact. And it never will.
Every attempt to resurrect it makes you look stupider and stupider. For fuck's sake, stop it. It's hard to watch.
You posted a video. He made a joke.
It's your hysterical (both in the funny and dramatic sense) cause and effect argument that fails on every level. You've YET to comprehend that despite having pictures drawn for you.
This makes 10 billion and one times, starting with the very first time I posted the video, that I explicitly said
THE VIDEO is a fact. And that
fact supports my OPINION that I had already established on page one of the first fucking thread that he's a buffoon.
Because ad-hominems are another concept some of you simply cannot grasp, I try to stay away from insults. But after the 10 billion and first time of spelling this out so that a retarded 5 year old can understand it, and yet, you still flatly refuse to, I am left with no choice but to call you a blithering idiot. There is nothing left to say.
I have no idea what you're even taking about. Who said democrats were his strongest supporters? You? I didn't. I don't know anybody who did. You tried to cobble together some ridiculous babble about some whore in some state losing an election when Trump endorsed her on SUNDAY as being clear and convincing evidence that he cannot draw voters. It's one of the dumbest things I've ever seen on here. For a while I thought I was arguing with a short-armed early adopter again.
You see, the way the Internet works, when a word or phrase is in a different color? Those are called
hyperlinks [hahy-per-lingk]. They take you to places that sometimes contain facts. It is used as a shorthand way to prove you are fucking wrong without wasting more space than necessary.
In this case, the hyperlink pointed to this story. is a picture, since you don't read too good.

We discussed this at length when you and others were blathering on about how the election was rigged because Trump wasn't on their ballot, and it turned out that it was because THEY WERE REGISTERED DEMOCRATS. We discussed this at length.
Here is CCTAU linking to to express outrage at the "controversy":
Are the rules really being abused?
Here is where I introduce FACTS to the conversation:
Democrats propping up the easy target (this is corroborated by the fact that so many Trump supporters bitched up a storm because they were REGISTERED DEMOCRATS and Trump wasn't showing up on their Democratic closed primary ballots. See: Idiots)
You may have missed it due to your confusion as to what the fuck is a hyperlink.
Try clicking this one: are facts.
Your "instict" that prior to Trump locking down the nomination, Republicans were out-registering Democrats, is false. It is untrue. It is a mistruth. It is nonfactual. Unfactual. Not a fact. If you're going to attempt to post some bullshit "gut feeling" that is verifiably true or false, I suggest you learn what a hyperlink is. People who are interested in truth and facts use them to back up their claims. You never do because you spout bullshit and never cite an actual fact. Your glaring fundamental misunderstanding of facts and links explains why we have gone on for fucking 5 pages of you clinging to your ignorance.
Are you FUCKING NUTS? I spent two minutes on the googles and found multiple articles dating back to February or March discussing the rise and fall of her candidacy and how she had betrayed her base. I'm not going to link them. Do your own work. Found a few opinion pieces on what she'd done wrong and what it was going to cost her. Maybe if you spent a little less time looking for Trump videos....
What is a link?!? I posted links saying the opposite. You refuse to post links because facts are for fags. Guess we should assume my links are bullshit but the ones that exist in your mind are the Gospel.
Here are 497,000 more links for you. reached the same conclusion based on the same facts. I'm sure has some retroactive bullshit about how Trump actually brought her numbers up from wherever they were, but I can't find it, and it speaks more to your understanding of facts and the types of publications that print them and the ones that don't.
The FACT you posted does not support your OPINION.
Your opinion was pre-concieved and you're trying to retro fit what you find to salve your torn feelings.
It does. You're wrong. You're always wrong. You are wrong more often than you exhale in a day.
There are no torn feelings. It was clear from the first day Donald's stupid face stepped onto a debate stage. He is not an intelligent person. Now you're gonna pretend like this one video is the only fact I've presented to support that, err, oh wait, it's not a fact at all,'s an opinon...err...durr...
Frankly, I'm fucking astounded at this entire quote block. I read it like 5 times and LOLed every one. Facts that support an opinion DON'T support an opinion, they just "retro-fit what you find to salve your torn feelings". LOLok. Seriously, a two year old has a better concept of reality than you do. You are mentally ill.
You're the dishonest one. You're also coming off as astoundingly arrogant. Look above. I don't agree with your position and I'm ignorant and waterheaded. Whether you want to accept or acknowledge it or not, that's a prototypical leftist tactic. You denigrate the opinion of others in an attempt to elevate yours. You brand anyone who disagrees with you as ignorant, backward, regressive, racist, xena the warrior princess, dense, vulgar,phobic, yada yada yada.
You've thrown that dirt at me and several others. Can't speak for them, but I haven't thrown it back (much).
First of all, I could go back and highlight the multiple times you call me stupid or nuts in this one post, or quote the 10,000 or so times you and others called me that or worse throughout these threads. When you do it ad-hominem, it's fine. When I do it after you refuse to acknowledge the fundamental definition of what a FACT is, a third grade concept, I'm the asshole.
I have never. Read: Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever said that having an opinion one way or another is ignorant. I'm saying flatly refusing to acknowledge facts is ignorant. Because it is the fucking textbook definition of ignorance. You can't even acknowledge the fact of what is a fact. That's next-level ignorance. Whether it's willful or not, I've given you the benefit of the doubt. Any OPINION on how to handle the debt or what the tax structure should look like, or even how to handle transgenders in the bathroom is not ignorant. Flatly denying facts IS ignorant. See how that works? Or are you ignorant?
What I suspect it actually is, is your bullheaded flat refusal to admit you're wrong, so when you get painted into a corner with your specious bullshit arguments, and I don't just let them slide like I'm sure you're used to, we end up in a place where we argue for five pages on "WHut is a fact". If you possessed the teensy tiniest bit of humility to admit when your arguments are defeated and you are flatly WRONG about something, we wouldn't have to go round and round until you willfully look like a drooling idiot who doesn't understand what words mean.
I've been 1000% transparent. I'm no Trump supporter, but unless he murders somebody on the campaign trail or is caught selling state secrets then he's a better option than Hillary. There is nothing you can say, nothing you can post, no "gotcha" Trump-makes-a-bad-joke video you can scrounge up that will change that FACT.
Cool, bro. You're the loyal drone that will support him even if he
"stands in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoots somebody". What a point of pride to be so loyal to your Führer as to do zero critical thinking, and not let any badthoughts about him enter your skull. So enlightened! By the way, I say this to loyal Bernie or Hillary or even Gary Johnson supporters. Facts matter. Assessing their intelligence, professionalism, character, ability to perform the tasks that being President of the United States entails matter. Anyone with your type of proudly blind loyalty to ANY presidential candidate is disgusting to me. And more importantly is exactly how we got to this trainwreck of a 2016 election.
One day you're going to learn that there are other opinions out there just as intelligent, just as sane, just as rational, just as considered as yours. And on that day you'll open yourself to the idea that legitimate debate, debate sans the name-calling, can actually accomplish something. That will be a good day. It took me a while to get there. And I'm still not quite where I want to be. But I'm willing to listen now on most topics. Just not this one. I know what I know. And I would vote for the bastard child of Charles Manson and Lady Gaga over Hillary Fucking Clinton. Therefore Trump is my guy.
Right, any member of this board can certainly attest to Kaos's fair and reasoned respect for the legitimacy of others' opinions. Right...
The hilarious thing is I am to the right of most people. I agree with you guys on plenty of things, even if not necessarily for your reasons for getting there. Follow me on Twitter. 100% of my twitter arguments are arguing with leftists from the right.
I'm not an ideologue. I'm not a blind party loyalist. I don't view things through any predetermined party-approved lens. I understand nuance. On MOST topics I don't even hold a hard and fast stance as I'm sure you do. Because I usually see the pros and cons to both. Abortion? Death penalty? Climate change regulations? Universal health care? Police brutality? I know your canned responses to all of those topics and any other before I bring them up. For each of those, and many more, I don't fall squarely in team red or team blue, and I don't think either side has a monopoly on the "right" opinion. You, on the other hand, cannot grasp that concept. And you have the audacity to say I'm the one who can't think outside my own biases? This demonstrates an ASTOUNDING lack of self awareness.
I said it before, but I mean it this time. I'm not continuing this meta-argument any more. You're either trolling, in which case I shouldn't dignify you with a response, or you're really this dense, in which case I pity you. So I'll let you continue to be wrong. I already know all of your responses before you type them because you are a predictable robot at this point. You'll tell me facts aren't facts and I'm stupid and I didn't say what I said and you'll "reword" what I said and you'll build 25 more straw man arguments and throw all of your tropes at the wall hoping one of them will make you look less pathetic. You can't help but pick at the scab.
You're wrong. I'm right.
Let it go.