Thing about trump is he doesn't just change gears. He does 180s. And for no real apparent reason other than one of the positions was simply pandering.
It's pretty apparent that the scorched deportation stance was never real and was simply pandering to the redmeat primary base. It's also going unsaid that the stance he holds now is the one he lambasted Rubio and Jeb for. But is it now ok?
I don't think it's a stretch to ask him to explain that away - why he drug a few decent guys through the mud over a stance and now having that same stance as those guys.
He told the New York Times in the spring that his stance was a lot more lenient and flexible than what he was peddling to the primary voters but it was deemed off the record. Cruz told those rednecks in Indiana that and was simply called a liar for bringing it up. Whether one likes or dislikes trump or Cruz, that statement was not a lie. And it's pretty obvious now. But hey "LYIN Ted errrrrbody therrrr u go agin LYIN Ted!"
'Murica golldammet
Not just Trump, but all his rube followers, including many here.
Rubio & Cruz were THE SCUM OF THE FUCKING EARTH SPIC LOVERS for this EXACT position on immigration. Trump was gonna kick all the wetbacks out and build a fuckin' wall.
Now all of the sudden and somehow still it was cuck beta RINO bullshit when it came from Rubio, but from Trump? Well, man, he just evolved a little bit, no big deal. This is what we all really wanted all along, just not when Cruz & Rubio were saying it.
You're the butt of his joke. He is trolling you.