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At least he's not Hillary...


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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #600 on: July 05, 2016, 11:45:58 AM »
This x 1,000,000.  It's exactly what I've said since day 1.

You were talking that early?
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #601 on: July 05, 2016, 12:40:29 PM »
Stupid or liar?

I have been saying this for pages and pages, and now thanks to this ignorant shit, it is becoming mainstream common knowledge. Search "kyke" on Twitter. Right now. Do it. See all those Make America Great Again hats on every avatar?

You don't just get to say there is not SUBSTANTIAL support for Trump among neo-Nazis. A group who, prior to Trump's candidacy, I would have said was a negligible subset of society. Not any more. They've literally come out of the woodwork to support him. Look at that Daily Stormer article.

You can say all day there's no overt Nazi symbolism in the meme. You can say there isn't significant Nazi support for Trump. THE NAZIS DISAGREE WITH YOU.

You want to talk about imploring liberal debate tactics? You are reading the FBI transcripts of Omar Mateen saying "Allahu Akbar, I pledgy my allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi of the Islamic State, may Allah protect him" and then saying "Yeah, but we really don't know Islam had anything to do with this."

Stupid or liar?

Your comments don't make any sense any more. 

They're just random disconnected thoughts foamed in a frothy hysteria.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #602 on: July 05, 2016, 12:54:32 PM »
Trump is a democrat.  He's utilizing a segment of the R base for his purposes, but he doesn't have a conservative bone in his body.

You can say that until your face is as red as chizzy's ass.  But he's on the republican ticket. And he talks about securing the borders and backing the military. Whether he really is or really isn't is a matter of your speculation.  Fact is he appears right of her. And you greatly underestimate the loathing of her outside the liberal enclaves.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #603 on: July 05, 2016, 12:59:58 PM »
Thankfully, I think he fails miserably to accumulate enough votes to win.  That said, however, the RNC needs to take a hard look at the America that is...not the America they nostalgically remember...and figure out how to engage with a diverse population.

1000 percent wrong.

The Republican Party lost its way when it abandoned traditional values and standards in search of PC "diversity." 

Why is Trump so strong?  Because he's only giving lip service to those concepts.  Imagine the crushing strength of a candidate who actually embraced them. 

Your "better adapt to us" PC mentality is the crux of what's wrong with this country and the exact attitude that needs to be eliminated. 
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #604 on: July 05, 2016, 01:33:11 PM »
This whack-a-mole of idiocy is impossible to properly redress because he just keeps blindly stumbling forward and isn't accountable for anything he said 5 seconds, 5 months or 5 years ago.
:thumsup: :thumsup: :thumsup: :thumsup: :thumsup:
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #605 on: July 05, 2016, 01:33:49 PM »
Your comments don't make any sense any more. 

They're just random disconnected thoughts foamed in a frothy hysteria.
So, stupid? You keep shifting between the two.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #606 on: July 05, 2016, 01:37:03 PM »
1000 percent wrong.

The Republican Party lost its way when it abandoned traditional values and standards in search of PC "diversity." 

Why is Trump so strong?  Because he's only giving lip service to those concepts.  Imagine the crushing strength of a candidate who actually embraced them. 

Your "better adapt to us" PC mentality is the crux of what's wrong with this country and the exact attitude that needs to be eliminated.

Check the past two elections...and who note who didn't vote for the R candidate.

Do you not recall the anguished soul searching in the wake of Romney's loss?  The Rs themselves were trying to figure a way to court women and people of color because their primary demo, old white males, are aging out of relevancy.

The Rs lost their way when they sold out to the evangelicals and abandoned their conservative roots.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2016, 01:40:03 PM by wesfau2 »
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #607 on: July 05, 2016, 01:41:39 PM »
Good Lord is this country so fucked.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #608 on: July 05, 2016, 01:44:25 PM »
Check the past two elections...and who note who didn't vote for the R candidate.

Do you not recall the anguished soul searching in the wake of Romney's loss?  The Rs themselves were trying to figure a way to court women and people of color because their primary demo, old white males, are aging out of relevancy.

The Rs lost their way when they sold out to the evangelicals and abandoned their conservative roots.
No but you don't understand, Wes. KAOS doesn't feel that way, and therefore FUCK YOUR DATA.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #609 on: July 05, 2016, 02:04:31 PM »
You see, according to Kaos, Republicans just can't force themselves to give a damn unless their candidate will keep the uppity negroes in check. Maybe they should propose a reinstitution of slavery. That'll get Johnny Q Public to turn out!

Like every fucking thing you say, your theory is demonstrably false.

Romney won 60% of the white vote, the highest of any candidate since 1988. He won the white vote in 42 states. He lost 83% of minority votes.

Absolutely fucking nothing supports your ludicrous statement. But there I go again with my faggoty assed facts and links and numbers and shit...
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #610 on: July 05, 2016, 02:52:17 PM »
Check the past two elections...and who note who didn't vote for the R candidate.

Do you not recall the anguished soul searching in the wake of Romney's loss?  The Rs themselves were trying to figure a way to court women and people of color because their primary demo, old white males, are aging out of relevancy.

The Rs lost their way when they sold out to the evangelicals and abandoned their conservative roots.

Believe that's similar to what I said. 
Republican leadership split into two separate factions essentially -- the Donald "Can I Get a Big Amen" Wildmon zealots and the "Look How Much Like a Democrat I Can Be" scalawags.  Neither of those fit the traditional, conservative, patriotic ideology that still resonates with a large portion of this country.  They left most people out. 

Edit to add: The idea of "courting" a particular demographic is completely flawed.  You need to establish your position and be that.  If people are on board, then people are.  If they're not something else will take its place.  When you abandon one set of values to "court" another, then you'll lose your original base. 

What BOTH parties need to do is stop fucking pandering to blacks, women, hispanics, whites, iguanas, gays, transgenders, pescatarians, pescapescatarians (if you don't know, don't ask), chicks with dicks, pedophiles, muslims, chinese, mathletes, athletes, bicyclists, dopers and pokers.  Lay out what you're going to do for the country and quit lying.  That goes double for Hillary who wouldn't know the truth if it jumped on her pantsuit leg and fucked her with a baseball bat. 

I'm not a religious zealot.  I'm also not in line with liberal social or economic policies. I don't favor unfettered immigration.  I frankly, don't like having to push any fucking thing for English.  There was nobody left for me.   

Trump's not it either.  He was never my choice. But in any election where one option is Hillary I'm going to choose whatever has a chance to defeat her.  I'd seriously vote for a live honey badger or a dead Tibetan yak before I'd vote for her. 

The one thing he does much better than Hillary is look and sound like a patriot.  Maybe it's phony.  But maybe it's enough.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2016, 03:03:43 PM by Kaos »
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #611 on: July 05, 2016, 02:57:56 PM »
You see, according to Kaos, Republicans just can't force themselves to give a damn unless their candidate will keep the uppity negroes in check. Maybe they should propose a reinstitution of slavery. That'll get Johnny Q Public to turn out!

Like every fucking thing you say, your theory is demonstrably false.

Romney won 60% of the white vote, the highest of any candidate since 1988. He won the white vote in 42 states. He lost 83% of minority votes.

Absolutely fucking nothing supports your ludicrous statement. But there I go again with my faggoty assed facts and links and numbers and shit...

So full of hate and rage that you can't see the forest for the one little bitty Trump Tree. 
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #612 on: July 05, 2016, 03:28:34 PM »
The Rs lost their way when they sold out to the evangelicals and abandoned their conservative roots.

I wouldnt disagree with that much.

Evangelicals went strongly for Trump more than any other candidate. And it wasn't even close. Evangelicals directly nominated Trump. Problem there is that most of the country is not of the same demographic. Not intensity anyway. I'm a Christian. But I'm far from evangelical. Not even close. But I have roots and convictions. Im very much a Reaganite. Reagan was a Christian. But he didn't wear it on his sleeve constantly and shove it on you with every breath. He had convictions. He knew what he wanted. And knew how to get it. He formed a great rapport with tip o Neil. Agree or disagree with him, he had a gift. And he had those roots you speak of.

He created a coalition. Of Christians, independents, some minorities, some women and moderate democrats. I'm not sure Trump could do that. Maybe but not nearly like Reagan did. That's been my main concern with trump in a general. Not to bring Cruz back up but I had a few friends that were agnostic that liked him. Not because they agreed with him socially but because they liked his conviction and love of constitution. It was at least a respect. I believe richard dreyfus said the same thing. I'm not sure people see that in the Donald. And they sure as hell don't see it in Hillary. At least with a Cruz or a Rubio or a Rand Paul you would have gotten someone with conviction and a pretty good constitutional rating whether someone likes them or not. It garners a respect.

And to go back to what you said above, I think it serves them better when they nominate someone like that. Reagan has really been the only one the last 50 years that WAS like that. And he had two routes and was extremely effective as a President. The others have been complete duds. Going back to Nixon in 1968 (as opposed to the Nixon in 1960 who was pretty legit).
« Last Edit: July 05, 2016, 03:33:10 PM by GH2001 »
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #613 on: July 05, 2016, 03:35:00 PM »
Believe that's similar to what I said. 

Not at all.  There's nothing remotely PC about the evangelical agenda that the Rs adopted to garner that vote.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #614 on: July 05, 2016, 03:39:37 PM »
Evangelicals went strongly for Trump more than any other candidate. And it wasn't even close. Evangelicals directly nominated Trump. Problem there is that most of the country is not of the same demographic. Not intensity anyway. I'm a Christian. But I'm far from evangelical. Not even close. But I have roots and convictions. Im very much a Reaganite. Reagan was a Christian. But he didn't wear it on his sleeve constantly and shove it on you with every breath. He had convictions. He knew what he wanted. And knew how to get it. He formed a great rapport with tip o Neil. Agree or disagree with him, he had a gift. And he had those roots you speak of.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #615 on: July 05, 2016, 03:43:02 PM »

Just a side note, Rubio and Cruz and Carson (per polls) would have pulled some women and minorities over from the other side in a general. That's not something that shows up in a primary.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #616 on: July 05, 2016, 03:43:52 PM »
Not to bring Cruz back up but I had a few friends that were agnostic that liked him. Not because they agreed with him socially but because they liked his conviction and love of constitution. It was at least a respect. I believe richard dreyfus said the same thing. I'm not sure people see that in the Donald. And they sure as hell don't see it in Hillary. At least with a Cruz or a Rubio or a Rand Paul you would have gotten someone with conviction and a pretty good constitutional rating whether someone likes them or not. It garners a respect.

Donald wiped his ass with those guys.  I still can't believe we're discussing how marvelously they would do in the general when they couldn't come close to catching a guy who says whatever pops into his head at the moment, has less political experience than I do and who has no established position other than "things are fucked up and we want them to be great again." 

Doesn't it mean anything to any of you how strongly that hits home with people?  I'm sitting there last night watching a fireworks display and listening to a band play patriotic music and I'm thinking to myself "how much longer do we get to have this?  Will my grandkids see it?" 

They play the Star Spangled Banner.  People my age and older all stood up.  Younger than me, it was about half and half.  Some never looked up from their cell phones.  They play the various songs from each branch of service and invite the veterans to stand.  Half-hearted applause. 

You can pooh-pooh it all you want, but we are losing the moral fiber of this country.  We're replacing it with "acceptance" for any and all perversions and weirdnesses.  It's going to be the end of us. 

For all the bullshitting I do here, I'm a patriot.  I believe in God and I believed in this country. I don't believe in the country as Obama, Clinton and their euro-trash ilk want it to be. 
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #617 on: July 05, 2016, 03:47:42 PM »
Not at all.  There's nothing remotely PC about the evangelical agenda that the Rs adopted to garner that vote.

The Republican party went in two directions.  There's an evangelical wing searching for a right reverend. No thanks to that.  There's a "new age" wing searching for their next Bubba Bill who will speak in PC platitudes and pull all those women and blacks and hispanics and transgenders and whateverthefucks. 

Right now, because it seems to lack a central focus, it's not doing either well and it has abandoned the conservatives who were once its foundation. 

Niether party is serving the populace any more.  They're serving themselves. 
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #618 on: July 05, 2016, 03:57:32 PM »
Donald wiped his ass with those guys.  I still can't believe we're discussing how marvelously they would do in the general when they couldn't come close to catching a guy who says whatever pops into his head at the moment, has less political experience than I do and who has no established position other than "things are fucked up and we want them to be great again." 

Doesn't it mean anything to any of you how strongly that hits home with people?  I'm sitting there last night watching a fireworks display and listening to a band play patriotic music and I'm thinking to myself "how much longer do we get to have this?  Will my grandkids see it?" 

They play the Star Spangled Banner.  People my age and older all stood up.  Younger than me, it was about half and half.  Some never looked up from their cell phones.  They play the various songs from each branch of service and invite the veterans to stand.  Half-hearted applause. 

You can pooh-pooh it all you want, but we are losing the moral fiber of this country.  We're replacing it with "acceptance" for any and all perversions and weirdnesses.  It's going to be the end of us. 

For all the bullshitting I do here, I'm a patriot.  I believe in God and I believed in this country. I don't believe in the country as Obama, Clinton and their euro-trash ilk want it to be.

Ford did the same in 1976. Was he a better general candidate than Reagan? Nope. The primary voters just got it wrong. They do that a lot. They are a small % of the entire electorate. Reagan came back 4 years later and showed everyone that he should have been the guy in 1976 by trouncing a guy that trounced Ford.

I even said I can't prove they would have won. But it's just my opinion they would have done better. Especially Rubio. The polls indicated that as well. They aren't everything but they are all we have to go on. I don't think that having thought that another of the GOP candidates would have been better suited to battle flawed Crooked Hillary, makes one in favor of all things weird or unpatriotic. A few of their guys on the GOP side were patriotic and constitutional at their core.

It's neither here or there now, so it's useless to rehash to be honest.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2016, 04:02:26 PM by GH2001 »
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #619 on: July 05, 2016, 04:07:23 PM »
Ford did the same in 1976. Was he a better general candidate than Reagan? Nope. The primary voters just got it wrong. They do that a lot. They are a small % of the entire electorate. Reagan came back 4 years later and showed everyone that he should have been the guy in 1976 by trouncing a guy that trounced Ford.

I even said I can't prove they would have won. But it's just my opinion they would have done better. Especially Rubio. The polls indicated that as well. They aren't everything but they are all we have to go on. I don't think that having thought that another of the GOP candidates would have been better suited to battle flawed Crooked Hillary, makes one in favor of all things weird or unpatriotic. A few of their guys on the GOP side were patriotic and constitutional at their cores.

Weren't ready for Ford in 1976.  That was punishment for Watergate. 

Nobody said unpatriotic. SHE is.  She's no more a patriot than Putin is. She's a greedy opportunist who has and will betray this country. 

But there's just not anything substantive to base this repetitive refrain that Rubio (or Cruz or whoever) would beat her.  If Rubio had been even close in Florida (or anywhere else) maybe you could convince me that he would be able to bring out the vote.  He wasn't.  Trump demolished him. Maybe they were patriotic and constitutional. But they couldn't convey it.  People didn't see it. 

Trump is a horrifically weak candidate.  He's flawed.  He was ripe for attack and demolition.  None of them could come close. He swatted them away like gnats.  Do you honestly think they would have done better against the antichrist?  I just can't see it.

That's how I ended up on the Trump wagon anyway.  I saw him laying waste to the rest of the field and figured I better find something to live with. 
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