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At least he's not Hillary...


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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #580 on: July 04, 2016, 08:22:45 AM »
I think you're just being stupid.  But I can get a second opinion if you want.

I'll second both!
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #581 on: July 04, 2016, 01:54:58 PM »
More looking for something that isn't there just to prove what a punk ass bitch you are. 

That's a typical emphasis emblem.  I had them by the droves when I was selling cars and when I owned my furniture stores.  I'd write a price in them or use them behind price tags to showcase "sale" items.

It's not a motherfucking "Star of David." 

You'd have to be a reactionary, moronic, shrieking, mewling bitch to see it as that.     

 :facepalm:  :taunt: :facepalm:

What did you google to come up with that image? I'll bet $10,000 it wasn't "random emphasis emblem".

Here's what I get when I search "emphasis star".


The first four are a 12 point star, two 8 point stars, and then I'm not counting but what appears to be about a 30 point star. No Star of David anywhere in there. And it's very obvious why. Unless you're stupid. In which case, please let me educate you.


A Star of David, often yellow-colored, was used by the Nazis during the Holocaust as a method of identifying Jews. After the German invasion of Poland in 1939 there were initially different local decrees forcing Jews to wear a distinct sign – in the General Government e.g. a white armband with a blue Star of David on it, in the Warthegau a yellow badge in the form of a Star of David on the left side of the breast and on the back. If a Jew was found without wearing the star in public, they could be subjected to severe punishment. The requirement to wear the Star of David with the word Jude (German for Jew) inscribed was then extended to all Jews over the age of six in the Reich and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (by a decree issued on September 1, 1941 signed by Reinhard Heydrich)[31] and was gradually introduced in other Nazi-occupied areas. Others, however, wore the Star of David as a symbol of defiance against the Nazis antisemitism, as in the case of United States Army private Hal Baumgarten, who wore a Star of David emblazoned on his back during the 1944 invasion of Normandy.

By your logic, there should be nothing offensive about the Bad Religion logo.

They just don't like that geometric shape, amirite?

For that matter, an artist depicting one made from two turds isn't making any sort of anti-Chritian statement right? That's just any old shape.

Get the fuck right out of here with that nonsense.

Apparently, this lovely gentleman from this wonderful neo-Nazi publication The Daily Stormer is not as ignorant to history and theology as you are.


Glorious Leader Tweets Hillary Image with Dollars and Jew Star
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 2, 2016

Hero Trump has made history yet again by tweeting a meme of Hillary Clinton featuring her image with a Star of David over top hundred dollar bills. Inside the Jew star it reads “Most corrupt candidate ever!”

It is indeed true that she is the most corrupt candidate ever, and it is also indeed true that the overwhelming majority of her corruption money comes from Jew sources.

This is, yet again, dog-whistling by The Leader. It comes just after he made some offensive comments about Israel being our friend – he says this for the evangelicals, then he signals to us – his real supporters – that we need not worry, he is just shilling a bit to get into power at which point he will shut down the entire Jew agenda.

The Yid media is flipping out.

But it doesn’t matter. Because the evangelicals will listen to his pro-Israel statements, while we will listen to his signals. Everybody wins. They can even report on me saying this is a dog-whistle – it doesn’t matter.

Also, by pushing this into the media, the Jews bring to the public the fact that yes, the majority of Hilary’s donors are filthy Jew terrorists.

Trump’s Israel Rhetoric

As far as Trump’s pro-Israel statements – I don’t care. Besides the dog-whistling confirmation that these are just said to appease the evangacucks, Israel is currently the least immediately threatening aspect of the Jew agenda.

Of much more immediate importance are these aspects of the Jew agenda:

Mass non-White immigration
Insane social engineering programs
Financial manipulations and rip-offs
Basically in that order.

Of course, Israel is connected to the warmongering (only through control of our own government, however), but Trump doesn’t say anything on that. All he says is “Israel’s security,” which means continuing to send them weapons and allowing them to continue to build settlements in the West Bank. Obviously, I would rather not send the Jews weapons, but in the larger scheme of things, this has become a pretty minor issue. The West Bank settlements I don’t really care about at all – that’s the problem of the Arabs.

That said, I absolutely support confronting Trump on any pro-Israel rhetoric – starting Friday, January 21st, 2017.

But after that day, we’re going to be hearing a whole lot less of that rhetoric. I can tell you that.

Here's some more on Trump's intentional social media ties to neo-Nazis.


It’s more than just a couple of retweets.

In late January, Donald Trump did something that would have sunk almost any other presidential campaign: He retweeted an anonymous Nazi sympathizer and white supremacist who goes by the not-so-subtle handle @WhiteGenocideTM. Trump neither explained nor apologized for the retweet and then, three weeks later, he did it again. This subsequent retweet was quickly deleted, but just two days later Trump retweeted a different user named @EustaceFash, whose Twitter header image at the time also included the term “white genocide.”

None of this went unnoticed among ardent racists, many of whom believe there is a coordinated effort to eventually eliminate the “white race.”

Trump is “giving us the old wink-wink,” wrote Andrew Anglin, editor of a white supremacist website called The Daily Stormer, after Trump retweeted two other “white genocide” theorists within a single minute. “Whereas the odd White genocide tweet could be a random occurrence, it isn’t statistically possible that two of them back to back could be a random occurrence. It could only be deliberate…Today in America the air is cold and it tastes like victory.”

It is possible that Trump ― who, according to the campaign, does almost all of his own tweeting ― is unfamiliar with the term “white genocide” and doesn’t do even basic vetting of those whose tweets he amplifies to his seven million followers. But the reality is that there are dozens of tweets mentioning @realDonaldTrump each minute, and he has an uncanny ability to surface ones that come from accounts that proudly proclaim their white supremacist leanings.

“The retweets are based solely on the content, not the personal views of those individuals as they are not vetted, known or of interest to the candidate or the campaign,” says Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks, who declined to explain how Trump searches through his Twitter feed. Hicks also declined (repeatedly) to answer Fortune‘s question as to whether or not Trump believes that white genocide is a legitimate concern.

Follow the followers

Countless numbers of people mention #WhiteGenocide each day on Twitter, but Fortune used social media analytics software from Little Bird to find those who are considered to be the most prominent. In the world of social media marketing, such people are called “influencers.”

“Our technology builds a big network of hundreds or thousands of specialists in a particular field or people who used a particular hashtag, and then analyzes the connections between the people in that network,” explains Little Bird co-founder and chairman Marshall Kirkpatrick. “We then find the person or people in that group that are most followed by others in the same group. It’s kind of like a ‘9-out-of-10 dentists recommend’ model rather than measuring people by the absolute popularity. We view it as earned influence within a specific context.”

The Little Bird software analyzed Twitter content to generate a ranked list of just under 2,000 #WhiteGenocide “influencers” as of February 8. The more impactful, the higher up on the list (which, understandably, ebbs and flows a bit over time).

Since the start of his campaign, Donald Trump has retweeted at least 75 users who follow at least three of the top 50 #WhiteGenocide influencers. Moreover, a majority of these retweeted accounts are themselves followed by more than 100 #WhiteGenocide influencers.

But the relationship isn’t limited to retweets. For example, Trump national campaign spokesperson Katrina Pierson (who is black), follows the most influential #WhiteGenocide account, @Genophilia, which is best known for helping to launch a Star Wars boycott after it became known that the new film’s lead character was black. (Below are some recent #WhiteGenocide tweets from @Genophilia.)

Pierson also follows #WhiteGenocide influencer @Trumphat, who has tweeted that he looks forward to seeing people “swing from lampposts” on the #DOTR, which stands for Day of the Rope ― a seminal event in the racist Turner Diaries novels that inspired Timothy McVeigh. [Update: @Trumphat removed the tweet after this story was published, but Fortune retained a screenshot.]

Moreover, Pierson has company within Trump’s campaign:

The official Twitter account for Trump’s campaign in Nevada follows #WhiteGenocide influencers #3 and #40.
The official Twitter account for Trump’s campaign in North Carolina previously followed #20, #74 and #77.
Tana Goertz, a senior Trump advisor and co-chair of his Iowa campaign, follows #74 and #117.
Nancy Mace, Trump’s South Carolina coalitions director, follows #20 and #35.
Elizabeth Mae Davidson, a former campaign staffer who later sued Trump’s campaign for alleged sexual discrimination, follows #40.
Dena Espenscheid, Trump’s Virginia field director, follows #5, #22 and #35.
That last example is notable, because one of those followed accounts refers to itself as AdolfJoeBiden and has a profile image of Joe Biden with Hitler’s mustache and haircut — something that would have been visible to Espenscheid were she to have followed the account while using almost any device.

AdolfJoeBidenâ„¢ @Bidenshairplugs
Bill O'Reilly is one step away from mentioning #WhiteGenocide. He finally gets the purpose of immigration.
10:07 PM - 1 Dec 2015

Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks declined to discuss the Twitter follows of campaign staff or accounts, saying she doesn’t speak for them. Pierson did not return a request for comment.

Several grassroots organizations campaigning for Trump also follow #WhiteGenocide influencers. The most notable example may be Students for Trump, a national organization whose top two student leaders have met personally with Trump. Its main Twitter account (@TrumpStudents) follows nine of the top 100 #WhiteGenocide influencers, plus users like @WhiteAmericaKKK.

Even the Twitter account for @USAFreedomKids, the young girls whose performance for Trump in Florida became a viral sensation, follows 13 of the top 100 #WhiteGenocide influencers, plus another account that promotes a pro-Hitler documentary called The Greatest Story Never Told.

Fortune also used Little Bird software to analyze the top 50 influencers of the Trump campaign slogan #MakeAmericaGreatAgain, and found that 43 of them each follow at least 100 members of the #WhiteGenocide network.

Trump himself follows just 42 total Twitter accounts, none of which are #WhiteGenocide influencers. But a whopping 67.5% of the #WhiteGenocide influencers do follow @realDonaldTrump (as of March 15), while another 24.1% follow Trump campaign social media director @DanScavino. This compares to just 17.7% that follow @tedcruz, 5.7% that follow @HillaryClinton, 4% that follow @BernieSanders and 2% that follow @JohnKasich.

Cruz’s account, however, does follow 14 #WhiteGenocide influencers, while Kasich follows three. Clinton and Sanders don’t follow any.

It’s a pattern

Donald Trump has never publicly commented on the idea of white genocide, and has publicly distanced himself from white supremacists (despite his well-publicized stumble on David Duke and the KKK). Most recently, in a Monday evening interview with CNN, Trump said he has “always condemned” white supremacists, adding: “I don’t want their support, I don’t need their support.”

But Trump clearly is partial to conspiracy theories, including his involvement in the birther movement and his appearance on a radio program hosted by Alex Jones (whom Trump has referred to as a “nice guy,” even after Jones claimed The Boston Marathon bombings were carried out by the U.S. government).

To repeat what Hope Hicks said, Trump neither checks nor cares that an account like @NeilTurner_ ― which he has retweeted five times ― includes the phrase “#WhiteGenocide is real” in its bio.

What the data shows, however, is that Donald Trump and his campaign have used social media to court support within the white supremacist community, whether intentionally or unintentionally. And it appears to have worked.

15 Mar
 Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
I will bring our jobs back to America, fix our military and take care of our vets, end Common Core and ObamaCare, protect 2nd A, build WALL
@realDonaldTrump We need a wall against White Genocide and a wall on the border! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #582 on: July 04, 2016, 02:12:49 PM »
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #583 on: July 05, 2016, 08:51:25 AM »
The exact image was pulled from https://archive.is/E0Dto where it was originally posted on 6-22-16.

His campaign is sourcing their material from what could only generously be called "ultra right wing" websites.

Oh...the campaign just ripped the meme from a twitter user, not a website.  Perhaps they could have reviewed some of the twitter accounts other posts to see what agenda they were pushing?

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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #584 on: July 05, 2016, 09:08:16 AM »
Oh...the campaign just ripped the meme from a twitter user, not a website.  Perhaps they could have reviewed some of the twitter accounts other posts to see what agenda they were pushing?


Come on Wes. 

It's what I call "manufactured outrage"   It starts with s premise "I hate Trump, therefore..."  and then throws a crybaby tantrum in regard to any little thing it can find that it can use to sustain its pique. 

It's all chizad is capable of right now.  It's why he keeps getting goaded.  He doesn't start with a neutral position, he opens with outrage and THEN looks for a reason to be suffused with indignation. 

This is one of the most ignorant "controversies" I've ever seen.  We've got a presidential candidate lying to the FBI abiut her role in the exposure of classified and sensitive documents and meanwhile the media and DJ chazzy whiff want to lose their collective shit over a starburst on a stupid tweet that wasn't even designed by the trump campaign.  Pffttt. 

And for Queen chazeefa's edification I think I searched for sales starburst.  Or something like that.  Took me all of ten seconds to find packages of them.  I had and used tons of them in my stores.  The number of sides or points was never an issue. 

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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #585 on: July 05, 2016, 09:15:13 AM »
Oh...the campaign just ripped the meme from a twitter user, not a website.  Perhaps they could have reviewed some of the twitter accounts other posts to see what agenda they were pushing?


Oh, no question.  And I'll put this one up there with the Cruz campaign hiring the porn star for one of their commercials.  Should it have been pulled from there?  Of course not.  Did Trump go out and grab it?  No way would I believe that.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #586 on: July 05, 2016, 09:23:44 AM »
Oh, no question.  And I'll put this one up there with the Cruz campaign hiring the porn star for one of their commercials.  Should it have been pulled from there?  Of course not.  Did Trump go out and grab it?  No way would I believe that.

Quit being reasonable.  You know those swastika sporting nazi skinheads that run trumps campaign are out there stirring up the Jew hating ignoramooses who are his only supporters. 
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #587 on: July 05, 2016, 09:29:41 AM »
Oh, no question.  And I'll put this one up there with the Cruz campaign hiring the porn star for one of their commercials.  Should it have been pulled from there?  Of course not.  Did Trump go out and grab it?  No way would I believe that.

I'm missing your point.  I'm not claiming that Trump himself trolls twitter to find memes to use.  But his campaign quite obviously did.  In fact, they admit as much.

"The social media graphic used this weekend was not created by the campaign nor was it sourced from an anti-Semitic site. It was lifted from an anti-Hillary Twitter user where countless images appear," he wrote.

« Last Edit: July 05, 2016, 09:31:41 AM by wesfau2 »
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #588 on: July 05, 2016, 09:40:26 AM »
Quit being reasonable.  You know those swastika sporting nazi skinheads that run trumps campaign are out there stirring up the Jew hating ignoramooses who are his only supporters.
Stupid or liar?

I have been saying this for pages and pages, and now thanks to this ignorant shit, it is becoming mainstream common knowledge. Search "kyke" on Twitter. Right now. Do it. See all those Make America Great Again hats on every avatar?

You don't just get to say there is not SUBSTANTIAL support for Trump among neo-Nazis. A group who, prior to Trump's candidacy, I would have said was a negligible subset of society. Not any more. They've literally come out of the woodwork to support him. Look at that Daily Stormer article.

You can say all day there's no overt Nazi symbolism in the meme. You can say there isn't significant Nazi support for Trump. THE NAZIS DISAGREE WITH YOU.

You want to talk about imploring liberal debate tactics? You are reading the FBI transcripts of Omar Mateen saying "Allahu Akbar, I pledgy my allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi of the Islamic State, may Allah protect him" and then saying "Yeah, but we really don't know Islam had anything to do with this."

Stupid or liar?
« Last Edit: July 05, 2016, 09:43:43 AM by AUChizad »
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #589 on: July 05, 2016, 09:45:43 AM »
And for Queen chazeefa's edification I think I searched for sales starburst.  Or something like that.  Took me all of ten seconds to find packages of them.  I had and used tons of them in my stores.  The number of sides or points was never an issue.
Liar. Definitely liar.


How many of those are six point stars? Don't see the image you posted. Why is that? Could it be that you're lying about the search terms you used to find those very obviously Star of Davids?
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #590 on: July 05, 2016, 10:28:39 AM »
I'm missing your point.  I'm not claiming that Trump himself trolls twitter to find memes to use.  But his campaign quite obviously did.  In fact, they admit as much.

"The social media graphic used this weekend was not created by the campaign nor was it sourced from an anti-Semitic site. It was lifted from an anti-Hillary Twitter user where countless images appear," he wrote.


Point I'm trying to make (and that you agree with) is that it wasn't Trump himself who sent that tweet (or obtained the image and then wrote the tweet before giving it to Donald to hit send).  Should it have been sent?  No, someone should have caught it.  Does that make Donald a racist?  No.

I just think if we're going to attack the guy, we can find much more substantial things to attack the guy on.  This is small potatoes, and in the grand scheme of things, I don't think it matters.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #591 on: July 05, 2016, 10:35:47 AM »
Point I'm trying to make (and that you agree with) is that it wasn't Trump himself who sent that tweet (or obtained the image and then wrote the tweet before giving it to Donald to hit send).  Should it have been sent?  No, someone should have caught it.  Does that make Donald a racist?  No.

Doesn't the buck stop at the Don?  It's his campaign.


I just think if we're going to attack the guy, we can find much more substantial things to attack the guy on.  This is small potatoes, and in the grand scheme of things, I don't think it matters.

It's another in a pattern of gaffes.  He is systematically showing the world how unprepared he is to lead a campaign, much less the U.S.

This also shows us the key to his success.  Trump fucks up...world reacts.  While still reacting, Trump stumbles again.  World has to abandon prior gaffe to react to new one.

This whack-a-mole of idiocy is impossible to properly redress because he just keeps blindly stumbling forward and isn't accountable for anything he said 5 seconds, 5 months or 5 years ago.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #592 on: July 05, 2016, 10:56:03 AM »
Doesn't the buck stop at the Don?  It's his campaign.

Ultimately, yes.  So let's call him a dumbass and then move on.

It's another in a pattern of gaffes.  He is systematically showing the world how unprepared he is to lead a campaign, much less the U.S.

This also shows us the key to his success.  Trump fudges up...world reacts.  While still reacting, Trump stumbles again.  World has to abandon prior gaffe to react to new one.

This whack-a-mole of idiocy is impossible to properly redress because he just keeps blindly stumbling forward and isn't accountable for anything he said 5 seconds, 5 months or 5 years ago.

Oh don't get me wrong.  I'm not a fan of his.  I've not seen one thing of substance from him on how we deal with ISIS, other than bombing the shit out of them, which I don't think will solve the problem.  I could keep going (Immigration is another one - build a wall?  Please.  Keep Muslims out?  How do you enforce it). 

I think the problem is that we are arguing like idiots with an idiot.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #593 on: July 05, 2016, 10:57:24 AM »

I think the problem is that we are arguing like idiots with an idiot.

Disagree with the first part...but how to engage Capt. Bloatimus, then?
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #594 on: July 05, 2016, 11:01:59 AM »
Stupid or liar?

I have been saying this for pages and pages, and now thanks to this ignorant shit, it is becoming mainstream common knowledge. Search "kyke" on Twitter. Right now. Do it. See all those Make America Great Again hats on every avatar?

You don't just get to say there is not SUBSTANTIAL support for Trump among neo-Nazis. A group who, prior to Trump's candidacy, I would have said was a negligible subset of society. Not any more. They've literally come out of the woodwork to support him. Look at that Daily Stormer article.

You can say all day there's no overt Nazi symbolism in the meme. You can say there isn't significant Nazi support for Trump. THE NAZIS DISAGREE WITH YOU.

You want to talk about imploring liberal debate tactics? You are reading the FBI transcripts of Omar Mateen saying "Allahu Akbar, I pledgy my allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi of the Islamic State, may Allah protect him" and then saying "Yeah, but we really don't know Islam had anything to do with this."

Stupid or liar?

For the eleventy billionth time.  Who. Gives. A. Fuck. If. They. Support. Trump. 

Gonna support somebody.  Won't be a democrat.  These same groups supported bush. Reagan. Romney. Dole.

They all nazis too? 

You're losing it. 
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #595 on: July 05, 2016, 11:06:38 AM »

Gonna support somebody.  Won't be a democrat.

Trump is a democrat.  He's utilizing a segment of the R base for his purposes, but he doesn't have a conservative bone in his body.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #596 on: July 05, 2016, 11:11:33 AM »
Disagree with the first part...but how to engage Capt. Bloatimus, then?

And that's the million dollar question that the RNC is asking themselves.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #597 on: July 05, 2016, 11:18:32 AM »
And that's the million dollar question that the RNC is asking themselves.

Thankfully, I think he fails miserably to accumulate enough votes to win.  That said, however, the RNC needs to take a hard look at the America that is...not the America they nostalgically remember...and figure out how to engage with a diverse population.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #598 on: July 05, 2016, 11:21:08 AM »
Thankfully, I think he fails miserably to accumulate enough votes to win.  That said, however, the RNC needs to take a hard look at the America that is...not the America they nostalgically remember...and figure out how to engage with a diverse population.

Agree 100% with you.  The RNC have no one to blame but themselves for this.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #599 on: July 05, 2016, 11:26:17 AM »
Trump is a democrat.  He's utilizing a segment of the R base for his purposes, but he doesn't have a conservative bone in his body.

This x 1,000,000.  It's exactly what I've said since day 1. 
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