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At least he's not Hillary...


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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #520 on: June 26, 2016, 03:03:44 PM »
"You're wasting your life looking this shit up" is my favorite fallacy from your tiny, limited arsenal.

Because in your mind, there's no way to know what's actually going on in the news without actively seeking out FACTS and STATISTICS that support my biased worldview.


I'm not going to get into an arsenal messuring contest.  But you don't need to worry about my rockets.  Or my firepower. 

I regret the insults already.  But it's difficult.  You're so arrogantly cocksure that you're the only sane and logical person here. That your sainted opinion is the only one blessed by the Virgin Cindy and Pope Peanut. 

You keep your posting shit from left wing rags, shit eating comedians and the monkey cage as if it's going to change anybody's thinking.  Yes. You are wasting your life.  You've made up your mind.  Trump sucks.  So have we.  Hillary sucks exponentially worse. 

Alpha. Omega. 

Continue if you wish.  You shall only endure more fuckery if you do. 

Oh.  And let me add....

I've never even said you're wrong necessarily.  Point being, it doesn't matter.  Maybe he is behind in every poll.  Maybe he says dumb shit and doesn't know Brexit from Febreeze.  It doesn't matter.  Her "knowing" more than he does in no way makes her less dangerous or an iota more honest. There are people in the world a lot smarter than me.  Or so I've heard.  Hand them the situations I've navigated in business. Let's see if they can do it better than I have.  She's worse than he is in every metric that matters. 

End of story.  Except it won't be.  You won't let it. 
« Last Edit: June 26, 2016, 03:34:27 PM by Kaos »
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #521 on: June 27, 2016, 03:52:20 PM »

Trump will win! 

Donald Trump will win the 2016 presidential election.

Not “might” win. Not “could win under the following circumstances.” He’s going to win as surely as the sun rises in the east, as certainly as high tide follows low, and as definitively as Steph Curry laid waste to the Oklahoma City Thunder’s defense.

And this:

Oh, that Trump is such a thin-skinned baby! Did you see his “epic meltdown” during his news conference at Trump Tower last week? He kept berating the reporters for not doing their jobs. What a buffoon!

At least, that’s what The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune and the crew on “Morning Joe” said.

What my friends in the media fail to understand is the great mass of would-be readers and viewers really, really don’t like us. They certainly don’t trust us. And so when Trump calls ABC News reporter Tom Llamas “a sleaze” and Llamas responds with pained indignation, who do you suppose wins that confrontation?

“Why am I a sleaze?” Llamas protested.

“You’re a sleaze because you know the facts and you know the facts well,” Trump replied.

Trump never apologizes and never backs down. The media may despise him, but voters despise the media more. That’s why he’s winning.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2016, 03:55:20 PM by Kaos »
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #522 on: June 27, 2016, 04:03:58 PM »
Poke your doom and shove your gloom. 


After an election season in which nothing they predicted came true -- their confidence that Donald Trump would never be the Republican nominee comes to mind -- you'd think our losing-streak corporate pundits would be reluctant to underestimate Trump's chance of winning the presidency in November.   

Alas, there is no limit to the willfully oblivious hubris of the barking dogs of the political class. Despite last week's cataclysm the airwaves and opinion pages are still dominated by the smug meme that It Can't Happen Here.   

Never mind that half of that It, Trump's capture of the nomination, has happened. But this is where Trump's juggernaut stops, say the center-right prognosticators. Polls show him losing to Hillary Clinton by 14 percent -- er, now it's 2 percent. But still.   

Trump's disapproval ratings are as big as his ego. Women hate the guy. So do Latinos; Republicans can't win without them. Trump, they assure, has a ceiling: 45 percent. No way no how will more than 45 percent of Americans vote for him. (Remember when the same folks told us his ceiling was 30 percent -- of Republicans?) He's a guaranteed loosah.   

If Hillary Clinton prevails over Bernie Sanders and the Department of Justice to become the Democratic standard-bearer, she'll be welcomed as a liberator against Trump, Democratic leaders say. Most GOP insiders say/fear the same thing: she'll win by a landslide.   

I wouldn't be so sure.   

There are plenty of good reasons to believe that Trump will defeat the former secretary of state.   

Before we list them, please bear in mind something no one talks about: what an amazing candidate Trump has proven to be. Not only does Trump have no political experience, this is his first run for president, or for any elected office. For a novice to win a major party nomination on his time out, spending hardly any of his own money, is a triumph, a trifecta without historical precedent. (True, there was Eisenhower. But Ike was the supreme commander of Allied forces during World War II, and president of Columbia University. Those were essentially political positions.) With Trump, we are in uncharted territory. The man is a beast.   

Now for the factors that run counter to the widely accepted Hillary-is-a-shoo-in narrative.   

First, Hillary is a weak candidate.   

Her negatives are nearly as high as Trump's. A recent poll shows her even or losing against Trump in key battleground states: Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. The liberal base of the Democratic Party, which mostly supports Bernie Sanders, is not at all Ready for Hillary.  If the Bernie or Bust movement convinces even a few percentage points worth of Dems to stay home, write in Bernie's name or vote for Jill Stein, that shortfall of support could be enough to throw the race The Donald's way. If anything, Hillary is the one with a ceiling: she's been in public life so long that it's hard to believe that anyone who doesn't like her now will find a reason to do so in the next six months. Politically, we're just getting to know Trump.   

Also, Americans' hardwired historical amnesia is tailor-made for Trump.   

His insane pronouncements would sink a conventional candidate. But when his racist or idiotic statements stir controversy, he doesn't apologize: he denies that he ever said them. Then he doubles down. He constantly contradicts himself, sometimes in the same speech. This drives the media crazy. But it doesn't touch Teflon Don. Thanks to Ronald Reagan and his ideological progeny, we're living at a time when we choose our own facts along with our opinions -- and no one is held accountable for their broken promises, hypocrisies or flip-flops. The past? Even when it isn't past, even in real time, the past so doesn't matter. As a conventional politician, Hillary will be forced to defend herself and her long record in public service from Trump's attacks. Because he has no such record, and the record he does have is something he'll just lie about -- and voters will be perfectly fine with it - she can't go after him the same way.   

Because GOP campaigning is so much more effective, Democratic presidential candidates need to be at least 10 percent ahead of Republicans in August in order to win in November. Trump and Clinton are single digits apart, and it's only May. Just wait until the zillions of GOP attack ads do their thing.   

Trump will benefit from a Republican Party that may not be as unified as they would like. But it will be unified enough to beat Hillary. Because she's unwilling to make the policy and personnel concessions necessary to bring Sanders' supporters into her fold -- $15/hour minimum wage, offer Sanders veep -- she'll never be able to recover from the bruising primaries. Her party will be the more fractured one.   

Trump is also in the unique position of being positioned to attack her from both the left and the right. He'll go after her as a warmonger and a free trader and fiscally irresponsible and corrupt. As we've seen in the primaries, he has an uncanny ability to hone in on his rivals' Achilles' heels. Then he kicks them until they fall.   

In the end, Hillary's biggest liability may be overconfidence. She clearly doesn't think much of Trump's intellect, his political acumen or his campaign chops. Big mistake. This guy is many things, some of them very bad. But he is not stupid. Donald Trump is one of the most formidable politicians of our lifetimes. He can win.   

Bold = Boom!
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #523 on: June 27, 2016, 04:43:02 PM »
Rasmussen is as accurate and reputable as they come. This is his thing. And he has no bias. Love reading his stuff. He is the only one who said Obama would surprise Romney about a week before that election. Everyone else had Romney erroneously ahead and the Romney camp was full of hubris the last month of the election cycle because of it. Rasmussen held to his prediction and was almost dead on.

I also read that the abc news poll surveyed 14% more (I think that's the number not sure) dems than republicans for that poll. Thus more than likely putting the scientific number on the poll closer to 3-5 % in favor of Hillary.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #524 on: June 27, 2016, 10:45:52 PM »
I need Chad to go out search and find articles that refutes Rausmussen.  It's the only way I can carry on with my life.  I need the hours worth of research!  Dammit man! 
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Courage is only fear holding on a minute longer.--George S. Patton

There are gonna be days when you lay your guts on the line and you come away empty handed, there ain't a damn thing you can do about it but go back out there and lay em on the line again...and again, and again! -- Coach Pat Dye

It isn't that liberals are ignorant. It's just they know so much that isn't so. --Ronald Reagan


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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #525 on: June 28, 2016, 05:52:45 AM »
The Shrilary Clinton described in this book is the one I've had described to me by people who had the misfortune to deal with her on a personal or professional level. 



This is the power mad, manipulative, self serving, abusive, entitled, abrasive bitch who needs to be as far away from the white house as we can keep her.  She's the red queen, she's Cersi Lannister on steroids. She is raw evil. 

Saw the author of this book on Hannity last night (thanks for the heads up via message).  He echoed what I've been told.  I found it interesting that as Hannity noted the author was booked for an interview on fox but has been rebuffed by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN.... 

I've heard her described as uncouth, abusive. Morally and ethically bankrupt.

I'm not one who typically tries to convince anyone to do or believe anything. I just post my opinion and you can do what you want. In this case though I'm imploring you NOT to vote for this shrew.  If you can't bring yourself to  vote for Trump just stay home. 
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #526 on: June 28, 2016, 07:15:46 AM »
The Shrilary Clinton described in this book is the one I've had described to me by people who had the misfortune to deal with her on a personal or professional level. 



This is the power mad, manipulative, self serving, abusive, entitled, abrasive bitch who needs to be as far away from the white house as we can keep her.  She's the red queen, she's Cersi Lannister on steroids. She is raw evil. 

Saw the author of this book on Hannity last night (thanks for the heads up via message).  He echoed what I've been told.  I found it interesting that as Hannity noted the author was booked for an interview on fox but has been rebuffed by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN.... 

I've heard her described as uncouth, abusive. Morally and ethically bankrupt.

I'm not one who typically tries to convince anyone to do or believe anything. I just post my opinion and you can do what you want. In this case though I'm imploring you NOT to vote for this shrew.  If you can't bring yourself to  vote for Trump just stay home.

It was a pretty powerful interview. I almost want to go buy the thing now and read it end to end. Dinesh D Souza also has a movie coming out this summer about the same thing that should be pretty good.

I truly believe this woman is as corrupt and evil as they come. More than her husband. More than bush. More than Nixon. More than any of them.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #527 on: June 28, 2016, 09:36:41 AM »
I need Chad to go out search and find articles that refutes Rausmussen.  It's the only way I can carry on with my life.  I need the hours worth of research!  Dammit man!

That article Kaos posted was from 2 months ago.

This is their latest commentary.


Rasmussen is the only poll that had them in a dead heat two weeks ago. Hillary took a 4% lead last week and the gap has continued to widen. Again, according to the one outlier poll that is "good" for Trump.

Sorry to disappoint you if you think it took hours to read the publish date, see it was outdated, and see what their latest report said.

I did like this part of the article though. Why you no bold?

Also, Americans' hardwired historical amnesia is tailor-made for Trump.   

His insane pronouncements would sink a conventional candidate. But when his racist or idiotic statements stir controversy, he doesn't apologize: he denies that he ever said them. Then he doubles down. He constantly contradicts himself, sometimes in the same speech. This drives the media crazy. But it doesn't touch Teflon Don. Thanks to Ronald Reagan and his ideological progeny, we're living at a time when we choose our own facts along with our opinions -- and no one is held accountable for their broken promises, hypocrisies or flip-flops. The past? Even when it isn't past, even in real time, the past so doesn't matter. As a conventional politician, Hillary will be forced to defend herself and her long record in public service from Trump's attacks. Because he has no such record, and the record he does have is something he'll just lie about -- and voters will be perfectly fine with it - she can't go after him the same way.   
« Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 09:41:13 AM by AUChizad »
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #528 on: June 28, 2016, 10:07:17 AM »

That article Kaos posted was from 2 months ago.

This is their latest commentary.


Rasmussen is the only poll that had them in a dead heat two weeks ago. Hillary took a 4% lead last week and the gap has continued to widen. Again, according to the one outlier poll that is "good" for Trump.

Sorry to disappoint you if you think it took hours to read the publish date, see it was outdated, and see what their latest report said.

I did like this part of the article though. Why you no bold?

You do realize that I was joking, right? 

Anyone who is keeping up with the polls knows that she is leading and he is not closing the gap. 
« Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 10:26:33 AM by AUTiger1 »
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Courage is only fear holding on a minute longer.--George S. Patton

There are gonna be days when you lay your guts on the line and you come away empty handed, there ain't a damn thing you can do about it but go back out there and lay em on the line again...and again, and again! -- Coach Pat Dye

It isn't that liberals are ignorant. It's just they know so much that isn't so. --Ronald Reagan


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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #529 on: June 28, 2016, 10:11:28 AM »

That article Kaos posted was from 2 months ago.

This is their latest commentary.


Rasmussen is the only poll that had them in a dead heat two weeks ago. Hillary took a 4% lead last week and the gap has continued to widen. Again, according to the one outlier poll that is "good" for Trump.

Sorry to disappoint you if you think it took hours to read the publish date, see it was outdated, and see what their latest report said.

I did like this part of the article though. Why you no bold?

You're being Dwight, you know. 
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #530 on: June 28, 2016, 10:23:42 AM »
You can't convince me that any of the other top tier Republican candidates would not be wiping the floor with Hillary right now.  We had an opportunity to put up principled conservatives and have a battle over ideas this election.  We could have put up a candidate (any candidate) and they would have looked like Ward Cleaver next to Hillary.  But no, the 40% majority had to vote with their feelings instead of their brains and put up the one person running who is just as unpopular as Hillary. 

Short of an actual indictment I still believe she will clean Trump's clock in November.  Trump doesn't have (and never had) a shot to win New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio or Florida.  He's struggling to hang on to freaking Arizona and Utah, both of which are usually Republican strongholds. 

Our only hope is that the delegates at the convention have the balls to throw a coup.  Too bad we already know the answer. 
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #531 on: June 28, 2016, 10:26:54 AM »
Short of an actual indictment I still believe she will clean Trump's clock in November. 

100% agree.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #532 on: June 28, 2016, 10:29:45 AM »
100% agree.

Same.  I just don't see him winning it when he only has about 70% (Rasmussen) support of republican voters. 
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Courage is only fear holding on a minute longer.--George S. Patton

There are gonna be days when you lay your guts on the line and you come away empty handed, there ain't a damn thing you can do about it but go back out there and lay em on the line again...and again, and again! -- Coach Pat Dye

It isn't that liberals are ignorant. It's just they know so much that isn't so. --Ronald Reagan


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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #533 on: June 28, 2016, 10:36:34 AM »
You can't convince me that any of the other top tier Republican candidates would not be wiping the floor with Hillary right now.  We had an opportunity to put up principled conservatives and have a battle over ideas this election.  We could have put up a candidate (any candidate) and they would have looked like Ward Cleaver next to Hillary.  But no, the 40% majority had to vote with their feelings instead of their brains and put up the one person running who is just as unpopular as Hillary. 

Short of an actual indictment I still believe she will clean Trump's clock in November.  Trump doesn't have (and never had) a shot to win New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio or Florida.  He's struggling to hang on to freaking Arizona and Utah, both of which are usually Republican strongholds. 

Our only hope is that the delegates at the convention have the balls to throw a coup.  Too bad we already know the answer.

You're wrong. 

Cruz? She would have already had him for breakfast and be picking her teeth.  Rubio?  Wiped her ass with him.  Kashch?  All the dynamic energy of a dead tree sloth.  She'd abuse his sleepy ass.  The corrupt whore KNOWS what to do with that type of person.  Trump's unpredictability, his refusal to act like a "normal" politician and his brazen willingness to call her out are things that throw her off. His taunts will eventually pull her out of her comfort zone.  He will make her look like the shrieking shrewish bitch she is. 

Will it work to the point to get him elected?  Time will tell. 

The media is humping hard to keep trump supporters at home.  Gloom and doom fraudulent polls now to discourage the momentum.  Would not surprise me to see them switch to show trump with a decent lead toward November.  Convince on the fence voters to stay home because he's gonna win anyway. 

And it's a long way to November.  Your contention that he's "struggling" to hold on to Arizona and that he can't possibly win NY, FL, PA or OH is based on what?  Flawed information and wishful thinking of the left? 

Bernie nearly took her down.  Trump is a stronger and more dynamic candidate than the Bern. 

Don't start counting bitchy chickens just yet. 
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #534 on: June 28, 2016, 10:42:49 AM »
Cruz? She would have already had him for breakfast and be picking her teeth.  Rubio?  Wiped her ass with him.  Kashch?  All the dynamic energy of a dead tree sloth.  She'd abuse his sleepy ass.  The corrupt whore KNOWS what to do with that type of person.  Trump's unpredictability, his refusal to act like a "normal" politician and his brazen willingness to call her out are things that throw her off. His taunts will eventually pull her out of her comfort zone.  He will make her look like the shrieking shrewish bitch she is. 
I just want to understand the mindset that thinks that a Cruz, Rubio, or Kasich, who would be DISMANTLING her right now, point for researched point, on the Benghazi/email scandals would be less effective than Trump's vague 3rd grade insults that he's "hearing things" and "we don't know her religion" and "Crooked Hillary" etc.

There is a faction of idiots who think this is a more effective way of winning the discussion. They're thankfully not the majority (yet). You can't will it to be so.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #535 on: June 28, 2016, 10:58:51 AM »
You're wrong. 

Cruz? She would have already had him for breakfast and be picking her teeth.  Rubio?  Wiped her ass with him.  Kashch?  All the dynamic energy of a dead tree sloth.  She'd abuse his sleepy ass.  The corrupt whore KNOWS what to do with that type of person.  Trump's unpredictability, his refusal to act like a "normal" politician and his brazen willingness to call her out are things that throw her off. His taunts will eventually pull her out of her comfort zone.  He will make her look like the shrieking shrewish bitch she is. 

Will it work to the point to get him elected?  Time will tell. 

The media is humping hard to keep trump supporters at home.  Gloom and doom fraudulent polls now to discourage the momentum.  Would not surprise me to see them switch to show trump with a decent lead toward November.  Convince on the fence voters to stay home because he's gonna win anyway. 

And it's a long way to November.  Your contention that he's "struggling" to hold on to Arizona and that he can't possibly win NY, FL, PA or OH is based on what?  Flawed information and wishful thinking of the left? 

Bernie nearly took her down.  Trump is a stronger and more dynamic candidate than the Bern. 

Don't start counting bitchy chickens just yet.

And this may be where we disagree a bit in the last page. I don't think for a min that Cruz or Rubio would be losing to her. Especially Rubio. Both are so much more likeable than her. And likeability is huge. They would be doing tremendously better with Hispanics. Cruz, when allowed to actually debate in the classical sense, dismantles people. The guy is a walking encyclopedia who rarely leaves an i undotted whether you agree with him or not. And he was not my first, second or even third choice. The problem with the primary is that the debates went apeshit. Rules weren't followed. It's hard to be an effective debater when the rules are abandoned and a screaming match ensues. Hillary isn't gonna do that on a stage like Trump. She will play to the crowd with her rhetoric but I truly believe Cruz or Rubio would have obliterated her and held her feet to the fire with a lot of inconvenient truths. I also liked the fact that Cruz and Rand Paul were the only two senators who had the balls to stand up and filibuster Barry's communist legislation. Rubio was there too to assist them. That shit meant something to me. They did what they said. They had convictions.

That's just my take. And I know we will disagree on that part but it's all good. I just think those two in particular would have fared very well against her. They had great poll numbers head to head. In fact I think Rubio would have been a slam dunk in a general.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #536 on: June 28, 2016, 11:01:37 AM »
I just want to understand the mindset that thinks that a Cruz, Rubio, or Kasich, who would be DISMANTLING her right now, point for researched point, on the Benghazi/email scandals would be less effective than Trump's vague 3rd grade insults that he's "hearing things" and "we don't know her religion" and "Crooked Hillary" etc.

There is a faction of idiots who think this is a more effective way of winning the discussion. They're thankfully not the majority (yet). You can't will it to be so.

Chad. Honey. 

The number of American voters in this digital sound bite, twitterized country who give two shits about "point by carefully researched point" is infinitely smaller than even your most conservative estimate. 

If Cruz was so awesome at "dismantling" people why is he sitting at home while a first time candidate with admittedly inferior qualifications beat him like a runaway slave in the primaries? 

When trump gets her in front of people and away from her choreographed lesbian fests, he's going to abuse her.  Like he abused Rubio and Cruz. 
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #537 on: June 28, 2016, 11:05:47 AM »
Chad. Honey. 

The number of American voters in this digital sound bite, twitterized country who give two shits about "point by carefully researched point" is infinitely smaller than even your most conservative estimate. 

If Cruz was so awesome at "dismantling" people why is he sitting at home while a first time candidate with admittedly inferior qualifications beat him like a runaway slave in the primaries? 

When trump gets her in front of people and away from her choreographed lesbian fests, he's going to abuse her.  Like he abused Rubio and Cruz.

Same reason Reagan got sent home in 1976. Little different but lot of similarities. Hillary is a more traditional debater. She would have played more into Cruz or rubios style. Trump was such a wildcard and so bombastic that it really neutralized any debate advantage Cruz may have held. Which really was a smart move on Trumps part to be honest. Joe Biden did very much the same thing in the 2012 debate with Paul Ryan. And that was a smart move too.

Oh and speaking of, anyone else think Biden regrets his decision not to run this year? He had to have been kicking himself at the shit fest he saw on TV. Disclaimer: Biden is an idiot. He is not fit to be president. But his likeability as compared to Hillarys would have propelled him to the nomination easily.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 11:07:40 AM by GH2001 »
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #538 on: June 28, 2016, 03:59:27 PM »

And it's a long way to November.  Your contention that he's "struggling" to hold on to Arizona and that he can't possibly win NY, FL, PA or OH is based on what?  Flawed information and wishful thinking of the left? 

I think the better question is: what is your contention that he's going to win NY, FL, PA or OH?  Where do you see any data that reflects this outcome?  The fact is we're both operating off of a hunch here.  My hunch is that he gets waxed and will struggle to hold on to Arizona and Utah.  My hunch is that he won't win NY, FL, PA or OH.  Which of those 4 states do you honestly think he will win? 

I've unplugged from the hoard of Trump worshipers in the media who sold their souls to bow at the Trump alter.  Hannity, Greta, Rush, Laura Ingram, Ann Coulter, Eric Bolling, the entire Fox & Friends crew - just to name a few.  Those people all showed their true colors this election cycle.  They are ratings whores who ultimately care about their own little media empires than they do advancing the cause of conservatism.   

We'll be able to see the actual results in a few months.  I'm much more confident that Trump stands to lose either Utah or Arizona than he wins any of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio or Florida.  Time will tell.
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Re: At least he's not Hillary...
« Reply #539 on: June 28, 2016, 06:41:52 PM »
I think the better question is: what is your contention that he's going to win NY, FL, PA or OH?  Where do you see any data that reflects this outcome?  The fact is we're both operating off of a hunch here.  My hunch is that he gets waxed and will struggle to hold on to Arizona and Utah.  My hunch is that he won't win NY, FL, PA or OH.  Which of those 4 states do you honestly think he will win? 

I've unplugged from the hoard of Trump worshipers in the media who sold their souls to bow at the Trump alter.  Hannity, Greta, Rush, Laura Ingram, Ann Coulter, Eric Bolling, the entire Fox & Friends crew - just to name a few.  Those people all showed their true colors this election cycle.  They are ratings whores who ultimately care about their own little media empires than they do advancing the cause of conservatism.   

We'll be able to see the actual results in a few months.  I'm much more confident that Trump stands to lose either Utah or Arizona than he wins any of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio or Florida.  Time will tell.

Didn't say he would win any of those states.  Said he had a better chance than Cruz, Rubio, bush or Kasich. 

He beat Rubio in Florida.  Was Marco going to suddenly become the answer against her there?  Cruz performed abysmally in NY.  There is nothing he could do to make up that gap. 

You're sure he's going to get steamrolled.  But you (maybe not you specifically but the collective) were equally sure he'd implode in the primaries. That a true debater would eviscerate him. Didn't happen.  The excuse that "they let the debates get out of control and are going to make him follow the rules now" is certifiable. 

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