has $1.28 million cash on hand, which in presidential election campaign terms is basically functionally $0.
Hillary has $40 million CoH.
Cruz has $6.8 million CoH and he ended his campaign months ago.
Ben. Fucking. Carson. has more cash on hand at $1.8 million.
Trump's campaign is $45.7 IN DEBT.
Trump raised a total of $3.1 million in May..
Hillary raised $1.4 million more than this. Tonight.
Cruz dropped out on May 3rd, to be exact. And yet he raised $2.7 million in May, nearly as much as Trump.
Here is a visual:

Hillary and her PACs are spending $117 million on ads.
Trump is running $700,000. 167 to 1 advantage Hillary.
Hillary is paying 700 more staffers than Trump.
He's not trying to fundraise because he lied to you and said he was rich enough to fund his own campaign.
Most of the money he is raising is going to his own companies and properties. When he said he's self-funding, he meant he's taking sucker's money and funding his businesses.

His single biggest campaign expense in May was a payment of $423,371.70 to Mar-A-Lago, a club that he owns.
He is not trying to win. He wants to lose. He wanted Hillary to win from the beginning. You were all conned. It was glaringly obvious to most of us. Great job.