It's a difference of opinion. And leave it at that. Conjecture at best on what the other would have done. We will never know. But I don't think it can be said with any certainty that they would have been worse. Again, conjecture.
I don't really disagree with you in terms of qualifications. Cruz, Rubio and the rest are probably better qualified, they're more level headed, they're more intelligent, more verbose, and so on.
I'm really only looking at the voting patterns and the schism in the American voter. Not saying Trump is better, just looking at the ardor of his supporters and the willingness to overlook whatever flaws he has.
The people are D.U.M.B. Just look around you, Ellen. We're at the threshold of hell. They're willing to vote for that shrewish hag because.... none of them can say. Can't list a thing she's ever done well except being a bitch.
I just can't imagine a career politician -- no matter who it is -- having the charisma to engender the kind of support Trump is getting. That's what I believe it will take to knock her off. Politics/Politicians -- particularly with the mainstream media so sluttily in bed for her -- weren't going to get it done.