Bush was dogshit because of the bailouts on Wall Street, right? You know, the ones that as bad as I hate them, we would've gone into a worse economic depression without.
But then, we bail out Detroit unions.
Now, we are poised to bailout the failing Obamacare program with taxpayer money. Yep. I believe that it's over 1/2 of the insurance company exchanges are losing money or already broke.
Hope and change.
I'm all about improving healthcare in this country. It has sucked for a long time. It sucks worse for me now. As Token pointed out about his health insurance, most people that feel that they really want it could get it at one time.
It's worse for me, being self-employed, now more than ever. It becomes more and more expensive.
I know people who have been without it for years. They made the decision to just have a major medical and it worked out for them. They actually saved thousands over a 15 year period.
This bastard's program is a complete failure and anyone who still believes in it is a lost ball in high grass, imo.
Fuck him and his fuck his health insurance program. And fuck his administration that is considering prosecuting climate change deniers--like EXXON (believe it or not). And fuck all of the do-gooders who want to take money that doesn't belong to them to do what they consider to be good.
Fuck Planned Parenthood and all of the failed "green" programs that are a total waste of taxpayer money and failures.
Fuck all of the lazy ass government workers--which is approximately 80% of the entire government "work" force.
It is very evident Obama never had a real job.