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Political Correctness is Destroying America


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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #100 on: April 13, 2016, 10:40:23 AM »
Oh you mean the papers that proves communist & socialist dictators hypocritically demand ridiculous taxation rates from their citizens while they themselves don't want to pay them? Russia, Pakistan, Iraq, Ukraine, Egypt. Which capitalist leaders were on the list?
Every single one of these starts with a capital, you fucking idiot.
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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #101 on: April 13, 2016, 11:25:29 AM »

Tulane students fire back at fraternity's pro-Trump wall

By Oona Goodin-Smith, Oakland University 9:00 am EDT April 13, 2016

A wall of sandbags constructed last Thursday and emblazoned with pro-Trump slogans, built by the Kappa Alpha Order chapter at Tulane University in front of its house, was dismantled on Tuesday. The rhetoric was a joke, the fraternity says, but many aren’t laughing.

According to a statement emailed from the campus’ chapter to USA TODAY College, the premise of the wall, built Thursday as part of the New Orleans school fraternity’s yearly tradition to have pledges erect a barrier, was meant to “mock the ideologies of a political candidate”:

“Our chapter takes KA’s values of gentlemanly conduct very seriously. This respect extends to every student of Tulane and every member of the broader community. The comment was written on a makeshift wall on our private property, normally used for a game of capture the flag, to mock the ideologies of a political candidate. This had an unintended negative effect and as such it has been dismantled.”

However, students like freshman Khristyan Trejo, a member of student organization Students Organizing Against Racism (SOAR), say it was offensive.

“This really pushed it overboard for students of color on campus,” says Trejo. “It’s one thing to see an endorsement of Trump on campus — that’s freedom of speech — but it’s another to see the wall when it’s a symbol of racism and oppression. As someone with family across the (Mexico-United States) border and knowing people are murdered at the border every day, for (KA) to treat it as a joke and try to justify their actions with satire — well, it’s not a joke to students of color.”

“It’s all just plain disgusting to see this happening in the U.S., the ‘melting pot’ of the world,” Tulane freshman Claire Cruz tells USA TODAY College. “As a Latina on a mostly all-white campus, I am constantly seeing little acts of racism and white privilege, but this huge act was a slap in my face. Not only do I feel as if my safety has been threatened, but also my humanity is being completely written off.”

It’s unclear who took the wall down, but various campus multicultural organizations, including SOAR, protested it, and asked others to, as well.

In addition, a petition to “stand against the wall”  posted on change.org circulated on social media.

According to the organization’s website, the Kappa Alpha Order fraternity, founded in 1865, cites American General Robert E. Lee, perhaps best-known for commanding the Confederate Army in the Civil War, as its “spiritual founder.” In 2001, the national KA established a law distancing itself from use of the Confederate flag, and in 2010, it announced a ban on its members wearing Confederate soldier uniforms to its traditional “Old South” ball.

A Tulane University spokesperson emailed the following statement to USA TODAY College: “Every spring the Kappa Alpha (KA) fraternity erects a wall around its chapter house, which is on private property. The leadership of KA’s local chapter says that adding Donald Trump’s name and slogan to this year’s wall was done in order to satirize the candidate’s campaign promise, not to show support for him. The wall has since been dismantled.”
A) It is now considered objectively racist and against school policy to openly support one of the two main political party candidates on your personal property?
B) Pretty sure they weren't even supporting him. Pretty sure this was satirical mockery.
C) They have an annual tradition to build a wall around their house. It's a pretty fucking OBVIOUS joke to make a Trump reference right now if you're building a wall around anything...

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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #102 on: April 13, 2016, 11:30:51 AM »
Also, the pledges objectively failed their duty to "protect the wall" since it was taken down.

Better not see them around the KA house.
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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #103 on: April 15, 2016, 12:16:22 PM »
This is in Australia. The US can't be far behind for this type of dipshittery.


QUT student faces $200,000 bill in Facebook post racism row

April 15 2016 - 1:32PM
A university student accused of racial discrimination over a Facebook post has amassed a hefty legal bill, which could blow out to $200,000 if the case goes to trial.

Alex Wood is being sued under the Racial Discrimination Act over a 2013 post he wrote after being asked to leave a Queensland University of Technology computer lab reserved for the use of Indigenous students.

"Just got kicked out of the unsigned Indigenous computer room. QUT is stopping segregation with segregation," he posted on a Facebook page called QUT Stalker Space.

The post attracted comments critical of both the incident and the existence of the Indigenous-only space.

"I wonder where the white supremacist lab is," wrote another student, Jackson Powell, who is also being sued.

The third student involved in the lawsuit, Calum Thwaites, has emphatically denied being responsible for a post that included a reference to "ITT N-----s" and has produced a volume of evidence supporting his denial.

The trio are being sued, alongside the university and two staff, by the administration officer who asked Mr Wood to leave the room, Cindy Prior.

An Indigenous woman, Ms Prior went on sick leave following the incident and reports she felt unsafe leaving her home because she was afraid somebody would say something offensive to her.

She also says she was unable to return to work in a role that required her to have face-to-face contact with white people.

Ms Prior is seeking hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages.

Lawyers for the students have sought to have the case dismissed in the Federal Court, citing a lack of legal basis to contend their clients had breached the act and labelling the lawsuit an abuse of process.

Judge Michael Jarrett has reserved his decision.

It is understood the trio's lawyers have spent several hundred hours defending the action.

A legal source told AAP the costs of defending the proceeding would have already run into tens of thousands of dollars for Mr Wood and could rise to about $200,000 if the case went to trial.

The cumulative bill for the students to defend the case at trial could be more than $500,000.

The trio have also hit out at QUT, claiming they were kept in the dark about Ms Prior's complaint to the Human Rights Commission and, therefore, deprived of having the matter thrown out earlier.

Under the Racial Discrimination Act, complainants must go through a conciliation process before a Federal Court action can be launched and the Human Rights Commission says more than half of all section 18C cases have been resolved at that level.

But the students were not made aware of the complaint until days before a final conference with the commission, despite the matter having been underway for 12 months, and Mr Wood claims a QUT lawyer told him he did not need to attend.

QUT's law firm, Minter Ellison, admits one of its solicitors told Mr Wood his presence was not required but denies she discouraged him from attending.

Like most "equality" stories like this, replace the white person's race with any other and see what stark raving lunacy this is.

-Kicked out of a computer lab for being the wrong race.
-Complained on social media that segregation is wrong.
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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #104 on: April 15, 2016, 12:53:40 PM »
Yeah, how dare the government want the large corporations to pay the dues that they owe. The Panama Papers are still being combed through (11 million leaked pages).

Here is one of your hero's greedy ass companies:

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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #105 on: April 15, 2016, 10:27:09 PM »
Politics to date is the largest skullfuck to scale. I mean really. Just look at this country. The kids are pussies, and most everyone is looking something some else earn. WTF? We get assfucked by everyone. I mean everyone, foreign and domestic. I'm sick of it

On a positive note, I may have a job finally. Sheesh.
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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #106 on: April 16, 2016, 11:20:12 AM »
Politics to date is the largest skullfuck to scale. I mean really. Just look at this country. The kids are pussies, and most everyone is looking something some else earn. WTF? We get assfucked by everyone. I mean everyone, foreign and domestic. I'm sick of it

On a positive note, I may have a job finally. Sheesh.

Does it involve assfucking cause that seems to really be on your mind?
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #107 on: April 16, 2016, 12:27:19 PM »
Does it involve assfucking cause that seems to really be on your mind?

Mmmm...butt secks.
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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #108 on: April 18, 2016, 09:43:01 AM »
What the fuck?

First, how is this a conference?
B, what the fuck?


The Daily Caller News Foundation is attending the 17th annual White Privilege Conference in Philadelphia, held April 15-17. The following is part of a series of articles concerning events at the conference.

A professional education consultant and teacher trainer argued at the White Privilege Conference (WPC) in Philadelphia that great teachers must also be liberal activists, and described in detail her goal for destroying the “white supremacist” nature of modern education.

Heather Hackman operates Hackman Consulting Group and was formerly a professor of multicultural education at Minnesota’s St. Cloud State University, where she taught future teachers. On Friday, Hackman was given a platform at WPC to deliver a workshop with the lengthy title “No Freedom Unless We Call Out the Wizard Behind The Curtain: Critically Addressing the Corrosive Effects of Whiteness in Teacher Education and Professional Development.” The long title masked a simple thesis on Hackman’s part: Modern education is hopelessly tainted by white supremacy and the “white imperial gaze,” and the solution is to train prospective teachers in college to be activists as well as pedagogues.

In fact, Hackman argued teachers shouldn’t even bother teaching if they aren’t committed to promoting social justice in school.

“Education is not about the mere reproduction of knowledge,” Hackman said. “Education is the practice of freedom. And as a result, we have to have [teaching] students becomes activists as well as teachers.”

Creating educators who are proper activists, Hackman continued, means training them to not only to encourage diversity but also to engage with the systemic oppression she says is pervasive in the entire educational system. In Hackman’s telling, virtually everything associated with being a good student in modern education is actually just a tool of racist white supremacy.

“The racial narrative of White tends to be like this: Rugged individual, honest, hard-working, disciplined, rigorous, successful,” she said. “And so then, the narrative of U.S. public education: Individual assessments, competition, outcome over process (I care more about your grades than how you’re doing), ‘discipline’ where we care more about your attendance and making sure you’re not tardy than we care about your relationships  … proper English must be spoken (which is just assimilation into standard U.S. dialect), hierarchical power structure, and heavy goal orientation.”

While the traits listed may simply be regarded as positive traits for success in the modern world, Hackman described them as specific cultural traits chosen and emphasized to favor whites to the detriment of non-white groups, who are forced to assimilate white traits such as good discipline and goal orientation or else be left behind.

Hackman’s natural solution, then, is to train teachers to move away from all these aspects of white privilege in education. She routinely touted the benefits of collective assessments (measuring student learning at the class level instead of determining whether each student knows the material), as well as eliminating all school grades entirely.

Hackman said when she was a professor, she freely employed these methods with her own students. She once let a student complete an essay assignment as a graphic novel, and allowed students to write in non-standard English or even foreign languages she herself couldn’t read.

“If I don’t know [your language,] frankly, that’s my issue,” she said. “All I need to know is that you’re thinking about it, I don’t really care how you do it.”

But Hackman acknowledged in the current white supremacist system, there is some expectation that teachers will know conventional English and possess other basic knowledge. As a result, she admitted modern activist teachers should try to learn those things sufficiently to get a job, but only for the purpose of infiltrating schools to change them from within.

“My long game was, get you in, get you tenured, get you in that system and change that system,” she said.

The need for change is pressing, Hackman said, because the current white supremacist school system is literally killing off non-white Americans.

“Inside, I am screaming,” she said.

She predicted her approach will triumph, and the sinister force she dubbed “Super-Whitey” (and compared to the Eye of Sauron) will eventually be swept aside.

“Your time has come,” Hackman said. “If I was a white faculty member and unwilling to get with the program, I do not have any business in teacher education … We do see you, Super-Whitey. We’re coming for you.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/04/16/professional-educator-grades-showing-up-on-time-are-a-form-of-white-supremacy/#ixzz46BYNRuNK

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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #109 on: April 18, 2016, 09:48:24 AM »
What the fuck?

First, how is this a conference?
B, what the fuck?


I'm good.  Most of my teachers were either black or loved to fuck black guys. 
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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #110 on: April 18, 2016, 10:19:42 AM »
Once again, white guilt is a helluva drug!
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #111 on: April 18, 2016, 10:24:40 AM »
Maybe instead of us moving to the east division, Gus should consider picking up and making a bolt for the White Privilege Conference.
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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #112 on: April 18, 2016, 10:33:54 AM »
That woman should be shot in the face.  She should be eliminated from the earth.  That's the only way morons like her can be effectively countered. 
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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #113 on: April 18, 2016, 02:32:08 PM »
That woman should be shot in the face.  She should be eliminated from the earth.  That's the only way morons like her can be effectively countered.

Have to agree with you here. 100%.

It's a mental disorder almost.
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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #114 on: April 19, 2016, 11:32:35 AM »
Holy shit. Someone tell me that last link was a joke. Is that real?  :suicide:
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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #115 on: April 20, 2016, 09:25:19 AM »
This White Privilege Conference would make for amazing satire if it wasn't actually true.


White Privilege Conference Attendees Complain Conference Is Too White

The Daily Caller News Foundation attended the 17th Annual White Privilege Conference in Philadelphia, held April 15-17. The following is part of a series of articles concerning events at the conference.

Disaffected participants in the 2016 White Privilege Conference (WPC) have taken to Twitter to complain that the conference was, ironically, too white and was actually filled to the brim with white supremacy.

Adopting the hashtag #WPCSoWhite, inspired by the recent #OscarsSoWhite campaign, Twitter users claimed the conference that was supposed to battle white privilege instead served to entrench it.

The tag appears to have been started and pushed with particular vigor by Aeriel Ashlee, an education consultant who attended WPC and objected to several parts of a keynote address delivered by (white) historian James Loewen.
She said Loewen’s rhetoric, which was solidly progressive throughout, actually entrenched white supremacy, partly because his speech allegedly lasted too long. When Loewen attempted to defend himself, Ashlee said that any defense was invalid and only further showed his white supremacy.

Aeriel A. Ashlee ‎@aerielashlee
Great keynote by @JamesWLoewen, but going over time allotted is another example of white supremacy #WPCsowhite #PHLWPC17
James W. Loewen ‎@JamesWLoewen
@aerielashlee Dr.Moore told me, just before I started, to take one hour. I took exactly 53 minutes.
Aeriel A. Ashlee ‎@aerielashlee
A white man's defensiveness instead of accepting responsibility #WPCsowhite #PHLWPC17 @JamesWLoewen @jillmarette99 @TheeKWard @got_privilege

Others ganged up on Loewen for using the N-word during his speech, which dealt heavily with racist sentiments throughout American history. One even described Loewen’s comments as “deeply offensive and traumatizing.”

Heather Heater ‎@heaterMPH
I'm not ok with using oppressive & racist language by a white man in the "service" of learning @JamesWLoewen #WPCsowhite
TastefulIntuition ‎@TheeKWard
We talk about taking action to dismantle white supremacy yet not much response on Loewen's use of the N-word #WPCSoWhite #PHLWPC17
Jill Poklemba ‎@jillmarette99
N-word NEVER acceptable from #whitefolks lips! Deeply offensive & traumatizing. @JamesWLoewen #WPCSoWhite #PHLWPC17 https://twitter.com/TheeKWard/status/721366267895136256 …

The #WPCSoWhite label was used to go after more than Loewen’s speech, though. Users also complained about everything from the hairstyles of white attendees to the “ridiculously unsafe” environment that apparently existed (TheDCNF noticed no evidence of any violence or otherwise dangerous behavior during the three-day conference).

Jill Poklemba ‎@jillmarette99
N-word NEVER acceptable from #whitefolks lips! Deeply offensive & traumatizing. @JamesWLoewen #WPCSoWhite #PHLWPC17 https://twitter.com/TheeKWard/status/721366267895136256 …
Susana M. Muñoz ‎@SusanaPhD
Following #WPCsowhite. RACIST stuff happening at a conference about dismantling white privilege. Thanks to @aleistalking and @aerielashlee!
Alejandra Pérez ‎@aleistalking
@SusanaPhD so much. It's ridiculous how unsafe @got_privilege #PHLWPC17 is for POC and indigenous ppl. #WPCsowhite
Aeriel A. Ashlee ‎@aerielashlee
A white woman telling a black woman to close the door at a workshop session. Another example of #WPCsowhite #PHLWPC17 @got_privilege

Another attendee even denounced a white male at the conference for selling a book that was, in her view, too expensive.

Immy White ‎@Immy_White
Angry all over again at white male facilitator from Friday AM has disgraceful book on sale for more than 2x cost of@any other book.
Immy White ‎@Immy_White
@Immy_White white men capitalising off #PHLWPC17 is one of the many examples of #WPCsowhite

TheDCNF estimates about 70 percent of attendees were white.

A regular ticket to the conference, purchased in advance, cost $375, and the cheapest ticket (for college students) was still $200. Attendees hoping to attend a special Saturday night dinner or special bonus sessions could end up spending hundreds more, and most attendees also had to cope with lodging and travel costs. Having the free time and money to attend a three-day conference, it turns out, may be the most privileged thing of all.
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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #116 on: April 20, 2016, 03:28:28 PM »
Ommmagerrrd. That shit is for real.

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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #117 on: April 28, 2016, 09:58:44 AM »
Not going to post the whole article from foxynewz.  It's just the PC quotes that tell you where we are.  This was in response to a bookface post at the Univ. of Washington with a picture and suggestions on how to dress for cheerleader tryouts.  It talked about how to wear your hair and false eyelashes etc.  Ultimately, the backlash came because the pic was of a blonde haired white girl.

“I can't believe this is real,” Jazmine Perez, a University of Washington student and director of programming for student government, told the Seattle Times. “One of the first things that comes mind is objectification and idealization of Western beauty, which are values I would like to believe the University doesn’t want to perpetuate. As a student of color who looks nothing like the student in the poster, this feels very exclusive.”

A Seattle resident also called the infographic racist. He said the picture is “offensive, exclusionary, and ignorant. Those are not value of Seattle of the Puget Sound community.”
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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #118 on: April 28, 2016, 10:15:30 AM »
Not going to post the whole article from foxynewz.  It's just the PC quotes that tell you where we are.  This was in response to a bookface post at the Univ. of Washington with a picture and suggestions on how to dress for cheerleader tryouts.  It talked about how to wear your hair and false eyelashes etc.  Ultimately, the backlash came because the pic was of a blonde haired white girl.

“I can't believe this is real,” Jazmine Perez, a University of Washington student and director of programming for student government, told the Seattle Times. “One of the first things that comes mind is objectification and idealization of Western beauty, which are values I would like to believe the University doesn’t want to perpetuate. As a student of color who looks nothing like the student in the poster, this feels very exclusive.”

A Seattle resident also called the infographic racist. He said the picture is “offensive, exclusionary, and ignorant. Those are not value of Seattle of the Puget Sound community.”
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Re: Political Correctness is Destroying America
« Reply #119 on: April 28, 2016, 10:16:20 AM »
I see nothing offensive about that.  In fact.... :tongue:
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