This became a huge national story after being picked up by the Washington Post. I'll post the original blog of the humorless bitch that doesn't get invited to parties and should have been left off the Snapchat feed. again!
Today I’m coming to you live from the futon in my room with some fresh off the boat debauchery straight from the students of Princeton High School. This here is even more appalling than the usual stuff. Honestly, it’s ridiculous- but it would be even more ridiculous for me to come across such ignorance and not utilize it as an example for anyone else harboring the misconception that they can walk around doing dumb stuff like this and not get called out. So here we are.

Right off of Snapchat in a harrowingly recognizable basement, with our classmates front and center. And no, your eyes aren’t playing a trick on you. Yes, that’s a swastika. Double yes- they’re playing Jews vs Nazis beer pong. No again, this isn’t a joke.
Well, perhaps it is a joke. But then I guess the punchline would be: genocide. Pardon me if I don’t find that to be hilarious. The real joke here is that these kids weren’t only insensitive enough to play the game, but also silly enough to post it on Snapchat and leave it there long enough for me, and several others, to take a screenshot.
Putting the picture on social media means that someone was proud enough of the game to want to show it off. Meaning that they must be trapped in the delusional mindset that making a drinking game based off of the Holocaust is cool. Or funny. Or anything besides insane. Because that’s what this is: insanity.
I’m not even Jewish and I’m still offended. This type of behavior makes me believe that this group of guys would readily play “pin the noose on the black,†just as readily as they incorporated an “Anne Frank†cup in their noxious little game of pong. Yes, that happened. No, you can’t just make this stuff up.
See, the thing is, if I were in the presence of a bunch of racist teenage boys, who thought it was a good idea to play drinking games which served as a direct reflection of exactly how racist they are, I wouldn’t hesitate to let them know that they’re being racist. But what’s odd is that here, there are Jewish kids partaking in the game. I kid you not- I went to one of these guy’s bar mitzvah. I think what’s most confusing to me is that they chose to participate in this heinous, anti-Semitic activity as opposed to trying to shut it down. I don’t get it.
And on top of that, why does the implication that this is even remotely okay exist in the first place? Who is permitting these deranged ideologies to develop and materialize in the form of beer pong? We are. Evidently, as a society, we have gone wrong in some way, shape or form. Because the moment that the Holocaust became a running joke was the moment that ignorance outweighed intellect- and that is the death of compassion for human life.
I know I’m not the only one who saw this Snapchat story. Yet here I am, the only one saying anything about it. I am unsure as to what’s worse: the static silence from my peers, or the fact that this happened in the first place.
This is indefensible. You can’t make excuses for stuff like this, just like you can’t make excuses for the KKK or 9/11 or the slaughter of 6 million people. Some things are just bad, and this is one of them. Maybe you think I’m overreacting, or that I don’t know how to take a joke. If this is the joke, if this is supposed to be funny- well then you’ll have to excuse me because I simply cannot drink to that.
Until next time,
Comedy = Tragedy + Time. These kids weren't endorsing the Holocaust. This wasn't something some institution endorsed. This was high school kids fucking around as a joke that honestly I could see high school me doing something right along these lines and wouldn't have considered for a second that it could land me at the heart of a national outrage mob.
I like that Jewish people were there and thought it was funny and weren't offended and saw it as a fucking joke, which it clearly was and she is BAFFLED by their lack of outrage. She even italicized "get" in "I don't
get it." Like, literally she can't even.