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If you ain't cheatin' or lyin', you ain't tryin'...

The Prowler

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If you ain't cheatin' or lyin', you ain't tryin'...
« on: February 05, 2016, 09:47:53 PM »
And Ted Cruz is tryin' A LOT and he makes no bones about it.


I'm sure most here won't click the link, well because it's something fairly damning against their selected Republican. So, here's the article...

To compete with his frenemy Donald Trump, Texas Senator Ted Cruz has hit upon an old, if dubious, campaign strategy: Lie, cheat, and steal his way to victory.

In what is becoming a pattern with the Tea Party conservative, Cruz has yet again sent election officials scrambling to their rulebooks.

Desperate for money to fund his campaign, Cruz told supporters that a group of super-secret “mega-donors” had personally promised him that they would match ALL of Ted’s donations dollar-for-dollar within the next 48 hours. Cruz begged for people to join on this campaign buy one, get one.

I just got off the phone with a few very generous supporters who – after our big win in Iowa last night – have pledged huge support for my campaign.

For the next 48 hours, these most generous supporters have agreed to match all online donations to my campaign made through the link below.

If that sounds like a scam you might find floating between your most gullible Facebook friends, that’s because it just might be.

The problem, as The Intercept was quick to point out, was that either Cruz is lying or breaking the law. Pick your poison, Ted.

Campaign finance experts, however, say there’s no way Cruz could be doing exactly what he promised without violating the law. That’s because there’s no way “a few very generous supporters” could legally be matching a large number of contributions to the campaign.

The operative rule is that individual donations to campaigns are legally capped. “If this money is going to his campaign, any one of those donors can only give a maximum of $2,700 [per cycle] including any money they have given before,” said Fred Wertheimer, a campaign finance expert at Democracy 21.

In other words, rich donors and poor donors can only donate up to a certain amount. So what’s a mega-donor to do? That’s where Super PACs come in. But here’s the thing: Cruz can’t coordinate with his Super PACS without breaking the law. So how can he be instructing his rich friends to match his campaign contributions?

The other option, of course, is that Ted Cruz is lying. There are no super-secret mega-donors. Cruz just wants to get people running for their checkbooks. This is a pretty strong possibility because blatantly spreading falsehoods is absolutely in Cruz’s wheelhouse.

Cruz has been fairly open about running a dishonest campaign from the very beginning. Already reviled by Democrats and Republicans alike, the only way he has managed to get a leg up has been through deceit and pandering. In Iowa, Cruz’s propensity for sliminess came to a head when his campaign sent out fliers telling voters they had committed “Voting Violations” and – on the night of the caucus – maliciously spreading false rumors that Ben Carson, one of Cruz’s biggest rivals, had suddenly dropped out.

Is it so hard to imagine that Cruz would lie to the very people who support him in order to trick them into giving him more money? Sadly, it’s completely believable.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2016, 09:50:15 PM by The Prowler »
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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

"Alabama's Special Teams unit is made up of Special Ed students." - Daniel Tosh

"The HUNH does cause significant Health and Safety issues, Health issues for the opposing fans and Safety issues for the opposing coaches." - AU AD Jay Jacobs

The Prowler

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Re: If you ain't cheatin' or lyin', you ain't tryin'...
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2016, 10:50:34 PM »
Alabamians have filed a lawsuit against Ted Cruz, due to the natural born citizen stuff...you know the stuff that some Constitutional Scholars are still divided about and the courts haven't clearly stated what "natural born" includes. So, it looks like all those Republicans, that were screaming about Obama's citizenship (born in the US to his American mother), gets a taste of their own medicine.
Only difference, Cruz was born in Canada to his Canadian parents (mother was born in the US, father Cuba)

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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

"Alabama's Special Teams unit is made up of Special Ed students." - Daniel Tosh

"The HUNH does cause significant Health and Safety issues, Health issues for the opposing fans and Safety issues for the opposing coaches." - AU AD Jay Jacobs


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Re: If you ain't cheatin' or lyin', you ain't tryin'...
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2016, 12:08:07 AM »
Alabamians have filed a lawsuit against Ted Cruz, due to the natural born citizen stuff...you know the stuff that some Constitutional Scholars are still divided about and the courts haven't clearly stated what "natural born" includes. So, it looks like all those Republicans, that were screaming about Obama's citizenship (born in the US to his American mother), gets a taste of their own medicine.
Only difference, Cruz was born in Canada to his Canadian parents (mother was born in the US, father Cuba)


Obama wasn't born in the US.   So there's that. 
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If you want free cheese, look in a mousetrap.

The Prowler

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Re: If you ain't cheatin' or lyin', you ain't tryin'...
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2016, 10:02:43 AM »
Obama wasn't born in the US.   So there's that.
You do realize that Hawaii is a US State and was before he was born. So there's that.
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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

"Alabama's Special Teams unit is made up of Special Ed students." - Daniel Tosh

"The HUNH does cause significant Health and Safety issues, Health issues for the opposing fans and Safety issues for the opposing coaches." - AU AD Jay Jacobs


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Re: If you ain't cheatin' or lyin', you ain't tryin'...
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2016, 10:43:37 PM »
You do realize that Hawaii is a US State and was before he was born. So there's that.

His gramma said he was born in Kenya.

Ima call him Cassius Clay!
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: If you ain't cheatin' or lyin', you ain't tryin'...
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2016, 08:32:59 AM »
Contributions are public record.

Super pacs have access to this. So all their donors have to do is promise they will contribute money to the pac every time someone donates money to the candidate and match it. They were going to give this money to the pac anyway but its a way to get people to donate money directly to the campaign.

End of story.

I can't believe you of all people would throw your support behind the neo con authoritarian in the race over the constitutional conservative. That toupee wearing shithead really has you guys sheepled. While this guy you hate so much was actually filibustering Obama care by himself, your new hero was donating money to people who were supporting it like Rahm Emmanuel, Weiner,  Reiid, Bloomberg and Pelosi.  PLEASE explain that away for me.

You have to be blinded by your own anger not to see how much of a fake this guy is. And you are playing right into his hand.
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Re: If you ain't cheatin' or lyin', you ain't tryin'...
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2016, 08:34:42 AM »
Alabamians have filed a lawsuit against Ted Cruz, due to the natural born citizen stuff...you know the stuff that some Constitutional Scholars are still divided about and the courts haven't clearly stated what "natural born" includes. So, it looks like all those Republicans, that were screaming about Obama's citizenship (born in the US to his American mother), gets a taste of their own medicine.
Only difference, Cruz was born in Canada to his Canadian parents (mother was born in the US, father Cuba)


What "scholar" besides the Harvard professor that doesn't like him because he was a "smart assed student" of his in law school?

Fwiw - his mother was a U.S. Citizen when he was born. You can have dual citizenship. News flash. Germans. Pearl harbor.
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The Six

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Re: If you ain't cheatin' or lyin', you ain't tryin'...
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2016, 09:06:00 AM »
Trump's sideshow distraction has really taken hold because disinformation has flowed so deep into so many Americans' lives, they are almost incapable of spotting a snake in the grass.

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