For real...this is literally the argument. I keep waiting for anything rational from Snags that justifies this, but he keeps saying celebrations are perfectly fine for everyone EXCEPT FOR CAM.
Am I misrepresenting your argument? If so, please explain. With actual rationalizations, not with with other people saying they too are butthurt by Cam's actions over everyone else's. I want to know WHY.
You are absolutely misrepresenting my argument. Never once even alluded to taking the position that celebrations are okay for everyone but Cam. How could you possibly derive that from anything I've said? The debate and the claims from those in the sports media...those who currently play and coach the game....those who have retired from the game...and an Auburn basketball Hall of Famer to over whether Cam takes what he does well past the celebrations that are, and have been (spiking the ball) the norm in the NFL. Does he take it to the point of rubbing it in or just plain being disrespectful. Outside the unwritten code.
As for "fuck the code" and don't be such a pussy. Laughable! That code has been in the NFL and MLB and the NBA and/or any professional sport forever. You can't say fuck it. It's not going away. If you go to someone else's house and do what they deem to be taking it outside the lines...taking it to the point of rubbing it in...(BTW, that's the words of the men who coach and play the game, not mine) they're not going to stand there and say "Gee, we really should do a better job of stopping him next time". The fastball to the head analogy stands. You disrespect me, I'm going to knock your ass down.
That's why the Saints players went after him. That's why the Titans players went after him. That's why the Titans coach said what he said. That's why Charles Barkley said what he said. Those are the people actually in the game and that's what THEY perceived was happening. Doesn't matter one bit that anyone here thinks they were just butthurt. That absolutely is the code in professional sports. Is that rational enough?
Whether you agree or disagree, I happen to be in the camp that thinks he does take it too far. Said so last year. Said it from the start of this thread. I've face palmed 100 times while watching him and yes, I have absolutely thought that if he'd finished his college career in a Florida jersey, I'd be pulling for someone to knock his dick in the dirt. You guys are okay with it. I wish he would take it down from 11 to a 7.