« on: January 19, 2016, 08:45:10 AM »
http://www.al.com/news/birmingham/index.ssf/2016/01/on_coldest_night_of_2016_birmi.html#incart_river_home_popOn bitterly cold night, Birmingham's homeless warming station used for Sanders rally
With temperatures in Birmingham expected to dropped to 20 overnight Monday -- the lowest temperature thus far in 2016 -- the place where the city's homeless usually go to seek shelter from the cold was unavailable.
Boutwell Auditorium, typically used as a warming station in such situations, was not available Monday night because presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders spoke to a crowd of thousands. Factoring in wind chill, it was expected to feel more like 15 degrees on the streets of Birmingham.
Last week, the auditorium housed about 300 people a night when it served as a warming station for three nights.
"We've never had a night like this where it will be in the teens and we weren't able to open," said Don Lupo, of the mayor's office of citizen's assistance.
Bernie Sanders Birmingham campaign rally draws 7K
Bernie Sanders Birmingham campaign rally draws 7K
The Democratic presidential contender spoke tonight at Boutwell Auditorium.
"Unfortunately, no, we do not have an alternative location and were unable to have the warming station tonight," Birmingham city spokeswoman April Odom said Monday night.
"However, we are working with local area homeless shelters and the BPD to help anyone in need to get to a shelter."
Police, she said, were on the lookout for homeless people who might need a place to stay.
The auditorium may be open as a warming station Tuesday night if needed, Odom said.

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Now I may be an idiot, but there is one thing I am not, sir, and that, sir, is an idiot.