It's a strawman argument because it's not what I was (originally, at least) arguing, and yet you've volleyed it up as if it was and attacked that, in order to take the focus off of my original point, which is that Trump's propaganda arm Breitbart News is riling up Trump's neo-Nazi base by scare headlines of "renegade Jews" undermining his campaign. that you've drug me into this entirely other argument...
Again, what specifically have they done that is so despicable? I don't operate in Trumpian vagaries about the boogeyman "establishment".
How did the Bushes and the Romneys and Karl Rove betray their base specifically? By NOT catering to neo-Nazis? Or by standing for the litany of conservative principles, list ad-nauseum in this thread, that Trump decidedly DOES NOT support, or in the very least only momentarily pretends to support while running for the GOP nomination?
1st part. Bill Kristol is a big part of that article. That's why. And a big part of this overall problem.
2nd part. Because the neocons, establishment, ruling elites, whatever you want to call them - have been at the core of most of the worst policy decisions the last half century. They are wolves in sheep clothing. The left has them too. They know how to microtarget voters and use demographics. They simply want votes. They want power. They'll talk about guns and momma and Jesus and anything else they need to in order to get that vote. The ones on the right are just as big govt as the ones on the left. They believe in racking up debt, intrusion into people's lives, higher taxes, endless wars, global economic coalitions, unstable monetary policy, expanding govt, expanding entitlements, open borders. Most of them are no better than the left. What did W do about any of that better than Obama? 0
They are one worlders and globalists. They are elitists. They are authoritarians that don't give two shits about you or the constitution but want you to think they do. Problem now, is people have seen through a lot of it. Is Trump the answer or solution to it? Not at all. But the people's like for him is because of the aforementioned disdain for the goons that have been there for 50 years and done NOTHING but create turmoil and debt.