Look, I get that someone coming in and burning the two-party system to the ground is a good thing. But Trump is the wrong arsonist. If you want actual change for the better, actual choices of actual people who can intelligently run the government efficiently and sparsely, Gary Johnson and the Libertarian party is who you're looking for.
Unfortunately, the Libertarian party is unknown and has no real shot at ever doing anything. We should do away with ALL parties. Just vote for the person. I'm 100% behind that.
I just don't understand the argument that "The left is out of control! So we need to get someone in there with a retarded 13 year old's understanding of government, civics, and foreign relations! That'll fix it!"
That's because you can't see past left/right, or you refuse. I'm not saying the left is out of control, therefore Trump. I'm saying ALL politics are out of control, therefore FUCK ALL CAREER POLITICIANS. If Trump were running as democrat the same shit would be happening.
Do you think Sports Illustrated is going to issue a retraction on the Caitlyn Jenner thing because the President of the United States is a goddamn idiot that can't spell Sunni & Shia, let alone know what the fuck they are? It's not like under Bush the left didn't lose their goddamn minds giving us MoveOn.org, AirAmerica, Michael Moore, Cindy Shehan, George Soros, Janeane Garafalo, Sean Penn and everything Team America satirized. What in the name of fuck do you think electing Kim-Jong Dipshit is going to do? Make them chillax, change their minds, and say "You know what, this guy's right"? Or do you expect him to make speech that you don't like illegal? Note that I said YOU, not HE, because you and Donald don't exactly align on much of this shit either.
No, I don't expect a president to control what SI,ESPN, or the media pushes out. I'm simply saying, people are tired of that bullshit, so they are making it known in one of the few places they have a voice....VOTES. Personally, I wish we as a nation were a little more serious about our beliefs, then we could just hit them in viewership where it really matters. But as long as sports dominate this nation, ESPN is going to get their views no matter what. And for the record, I don't align at all with a lot of stuff Trump says. BUT, I align
LESS with Hillary. It's that simple. I wish it wasn't Trump. I didn't vote for the guy, I would still prefer Rubio. That is no longer an option for me.
But everyone has conflated him being a thoughtless belligerent boorish asshole with being some solution to political correctness. Not adhering to political correctness is saying "handicapped" instead of "differently abled". It's not saying "You're a fat cow, look at how ugly your stupid face is."
He isn't the solution. That isn't the point. The point is FINALLY people are starting to seek a solution. Enough is efuckingnough.