Really good article.
These are the only four things they think Trump
might be better than Hillary on?
1. ObamaCare. I know some of you don't believe it because Trump has talked in the past about believing in single-payer health care, and you're convinced he meant it then and doesn't mean anything he says now. What I think is that Trump has never been ideologically committed to any particular belief on this, but he knows how to recognize when something is not working, and ObamaCare is clearly not working. Assuming we can hang onto Republican control of Congress - which is no easy proposition, but if Trump wins it might be possible - there is no doubt in my mind Trump would sign a Republican-sponsored bill that repeals ObamaCare and replaces it with something better for doctors and patients. And there is no doubt in my mind that Hillary would veto it.
Paraphrasing: Trump himself has said many times in the past and even during this campaign that
he likes the mandate and that he
supports a single payer healthcare system, left of what Obama implemented or Hillary endorses. Trump and Bernie are the only ones talking about single payer. Yeah, but still. Now that his handlers tell him he's supposed to hate Obamacare, he wants to
replace it with something "terrific" now. Nothing specific, but how can you argue with "terrific"? He also said it would cost less so if he said that it must be true. He'll work out the details later. Just gotta trust him on this.
2. The Supreme Court. Whether Merrick Garland is confirmed or not, someone is eventually going to replace Antonin Scalia. If Hillary makes the choice, it is guaranteed to be another left-wing Justice who views the Constitution as a mere inconvenience, as do Justices Sotomayer, Kagan, Breyer and Ginsburg. But it gets worse. Much worse. Breyer and Ginsburg are near or past 80 years old, as is Justice Anthony Kennedy, the so-called swing vote. Any or all could very well retire during the next presidential term, and Hillary would replace them all with much younger liberals who will guarantee a liberal majority for at least a generation. And if any of the court's three actual conservatives were to die or have to retire for some reason, God help us. Trump may not be a committed ideological conservative, but he's not a committed liberal either. There is at least a chance he will make good appointments to the Supreme Court. There is no chance Hillary will.
First of all, Garland is about as centrist as a Supreme Court justice can possibly be. The GOP fucked up making a stink over him to begin with. But yeah, with Trump, hey, there's a chance maybe he won't pick a liberal. Unless you believe what
he says, but hey what does he know. When he said he'd appoint his Democrat sister who ruled
in favor of Planned Parenthood on legalizing late term partial birth abortions, not to worry, that was merely a goof. But it's not like, he himself is pro-choice, except, oh yeah, he is. Unless he isn't. Depends on
which way the wind is blowing.3. Domestic Energy. Hillary has already told us she wants to put coal miners out of business. She would certainly not give the Keystone XL pipeline another chance. And there's no reason to think she wouldn't continue Obama's policy of stopping oil exploration on federal lands. Trump would do the opposite on all three.
Oh noes! Hillary says she wants to move to modernized, renewable, sustainable, clean energy sources! I know, you guys think
climate scientists are a bunch of lying faggots.
4. Foreign policy. I don't like everything about Trump's foreign policy instincts, particularly his wrong-headed take on the Iraq War. But Trump would treat our allies like friends and our enemies like people who need to fear us, not push us around. Trump would surely not make terrible deals like the Iran nuclear deal or the giveaway of diplomatic relations with Cuba for absolutely nothing in return. I have concerns about Trump on trade policy, but they are no different than what I think Hillary would do. On balance, Trump would be much better on foreign policy - and he would surely be more supportive of our military forces than a woman who clearly holds them in contempt.

He can't pronounce "Tanzania" or say anything remotely intelligible about the middle east. BUT HE'S GONNA MAKE MEXICO PAY FOR THE WALL! HE SAID IT HIMSELF! Also, he's gonna "BOMB THE SHIT" out of Iraq!!! Didn't you hear him? And the Trans Pacific Pipeline is "is a deal that was designed for China to come in, as they always do, through the back door and totally take advantage of everyone."
even though China isn't part of the TPP. But he's gonna bring back waterboarding and "much worse", kill the families of terrorists, and whatever other war crimes he wants because
fuck the Geneva convention. I can't begin to scratch the surface on the litany of completely idiotic shit that comes out of this man's mouth about foreign policy.
But Hillary tho! The former Secratary of State supported the war in Iraq (Trump didn't), supports free trade (Trump doesn't). Oh and she's not a complete fucking idiot who will (and has already) taunted foreign leaders. She doesn't
look up to dictators.
Read this. All of this. article is the written word version of those "LYNE TED!" Cruz protesters. Ignorant of facts and proud.
Otherwise, good article, though.