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Here's the Republican front runner...


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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1080 on: April 01, 2016, 09:42:35 AM »
You see that image because you're looking in, what sane people call, a mirror.

He grabbed her arm, enough to apparently leave bruise marks. If someone was to grab me like that, they wake up in a hospital bed.

That little dude would whip your ass. Then think of how embarrassed you would be at your next BLM meeting.

And the argument about him not being a "bodyguard"... You do know that bodyguards are JUST people. Therefore part of his job is to look out after Trump. They do not have to be part of some trained organized and licensed organization.

Also, the SS guys are there to keep Trump form getting attacked. Trump's guys are there to remove anyone Trump deems a threat. Two different jobs.

Bottom line is, when Trump's people see someone getting too close, they remove them. It may be that the guy doesn't even remember because he has to remove whiny ass people like this every day.

From the video, he grabbed her arm and held her put till Trump moved on. No jerking. No throwing to the ground. Just a whiny reporter. A guy would not have bitched.
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1081 on: April 01, 2016, 09:49:11 AM »
One talking point in this thread say that the people voting for Trump are clueless and uneducated. I am saying it's easy to find them on both sides.
I'm saying that TRUMP is stupid when it comes to everything but sociology and manipulation.

I'm saying that stupid people don't recognize this.

It is possible for stupid people to look at relatively intelligent people and think they're a good fit for president of the United States. It is not possible for relatively intelligent people to look at boorish idiots and think they're a good fit for president of the United States.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1082 on: April 01, 2016, 10:09:54 AM »

Oh memez! That sure took apart the line by line sited, sourced fact check that clearly illustrates the man lying 71 times in an hour.

Hillary is worse than Joffrey and Hitler and Dr. Doom and everyone evar including inanimate objects because she lied about Benghazi, but totally fine with a guy who lies literally more than once every single minute he speaks.

Now that I'm not on my phone, here's the copypasta. Refute it with words like a cognizant human being.

Every "Reality" here is corroborated with links. I'm not going to go through an add them here. You'll have to click the link yourself, which you won't do because I know you EVEN IF HE'S WORSE THAN HILLARY, HE'S STILL NOT WORSE THAN HILLARY!!!111


Donald Trump Made Up Stuff 71 Times In An Hour
And that’s counting the commercial breaks.
 03/30/2016 06:52
Sam Stein
Senior Politics Editor, The Huffington Post
Facts, schmacts.
WASHINGTON — Critics of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign often complain about the way the media has reported on his candidacy. It is not just the incessant coverage that riles them. It’s the perceived lack of fact-checking.

Trump is known for making outlandish and dubious claims with little connection to the truth. The press corps, these critics argue, allows him to float along in a perpetual state of unreality.

The truth is, Trump is routinely fact-checked. It’s just that he makes so many statements in such a rapid and continuous fashion that it becomes virtually impossible to keep up.

On Wednesday, The Huffington Post assigned five and a half reporters to look into a roughly 12,000-word transcript of Trump’s town hall event on CNN the night before. It took us hours, but in all, we found 71 separate instances in which Trump made a claim that was inaccurate, misleading or deeply questionable. That’s basically one falsehood every 169 words (counting the words uttered by moderator Anderson Cooper), or 1.16 falsehoods every minute (the town hall lasted an hour, including commercial breaks).

Below are our findings:

1. Claim: “[Ted Cruz]’s home state is Texas. It may be Canada.”

Reality: Canada is not a state and Ted Cruz, while born there, calls Texas home.

2.  Claim: “I don’t know what touch means.” — Trump, in reference to his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski grabbing reporter Michelle Fields’ arm in an incident that has resulted in his arrest.

Reality: Trump knows what “touch” means. Everyone with a functioning brain knows what it means.

3. Claim: The security camera footage of the Lewandowski incident “exonerates him totally.”

Reality: It does not. It actually shows Lewandowski lied when he asserted that he didn’t know or remember Fields at all.

4. Claim: “All of a sudden [Fields’] story changed.” — Trump, discussing what happened after it was revealed that there was security footage of the incident.

Reality: Fields’ story hasn’t changed.

5. Claim: “I’m a loyal person.” — Trump on his decision to stand by Lewandowski.

Reality: Trump is famous for the phrase, “You’re fired.” His marital history also conflicts with this statement.

6. Claim: “If somebody in this audience gets whacked, or gets hurt, including me, you get hit a little bit. You go, ow. There’s no emotion.” — Trump on Fields’ reaction to being grabbed.

Reality: All people do not react the same to trauma. This is also an excuse routinely used to discredit domestic violence and sexual assault victims.

7. Claim: “She was grabbing me.” — Trump on Fields.

Reality: Footage shows she did not grab him. Here’s Trump’s own tweet:

Why is this reporter touching me as I leave news conference? What is in her hand??

8. Claim: “She wasn’t supposed to be asking questions because the press conference lasted for 45 minutes.” — Trump on Fields.

Reality: Multiple reporters were asking Trump questions as he left his event that evening.

9. Claim: “Did you see the protester grabbing the woman in front of him? With his hands on her neck?” — Trump on a protester who was also allegedly pulled by Lewandowski.

Reality: The video appears to show the protester bumping into a woman as he is trying to leave.

10. Claim: “She had a pen in her hand, which could have been a knife, it could have been just a pen, which is very dangerous.” — Trump on Fields.

Reality: Pens are carried all the time by reporters and are widely acknowledged as not very dangerous.

11. Claim: “She wasn’t dragged to the ground.” — Trump on Fields.

Reality: Trump implies here that Fields said she was dragged to the ground. She never did.

She said, “I almost fell to the ground, but was able to maintain my balance,” which is what the video shows.

12. Claim: “I see Hillary with Benghazi, you know the famous ad, three in the morning, guess what, the phone rang, she wasn’t there.”

Reality: An email did surface showing that Clinton missed a briefing because she was sleeping. It was not a phone call. And it was at 10:43 a.m., with Clinton likely overseas.

13. Claim: “Nobody respects our president.”

Reality: This is false in the U.S. and abroad.

14.  Claim: “We owe $19 trillion, we have another $2 trillion because of the very, very bad omnibus budget that was just signed.”

Reality: We do have a $19 trillion debt. But the omnibus was $1.1 trillion.

15. Claim: “It’s a disgrace, which gives everything that Obama wanted.” — Trump on the omnibus.

Reality: President Barack Obama asked for but did not receive additional spending.

16. Claim: “We get nothing.” — Trump on how Republicans fared in the omnibus spending bill.

Reality: As noted by a GOP aide, the party did get some wins, including lifting the oil export ban, tightening the visa waiver program, and stopping the IRS from going after 501c4s.

17. Claim: Because of the omnibus, the debt will climb to $21 trillion.

Reality: The omnibus, as mentioned, is $1.1 trillion. Also, it won’t be chiefly or mostly responsible for the rising debt.

18. Claim: “Most people didn’t know that we are taking care of Japan’s military needs.”

Reality: Japan actually spends money on U.S. military installations there.

19. Claim: “Iran is going to have [a nuclear bomb] within 10 years.”

Reality: The Iran deal rolls back and freezes the country’s nuclear program for 15 years. Many aspects of the deal are permanent, including the rigorous inspections and the ban on ever researching, making or possessing a nuclear bomb.

20. Claim: “It’s going to happen anyway. It’s going to happen anyway.” — Trump, on Japan, South Korea and Saudi Arabia getting nuclear weapons.

Reality: As Joseph Cirincione, the president of Ploughshares Fund, notes: “Since the height of the Cold War, we have reduced global nuclear stockpiles from almost 70,000 weapons to just over 15,000 weapons.”

21. Claim: “We don’t have money.” — Trump on America.

Reality: We’re the richest country in the world, and maybe in world history.

22. Claim: “I thought it was a nice picture of Heidi.” — Trump on a picture of Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi Cruz, contrasted with his wife, Melania, that he re-tweeted.

Reality: There is no way to dip into Trump’s brain. But it’s fair to say that he didn’t think it was a kind or nice picture of her.

"@Don_Vito_08: "A picture is worth a thousand words" @realDonaldTrump  #LyingTed #NeverCruz  @MELANIATRUMP "

23. Claim: “No, it’s not.” — Trump, when told that his insistence that he “didn’t start” the fight over wives with Ted Cruz sounded like the argument a 5-year-old would make.

Reality: “I didn’t start it” is the argument of toddlers and small children.

24. Claim: “He sent out a picture” — Trump, stating that Cruz was responsible for spreading a photo of Melania Trump posing nude for GQ.

Reality: Cruz didn’t send out the picture. An anti-Trump super PAC sent it out.

25. Claim: “They were Romney people.” — Trump, switching blame for the person(s) who sent out the photo.

Reality: Liz Mair, the Republican operative who did send out the picture, is not a Mitt Romney person.

26. Claim: “No, everybody knows he sent it out.” — Trump, blaming Cruz again for sending out the photo.

Reality: Make America Awesome Again PAC, Mair’s group, sent it out.

27. Claim: “I wouldn’t have China walking away with trade deficits of $505 billion a year.”

Reality: The trade deficit was $365 billion in 2015.

28. Claim: “We have a president who won’t talk about it.” — Trump on Obama and radical Islam.

Reality: Obama won’t use the term “radical Islam,” but he regularly talks about terrorism perpetrated by ISIS.

"We are not at war with Islam. We are at war with people who have perverted Islam."
President Barack Obama

29. Claim: “If bullets were going in the opposite direction, you wouldn’t have had the problems in those two places, that I can tell you.” — Trump, on the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino and Paris.

Reality: The United States has a Second Amendment — and still has more gun deaths than anywhere else. Also, arming more citizens leads to more unintentional shootings.

30. Claim: “I was against the war in Iraq. OK.”

Reality: Trump spoke supportively of the invasion in 2002.

31. Claim: “We have no idea who they are, we have no idea where is their paperwork. They have no paperwork; they have no identification.” — Trump on Syrian refugees.

Reality: Syrian refugees are the most heavily vetted group coming to the U.S. The process takes a year and a half to two years.

32. Claim: “Lots of things happening in the mosques, that’s been proven.” — Trump on terrorism plotting activities.

Reality: There haven’t been mosques connected to Islamic State attacks in the U.S. Mosque leaders are in fact experiencing death threats and vandalism.

33. Claim: “They had bombs on the floor. Many people saw this. Many, many people.” — Trump on the San Bernardino shooters.

Reality: A couple neighbors of one shooter’s mother, in a different town, noticed packages being delivered. Nobody saw bombs.

34. Claim: “Nobody wants to call it a war.” — Trump on the fight against terrorism.

Reality: The Bush administration coined the phrase “War on Terror.”

35. Claim: “It’s such lies.” — Trump on accusations that he wasn’t a successful businessman.

Reality: There are real questions about how Trump actually managed his money, with outlets pointing out that he would have done better just investing in an index fund.

36. Claim: “Brooklyn had not a lot of value. Brooklyn was not a great place to be.” — Trump, explaining that his father had limited his earning potential by operating in an outer borough.

Reality: If Brooklyn had been its own city in 1960, it would have been the fourth-most populous city in the U.S. behind the rest of New York, Chicago and LA.

37. Claim: “I started off with a very, very small amount of money.”

Reality: His father gave him a $1 million loan, which is objectively not a small amount of money.

38. Claim: “My father didn’t leave a great fortune.”

Reality: Citing the Trump family’s own estimate, The New York Times reported that when Fred Trump died in 1999, he was worth $250-300 million. That’s about $356-427 million in 2016 dollars, per the BLS calculator.

39. Claim: “Now I’m worth over $10 billion.”

Reality: Estimates of Trump’s worth vary wildly. But Forbes put it at around $4.5 billion.

40. Claim: “Only a fool would give a tax return [during an audit].”

Realty: Lawyers do advise against doing this. But nothing about being audited prevents Trump from releasing his tax records.

41. Claim: “Well, the greatest function of all by far [for the U.S. government] is security for our nation. I would also say health care, I would also say education.”

Reality: Trump didn’t mention that he has called for disbanding the Department of Education, which would make it a non-priority for the U.S. government under his presidency.

42. Claim: “Thousands and thousands of people are infiltrating our country.”

Reality: While immigration estimates are tough to measure, there is no evidence that “thousands and thousands” of terrorists are infiltrating our country. Even fearful estimates say 82 specific individuals with ties to ISIS have entered the country since March 2014.

43. Claim: “Our military is being eaten away.”

Reality: The Associated Press fact-checked claims that President Barack Obama has gutted the military and found that “Total spending for the modernization for major weapons systems actually has remained stable” since 2009.

44. Claim: “If I get in, our military will be bigger, better, stronger than ever before. It’s the cheapest thing we can do.”

Reality: The U.S. already spends more on defense than the next seven countries combined. Trump hasn’t outlined a specific plan for expanding the military — other than saying he will make it “so big, so strong and so great, so powerful” — but estimates of the costs of other GOP plans for expanding the military have placed them at upwards of $17 billion a year.

45. Claim: “Obamacare is a disaster.”

Reality: It’s actually pretty OK.

46. Claim: “The government can lead [health care], but it should be privately done.”

Reality: We don’t know what this means. Even under the Affordable Care Act, the actual insurers are private.

47. Claim: “We should probably have — we have to have private health care.”

Reality: The health care system is, and has been for many decades, a private-public mix, and that barely budged because of the ACA.

48. Claim: “The problem that we have in our country is we don’t have competition.”

Reality: The entire ACA apparatus is built on insurers competing for customers on a regulated private market.

49. Claim: “I am self-funding.”

Reality: Politifact evaluated this and determined that it was only “sort of” true, as he accepts individual donations.

50. Claim: “Obamacare, if you take a look at your premiums, they’re going up 35 percent, 45 percent, 55 percent.”

Reality: Politifact looked at this one and rated it half-true. “Some insurance plans in the federal exchange will see price hikes at the levels that Trump is suggesting. But he’s cherry-picking the high end of premium changes to come. Estimates for the national average are far below Trump’s figures, ranging from 4.4 percent to 13 percent.”

51. Claim: “We take the small loans, the people that send $17.50, or $250, even $1,000…” — Trump on donations to his campaign.

Reality: Loans? Really?

52. Claim: “No, I don’t really think so.”— Responding to a question about whether he solicits donations on his website.

Reality: There is a donate button on his website.

53. Claim: “I am not soliciting money from insurance companies and from lumber companies and from banks and from — if I did, I would have made Jeb Bush look like a baby.”

Reality: He made Bush look like a baby anyway.

54. Claim: “Just the other night, I’m in Florida, and a very, very rich friend of mine comes up, ‘Donald, I’d like to give you $10 million, I’ll give you anything…’”

Reality: Highly dubious. You can’t give a candidate money like that. You could give a super PAC that kind of money.

55. Claim: “I think in terms of small donations, I think we’ve received $6 million up until this point.”

Reality: Cooper corrected him that several times it was $7 million.

56. Claim: “We’re spending a tremendous — billions and billions of dollars on NATO.”

Reality: Actually, America’s direct spending on NATO is about $500 million annually.

57. Claim: “You don’t have Germany talking about Ukraine.”

Reality: Yes, you do.

58. Claim: “When Romney came out against me he ran one of the worst races in the history of presidential politics.”

Reality: Not even the top five.

59. Claim: “Millions of people are coming in and voting, in all fairness, for me.”

Reality: This is partly true but twisted.

60. Claim: “I don’t want to have [Ted Cruz] be tormented.”

Reality: False. Trump regularly calls Cruz “Lyin’ Ted.”

61. Claim: “I’m a very honest guy.”

Reality: Here is a list of numerous false statements made by Trump compiled by PolitiFact.

62. Claim: “I’m a unifier.”

Reality: He’s the most unliked candidate. 

63. Claim: “Sen. Jeff Sessions, one of the most respected men in the Senate.”

Reality: Depends on who you ask.

64. Claim: “As one of the magazines recently said, Donald Trump is a world-class businessman.”

Reality: Trump appears to be quoting himself.

65. Claim: “Do you ever notice my biggest problems are repeats and retweets? I don’t [have] problem(s) with what I say.”

Reality: Trump routinely draws controversy for his own ideas, including, but not limited to, pledging to ban Muslims from traveling to the United States and proposing to build a wall on the Mexican border.

66. Claim: “The debates, they give you 15 seconds, what would you do in terms of war and peace, OK?”

Reality: Contenders typically have about one minute to respond.

67. Claim: “Every — Drudge, they do an online poll right after the debate, Time magazine, Slate, many groups do — I think I’ve won every single poll by a lot on debating.”

Reality: Trump is omitting the fact that online reader polls are basically meaningless. Actual polls, by contrast, haven’t shown him doing as well.

68. Claim: “A lot of people are sending goods over to other countries, and especially goods that can spoil like what you do. They send over to other countries, and the other country refuses to accept them, and yet we accept their goods without tax, without anything.”

Reality: The process Trump is describing does not occur. The U.S. is not accepting the dregs that are left over after Brazil or France turn away rotten food at their border. But there are legitimate concerns about food safety standards in U.S. trade, particularly with respect to seafood.

69. Claim: “Right now we have illegal immigration, we have illegals all over the country. We have at least 11 million. Some people think it could be 31 million, it’s somewhere in between. It’s probably 12, 13, 14.”

Reality: Robert Warren, a fellow at the Center for Migration Studies and a former demographer with the Census Bureau and the Immigration and Naturalization Service, told PolitiFact, “there is virtually no evidence that the real number could be even a few million higher than 11 million.”

70. Claim: “The world is taking advantage of the United States and it’s driving us into literally being a third world nation.”

Reality: The United States is not “literally” turning into a third world nation. According to the United Nations, the U.S. is still a major developed economy.

71. Claim: “We come home and we land at LaGuardia with potholes all over the place.”

Reality: There was just one major pothole reported at LaGuardia Airport recently. But the U.S. does, in fact, have outdated and deteriorating infrastructure.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2016, 10:12:21 AM by AUChizad »
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1083 on: April 01, 2016, 10:27:02 AM »
If someone was to grab me like that, they wake up in a hospital bed.

Now, now.  Rabies isn't THAT contagious.  I doubt they would catch it from just barely touching you. 
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1084 on: April 01, 2016, 10:31:20 AM »
I'm saying that TRUMP is stupid when it comes to everything but sociology and manipulation.

I'm saying that stupid people don't recognize this.

It is possible for stupid people to look at relatively intelligent people and think they're a good fit for president of the United States. It is not possible for relatively intelligent people to look at boorish idiots and think they're a good fit for president of the United States.

It's possible to think that a boorish idiot is a better fit for president than an ego-maniacal whoreshrew who has demonstrated her contempt for normal people and has proven incapable of effective government and whose ideas and policies are anti-American.  Yes.  Yes it is. 

The fact that you keep pounding the anti-Trump drum speaks more to your inability to understand a simple truth (I don't love Trump, I just hate Hillbillary more) than it does to the relative intelligence of the voting populace.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1085 on: April 01, 2016, 10:35:30 AM »
Oh memez! That sure took apart the line by line sited, sourced fact check that clearly illustrates the man lying 71 times in an hour.

Hillary is worse than Joffrey and Hitler and Dr. Doom and everyone evar including inanimate objects because she lied about Benghazi, but totally fine with a guy who lies literally more than once every single minute he speaks.

Now that I'm not on my phone, here's the copypasta. Refute it with words like a cognizant human being.

Every "Reality" here is corroborated with links. I'm not going to go through an add them here. You'll have to click the link yourself, which you won't do because I know you EVEN IF HE'S WORSE THAN HILLARY, HE'S STILL NOT WORSE THAN HILLARY!!!111


8. Claim: “She wasn’t supposed to be asking questions because the press conference lasted for 45 minutes.” — Trump on Fields.

Reality: Multiple reporters were asking Trump questions as he left his event that evening.

9. Claim: “Did you see the protester grabbing the woman in front of him? With his hands on her neck?” — Trump on a protester who was also allegedly pulled by Lewandowski.

Reality: The video appears to show the protester bumping into a woman as he is trying to leave.

10. Claim: “She had a pen in her hand, which could have been a knife, it could have been just a pen, which is very dangerous.” — Trump on Fields.

Reality: Pens are carried all the time by reporters and are widely acknowledged as not very dangerous.

11. Claim: “She wasn’t dragged to the ground.” — Trump on Fields.

Reality: Trump implies here that Fields said she was dragged to the ground. She never did.

She said, “I almost fell to the ground, but was able to maintain my balance,” which is what the video shows.

12. Claim: “I see Hillary with Benghazi, you know the famous ad, three in the morning, guess what, the phone rang, she wasn’t there.”

Reality: An email did surface showing that Clinton missed a briefing because she was sleeping. It was not a phone call. And it was at 10:43 a.m., with Clinton likely overseas.

13. Claim: “Nobody respects our president.”

Reality: This is false in the U.S. and abroad.

14.  Claim: “We owe $19 trillion, we have another $2 trillion because of the very, very bad omnibus budget that was just signed.”

Reality: We do have a $19 trillion debt. But the omnibus was $1.1 trillion.

15. Claim: “It’s a disgrace, which gives everything that Obama wanted.” — Trump on the omnibus.

Reality: President Barack Obama asked for but did not receive additional spending.

16. Claim: “We get nothing.” — Trump on how Republicans fared in the omnibus spending bill.

Reality: As noted by a GOP aide, the party did get some wins, including lifting the oil export ban, tightening the visa waiver program, and stopping the IRS from going after 501c4s.

17. Claim: Because of the omnibus, the debt will climb to $21 trillion.

Reality: The omnibus, as mentioned, is $1.1 trillion. Also, it won’t be chiefly or mostly responsible for the rising debt.

18. Claim: “Most people didn’t know that we are taking care of Japan’s military needs.”

Reality: Japan actually spends money on U.S. military installations there.

19. Claim: “Iran is going to have [a nuclear bomb] within 10 years.”

Reality: The Iran deal rolls back and freezes the country’s nuclear program for 15 years. Many aspects of the deal are permanent, including the rigorous inspections and the ban on ever researching, making or possessing a nuclear bomb.

20. Claim: “It’s going to happen anyway. It’s going to happen anyway.” — Trump, on Japan, South Korea and Saudi Arabia getting nuclear weapons.

Reality: As Joseph Cirincione, the president of Ploughshares Fund, notes: “Since the height of the Cold War, we have reduced global nuclear stockpiles from almost 70,000 weapons to just over 15,000 weapons.”

21. Claim: “We don’t have money.” — Trump on America.

Reality: We’re the richest country in the world, and maybe in world history.

22. Claim: “I thought it was a nice picture of Heidi.” — Trump on a picture of Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi Cruz, contrasted with his wife, Melania, that he re-tweeted.

Reality: There is no way to dip into Trump’s brain. But it’s fair to say that he didn’t think it was a kind or nice picture of her.

23. Claim: “No, it’s not.” — Trump, when told that his insistence that he “didn’t start” the fight over wives with Ted Cruz sounded like the argument a 5-year-old would make.

Reality: “I didn’t start it” is the argument of toddlers and small children.

24. Claim: “He sent out a picture” — Trump, stating that Cruz was responsible for spreading a photo of Melania Trump posing nude for GQ.

Reality: Cruz didn’t send out the picture. An anti-Trump super PAC sent it out.

25. Claim: “They were Romney people.” — Trump, switching blame for the person(s) who sent out the photo.

Reality: Liz Mair, the Republican operative who did send out the picture, is not a Mitt Romney person.

26. Claim: “No, everybody knows he sent it out.” — Trump, blaming Cruz again for sending out the photo.

Reality: Make America Awesome Again PAC, Mair’s group, sent it out.

27. Claim: “I wouldn’t have China walking away with trade deficits of $505 billion a year.”

Reality: The trade deficit was $365 billion in 2015.

28. Claim: “We have a president who won’t talk about it.” — Trump on Obama and radical Islam.

Reality: Obama won’t use the term “radical Islam,” but he regularly talks about terrorism perpetrated by ISIS.

"We are not at war with Islam. We are at war with people who have perverted Islam."
President Barack Obama

29. Claim: “If bullets were going in the opposite direction, you wouldn’t have had the problems in those two places, that I can tell you.” — Trump, on the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino and Paris.

Reality: The United States has a Second Amendment — and still has more gun deaths than anywhere else. Also, arming more citizens leads to more unintentional shootings.

30. Claim: “I was against the war in Iraq. OK.”

Reality: Trump spoke supportively of the invasion in 2002.

31. Claim: “We have no idea who they are, we have no idea where is their paperwork. They have no paperwork; they have no identification.” — Trump on Syrian refugees.

Reality: Syrian refugees are the most heavily vetted group coming to the U.S. The process takes a year and a half to two years.

32. Claim: “Lots of things happening in the mosques, that’s been proven.” — Trump on terrorism plotting activities.

Reality: There haven’t been mosques connected to Islamic State attacks in the U.S. Mosque leaders are in fact experiencing death threats and vandalism.

33. Claim: “They had bombs on the floor. Many people saw this. Many, many people.” — Trump on the San Bernardino shooters.

Reality: A couple neighbors of one shooter’s mother, in a different town, noticed packages being delivered. Nobody saw bombs.

34. Claim: “Nobody wants to call it a war.” — Trump on the fight against terrorism.

Reality: The Bush administration coined the phrase “War on Terror.”

35. Claim: “It’s such lies.” — Trump on accusations that he wasn’t a successful businessman.

Reality: There are real questions about how Trump actually managed his money, with outlets pointing out that he would have done better just investing in an index fund.

36. Claim: “Brooklyn had not a lot of value. Brooklyn was not a great place to be.” — Trump, explaining that his father had limited his earning potential by operating in an outer borough.

Reality: If Brooklyn had been its own city in 1960, it would have been the fourth-most populous city in the U.S. behind the rest of New York, Chicago and LA.

37. Claim: “I started off with a very, very small amount of money.”

Reality: His father gave him a $1 million loan, which is objectively not a small amount of money.

38. Claim: “My father didn’t leave a great fortune.”

Reality: Citing the Trump family’s own estimate, The New York Times reported that when Fred Trump died in 1999, he was worth $250-300 million. That’s about $356-427 million in 2016 dollars, per the BLS calculator.

39. Claim: “Now I’m worth over $10 billion.”

Reality: Estimates of Trump’s worth vary wildly. But Forbes put it at around $4.5 billion.

40. Claim: “Only a fool would give a tax return [during an audit].”

Realty: Lawyers do advise against doing this. But nothing about being audited prevents Trump from releasing his tax records.

41. Claim: “Well, the greatest function of all by far [for the U.S. government] is security for our nation. I would also say health care, I would also say education.”

Reality: Trump didn’t mention that he has called for disbanding the Department of Education, which would make it a non-priority for the U.S. government under his presidency.

42. Claim: “Thousands and thousands of people are infiltrating our country.”

Reality: While immigration estimates are tough to measure, there is no evidence that “thousands and thousands” of terrorists are infiltrating our country. Even fearful estimates say 82 specific individuals with ties to ISIS have entered the country since March 2014.

43. Claim: “Our military is being eaten away.”

Reality: The Associated Press fact-checked claims that President Barack Obama has gutted the military and found that “Total spending for the modernization for major weapons systems actually has remained stable” since 2009.

44. Claim: “If I get in, our military will be bigger, better, stronger than ever before. It’s the cheapest thing we can do.”

Reality: The U.S. already spends more on defense than the next seven countries combined. Trump hasn’t outlined a specific plan for expanding the military — other than saying he will make it “so big, so strong and so great, so powerful” — but estimates of the costs of other GOP plans for expanding the military have placed them at upwards of $17 billion a year.

45. Claim: “Obamacare is a disaster.”

Reality: It’s actually pretty OK.

46. Claim: “The government can lead [health care], but it should be privately done.”

Reality: We don’t know what this means. Even under the Affordable Care Act, the actual insurers are private.

47. Claim: “We should probably have — we have to have private health care.”

Reality: The health care system is, and has been for many decades, a private-public mix, and that barely budged because of the ACA.

48. Claim: “The problem that we have in our country is we don’t have competition.”

Reality: The entire ACA apparatus is built on insurers competing for customers on a regulated private market.

49. Claim: “I am self-funding.”

Reality: Politifact evaluated this and determined that it was only “sort of” true, as he accepts individual donations.

50. Claim: “Obamacare, if you take a look at your premiums, they’re going up 35 percent, 45 percent, 55 percent.”

Reality: Politifact looked at this one and rated it half-true. “Some insurance plans in the federal exchange will see price hikes at the levels that Trump is suggesting. But he’s cherry-picking the high end of premium changes to come. Estimates for the national average are far below Trump’s figures, ranging from 4.4 percent to 13 percent.”

51. Claim: “We take the small loans, the people that send $17.50, or $250, even $1,000…” — Trump on donations to his campaign.

Reality: Loans? Really?

52. Claim: “No, I don’t really think so.”— Responding to a question about whether he solicits donations on his website.

Reality: There is a donate button on his website.

53. Claim: “I am not soliciting money from insurance companies and from lumber companies and from banks and from — if I did, I would have made Jeb Bush look like a baby.”

Reality: He made Bush look like a baby anyway.

54. Claim: “Just the other night, I’m in Florida, and a very, very rich friend of mine comes up, ‘Donald, I’d like to give you $10 million, I’ll give you anything…’”

Reality: Highly dubious. You can’t give a candidate money like that. You could give a super PAC that kind of money.

55. Claim: “I think in terms of small donations, I think we’ve received $6 million up until this point.”

Reality: Cooper corrected him that several times it was $7 million.

56. Claim: “We’re spending a tremendous — billions and billions of dollars on NATO.”

Reality: Actually, America’s direct spending on NATO is about $500 million annually.

57. Claim: “You don’t have Germany talking about Ukraine.”

Reality: Yes, you do.

58. Claim: “When Romney came out against me he ran one of the worst races in the history of presidential politics.”

Reality: Not even the top five.

59. Claim: “Millions of people are coming in and voting, in all fairness, for me.”

Reality: This is partly true but twisted.

60. Claim: “I don’t want to have [Ted Cruz] be tormented.”

Reality: False. Trump regularly calls Cruz “Lyin’ Ted.”

61. Claim: “I’m a very honest guy.”

Reality: Here is a list of numerous false statements made by Trump compiled by PolitiFact.

62. Claim: “I’m a unifier.”

Reality: He’s the most unliked candidate. 

63. Claim: “Sen. Jeff Sessions, one of the most respected men in the Senate.”

Reality: Depends on who you ask.

64. Claim: “As one of the magazines recently said, Donald Trump is a world-class businessman.”

Reality: Trump appears to be quoting himself.

65. Claim: “Do you ever notice my biggest problems are repeats and retweets? I don’t [have] problem(s) with what I say.”

Reality: Trump routinely draws controversy for his own ideas, including, but not limited to, pledging to ban Muslims from traveling to the United States and proposing to build a wall on the Mexican border.

66. Claim: “The debates, they give you 15 seconds, what would you do in terms of war and peace, OK?”

Reality: Contenders typically have about one minute to respond.

67. Claim: “Every — Drudge, they do an online poll right after the debate, Time magazine, Slate, many groups do — I think I’ve won every single poll by a lot on debating.”

Reality: Trump is omitting the fact that online reader polls are basically meaningless. Actual polls, by contrast, haven’t shown him doing as well.

68. Claim: “A lot of people are sending goods over to other countries, and especially goods that can spoil like what you do. They send over to other countries, and the other country refuses to accept them, and yet we accept their goods without tax, without anything.”

Reality: The process Trump is describing does not occur. The U.S. is not accepting the dregs that are left over after Brazil or France turn away rotten food at their border. But there are legitimate concerns about food safety standards in U.S. trade, particularly with respect to seafood.

69. Claim: “Right now we have illegal immigration, we have illegals all over the country. We have at least 11 million. Some people think it could be 31 million, it’s somewhere in between. It’s probably 12, 13, 14.”

Reality: Robert Warren, a fellow at the Center for Migration Studies and a former demographer with the Census Bureau and the Immigration and Naturalization Service, told PolitiFact, “there is virtually no evidence that the real number could be even a few million higher than 11 million.”

70. Claim: “The world is taking advantage of the United States and it’s driving us into literally being a third world nation.”

Reality: The United States is not “literally” turning into a third world nation. According to the United Nations, the U.S. is still a major developed economy.

71. Claim: “We come home and we land at LaGuardia with potholes all over the place.”

Reality: There was just one major pothole reported at LaGuardia Airport recently. But the U.S. does, in fact, have outdated and deteriorating infrastructure.

Here is the only reality that matters. 

I don't care if he lies 971 times an hour.   You think you're winning but you're just drowning yourself.  All you've done is push me (and others) more to the Trump side. 

What he says?  Who cares? 
What she does?  Proven. 
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1086 on: April 01, 2016, 10:53:28 AM »
It's possible to think that a boorish idiot is a better fit for president than an ego-maniacal whoreshrew who has demonstrated her contempt for normal people and has proven incapable of effective government and whose ideas and policies are anti-American.  Yes.  Yes it is. 

The fact that you keep pounding the anti-Trump drum speaks more to your inability to understand a simple truth (I don't love Trump, I just hate Hillbillary more) than it does to the relative intelligence of the voting populace.

I understand perfectly clear.


That about sums it up right? You are removed from reality.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1087 on: April 01, 2016, 10:55:56 AM »
If we have to start fact checking around here, I'm afraid the x will collapse.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1088 on: April 01, 2016, 10:57:44 AM »
I'm just relieved the stupid sonuvabitch keeps saying enough to destroy any chance he had.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1089 on: April 01, 2016, 10:59:19 AM »
You see that image because you're looking in, what sane people call, a mirror.

He grabbed her arm, enough to apparently leave bruise marks. If someone was to grab me like that, they wake up in a hospital bed.
^^^bad ass alert. Don't mess with him guys. He played for West Alabama, ya know.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1090 on: April 01, 2016, 11:14:14 AM »
Wisconsin could be an interesting turning point in this election.  If Cruz takes all of the delegates (he's leading Trump by 10% in the latest polls) it will be difficult for Trump (or anyone else) to get to the convention with the 1,237 needed to wrap up the nomination. 
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1091 on: April 01, 2016, 11:20:10 AM »
As for the Michelle Fields thing...

I haven't really chimed in on that because to me that's an example of exactly the kind of thing that has given rise to Trump. The media, ESPECIALLY the anti-Trump conservative media, are going full-in on this SJW white-knighting of Michelle here.

She's being a mellow-dramatic attention whore, IMO.

She tried to get too close to a presidential candidate and his security guard pushed her out of the way and she's trying to make a fucking federal case out of it like he beat her brains in...come on people.

And the weird thing is virtually everyone I follow on Twitter seems to agree that if you don't 100% think this is criminal battery and should be made a huge fucking deal then you're a misogynist that endorses abusing women...

Here's the audio of the the actual incident where it is abundantly clear that A) She was not battered and it was hardly ACTUALLY traumatic, B) She was being a dramatic little crybaby about it, and C) The Ben Terris guy was being a white knight and the two of them fabricated the story right then and there.


Additionally, this is from Alex Jones's nutjob site, but I don't disagree with anything here.


Trump STILL handled it terribly, as per usual. He & Lewandowsky still flatly lied about it by saying the whole thing never happened at all and made this more of a thing than it had to be.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2016, 11:23:34 AM by AUChizad »
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1092 on: April 01, 2016, 11:25:51 AM »
Saw this on a car in Auburn today.

It's not incorrect. There is a kitchen in the  White House.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1093 on: April 01, 2016, 11:33:38 AM »
Here's a pretty rational take on the whole Fields thing that pretty much sums up my opinion on it.


Michelle Fields: A few thoughts
A few quick thoughts on the Michelle Fields situation.

(1) After reviewing all the different videos, it seems pretty clear to me that Corey Lewandowski did grab and yank then-Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields, hard enough to make her stumble and to leave bruises on her arm. Was it what most people think of as assault? No. Is it technically assault and battery? Yes.

(2) Was it somewhat exaggerated in the retelling? Yes, I think so. Ben Terris's initial account in The Washington Post makes it sound like Michelle Fields was seriously shaken. But in the audio of the conversation between Fields and Terris on the scene, caught on Fields's own audio recorder and published by Politico, she sounds at the most nonplussed and annoyed, and at times amused. (One pro-Trump blogger has ludicrously suggested that she staged the incident including the audio; but if that were the case, wouldn't she have put on an act of fear and distress?) I think Terris overdramatized the incident a bit, and others turned it into Fields being nearly thrown to the ground, perhaps because of an earlier incident of a Time photographer being shoved to the ground (by a Secret Service agent) at a Trump rally.

(3) Does that mean it's a non-issue? No. Lewandowski's behavior was clearly inappropriate. The Trump campaign could have quickly neutralized the issue by apologizing. Instead they circled the wagons and called Fields a delusional liar.

(4) Would this have been a non-issue if Fields had been a man? I think there's a certainly chivalry factor on both the left and the right, but Lewandowski has also been criticized for grabbing a male protester by the collar. Some of the pro-Fields commentary has stressed the fact that she's a woman more than I would like. On the other hand, some of the Fields-bashing has been rather overtly sexist, along the lines of "women lie."
(Incidentally, it's not unheard-of for men to use exaggerated claims of assault for political advantage. There was an incident in my area in New Jersey some years ago in which a male local politician filed an assault charge against a female pol with whom he was feuding because she snatched a paper from his hand during an argument at a meeting, which he claimed gave him a paper cut.)

(5) I have somewhat mixed feelings about the letter in support of Fields with an all-female list of conservative signatories. I don't think gender should be an issue here. But generally, I agree with the points made in the letter.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1094 on: April 01, 2016, 11:34:35 AM »
As for the Michelle Fields thing...

I haven't really chimed in on that because to me that's an example of exactly the kind of thing that has given rise to Trump. The media, ESPECIALLY the anti-Trump conservative media, are going full-in on this SJW white-knighting of Michelle here.

She's being a mellow-dramatic attention whore, IMO.

She tried to get too close to a presidential candidate and his security guard pushed her out of the way and she's trying to make a fucking federal case out of it like he beat her brains in...come on people.

And the weird thing is virtually everyone I follow on Twitter seems to agree that if you don't 100% think this is criminal battery and should be made a huge fucking deal then you're a misogynist that endorses abusing women...

Here's the audio of the the actual incident where it is abundantly clear that A) She was not battered and it was hardly ACTUALLY traumatic, B) She was being a dramatic little crybaby about it, and C) The Ben Terris guy was being a white knight and the two of them fabricated the story right then and there.


Additionally, this is from Alex Jones's nutjob site, but I don't disagree with anything here.


Trump STILL handled it terribly, as per usual. He & Lewandowsky still flatly lied about it by saying the whole thing never happened at all and made this more of a thing than it had to be.

He "flatly lied." 


He was charged with battery and assault.  He said he didn't do it and never even met the person accusing him of such. 

Look at the video.  Watch his head.  He never even looks at her face.  He's clearing space, period.  It probably happens a hundred times a night.   She didn't even register in his consciousness. 

If somebody accused me of assault for a similar incident?  I'd probably say the same thing.  How could I have assaulted somebody I've never even seen before?  If I grab somebody and try to throw them to the ground, I'm going to remember them a little.  There's almost zero chance he even remembers this "incident"

I'd hardly call that "blatantly lying." 

Every word that ridiculous bitch said?  Yeah. Blatant lie. 
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1095 on: April 01, 2016, 11:41:38 AM »

Look at the video.  Watch his head.  He never even looks at her face.  He's clearing space, period.  It probably happens a hundred times a night.   She didn't even register in his consciousness. 

Yep. I said that a hundred posts ago. He probably has to do this a lot.

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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1096 on: April 01, 2016, 11:43:43 AM »
He "flatly lied." 


He was charged with battery and assault.  He said he didn't do it and never even met the person accusing him of such. 

Look at the video.  Watch his head.  He never even looks at her face.  He's clearing space, period.  It probably happens a hundred times a night.   She didn't even register in his consciousness. 

If somebody accused me of assault for a similar incident?  I'd probably say the same thing.  How could I have assaulted somebody I've never even seen before?  If I grab somebody and try to throw them to the ground, I'm going to remember them a little.  There's almost zero chance he even remembers this "incident"

I'd hardly call that "blatantly lying." 

Every word that ridiculous bitch said?  Yeah. Blatant lie.
The fact remains he DID grab and jerk her arm hard enough to leave bruises on her arm and make her stumble. Even if she (and other members of the media) are wildly exaggerating it, doesn't mean that part isn't true. Any normal public figure would have AT LEAST said "Yeah, we regret that happened, but he has to do his job in protecting me, but we apologize if any physical harm was done," blah blah whatever.

Instead Lewandowski tweets this at her:
@MichelleFields you are totally delusional. I never touched you. As a matter of fact, I have never even met you.

And Trump got on TV and calls her a crazy liar.

I'm not blindly defending her like most of the media are, but that still doesn't mean Trump handled it even remotely with the decor of someone fit for the Oval Office...
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1097 on: April 01, 2016, 12:00:09 PM »
Michelle Fields: A few thoughts
A few quick thoughts on the Michelle Fields situation.

(1) After reviewing all the different videos, it seems pretty clear to me that Corey Lewandowski did grab and yank then-Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields, hard enough to make her stumble and to leave bruises on her arm. Was it what most people think of as assault? No. Is it technically assault and battery? Yes.

Then whoever wrote this is an idiot.  Stumble?  Bruises?  Only if you are a one-legged toddler with hemophilia.  If that's technically assault and battery then I see it committed a thousand times a day.  Why just this morning I saw a woman about to step into a pool of vomit outside Target.  I tapped her on the upper arm and pointed to the puke.  Arrest me.   

(2) Was it somewhat exaggerated in the retelling? Yes, I think so. Ben Terris's initial account in The Washington Post makes it sound like Michelle Fields was seriously shaken. But in the audio of the conversation between Fields and Terris on the scene, caught on Fields's own audio recorder and published by Politico, she sounds at the most nonplussed and annoyed, and at times amused. (One pro-Trump blogger has ludicrously suggested that she staged the incident including the audio; but if that were the case, wouldn't she have put on an act of fear and distress?) I think Terris overdramatized the incident a bit, and others turned it into Fields being nearly thrown to the ground, perhaps because of an earlier incident of a Time photographer being shoved to the ground (by a Secret Service agent) at a Trump rally.

Overdramatized a bit? How about lied like a motherfucker?

(3) Does that mean it's a non-issue? No. Lewandowski's behavior was clearly inappropriate. The Trump campaign could have quickly neutralized the issue by apologizing. Instead they circled the wagons and called Fields a delusional liar.

Clearly inappropriate? In what world?  Pussyland? You're really going to tell me you've never seen a person with some responsibility in regard to the safety and security of another person establish a perimeter by edging people back?   There's "assault and battery" by every 'get back' coach at every high school, college and pro game.  There's assault at every Mardi Gras parade by police.  There was assault at the Elton John concert when security held the drunk man's arm and pointed him to his seat. 

THIS is what's wrong with America.  Apologize?  Apologize for what?  Behavior was ASTONISHINGLY APPROPRIATE given the circumstance.  That bitch wasn't supposed to be in his personal space as he was leaving a crowded area. She got edged back as she well fucking should have.  She is a motherfucking delusional "let's bash Trump and make a stink out if it" liar.  She's a fucktard.  I support 1 billion percent the "fuck you, you whining whore" stance they took.  I'm glad they did.  I'd have been pissed if they apologized beyond "Sorry she embarrassed herself by acting like an idiot."   

(4) Would this have been a non-issue if Fields had been a man? I think there's a certainly chivalry factor on both the left and the right, but Lewandowski has also been criticized for grabbing a male protester by the collar. Some of the pro-Fields commentary has stressed the fact that she's a woman more than I would like. On the other hand, some of the Fields-bashing has been rather overtly sexist, along the lines of "women lie."
(Incidentally, it's not unheard-of for men to use exaggerated claims of assault for political advantage. There was an incident in my area in New Jersey some years ago in which a male local politician filed an assault charge against a female pol with whom he was feuding because she snatched a paper from his hand during an argument at a meeting, which he claimed gave him a paper cut.)

This is a stupid attempt at a point and makes sense only to a moron.  Waste of effort.

(5) I have somewhat mixed feelings about the letter in support of Fields with an all-female list of conservative signatories. I don't think gender should be an issue here. But generally, I agree with the points made in the letter.

Fuck anybody who supports this flighty cum reservoir. 
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1098 on: April 01, 2016, 12:02:39 PM »
The fact remains he DID grab and jerk her arm hard enough to leave bruises on her arm and make her stumble. Even if she (and other members of the media) are wildly exaggerating it, doesn't mean that part isn't true. Any normal public figure would have AT LEAST said "Yeah, we regret that happened, but he has to do his job in protecting me, but we apologize if any physical harm was done," blah blah whatever.

Instead Lewandowski tweets this at her:
And Trump got on TV and calls her a crazy liar.

I'm not blindly defending her like most of the media are, but that still doesn't mean Trump handled it even remotely with the decor of someone fit for the Oval Office...

The fact remains that he DIDN'T "jerk her arm" or do anything that would cause "bruising." 

Fuck her. 

She IS a crazy liar and probably bruised herself in a pathetic attempt to bash Trump and gain attention. 

Fuck her again. 

FUCK apologizing.  There's too much of that going around.  I rather admire and respect the "fuck you, you whining mommy part" response as opposed to the PC "we're sorry" groveling that any other candidate would have done.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #1099 on: April 01, 2016, 12:16:19 PM »
Then whoever wrote this is an idiot.  Stumble?  Bruises?  Only if you are a one-legged toddler with hemophilia.  If that's technically assault and battery then I see it committed a thousand times a day.  Why just this morning I saw a woman about to step into a pool of vomit outside Target.  I tapped her on the upper arm and pointed to the puke.  Arrest me.

This is not debatable. That is her arm and it's bruised. Maybe she's a like WE!!! said his wife is and bruises easily. Again, I think she's probably overreacting. But it is a fact that he bruised her arm no matter what tantrum you want to throw over it.

Overdramatized a bit? How about lied like a motherfucker?

What is an out-and-out lie? He grabbed her, he bruised her, he knocked her off balance. Those are facts. Again, I agree she made a bigger deal about it than necessary, and overdramatized it, but the facts are there.

Clearly inappropriate? In what world?  Pussyland? You're really going to tell me you've never seen a person with some responsibility in regard to the safety and security of another person establish a perimeter by edging people back?   There's "assault and battery" by every 'get back' coach at every high school, college and pro game.  There's assault at every Mardi Gras parade by police.  There was assault at the Elton John concert when security held the drunk man's arm and pointed him to his seat. 

THIS is what's wrong with America.  Apologize?  Apologize for what?  Behavior was ASTONISHINGLY APPROPRIATE given the circumstance.  That bitch wasn't supposed to be in his personal space as he was leaving a crowded area. She got edged back as she well fucking should have.  She is a motherfucking delusional "let's bash Trump and make a stink out if it" liar.  She's a fucktard.  I support 1 billion percent the "fuck you, you whining whore" stance they took.  I'm glad they did.  I'd have been pissed if they apologized beyond "Sorry she embarrassed herself by acting like an idiot."   

Except she wasn't a drunk at an Elton John concert or playing in a High School football game and was clearly not any real danger to Trump. She was a journalist trying to ask him a question. Trump acted like he was attacking him with a weapon.

Why is this reporter touching me as I leave news conference? What is in her hand??

Come the fuck on. THIS is not how a reasonable public figure handles this. Acting like he felt danger that he was being ATTACKED by a journalist because she had a fucking pen in her hand.

This is a stupid attempt at a point and makes sense only to a moron.  Waste of effort.
What do you disagree with here? It seems like you're just flailing to argue with a wall here. You disagree that it would be a non-issue if it were a man? You realize she is making a point that fits your side of the argument here right? She's saying if a man got pushed out of the way in exactly the same way, we wouldn't be talking about it. Since it "doesn't make sense to you", I guess you completely missed that.

Fuck anybody who supports this flighty cum reservoir.
Thoughtful rebuke...
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