Yeah, I know Kaos, you don't care that he's a blathering idiot. Yet you continue to try to convince everyone otherwise. As long as you continue to do that, I will continue to post his DAILY idiocy on public display.
He went on to say:
I’m pro-life, and I was originally pro-choice. I will say this, that as a developer and as a businessman I’m not sure I was ever even asked the question, ‘Are you pro-life, pro-choice?’ … I have evolved. I talk about evolving all the time. And by the way, you know who else evolved? Ronald Reagan evolved. Because Ronald Reagan signed one of the toughest abortion laws in favor of abortion in California that had been signed in many, many years. … He wasn’t very conservative [passing the law as governor], but he was a pretty conservative president.â€

Where to begin with this shit.
First of all, this guy is vying for President of the United States and acting like he has had zero time to consider what his own position is on the abortion debate. Not like that's something that ever comes up in political discussion over the last 25 years...Man, what a "gotcha" question for the mean media to ask. How could he possibly have been prepared for that?
Second, he's blatantly lying as always. Here's just one example of him being asked the question back when he could form complete sentences in his answer. And it's a pretty stark 180 from saying the women who have abortions (not just the doctors who perform them) should be PUNISHED.
Up...wait...as I typed this he "evolved" again. You know, after getting clarification on what he thinks from his handlers again.
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35931103And he's echoing some of the bullshit I've heard in this thread about his "evolutions" on positions. This flip flopping bullshit is NOT like Reagan not being entirely sure of the exact nuances of his position in 19
67. There was no "pro choice" or "pro life". It was not the center of debate. It is reasonable to believe he actually
hadn't given it much thought in 1967. It wasn't a ubiquitous social issue discussed ad-nauseum like it is now (or 1999). False equivalence.