Except for their ability to form cogent thoughts and communicate them, I guess that's fair.
No thought Clinton has is cogent. It's calculated and has no more substance than a stale Cheeto.
Sanders? Cogent? Give me free shit is hardly cogent. He has no idea where money even fucking comes from, he's just had it handed to him all his life.
He reminds me of an IT director I was talking to a few years ago. I had some big, ambitious plans for an enhancement to our software, but just didn't have the budget to pull it off.
He says -- in all seriousness -- "why don't you just increase the budget?"
I said, the budget is the budget, that's what I have to work with and I don't have the resources to commit to something that big.
And he says "when I want to do something that's needed and don't have the funds, I just submit an amended budget request and get more."
He was 100% serious and completely dumbfounded that I couldn't just "request more money."
I asked him where he thought I was going to get the extra and he says "from the budget. Just amend it."
So I patiently explained to him that my budget was based on money I earned. Not on money that just appeared and unless he wanted to pay me additional money or wanted me to reduce staff and services, there was no more to be had. I couldn't just amend it.
And this guy, with a college degree, sits there for a few minutes and then says "I still don't understand why you can't just increase the budget. If you need to do the enhancement, just increase it."
That's Bernie.
And you think that shit is "cogent."