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Here's the Republican front runner...

The Prowler

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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #940 on: March 18, 2016, 11:00:29 PM »
Long...but I've had enough of this shit.

Don't waste facts and logic on this guy.  He wants what's "best for America".  Prowlie, you've based your argument several times in this thread on Bernie's $200K threshold and the assumption that those you're making the argument to don't earn that or more annually.  You even specifically called out Token in telling him his argument wasn't valid and telling everyone he wouldn't be affected because he doesn't earn that in a year.

I have no idea what Token or anyone else on this board makes.  He may have a side job selling confiscated pot where he rakes in $500K/yr.  Who knows?  Who gives a fuck?  I've never seen anyone brag or complain about their income on this board.  It's not something you do.  I'm not going to do that either, but I'm not going to shy away from the fact that I make a good living. Am I rich or wealthy?  Well, what's your definition of those terms?  Can I pay my bills?  Yes.  Can I send my kid to college?  Yes.  Can I take the fam on regular vacations? Yes I can.  Do I buy a can of "Great Value" green beans at the store over "Del Monte" because I can save 17 cents?  No.  If I need a new pair of running shoes, do I get the $89.00 Brooks that look great and feel good on my feet, or do I think better of it and settle for the $59.00 Nike's on clearance.  You get the picture.

Is that rich or wealthy?  By the same token (Pun intended) can I go buy that $450K beach house I so desperately want? Maybe. Probably could swing it if I rented it out.  But it would put me in a precarious position and stretch me to the limit.  Here's the thing...I have no complaints with my financial situation.  Things could change tomorrow but right now, I'm perfectly happy being able to live life without money being priority one on my list.  Can I throw money around, go buy me a $100K boat...a $90K Mercedes?  Hell no.  Can I buy lunch for you and some friends and not worry about it?  Yeah, that's where I'm at.  That's what I consider "rich".

Now...here's where I want you...specifically you, Prowler...to pay attention.  This is 100% fact.  100% truth. I graduated from AU in 84'.  I worked in insurance as an adjuster for almost 15 years.  Had a good job.  Was at $50K plus...a car...good benefits.  But I realized I was pretty much topped out.  I was never going any farther in the position I was in.  And the job was getting tougher by the week.  So, I made the decision to try and get in law school.  I sat up nights doing LSAT study guides and practice tests.  I spent the money and took the test and did pretty good.  Enough to get offers from numerous law schools.  Step 2:

I chose Jones Law School in Montgomery because I could commute after work and go to night school.  I had a family and couldn't take 3 1/2 years off without pay to pursue my goal. For 3 1/2 years, I worked 8 to 5 and hopped in my car and drove 2 hours to Montgomery, went to class for 3 hours, got back in my car and went south for 2 hours. Got home at 12:00 5 nights a week and studied for an hour.  Went to bed, got up and did it all over again.  Did that for over 3 years.  How did I pay for it?  I cashed in my 401K from the company I worked for and took out loans for the rest.  Oh, and my company didn't want me using their vehicle to drive back and forth so I took on another loan for a Honda Accord.

When I finished school, I had a 3 day pop quiz called the Alabama State Bar that I had to pass or everything I'd done meant exactly squat.  I had zero money in the bank.  Zero retirement or savings...all cashed in.  And I was around $45K in debt with just student loans and car payments.  Despite a nervous breakdown half way through...I passed.  So, as I said earlier, me and a colleague decided to hang a shingle out (As many on this board have done) and see what happens.  For almost 14 years, it's grown and it's worked.  I'm proud of that.  Not gloating, just proud that sacrifice and hard work has paid off so far.

I hope you see where I'm going with this. Between Federal and State taxes, Obama Care and countless other dices and slices from my paycheck, I barely bring home half, if that, of what I earn.  We employ 6 people in our mom & pop firm and pay a lot of their benefits.  And YOU think I should pay, according your candidate's plan, 5% more?  Hell...to the FUCK....NO!!!!  I put myself and my family through hell for years and years to get to this point. I already pay out the ASS. In fact, I still have $7K to pay on those student loans. I'll be damned if you think I have anything other than utter contempt for anyone who thinks I should do more for those that do less.

Here's what you're not getting at all.  There's PLENTY of money there.  It's a matter of getting someone in office who knows how and has the ability to appropriate it accordingly.  You don't need to tax by classes.  The money is already there.  Spend it more wisely. Come after me for more than I pay now and I'll stick my size 12's up your mother fucking ass.                 
Nope, you pay more.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #941 on: March 18, 2016, 11:09:25 PM »
Long...but I've had enough of this shit.

Don't waste facts and logic on this guy.  He wants what's "best for America".  Prowlie, you've based your argument several times in this thread on Bernie's $200K threshold and the assumption that those you're making the argument to don't earn that or more annually.  You even specifically called out Token in telling him his argument wasn't valid and telling everyone he wouldn't be affected because he doesn't earn that in a year.

I have no idea what Token or anyone else on this board makes.  He may have a side job selling confiscated pot where he rakes in $500K/yr.  Who knows?  Who gives a fuck?  I've never seen anyone brag or complain about their income on this board.  It's not something you do.  I'm not going to do that either, but I'm not going to shy away from the fact that I make a good living. Am I rich or wealthy?  Well, what's your definition of those terms?  Can I pay my bills?  Yes.  Can I send my kid to college?  Yes.  Can I take the fam on regular vacations? Yes I can.  Do I buy a can of "Great Value" green beans at the store over "Del Monte" because I can save 17 cents?  No.  If I need a new pair of running shoes, do I get the $89.00 Brooks that look great and feel good on my feet, or do I think better of it and settle for the $59.00 Nike's on clearance.  You get the picture.

Is that rich or wealthy?  By the same token (Pun intended) can I go buy that $450K beach house I so desperately want? Maybe. Probably could swing it if I rented it out.  But it would put me in a precarious position and stretch me to the limit.  Here's the thing...I have no complaints with my financial situation.  Things could change tomorrow but right now, I'm perfectly happy being able to live life without money being priority one on my list.  Can I throw money around, go buy me a $100K boat...a $90K Mercedes?  Hell no.  Can I buy lunch for you and some friends and not worry about it?  Yeah, that's where I'm at.  That's what I consider "rich".

Now...here's where I want you...specifically you, Prowler...to pay attention.  This is 100% fact.  100% truth. I graduated from AU in 84'.  I worked in insurance as an adjuster for almost 15 years.  Had a good job.  Was at $50K plus...a car...good benefits.  But I realized I was pretty much topped out.  I was never going any farther in the position I was in.  And the job was getting tougher by the week.  So, I made the decision to try and get in law school.  I sat up nights doing LSAT study guides and practice tests.  I spent the money and took the test and did pretty good.  Enough to get offers from numerous law schools.  Step 2:

I chose Jones Law School in Montgomery because I could commute after work and go to night school.  I had a family and couldn't take 3 1/2 years off without pay to pursue my goal. For 3 1/2 years, I worked 8 to 5 and hopped in my car and drove 2 hours to Montgomery, went to class for 3 hours, got back in my car and went south for 2 hours. Got home at 12:00 5 nights a week and studied for an hour.  Went to bed, got up and did it all over again.  Did that for over 3 years.  How did I pay for it?  I cashed in my 401K from the company I worked for and took out loans for the rest.  Oh, and my company didn't want me using their vehicle to drive back and forth so I took on another loan for a Honda Accord.

When I finished school, I had a 3 day pop quiz called the Alabama State Bar that I had to pass or everything I'd done meant exactly squat.  I had zero money in the bank.  Zero retirement or savings...all cashed in.  And I was around $45K in debt with just student loans and car payments.  Despite a nervous breakdown half way through...I passed.  So, as I said earlier, me and a colleague decided to hang a shingle out (As many on this board have done) and see what happens.  For almost 14 years, it's grown and it's worked.  I'm proud of that.  Not gloating, just proud that sacrifice and hard work has paid off so far.

I hope you see where I'm going with this. Between Federal and State taxes, Obama Care and countless other dices and slices from my paycheck, I barely bring home half, if that, of what I earn.  We employ 6 people in our mom & pop firm and pay a lot of their benefits.  And YOU think I should pay, according your candidate's plan, 5% more?  Hell...to the FUCK....NO!!!!  I put myself and my family through hell for years and years to get to this point. I already pay out the ASS. In fact, I still have $7K to pay on those student loans. I'll be damned if you think I have anything other than utter contempt for anyone who thinks I should do more for those that do less.

Here's what you're not getting at all.  There's PLENTY of money there.  It's a matter of getting someone in office who knows how and has the ability to appropriate it accordingly.  You don't need to tax by classes.  The money is already there.  Spend it more wisely. Come after me for more than I pay now and I'll stick my size 12's up your mother fucking ass.                 
Hard work, sacrifice, and determination? That's so 1980s.

Seriously though, I admire that. I'm working full time - which requires occasional travel - and taking a full time class load at Huntingdon College in the evenings to pursue a second degree. The time and effort I have to devote to this isn't my idea of fun, but I do it to better myself professionally where I can continue to provide a comfortable life for my family.

I've never taken a handout and I've never depended upon anyone else to handle my business as an adult and as a man. I have zero respect for anyone who is capable of taking care of themselves but choose to mooch off those who possess responsibility.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #942 on: March 19, 2016, 01:03:39 AM »
You want to know the funny thing about it, Kaos and others think I'm a "freeloader" because I want what's best for the American people. When I see Billion dollar companies not paying their share, I don't like that, especially when they give their CEOs million dollar raises. But them damn illegals, stealin our jobs (Trump owes his buildings to said illegals, but whatever) and the terrorists (we already have terrorists here they're just of a different skin color and they don't have long names, but whatever).

For the "poorly educated" Trump supporters, all of the above is true and there's only ONE candidate that will fight those billion dollar corporations and make them pay what they owe, Bernie Mother Fuckin Sanders.


I don't think it's funny at all. 

Those billion dollar corporations don't OWE you a motherfucking thing.  Not one single cent. 

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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #943 on: March 19, 2016, 01:34:59 AM »
Long...but I've had enough of this shit.

Your story is so similar to mine. 

I kicked around for a lot of years, trying different things to find my place in the world.  I sold insurance, sold cars, delivered auto parts, ran accounts for a furniture store, worked my way up from delivery person to store manager to region manager for a furniture chain and then bought my own store. Worked 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. six days a week. Eventually sold it and used some of the profits to pay for myself to go back to school.  Went back to school while working two jobs just because I didn't want to use up my savings. Taught high school and coached four sports (most rewarding job I ever had) but after about six years of that I realized I was burning through my savings because teacher/coaches just didn't make enough.  So I got a second job. By a couple of weird occurrences I ended up being the second in command of a brand new IT department for a major national publishing firm. Taught myself to program. Taught myself database administration. They ended  up offering me a job at over $60k a year to be Director of Web Development.  Had a $3 million budget and control over a dozen sites. Ran satellite IT offices in North Carolina, New York, Miami and Seattle. Transitioned the company's web presence from static to dynamic and from cost generating to revenue producing.  Five years into my tenure there I went to lunch with the president of the company, the VP over my department (which was listed as sales) and the COO.  We started talking about the future, my future.  I asked where they thought we'd be in five years.  Where they thought I'd be.  Over a bite of sandwich, the VP said "you'll be doing just what you're doing now.  We're a sales based organization and you're a tech guy..."  The COO didn't disagree. Neither did the president.  I had a 13 year old and a three year old at the time.  I'd turned down a couple of side projects because of the time it took to do my real job.  I had just found out about a project that could potentially pay me enough to make it for a year.  So I wrote out my resignation.  I started my own company, rounded up work.  Finished a big project, got a good start and had to sell myself and my abilities to people over and over and over.

It wasn't always easy.  Three years in we ran into some political/budget issues.  I had a problem with my business partner (who's no longer with me) that cost me some goodwill.  One of my biggest customers (a state agency up north) had a budget freeze.  It got so bad the entire state staff of the department we worked with was put on active furlough. They could keep their jobs but not get paid until the state got the finances under control.  Or they could leave and look for new work.  For us?  We could keep providing the service and they'd catch up paying us when they could or we could deny service and lose the contract forever.  So we kept going.  They didn't pay me for over a year.  My partner failed to get another project done that we needed and we had to refund their initial payment and still do the work.  I ended up having to let people go, one of whom was one of my best friends.   I took out loans, used my credit cards and didn't pay myself for three or four months.  I was literally about three weeks away from the whole thing falling apart. I was staring not being able to make payroll or pay on my loans right in the face.  I took some of the last of what i had, flew to meet the client and convinced them in person (almost begging) to pay me at least six months of what they owed me.  I came home with a check.  Threw up on the plane. If they hadn't?  I'd be somewhere else doing something else now. 

Since then I've grown the business as I could. They caught up. Cleaned up my ex partner's messes.   Had a chance to buy out another company in 2008 and did so -- again putting everything I had at risk to do it.  With some hard work and good fortune, I made that work too.  I've got about 20 people who work for me now.  They rely on me for their pay and benefits.  I'm proud to be able to provide for them.  It's the American way.

Like Snag, I'm not what I think of as rich. I can pay my bills. If I want to eat out, I do. I can take my friends places and get them nice things. I don't bathe in money. I make decisions to spend/not spend based on what it's going to cost me.  I bought a BMW, but I bought it used. I'm sitting here right now looking at a bookcase I need and hesitating because I hate to spend $400.  Still, you cannot fathom what I pay in taxes every year.  It's staggering. 

I've taken the risks over the years.  I've put my family's welfare on the line.  I'm the one that worked and struggled to get where I am. 

Why in the fuck should I give any more of that to anybody else? 
« Last Edit: March 19, 2016, 01:43:01 AM by Kaos »
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #944 on: March 19, 2016, 01:50:14 AM »
Long...but I've had enough of this shit.

Don't waste facts and logic on this guy.  He wants what's "best for America".  Prowlie, you've based your argument several times in this thread on Bernie's $200K threshold and the assumption that those you're making the argument to don't earn that or more annually.  You even specifically called out Token in telling him his argument wasn't valid and telling everyone he wouldn't be affected because he doesn't earn that in a year.

I have no idea what Token or anyone else on this board makes.  He may have a side job selling confiscated pot where he rakes in $500K/yr.  Who knows?  Who gives a fuck?  I've never seen anyone brag or complain about their income on this board.  It's not something you do.  I'm not going to do that either, but I'm not going to shy away from the fact that I make a good living. Am I rich or wealthy?  Well, what's your definition of those terms?  Can I pay my bills?  Yes.  Can I send my kid to college?  Yes.  Can I take the fam on regular vacations? Yes I can.  Do I buy a can of "Great Value" green beans at the store over "Del Monte" because I can save 17 cents?  No.  If I need a new pair of running shoes, do I get the $89.00 Brooks that look great and feel good on my feet, or do I think better of it and settle for the $59.00 Nike's on clearance.  You get the picture.

Is that rich or wealthy?  By the same token (Pun intended) can I go buy that $450K beach house I so desperately want? Maybe. Probably could swing it if I rented it out.  But it would put me in a precarious position and stretch me to the limit.  Here's the thing...I have no complaints with my financial situation.  Things could change tomorrow but right now, I'm perfectly happy being able to live life without money being priority one on my list.  Can I throw money around, go buy me a $100K boat...a $90K Mercedes?  Hell no.  Can I buy lunch for you and some friends and not worry about it?  Yeah, that's where I'm at.  That's what I consider "rich".

Now...here's where I want you...specifically you, Prowler...to pay attention.  This is 100% fact.  100% truth. I graduated from AU in 84'.  I worked in insurance as an adjuster for almost 15 years.  Had a good job.  Was at $50K plus...a car...good benefits.  But I realized I was pretty much topped out.  I was never going any farther in the position I was in.  And the job was getting tougher by the week.  So, I made the decision to try and get in law school.  I sat up nights doing LSAT study guides and practice tests.  I spent the money and took the test and did pretty good.  Enough to get offers from numerous law schools.  Step 2:

I chose Jones Law School in Montgomery because I could commute after work and go to night school.  I had a family and couldn't take 3 1/2 years off without pay to pursue my goal. For 3 1/2 years, I worked 8 to 5 and hopped in my car and drove 2 hours to Montgomery, went to class for 3 hours, got back in my car and went south for 2 hours. Got home at 12:00 5 nights a week and studied for an hour.  Went to bed, got up and did it all over again.  Did that for over 3 years.  How did I pay for it?  I cashed in my 401K from the company I worked for and took out loans for the rest.  Oh, and my company didn't want me using their vehicle to drive back and forth so I took on another loan for a Honda Accord.

When I finished school, I had a 3 day pop quiz called the Alabama State Bar that I had to pass or everything I'd done meant exactly squat.  I had zero money in the bank.  Zero retirement or savings...all cashed in.  And I was around $45K in debt with just student loans and car payments.  Despite a nervous breakdown half way through...I passed.  So, as I said earlier, me and a colleague decided to hang a shingle out (As many on this board have done) and see what happens.  For almost 14 years, it's grown and it's worked.  I'm proud of that.  Not gloating, just proud that sacrifice and hard work has paid off so far.

I hope you see where I'm going with this. Between Federal and State taxes, Obama Care and countless other dices and slices from my paycheck, I barely bring home half, if that, of what I earn.  We employ 6 people in our mom & pop firm and pay a lot of their benefits.  And YOU think I should pay, according your candidate's plan, 5% more?  Hell...to the FUCK....NO!!!!  I put myself and my family through hell for years and years to get to this point. I already pay out the ASS. In fact, I still have $7K to pay on those student loans. I'll be damned if you think I have anything other than utter contempt for anyone who thinks I should do more for those that do less.

Here's what you're not getting at all.  There's PLENTY of money there.  It's a matter of getting someone in office who knows how and has the ability to appropriate it accordingly.  You don't need to tax by classes.  The money is already there.  Spend it more wisely. Come after me for more than I pay now and I'll stick my size 12's up your mother fucking ass.                 

Wanna split the beach house? 

I'm about to the point that I'd like to sell my house, get me a place down there and a place up in Vermont, Maine or somewhere.  Rent it during the summer while I stay in Maine and stay down here some in the winter. 

I've done the math.  I could make it work if it weren't for the damn insurance on the coast. 
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #945 on: March 19, 2016, 02:10:23 AM »
Wanna split the beach house? 

I'm about to the point that I'd like to sell my house, get me a place down there and a place up in Vermont, Maine or somewhere.  Rent it during the summer while I stay in Maine and stay down here some in the winter. 

I've done the math.  I could make it work if it weren't for the damn insurance on the coast.
Not sure if you know but he's already married.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #946 on: March 19, 2016, 08:22:00 AM »
Hard work, sacrifice, and determination? That's so 1980s.

Seriously though, I admire that. I'm working full time - which requires occasional travel - and taking a full time class load at Huntingdon College in the evenings to pursue a second degree. The time and effort I have to devote to this isn't my idea of fun, but I do it to better myself professionally where I can continue to provide a comfortable life for my family.

I've never taken a handout and I've never depended upon anyone else to handle my business as an adult and as a man. I have zero respect for anyone who is capable of taking care of themselves but choose to mooch off those who possess responsibility.

You should be punished for sacrificing (After serving this country) to improve your lot in life.  Selfish bastard.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #947 on: March 19, 2016, 12:57:22 PM »
I have a lot of appreciation for people who have built their own business or gone back to school because I know how difficult it is. Not much from personal experience but more from seeing friends and family follow this path.

 Snag's story is compelling because I realize  that course isnt easy starting from scratch. Even for a scumbag lawyer.

Re: more taxes, I can remember as a kid when my dad had what he thought was going to be a great year, until he found out that it moved up into the (roughly) 50% bracket.

A tremendous amount of risk and work for the govt. to take 1/2 of what he thought was his paycheck.  Granted, he made the mistake of paying more attention to daily operations than his tax situation.

I think that part of the disconnect between some of our left leaning brothers and others is the lack of experience of  having the cards (taxes, licenses, OSHA, regulations, etc.) stacked against them.

Personally, I have been at the point many times when I really feel like the bureaucratic system is set up to combat me. It can get frustrating. I mean like stress level 10, heart attack warning, emotional breakdown pending, repeat migraine headache frustrating.

It is not helping the economy. More and more people are opting out of that battle. One recent example: a friend of mine had been paying roughly the same for a bus. License and tax for many years. Local govt comes in and says they are raising it by many thousands of dollars. He tried to reason with them. Not possible.

He wasn't a retail business, which is what they seem to think is a cash cow. He finally moved his business about 10 miles to some property In the county that he owned and the city lost thousands of dollars in revenue from him. Govt tends to be non-negotiable. Bad deal for them and the tax paying citizens. But, no accountability creates this. No one loses their job over the lost revenue when they work for the gov't.

Point is, our life experience is what lends us to vote one way or another. I likely won't ever be able to understand Prowler's reasoning and he won't ever agree with mine.

It is what it is.

But at least he's not voting for Gary Johnson.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2016, 12:59:22 PM by WiregrassTiger »
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #948 on: March 19, 2016, 05:56:02 PM »

PHOENIX (AP) — Protesters blocked a main highway leading into the Phoenix suburb where Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump staged a campaign rally Saturday alongside Arizona's contentious sheriff, Joe Arpaio.

Tempers flared at the rally itself, but without the violence that marred Trump's event in Chicago a week earlier and with none of the candidate's usual goading of protesters from the stage.

For hours, about two dozen protesters parked their cars in the middle of the main road to the event, unfurling banners reading "Dump Trump" and "Must Stop Trump," and chanting "Trump is hate." Traffic was backed up for miles, with drivers honking in fury.

The road was eventually cleared and protesters marched down the highway to the rally site, weaving between Trump supporters who booed and jeered the protesters.
Trump supporter Geroy Morgan, 62, made it to the rally but was furious at the demonstrators, some of whom still stood around after the event ended.

"We come here, the silent majority, to express our opinions," Morgan said. "They don't have any permits or rights."

Trump and Arpaio have formed a political alliance in recent months, and the billionaire hopes Arizona can serve as a model on how he could win in November. The tough-talking lawman is sheriff of Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix and nearly two-thirds of Arizona's population. He forced inmates to wear pink underwear and live outside in tents during triple-digit heat. The sheriff has endorsed Trump and introduced him at the rally.

In Fountain Hills, thousands gathered for the outdoor rally in the suburb where Arpaio lives. Officers with the sheriff's department were posted throughout the park, on rooftops and on patrol. Officers wearing bulletproof vests stood alongside a Humvee with a gun turret on top.

Trump told the crowd that he is "winning by massive landslides" and vowed to rebuild the military and build a border wall with Mexico. He drew cheers from the crowd when he vowed to protect the Second Amendment — which for pro-gun Arizona is a particularly important issue.

He never acknowledged the earlier blockade or the protesters in the crowd.

Trump supporters waved signs saying "Hillary for Prison" — referring to Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton — and "Joe for VP," a reference to Arpaio.

One man standing near the megaphone yelled to the protesters, "if you don't like America, go back to the country you came from." One of the protesters responded: "Go back to Europe."

Trump supporter David Nelson, 62, had to walk about four miles to the rally because demonstrators had blocked the road.

"You don't see me at Bernie's disrupting their crowd," he said, referring to Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, who was campaigning on the Arizona-Mexico border on Saturday. "I give them respect."

Arizona votes Tuesday in a winner-take-all Republican primary as well as a Democratic race.

Some had feared that the event in Fountain Hills could devolve into violence reminiscent of last week's Trump rally in Chicago, which was canceled over safety concerns. The cancellation sparked isolated physical confrontations between Trump supporters and protesters. Confrontations involving protesters, Trump supporters and police have become standard at Trump rallies across the country. And Trump has incorporated reactions to them into his usual campaign speech.

Earlier Saturday, about 50 protesters gathered outside the Phoenix Convention Center where Fox News host Sean Hannity was set to interview Trump. They held signs, played music and made speeches, calling Trump "despicable" and "a fascist." One of them, Salvador Reza, said: "He's working to create division."

Trump supporters trickled through protesters and security to attend — many wearing red, white and blue.

Jason Kitson, 41, from Phoenix, said Trump's hardline stance on immigration is what's needed in Arizona to prevent cross-border drug and human smuggling.

Kitson said the wall Trump vows to building all along the Mexican border may or may not be realistic, but it "is getting people's attention."

Several thousand miles away in New York, demonstrators also took to the streets to protest the Republican presidential hopeful.

The protesters gathered Saturday in Manhattan's Columbus Circle, across from Central Park, with a heavy police presence. Demonstrators chanted: "Donald Trump, go away, racist, sexist, anti-gay."

They marched across south Central Park to Trump Tower, the Fifth Avenue skyscraper where Trump lives. Then they marched back to Columbus Circle for a rally.
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The Prowler

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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #949 on: March 19, 2016, 07:16:22 PM »
I don't think it's funny at all. 

Those billion dollar corporations don't OWE you a motherfucking thing.  Not one single cent.
They owe the Country more than one fuckin cent, more like Trillions of dollars. They're going to rightful pay after the loopholes are closed by Bernie Sanders. Think Trump will do anything about the loopholes? Lol, no. Think Hillary will? Nope. How about Cruz? I doubt it.
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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

"Alabama's Special Teams unit is made up of Special Ed students." - Daniel Tosh

"The HUNH does cause significant Health and Safety issues, Health issues for the opposing fans and Safety issues for the opposing coaches." - AU AD Jay Jacobs


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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #950 on: March 19, 2016, 07:30:42 PM »
They owe the Country more than one fuckin cent, more like Trillions of dollars. They're going to rightful pay after the loopholes are closed by Bernie Sanders. Think Trump will do anything about the loopholes? Lol, no. Think Hillary will? Nope. How about Cruz? I doubt it.

The only thing Bernie is closing is the door on his candidacy.  It's Hillary vs. GOP..
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #951 on: March 19, 2016, 11:50:30 PM »
They owe the Country more than one fuckin cent, more like Trillions of dollars. They're going to rightful pay after the loopholes are closed by Bernie Sanders. Think Trump will do anything about the loopholes? Lol, no. Think Hillary will? Nope. How about Cruz? I doubt it.

This is borderline insane.  Those companies owe no one anything. 

Not you, not cash grab sanders.  Nobody.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #952 on: March 20, 2016, 10:30:54 AM »
The only thing Bernie is closing is the door on his candidacy.  It's Hillary vs. GOP..

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The Prowler

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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #953 on: March 20, 2016, 09:43:00 PM »
This is borderline insane.  Those companies owe no one anything. 

Not you, not cash grab sanders.  Nobody.
26 Fortune 500 Corporations paid no money in federal income taxes from 2008-2012. That's hundreds of Billions of dollars just with those 26 Corporations.


Do some research before posting. They owe America and there's only ONE candidate that will fight for America to make those corporations pay the dues that they owe, instead of giving their CEOs Millions of dollars in bonuses.
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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

"Alabama's Special Teams unit is made up of Special Ed students." - Daniel Tosh

"The HUNH does cause significant Health and Safety issues, Health issues for the opposing fans and Safety issues for the opposing coaches." - AU AD Jay Jacobs


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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #954 on: March 20, 2016, 10:07:15 PM »
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #955 on: March 21, 2016, 01:26:13 AM »
26 Fortune 500 Corporations paid no money in federal income taxes from 2008-2012. That's hundreds of Billions of dollars just with those 26 Corporations.


Do some research before posting. They owe America and there's only ONE candidate that will fight for America to make those corporations pay the dues that they owe, instead of giving their CEOs Millions of dollars in bonuses.

You are stupid. Companies avoid paying taxes by pumping that money back into society. I know since that money isn't going to the government you think it's a loophole. But it was allowed that way for a reason. Money in society is worth way more than in the government's hands!
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #956 on: March 21, 2016, 01:35:05 AM »

You are stupid. Companies avoid paying taxes by pumping that money back into society. I know since that money isn't going to the government you think it's a loophole. But it was allowed that way for a reason. Money in society is worth way more than in the government's hands!

You evil, evil BASTARD!  They should give that money to Prowler so he can buy Cheez Nips and onion dip.  They should see how much they'd have to pay, figure out how many people they're going to have to fire so that all the Prowlers of the world can get free Nips and Dip and then fire all those people.  Because you can't pay assloads of tax and salaries too.  Then when production goes down because they're taxed out the ass and they have to fire more people and then when they figure out that they can just move the plant to Mexico and make it cheaper than they did before and never pay any taxes thanks to NAFTA (and Clinton) and unemployment goes up and benefits go down because all those unemployed people now demand Nips and Dip on the dole and when Prowler can't get as much Nip or Dip than he used to, he can just see if Cousin Bernie can find some other evil corporation to tax into oblivion.  Then entire cities can be boarded up. And then the Nip and Dip factories will go out of business because Bernie decided to tax THEM and they can't afford to make Nip or Dip any more.  And then the Muslims will overrun the country and take it without a fight.  And then Prowler won't be able to have Nips or Dip. He'll be hung from an oak tree. 
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #957 on: March 21, 2016, 01:38:59 AM »
All of that went directly over his head.

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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.

Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #958 on: March 21, 2016, 07:43:38 AM »
All of that went directly over his head.

Mine too.  All I got from it was that Bernie Sanders was Muslim and wants our Cheez Nips.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #959 on: March 21, 2016, 10:18:38 AM »
You evil, evil BASTARD!  They should give that money to Prowler so he can buy Cheez Nips and onion dip.  They should see how much they'd have to pay, figure out how many people they're going to have to fire so that all the Prowlers of the world can get free Nips and Dip and then fire all those people.  Because you can't pay assloads of tax and salaries too.  Then when production goes down because they're taxed out the ass and they have to fire more people and then when they figure out that they can just move the plant to Mexico and make it cheaper than they did before and never pay any taxes thanks to NAFTA (and Clinton) and unemployment goes up and benefits go down because all those unemployed people now demand Nips and Dip on the dole and when Prowler can't get as much Nip or Dip than he used to, he can just see if Cousin Bernie can find some other evil corporation to tax into oblivion.  Then entire cities can be boarded up. And then the Nip and Dip factories will go out of business because Bernie decided to tax THEM and they can't afford to make Nip or Dip any more.  And then the Muslims will overrun the country and take it without a fight.  And then Prowler won't be able to have Nips or Dip. He'll be hung from an oak tree.
What you are saying is dumb.

Prowler would buy more pot. It would be for  medicinal purposes, of course.
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