So a riot to make him stop speaking is ok, got that.
Once again I will say, Donald is overlord of the Douches, but your girl gets elected and Washington corruption will increase 1000%. The military which is already reeling from 8 years of democratic cutting and slashing will become non-existent. When we become Greece will your side be happy?
"My girl" who I similarly loathe and am certainly not voting for? Ok.
But yeah, perfectly logical to predict Hillary will abolish the US military. Perfectly reasonable to assume. The former secretary of state who voted to invade Iraq in 2001, basically made the call to invade Libya, has promised to escalate wars in Syria & Iraq, authorized drone strikes, said she "will not hesitate to take military action if Iran attempts to obtain a nuclear weapon," and would "totally obliterate" them if they attacked Israel...
She said this in one interview with ABC in December:"We have to fight them in the air, we have to fight them on the ground, and we have to fight them on the Internet, and we have to do everything we can with our friends and partners to protect ourselves."
"I think we need a new update of military authorization, the AUMF [The Authorization for Use of Military Force], which was passed after the attack on 9/11."
"I think what we want to do is make sure we have every tool at our disposal to destroy their would be caliphate in Syria and in Iraq. Number two, do everything we can to dismantle this very effective, virtual, jihadist network that they are using on the Internet. And number three, do whatever is necessary to protect us here at home".
Said these things during the course of one debate last November: ISIS is a "barbaric, ruthless, violent, jihadist terrorist group." —Clinton in her opening statement
2. "It cannot be contained, it must be defeated." —Clinton on ISIS, again
3. "Turkey and the Gulf States are going to have to make up their minds: Are they going to stand with us to [confront] this jihadi terrorism, or not?" —Clinton on the commitment of regional allies to defeating ISIS
4. "Of all of the Arab leaders, Gadaffi had more blood of Americans on his hands than anybody else." —Clinton on why regime change was justified in Libya
5. "I think we're at war with jihadists…. You can talk about Islamists who are also jihadists." — Clinton on whether America is at war with radical Islam
6. "So barbaric and so vicious that it doesn't seem to have any purpose other than lust for killing and power." —Clinton, on ISIS again
7. "We have an authorization to use military force." —Clinton insisting that the congressional vote in 2001 to go after Al Qaeda is sufficient for a president to wage war on ISIS. (She added that she'd like to "upgrade" that authorization.)
8. "We have problems with Russia." —Clinton citing the risk of Russian drone submarines capable of carrying nuclear weapons
9. "I represented New York on 9/11 when we were attacked. Where were we attacked? We were attacked in downtown Manhattan where Wall Street is." —Clinton on why Wall Street has supported her with campaign contributions
10. "I took the chance to tell the president… to bring Bin Laden to justice." —Clinton on her hardest choice
There's of course tons more shit like this because of all the awful things you can say about Hillary, and there are plenty to choose from, being a Neville Chamberlain is not one of them if you're living in reality.
And yeah, it's "already reeling" alright.

Imagine the horror if we cut it by 2/3rds and still had the biggest strongest military in the entire world and had roughly $450 billion dollars back in taxes! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
You people are completely divorced from reality and facts.