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Here's the Republican front runner...


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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #741 on: March 14, 2016, 01:51:55 PM »
So I just went on Trump's page.  I still haven't heard him talk about any policy stuff because he really does just say things over and again to get a rise out of the crowd.  While on his webpage though I notice his tax reform.  A single filer making less than $25,000 per year pays 0% income tax.  Married filers who make less than $50,000 per year pays 0% income tax.  0% income tax.  0.  %.  He's going to pull incredible numbers of voters who probably have never seen a poll before.  People who DO work, but barely make enough to stay ahead of the government hand out status.  Because those people are going to be rewarded for working and not sitting at home waiting on a check.  It's not an unrealistic plan to raise the minimum wage status to a point that makes it nearly impossible to purchase anything because of inflation to pay the ridiculous salaries of below average employees.  It's a realistic plan to put money in the pockets of people who need it the most, without penalizing the wealthier Americans. 
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #742 on: March 14, 2016, 02:27:03 PM »
How DARE you suggest that we get money into the hands of folks who need it.....The people helpin' biddness if you will?
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #743 on: March 14, 2016, 02:48:44 PM »
So I just went on Trump's page.  I still haven't heard him talk about any policy stuff because he really does just say things over and again to get a rise out of the crowd.  While on his webpage though I notice his tax reform.  A single filer making less than $25,000 per year pays 0% income tax.  Married filers who make less than $50,000 per year pays 0% income tax.  0% income tax.  0.  %.  He's going to pull incredible numbers of voters who probably have never seen a poll before.  People who DO work, but barely make enough to stay ahead of the government hand out status.  Because those people are going to be rewarded for working and not sitting at home waiting on a check.  It's not an unrealistic plan to raise the minimum wage status to a point that makes it nearly impossible to purchase anything because of inflation to pay the ridiculous salaries of below average employees.  It's a realistic plan to put money in the pockets of people who need it the most, without penalizing the wealthier Americans.
Dude, take your facts and policy discussion elsewhere.

This place is for Hitler comparisons and name calling.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #744 on: March 14, 2016, 02:52:47 PM »
Dude, take your facts and policy discussion elsewhere.

This place is for Hitler comparisons and name calling.

The sad fact is, Prowler would probably benefit more from Trump's tax plan than he would Bernie's.  But Trump isn't standing around yelling "free" in front of the sheep.  Instead he's yelling at people to get a job. 
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #745 on: March 14, 2016, 09:53:41 PM »
Soro's $15 million can buy many,  many actors and actresses. Throw in the communist Koch Brothers' millions, and we have a Follywood blockbuster for the AGES. I'm saying again, we're screwed regardless of who's elected.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #746 on: March 15, 2016, 12:00:02 AM »
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #747 on: March 15, 2016, 02:18:56 AM »
Even the ragingly delusional left wing shit stain Salon.com echoes what I tried to tell you about Clinton's presidency:

Evaluating Clinton’s presidency as heroic is no longer a given, however. After the bursting of the dot-com bubble in 2000, the corporate scandals of the Enron period, and the collapse of the real estate racket, our view of the prosperous Nineties has changed quite a bit. Now we remember that it was Bill Clinton’s administration that deregulated derivatives, that deregulated telecom, and that put our country’s only strong banking laws in the grave. He’s the one who rammed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) through Congress and who taught the world that the way you respond to a recession is by paying off the federal deficit. Mass incarceration and the repeal of welfare, two of Clinton’s other major achievements, are the pillars of the disciplinary state that has made life so miserable for Americans in the lower reaches of society. He would have put a huge dent in Social Security, too, had the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal not stopped him. If we take inequality as our measure, the Clinton administration looks not heroic but odious.

His policies -- many of them pushed on him by his scheming, shrew, whore, conniving, shit eating wife -- destroyed the prosperity Reagan brought to America. 

If we let that crew back in the White House after eight years of the disastrous Obama regime?  It's over. 

She has to be stopped.  I will vote for anyone who has a chance against her -- Trump, Saban, Manson, Kanye, a Kardashian, RuPaul -- anybody. 
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #748 on: March 15, 2016, 09:29:40 AM »
Let me paint a picture for you Prowler:
It's November, and there is a rally. There are thousands of people at this rally getting charged up to hear the man that they came to hear speak. He walks up on stage and everyone goes nuts. The band is playing and and the man raises his hands to get everyone to quiet down so that they can hear him speak on the topic the came to hear about.

As the man starts to speak, about 10 guys in the middle of the crowd rip off their coats to show Crimson "Got 16" shirts and start yelling "ROLL TIDE!" at the top of their lungs. One of them has a sign that says "FUCK MALZAHN!" on it.

The thousands in Orange and Blue around them are PISSED. The Auburn fans yell at the crimson trash, but the stupid inbred fuckers continue to disrupt Malzahn as he is on the mic. Finally, things get physical. Because Auburn fans aren't going to be disrespected by Alabama fans interrupting their own pep rally...and right before the Iron Bowl!

The next day, AL.com is on the case with a headline that reads "Auburn fans ATTACK Alabama fans while visiting Auburn".

There are other opinion pieces that say that Auburn fans are uneducated rednecks who didn't can't behave when opposition comes to peacefully watch an Auburn pep rally. And that Auburn fans just don't respect the tradition that Alabama has.

It's the same fucking thing Prowler. How people can't see what is happening with these "protests" and the media's coverage of them is beyond me...
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #749 on: March 15, 2016, 10:18:52 AM »
Soro's $15 million can buy many,  many actors and actresses. Throw in the communist Koch Brothers' millions, and we have a Follywood blockbuster for the AGES. I'm saying again, we're screwed regardless of who's elected.
Just want to say you specify Soro's 15 million and just vaguely say the Koch Brothers are also spending "millions".

$889 million. It's a pretty substantially more than 15 million.

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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #750 on: March 15, 2016, 10:24:40 AM »
Even the ragingly delusional left wing shit stain Salon.com echoes what I tried to tell you about Clinton's presidency:

Evaluating Clinton’s presidency as heroic is no longer a given, however. After the bursting of the dot-com bubble in 2000, the corporate scandals of the Enron period, and the collapse of the real estate racket, our view of the prosperous Nineties has changed quite a bit. Now we remember that it was Bill Clinton’s administration that deregulated derivatives, that deregulated telecom, and that put our country’s only strong banking laws in the grave. He’s the one who rammed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) through Congress and who taught the world that the way you respond to a recession is by paying off the federal deficit. Mass incarceration and the repeal of welfare, two of Clinton’s other major achievements, are the pillars of the disciplinary state that has made life so miserable for Americans in the lower reaches of society. He would have put a huge dent in Social Security, too, had the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal not stopped him. If we take inequality as our measure, the Clinton administration looks not heroic but odious.

His policies -- many of them pushed on him by his scheming, shrew, whore, conniving, shit eating wife -- destroyed the prosperity Reagan brought to America. 

If we let that crew back in the White House after eight years of the disastrous Obama regime?  It's over. 

She has to be stopped.  I will vote for anyone who has a chance against her -- Trump, Saban, Manson, Kanye, a Kardashian, RuPaul -- anybody.
Which of those policies specifically did you dislike? Since when do you oppose deregulation, free trade, and paying off the deficit? I have never heard you speak glowingly about welfare or Social Security or express concern about mass incarceration.

It's almost as if rather than being principled, you are blindly, tribalistically pulling for your sports team...
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 10:33:03 AM by AUChizad »
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #751 on: March 15, 2016, 10:49:27 AM »
Let me paint a picture for you Prowler:
It's November, and there is a rally. There are thousands of people at this rally getting charged up to hear the man that they came to hear speak. He walks up on stage and everyone goes nuts. The band is playing and and the man raises his hands to get everyone to quiet down so that they can hear him speak on the topic the came to hear about.

As the man starts to speak, about 10 guys in the middle of the crowd rip off their coats to show Crimson "Got 16" shirts and start yelling "ROLL TIDE!" at the top of their lungs. One of them has a sign that says "FUCK MALZAHN!" on it.

The thousands in Orange and Blue around them are PISSED. The Auburn fans yell at the crimson trash, but the stupid inbred fuckers continue to disrupt Malzahn as he is on the mic. Finally, things get physical. Because Auburn fans aren't going to be disrespected by Alabama fans interrupting their own pep rally...and right before the Iron Bowl!

The next day, AL.com is on the case with a headline that reads "Auburn fans ATTACK Alabama fans while visiting Auburn".

There are other opinion pieces that say that Auburn fans are uneducated rednecks who didn't can't behave when opposition comes to peacefully watch an Auburn pep rally. And that Auburn fans just don't respect the tradition that Alabama has.

It's the same fucking thing Prowler. How people can't see what is happening with these "protests" and the media's coverage of them is beyond me...
^^^This man just painted an accurate portrayal of these events and did a marvelous job in doing so. Recognize!

Also, it wouldn't matter to me if the protesters were outside. Protest your ass off on the sidewalk. But don't come into the opposition's rally. That's just ignorant and uncouth. I don't care which candidate it is.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #752 on: March 15, 2016, 10:59:13 AM »
Which of those policies specifically did you dislike? Since when do you oppose deregulation, free trade, and paying off the deficit? I have never heard you speak glowingly about welfare or Social Security or express concern about mass incarceration.

It's almost as if rather than being principled, you are blindly, tribalistically pulling for your sports team...

Clinton's deregulation of banking and his wife's push for easier home loans (no doubt greased by her "friends") which was a part of their socialist "e'rbody deserve a gret big ol' home they caint affort" agenda was directly responsible for the 2008 housing collapse. Clinton started that ball rolling.  His policies in that arena nearly destroyed the country.  I've always thought that. 

I also disagreed vehemently with NAFTA.  That agreement hastened the destruction of small town America.  I see that first hand.  The garment plants that used to be cornerstones of many of the small towns near where I lived and worked closed up and went to Mexico. So, too, did other manufacturing companies.  Those towns were surviving (and in some cases thriving) with plants that provided decent wages for decent work and kept people gainfully employed. Those employees kept the local economy -- barbershops, jewelry stores, furniture stores, hardware stores, pharmacies, restaurants, etc. -- going.  Without the plants, the towns descended into despair. Unemployment mushroomed. Once busy downtowns became graveyards of boarded up stores and decay.  Clinton and NAFTA created that.  It's one of the worst things that ever happened to middle America.  Maybe we haven't specifically discussed it, but that's always been my position. 

I don't know about "mass incarceration" or "repeal of welfare" because i don't think he did either of those. 

Did Clinton preside over an era of relative calm and prosperity? Yeah, but only because he inherited something that Ronald Wilson Reagan built brick by brick as he pulled this country back from the brink of ruin.  The loss of innocence that came with Nixon's fall followed by the foppishly weak tenure of Carter had this country teetering on the precipice.  Reagan yanked us off the cliff and set into motion policies that made America great again (sound familiar?).  Clinton broke all that down and led us to where we are today.  Obama made it exponentially worse.  A radical muslim wolf in democratic sheep's clothing is what he is. 
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #753 on: March 15, 2016, 11:05:49 AM »
Did Clinton preside over an era of relative calm and prosperity? Yeah, but only because he inherited something that Ronald Wilson Reagan built brick by brick as he pulled this country back from the brink of ruin.  The loss of innocence that came with Nixon's fall followed by the foppishly weak tenure of Carter had this country teetering on the precipice.  Reagan yanked us off the cliff and set into motion policies that made America great again (sound familiar?).  Clinton broke all that down and led us to where we are today.  Obama made it exponentially worse.  A radical muslim wolf in democratic sheep's clothing is what he is.

And don't forget one of the strongest republican houses in a long time. As soon as that went away, things started to erode once again under a dim president.

I've always said that Clinton did nothing but ride the wave. He jumped off the board right before crashing into the beach!
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #754 on: March 15, 2016, 12:06:12 PM »
Clinton's deregulation of banking and his wife's push for easier home loans (no doubt greased by her "friends") which was a part of their socialist "e'rbody deserve a gret big ol' home they caint affort" agenda was directly responsible for the 2008 housing collapse. Clinton started that ball rolling.  His policies in that arena nearly destroyed the country.  I've always thought that. 

I also disagreed vehemently with NAFTA.  That agreement hastened the destruction of small town America.  I see that first hand.  The garment plants that used to be cornerstones of many of the small towns near where I lived and worked closed up and went to Mexico. So, too, did other manufacturing companies.  Those towns were surviving (and in some cases thriving) with plants that provided decent wages for decent work and kept people gainfully employed. Those employees kept the local economy -- barbershops, jewelry stores, furniture stores, hardware stores, pharmacies, restaurants, etc. -- going.  Without the plants, the towns descended into despair. Unemployment mushroomed. Once busy downtowns became graveyards of boarded up stores and decay.  Clinton and NAFTA created that.  It's one of the worst things that ever happened to middle America.  Maybe we haven't specifically discussed it, but that's always been my position. 

I don't know about "mass incarceration" or "repeal of welfare" because i don't think he did either of those. 

Did Clinton preside over an era of relative calm and prosperity? Yeah, but only because he inherited something that Ronald Wilson Reagan built brick by brick as he pulled this country back from the brink of ruin.  The loss of innocence that came with Nixon's fall followed by the foppishly weak tenure of Carter had this country teetering on the precipice.  Reagan yanked us off the cliff and set into motion policies that made America great again (sound familiar?).  Clinton broke all that down and led us to where we are today.  Obama made it exponentially worse.  A radical muslim wolf in democratic sheep's clothing is what he is.
So you're a libruhl.

Did you Occupy Wall Street with that hard pro-regulation stance? You always wanted big Government putting up barriers for home ownership? You're telling me you didn't like that NAFTA allowed businesses and corporations to do as they saw to be in the best interest of their stock holders and protect their bottom line?

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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #755 on: March 15, 2016, 12:07:28 PM »
And don't forget one of the strongest republican houses in a long time. As soon as that went away, things started to erode once again under a dim president.

I've always said that Clinton did nothing but ride the wave. He jumped off the board right before crashing into the beach!
I would add fuel to the fire here by saying the dot com boom (which he had no direct part of aside from the Intarwebz being his veep's grand invention) didn't hurt his legacy either.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #756 on: March 15, 2016, 12:26:12 PM »
I would add fuel to the fire here by saying the dot com boom (which he had no direct part of aside from the Intarwebz being his veep's grand invention) didn't hurt his legacy either.

That is part of the wave I mentioned.

It conveniently ended about the same time as his term!
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #757 on: March 15, 2016, 12:38:41 PM »
So you're a libruhl.

Did you Occupy Wall Street with that hard pro-regulation stance? You always wanted big Government putting up barriers for home ownership? You're telling me you didn't like that NAFTA allowed businesses and corporations to do as they saw to be in the best interest of their stock holders and protect their bottom line?


You're insane.   

I want government to protect American business interests. 

I opposed NAFTA.  Vehemently. 

I want the government to protect the American taxpayer (so long as we're forced to pay taxes).  When I saw people getting house loans more easily than they could get a loan for a car I knew what was going to happen.  I used to sell cars at a "tote your note" car lot.  I used to own a furniture store that catered to the economically disadvantaged.  I know who these people are and how they behave.  You give them home loans?  They will get more than they can afford and walk away without a second thought when things get tight. 

Some government regulation is necessary because people are, after all, people.  There are those who put their own self-interest ahead of anything -- national security included.

I'm not a liberal. I'm not a conservative.  I believe in aspects of both. 

What I want?

1) I want Obamacare repealed and the concept of "national health care for all" never brought up again.  It's not going to work and succeeds only in driving up costs, crushing small businesses which want to provide for their employees, diminishing standards of care and making the situation exponentially worse.

2) Dismantle the IRS and institute a tax on goods and services. Everybody who benefits should pay.  Period. If you drive on the roads, if you rely on the American military for protection, you should pay for that no matter what your circumstance. And you should pay the same percentage as I do.   If still you want to unfairly tap the rich, do so by implementing higher tax rates on luxury items.  If you want to penalize people who make poor choices raise taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and tobacco.

3) I want the federal government out of anything that should be left to the states.  That includes education (no more Common Core), marriage (no more federally forced gay bullshit) etc.

4) I want legislation that cripples small business and damages the American workforce eliminated.  That means NAFTA.  I'm sorry, but I'd rather pay $1 more for a shirt made in the US than be able to get cheap, shitty $5 shirts at Wal Mart celebrating 16 national championships.  I want a government that supports American industry rather than making it easier and more profitable for the jobs that built small town America to evaporate to Vietnam and Mexico. 

5) I want a federal government that doesn't pander to niche causes (#blacklivesmatter) and that doesn't substitute its own agenda(s) for the will of the people. 

6) I want a government that holds people accountable.  I help people do their taxes.  It infuriates me to have people who paid little into the system to be able to get back enormous refunds because of a plethora of credits.  That's asinine.  You should not be able to get back more than you put in.  You should also be required to perform some community service if you receive government assistance.  Have you ever been in a housing project?  Have you ever seen the absolute indifference/disdain most people who live there have for their homes and property?  There's no sense of pride because it's just handed to them.  I've delivered (and repossessed) furniture from places that were full of vermin, had holes punched in the walls, had carpets shit on and torn up by pets, places that were literally demolished by the residents -- residents who then complained, were moved to another free space which they proceeded to destroy while our tax dollars were used to repair all the damage at the first one.  If you are on public housing and drawing a public check, you should be required to keep your property maintained, perform cleanup or administrative duties in your block and if you don't?  Fuck you.  Hit the streets and die. 

I want to believe in America, but I don't.  Too many people now think that somebody else should pay.  Pay for their bad choices, pay for them to have a standard of living to which they are not entitled, pay because they are offended, pay because they are mad, pay, pay, pay, pay, pay, pay.  And these same fools continue to support people who prey on that while they get successively more dependent, less self-sufficient and more poor. 

The only politicians who can reverse that trend are those that believe in the power of American small business. Those who believe in the trickle-up effect of people like me being able to pay fair wages, provide decent benefits and grow my business in free market.   You don't think it would be less expensive for me to farm out all my development to a bunch of Indians for eighty cents a day?  I could do that, hide the fact by having a few states-based employees and have significantly more money than I do now.  I don't. Because I still believe in America. But it's getting harder and harder.
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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #758 on: March 15, 2016, 01:59:38 PM »

I want the government to protect the American taxpayer (so long as we're forced to pay taxes).  When I saw people getting house loans more easily than they could get a loan for a car I knew what was going to happen.  I used to sell cars at a "tote your note" car lot.  I used to own a furniture store that catered to the economically disadvantaged.  I know who these people are and how they behave.  You give them home loans?  They will get more than they can afford and walk away without a second thought when things get tight. 

One of the funniest/scary commercials I ever saw was that shitty one for Freddie Mac and Fanny May  back in their heyday and the tagline was "Everyone deserves a home".

NO THEY DON'T!  Some people absolutely do not deserve a home and by home they meant a house. 

You have to work to deserve a house.  You have to work at saving money and at paying your bills/living within your means.  Without doing these two things there is no reason why anyone should front you the money for a mortgage until the regulation were relaxed so "everyone could get a home". 

Add to this problem when the shit finally hit the fan and the collapse was on then the gubment stepped in and guaranteed all of the defaulted loans that they had essentially caused.  Now you had a lender that was guaranteed to get their loan amount back and still retain the property to sell at a later date so there is absolute zero reason for them to try to work with the few who did want to try to make good on their loan.

Yes gubment fixes everything.
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: Here's the Republican front runner...
« Reply #759 on: March 15, 2016, 02:29:45 PM »
  If you want to penalize people who make poor choices raise taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and tobacco.

shut the hell up.   :bar:
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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'