If you think Cuba is going "sue" America...for fuck's sake you're stupid. And if you don't think he sounds incredibly stupid saying it...you're stupid.
This guy lives eats, breaths, and shits litigiousness.
That and "making deals". If you took a sip of your beer every time he said his plan was to "make a great deal" you'd still be having your stomach pumped this morning.
Deal. Sad. Losers. Bad. Terrible. Unbelievable. Strong. Rinse. Repeat. GENIUS!
It means absolutely fucking nothing. Which benefits him 1) So he doesn't have to change his position like he does with everything else 2) Because he doesn't even know what he's talking about to begin with, so "Make a great deal" is his ignorant one-size-fits-all answer to everything, and 3) The idiots voting for him think it
is a coherent answer cuz "I tell u whut, 'at Trump rote a hole dam book about makin deals".
"What would you do about Climate Change?"
"Make the best classiest yugest deal with Mother Nature you ever saw."
Rubio crushed him again here. How is this guy losing to Biff Tannen? It's astonishing...
Also, CCTAU is being coy not telling us he was on Inside Edition:
Wonder how that could have happened...